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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Patreon Reward

 Chapter 4  https://www.patreon.com/posts/24854785 

Chapter 5 The Needs of His People

Rimuru was so happy to not be a virgin anymore. Though he didn’t quite feel he had lost it yet, despite the claiming the ass of two Hobgoblins, and a werewolf. He gained some interesting skills as well, those skills would come in handy in the future. It just felt weird not having a body to press against his partner, none of the monsters he had devoured seemed to fit what he had in mind.

He could take the form of a Hobgoblin cock, but he hadn’t eaten a goblin or hobgoblin so he couldn’t take their form. There was the dire wolf form, but that might not swing with Rigurd or Riguru especially with all that has happened. It might be an option for Ranga but it wasn’t fair to single out his mates. So he just has to wait for a form he could take them all in, and when that time came he could explore other forms.

The next morning, his mates awoke hard and wanting. Rimuru tried using his other cock forms on each of them. Morphing into a dire wolf cock, he was long and thick with an extra thick knot at the base. “Oh my!”

“I'm not so foolish to think all is well with this relationship, so before we start I want to know if there's gonna be any issues between us.” The dire wolves had killed the first Rigur among other goblins, and in turn, the goblins had killed some dire wolves, and Rimuru had killed their leader, devouring him. They shared a look and smiled.

“The past can't be changed,” Rigurd said.

“All we can do is move forward,” Riguru said.

“My father had his issues, but you united us, and are leading us to a better future,” Ranga said.

Riguru got first turn, on the dire wolf cock. His hole was still slicked up, he straddles Rimuru and starts to sink down. As soon as the tip entered his body, Rimuru activated his new ability. Releasing copious amounts of his new aphrodisiac fluid.

The hobgoblin moaned in delight, his insides tingling. He grabbed his balls as he sank all the way down onto the Dire Wolf Phallus, the knot spreading his butt cheeks. This phallus was only slightly smaller than the dragon, but he was impressed with Riguru keeping his senses.

Riguru began to move, bouncing up and down onto the dire wolf phallus, the friction was glorious, and he couldn't help but shiver as the knot kissed his stuffed hole. “Ah ah ah Lord Rimuru!” he moans. He braced himself and began to work his plump ass over the hot cock, his own dick bouncing and bobbing.

Rimuru activated his Pack Bond Skill. “Ahhh!” Rigurd and Ranga moaned, the two dropping to their knees as the pleasure Riguru was feeling, was shared between the other two. They started pumping their dicks, which was shared to Riguru who moaned, his insides throbbing at the extra doses of pleasure.

“Take the knot, Riguru,” the hobgoblin blushed, and he began to try. He was drooling as he pushed, and pushed his hole slowly opening up to swallow the knot.

“Ah-ahh ahhh so big Lord...Rimuru...” his eyes rolled up, as the knot was taken, his legs spread on reflex, and he came hard! Rigurd and Ranga joined him in orgasm their seed pelting the ground before them. Rimuru came inside Riguru, his seed was far more potent than before. Riguru shivers in delight, his toes curling as each thick spurt pelted his insides.

Normally a dire wolf cock would remain locked into his partner's ass until the knot relaxed, or they would continue fucking their partner. For Rimuru this was not a problem, he turned to slime and left the boy's gaping hole. Rigur slumped forward, panting and drooling, as he rode his orgasm.

He quickly cleaned up all the cum. “Alright, who's next?” Rigurd stands first, muscles rippling. He flexed his arms, and his pecs bulged.

“Me!” he grins, his white teeth sparkling. Rimuru takes the form of the Dire Wolf phallus again. Rigurd straddles the rod and his big muscular ass slides down. Since the Pack Bond Skill was still active Ranga and Rigur felt it in kind. “Allow me to show you the power of age an experience!” he smirked again.

He reached the knot and instead of pulling up, he kept sliding down, blushing as his muscular ass swallowed the fat knot.

“Whoa!” Rimuru gasped in surprise, his entire self was suddenly sucked into Rigurd's manly insides. His strong legs flexed, and he pulled up, having the knot pull at his tight ring before popping out.

“Ahhh!” the trio moaned. Rigurd rode him like a champ executing knot play, having the knot pass in and out of his hole. “This is how you ride a knotted dick!” he salivated, his heavy cock and balls bouncing as he moved. His ass was getting stretched wildly, the sound of the knot popping in and out of his ass was even wild for Rimuru.

Ranga and Rigur experienced the pleasure, having their holes spasm in delight, their rings of muscle parting from the sensations. Ranga was panting heatedly his turn couldn't come soon enough.

Rigurd's climax hits hard and he cums like a volcano showering himself and the ground. “Ahh Lord Rimuru, I'm cumming!” he moaned. Riguru and Ranga follow suit thanks to his ability.

Rimuru cums, flooding Rigurd's insides with his special cum. The muscly hobgoblin shivers in delight. “Thank you, Lord Rimuru!” he moaned slumping forward with his ass raised high. Rimuru turns to slime leaving Rigurd's gaping ass.

“Are you okay, Rigurd?”

“Glorious my lord!” he moaned.

“Ranga, it's your turn,” Rimuru transformed, this time taking the Hobgoblin phallus. It was so THICK! Ranga stared at it feeling his hole quiver. He straddled Rimuru, loving how the fat head nudged his twitching hole.

Ranga panted as he slid down the thick Hobgoblin dick, the way was paved thanks to Rimuru's skill, exciting the werewolf. He fully sank down onto the phallus, his tail wagging as he was stretched wide. “Lord Rimuru!” he bounced up and down on the large green cock, the size causing a brush to his sweet spot with every pass. The friction was glorious and the way it bulged his belly was an erotic sight to see and feel.

Rigur and Rigurd shared in his pleasure, could feel his belly bulge from the large size, feeling their holes stretch wide. He ground his hips, letting the tip rub deep in his insides. He was weeping so much pre-cum, and his insides were so wet! Each slide down cause an erotic wet noise.

His climax hit and was shared with Hobgoblins, the trio cumming all over the ground. Rimuru came next, pumping his seed into his werewolf, the pelting cum overstimulated Ranga and his wagging tail kicked up a storm, destroying their shelter and blowing all the cum away. 'Oops!'


Though there were some kinks to work out, he was positively jiggling at the fact he had a harem now. ‘Harem, harem, I got a harem!’ this was bliss. Taking care of a harem was important, but he also had to take care of the village as well.

While monsters had no sense of shame, and all the manly nudity around was keeping Rimuru in a powerful aroused state. The nudity aside, without proper armor or weapons if they were attacked it would be trouble. To say nothing of their village, it was super run down. They needed proper homes for the wolves and the hobgoblins. To say nothing of a proper home for him and his mates.

Food wasn’t a problem as there was a decent hunting party. Him and Ranga, Gobta and his wolf, Riguru and his wolf, and a few other goblins and wolves named the Goblin Riders. They went out to hunt to make sure they wouldn’t starve at least.

Since Rimuru didn’t have to eat, he abstained wasn’t like he could taste anything, partaking in only a bit of drink. He couldn’t taste that either but it was nice to be served by a beautiful person. Riguru volunteered to get him drinks, he was happy to be at his side whenever possible.

Same with Ranga, he even chose to live in his shadow when not acting as Rimuru’s steed. He took great pleasure in being his steed, great pleasure! He had a feeling if he was still human and he used Ranga as a footrest the male would be enjoying it.

He gathered all the Hobgoblins and Tempest Wolves, it seems Ranga evolving with a name had given them a pack name, Tempest Wolves. Rimuru would leave the Goblin Riders to name their own wolves to strengthen their bonds. It seems him and his harem weren't the only ones getting busy that night as some of the Hobgoblins looked closer than ever, and there were quite a few couples with the goblinas.

It took a while for everyone to settle down, and Rimuru got down to business. “First things first, we need to set some ground rules if we are going to move forward.” Everyone waited on his words. “Rule number 1, we will not attack humans, if we have to we will defend ourselves but we should always seek peaceful solutions. Rule 2, we will not belittle other monster races, just because you've evolved. Rule 3, no infighting among ourselves, the fastest way for any group to crumble is infighting. Disagreements will occur, but its best to communicate and to find the best solution to make things good for everyone.” he waited for a response.

A hobgoblin raised his hand. “Lord Rimuru, why can't we attack humans?” he was waiting for that question. No doubt without Veldora's protection humans was also a problem for monsters.

Rigurd glared at the young Hobgoblin. “It's fine Rigurd,” he was glad someone asked because it meant they were truly listening. “One reason is that I like them. The other is because humans live in large communities, if we went around attacking smaller settlements, humans will take notice and try to suppress us. It will be better for us to integrate and join forces than to needlessly fight.”

“Ohh!” the hobgoblins were impressed with Rimuru's insight.

“Lord Rimuru is so wise!”

Next was Gobta, he rose his hand questioning Rule 2. “The answer is simple, if you treat others poorly just because they are weaker than you, they could one day become stronger and seek revenge. Everyone has the potential for growth, and everyone has their own unique skills and talents to bring to the table.” Many were inspired by Rimuru's words.

As for Rule 3, the Hobgoblins needed a leader. “Rigurd,” he said.

“Yes sir,” he gives a slight bow.

“I appoint you as the Goblin Village Chief, I hope you'll wisely supervise the village.” Rigurd blushed. He drops to his knees giving proper respects.

“Yes!! I will not fail you! I hope to meet your expectations lord.”

Rimuru knew he could not be in the village 24/7 he'd like to make sure someone is in charge. With their evolution, many of the Hobgoblin skills made it so they had decent security for now, but their weapons were worn, and they had outgrown their old armor. So Security was at risk.

Not to mention properly rebuilding the village took more than just his eye for quality. Rigurd was doing his best, but they needed to be taught the skills to build.

When he was human he was a project manager, so he had some eye for quality, but there needed to be someone with the skills to properly build. It certainly wasn't Rigurd's fault, though he took the blame on himself.

“If it's come to this, I really want to find skilled workers.”

“Ah!” Rigurd had an idea. “There were some people that traded with us before, they managed to give us some weapons before, but its quite difficult for us to trade with them. It is possible they have the skilled craftsmen we need.”

“Who were those trading partners?”

“The dwarf race,” he said.

Rimuru had a strong idea of the mighty Dwarves. His people needed help, perhaps doing business with the dwarfs would be beneficial. He certainly wanted to meet them and see. If things went well maybe he could bring some to the village and have the knowledge shared and help his people grow.

To be continued  


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