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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon reward


Dragon Orb

A dark guild is after the Dragon Orb A legendary treasure said to grant the power of a dragon. Natsu and co stumble upon it and tap into its great power. Natsu has a dream of a warning of how too many dragons can lead to war and that they must protect the orb. Rule 63 Body Mod Hyper Natsu/Male Erza/Male Lucy/Gray/Harem

Chapter 1 Ruin Mission

The Dark Guild, known as Serpent Tail, was seeking a powerful mystical object, said to increase one's power, and bestow one the great power of the dragon. The object was an orb, this orb was forged by the first Dragon God. It's true purpose lost to time, but for the wizards of Serpent Tail, they didn't care about the original purpose just the power it could provide.

There were some that didn't believe the orb existed, but after the dragon incident, there was some truth to the legend now. So the guild began searching desperately for the location of the orb. They had to be covert, if they revealed what exactly they were looking for, they'd have more competition for it. Some leads were solid, others were bogus, but this dark guild was nothing if not determined.

They had wanted the orb before, based off an old legend, but after the dragon incident, they needed that power. The power of a dragon was a mighty force, seemingly greater than the power to slay a dragon. One lead was that the orb's great magical power would attract powerful magical beasts. So they started tracking long term monster infestations.

There was one ruin that repeatedly became infested with monsters, no one was sure why, but the quest has appeared at various guilds across the land. So it might be the location of the orb.


The Ruins of Draiz, it was once a temple and place for harnessing and practicing magic. They were once famous for drawing out the latent magical powers and helping people discover magical abilities. Something occurred and the people of the temple were wiped out, their secrets lost with them. The temple fell to ruin and became a den to monsters.

The nearby village hated to see the precious temple like that so often hired mages to defeat the monsters, but as soon as they were beaten and run out a month or so later either the same or new monsters would take residence there. The village was getting desperate, offering an extra reward if any mages could locate and find out why monsters were coming there. What's more, these monsters were not pushovers, those that seemed to nest in the temple seemed to grow far stronger than what they should be able.

The latest guild to take the mission was the loveable Fairy Tail guild, and the self-proclaimed strongest team in Fairy Tail took the job. Erza, Lucy, Natsu, and Gray, the quartet was back together. Wendy, Carla, and Happy were on another mission with Cana.

Natsu figured it'd be good for Happy to get some training away from him. They were to be clearing out a horde of War Boars, a kind of magical beast, they are able to harden their bodies with magic, and charge at super fast speeds with magic.

They were causing trouble for some other guilds to stop, which was odd, the War Boars were strong for magical beasts sure, but you had many ways to defeat them. Status Magic, Binding Magic, you could over power them, even out speed them, heck since they like to charge if you had strong enough defense magic they could hit a barrier and knock themselves out, so it was a surprise for the four to show up and see so many of them.

“Be on your toes, we don't know what we might be dealing with,” Erza says drawing her swords.

“Let's do this!” Gray says, stripping off his shirt.

“I'm all fired up!” Natsu says, banging his fists together and lighting them up.

“Open Gate of the Lion: Loke!” she cast, summoning the orange haired spirit, glasses on, suit on, and ready to fight.

“I got this Lucy!” he says confidently.

Erza tried fighting one, and to her shock, it tried to eat her swords. It reminded her of Gajeel a bit.

Natsu tried fighting one, but when he launched a fire attack, a Fire Dragon Roar, the War Boar countered it with a powerful gust it released from his nose. It kinda reminded him of Wendy's magic.

Gray fought his boar, and his ice magic was countered by fire. It reminded him of Natsu's magic. “What the hell these things got extra magic to them, how is that possible?”

“It doesn't matter, we have to take them down!” Loke attacks one, and he manages to dodge its attacks and hit it hard. When he did the beast release spores. Loke gasped as the spores began to dissolve his clothing. In a few seconds, he was bare-ass naked his soft 10-inch dick dangling between his legs, his plump ass on full display. His abs and pecs were exposed, his sexy back and fairy tail mark were dazzling in the light. Remembering Erza was nearby, he quickly gasped and tried to cover himself.

A War Boar charged at Lucy. “Lucy!” Loke charged and attacked the thing while naked, he knocked this one out. He took a fighting stance in the buff, giving Lucy a thumbs up. “I'll still protect you Lucy!” he says, ignoring the way Lucy's eyes were following the sway of his manhood and balls.

The girl was blushing seeing Loke in all his naked glory. “Go back now!” she commanded closing his gate, much to Loke's disappointment. She summoned Aries next who used her fluff, to not only block the Boars but also make them relax. Erza changed her armor and went all out against them, not all of them could eat metal, and it seemed they didn't have any elemental resistances.

The others were able to attack the subdued boars and defeated them one by one. After defeating each one Erza stored the bodies away, not only as proof of their victory but War Boars could be sold for decent money, their pelts could be used to make armor, their bones to make magic weapons, their blood could even be used for potions, to say nothing of their meat was delicious to.

Gray had one trapped in ice shackles. “Man these things were tougher than normal War Boars, it was almost like they had dragon slayer magic.” the Boar Gray caught was only playing dead, it woke up broke it's chains and jumped at Gray launching a powerful flame at him.

“Gray!” Natsu saw it happen and moved to shield Gray from the attack. He swallowed the flames quickly, and Gray ran the boar through with an Ice Spear. “It doesn't taste like dragon fire, but it is strong.”

“Thanks, Natsu,” he said, a faint blush spreading on his cheeks.

“No problem, we are a team right?” he smiled. Gray returned the smile, and the two bumped fists.

“Yeah,” he says. The two had gotten closer since the Grand Magic Games, Erza was so proud!

“So we cleared out the boars, is it over?” Lucy asked.

“Not quite, there is a bonus if we discover why the monsters gather here. Judging from the stronger War Boars I do believe there is a powerful magical item here, and the run off from it is what is super charging these monsters.”

“So the monsters are nesting here to gain power?”

“Seems so,” Erza says. “Let's explore the ruins see if we can find the treasure,” Erza changes into her Glow Armor. “Lucy with me, Natsu and Gray will take the other path.” she didn't know if there were other boars hiding in the ruins, and she knew Natsu and Gray could handle themselves.

Natsu summoned some fire and used it to light their way. Somewhere along the way, Gray lost his pants and he was now walking around with Natsu in his underwear. Natsu was so used to it he didn't even bother saying anything.

“Hey Natsu, do you even know where we are going?” Natsu was leading them down, corridor after corridor, he seemed almost in a trance. “Natsu?” he touched his shoulder, and Natsu whipped around on him.

“This way!” he said, his tone trembling with a growl.

“Natsu...” they encountered some more boars that were larger than the ones outside. Natsu didn't even slow down he tore through them like a demon possessed. Gray almost felt bad for the beasts. They entered a large room, that was littered with rocks and rubble.

Natsu dug through the rubble until he found a loose tile. He smashed through it and found a chest hidden underneath the floor. “Natsu...how did you know it was there?”

“I don't know, it's like I could feel it,” something inside him was guiding him, it was like he could taste the run off from whatever was lurking inside. Natsu tried to open the box but it wouldn't budge.

“Here, let me,” Gray looked at lock, and created a key to fit the hole. They opened the box together and found the orb. It was as clear as the sky, the base was that of a golden dragon, it seemed the orb was supported by the dragon claws, the tail, and the fangs.

“What on earth is this?” Natsu picked up the orb, and it lit up like the fourth of July. Natsu's magic flared with it, he felt his flames explode around him.

Gray was knocked back. “Natsu!” he shouted.

“Gray...it's hot...so hot...” Gray tried to get rid of the orb, but his ice was dissolved before it could even pierce the flames.

The male grew taller, his arms and legs growing more muscled, even his loose pants began to tighten around the chiseled limbs. Arms and legs weren't the only things growing, Natsu's ass grew plumper and more defined. The bulge in his crotch, the tell-tale sign he wasn't wearing underwear, his already endowed 12-inch dick began to swell with arousal, pushing at the fabric of his pants.

Gray gulped as Natsu's pants ripped apart exposing his lower half. The ice wizard may have caught a peek at Natsu in the bathhouse, but it was different to see him naked and aroused. His vest wasn't spared as his pecs and abs grew, his 6 pack becoming and 8, his pecs becoming so strong and heavy. His vest was trying to hang tough, but fell apart, as Natsu grew dragon wings. Natsu was now naked, Gray blushed, feeling his own blood rush south at the sight of his friend.

Natsu was panting, he was feeling his body change, it felt hot, but felt so good! His cock began to throb, growing larger and larger, expanding and lengthening, doubling in size in just a few minutes. He was now rocking 24 inches of thick dragon slayer cock, his family jewels doubled in size. He grew a long red dragon tail, and red scales began to spread over his arms and legs, going from his ankles up to his legs to his hips, from his wrists to his elbows. The flames died down and Natsu stood before Gray, changed, naked, and aroused.

He sniffed the air and caught Gray's arousal. He turned his sights on the ice wizard. “Gray...” he moaned hotly, before pouncing on the half-naked ice wizard.

To be continued...Ice Dragon


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