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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1


Blood Dragon Natsu

Natsu was raised by the blood dragon Dracuul. Not only does he have dragon slayer magic he has blood control magic. He was a part of phantom lord along with Gajeel but after Jose went nuts they had to leave and ended up joining another guild. Natsu/Gajeel/Lyon/Hibiki/Harem

Chapter 1

Dracuul was a powerful dragon, growing stronger by the blood of his enemies. He built an army of dragons to try and take down the Dark Dragon. Despite his power, the Dark Dragon was a monster even among Dragons. He had to sacrifice his power to survive, healing himself from the blood he's gained.  

In his quest to regain his power he found a boy abandoned, he's never had a great love for humans, but there was something special about this boy. When humans saw him they usually screamed, or gave him looks of disgust. His body was the color of blood, his claws were huge and dark, and he had blade-like barbs along his back and tail, his face had small horns on it, black like his claws. Even some of his own kind looked at him like he was scary.  

Yet this boy, looked at him in amazement, his eyes sparkled as his mouth curled up in a big huge smile. He wasn't scared to touch him or get near him. Dracuul couldn't believe it, he decided to protect and watch over this child, going as far as to teach him all he knew of humans. He taught him his magic, the boy learning Blood Dragon Slayer Magic, and gaining the secondary magic Blood Control.   

By drinking blood as a Blood Dragon Slayer, not only could he get a power boost, with Blood Control he can take control of those he drinks from. It also gave him the ability to control his own blood and use it as a weapon. Those that drink his blood could also gain a temporary power boost but filled the requirements for Bond of Blood, a powerful ancient magic. He was impressed how quickly the boy picked things up.  

The boy's name was easy, a mysterious and powerful wizard appeared to him and gave him his name. Natsu Dragneel. Dracuul felt it was a fitting name, but just as quickly as he appeared the strange wizard left them. The old dragon couldn't shake a terrible feeling from the wizard.  

Natsu was such a good boy, he liked to train and practice magic. Over the years they spent together, Natsu never lost his smile and kindness, he rather enjoyed spending his time with the boy. Be it as teacher or parent, he felt a wave of joy he hadn't had in so long. He knew other dragons took in humans and made them dragon slayers and he thought it ridiculous, but he knew now he was wrong.    

The sad part is he knew, there would come a time he would have to leave him alone. The day would come he had to vanish from the world, he left behind a scarf made from his scales, and a dagger made from his barbs. Natsu was confused as to why Dracuul vanished, but he started searching for him.  

In order to make money he set out to join a guild, by a chance of fate he ended up at the Phantom Lord Guild. Jose Porla was quite powerful as one of the 10 Wizard Saints, so Natsu agreed to work for him. It seems he was the second dragon slayer to join as there was Gajeel Redfox.  

The two didn't….hit it off very well…

While Natsu was happy to meet another Dragon Slayer, Gajeel however had the mentality of the sky wasn't big enough for two dragons. Which Natsu found ridiculous since by his logic the sky was huge. Gajeel tried to pick a fight with Natsu, which didn't end well.  

“You little shit, you think you're funny?” he grabbed Natsu by his scarf, and looked ready to punch him. One of the other guild mates went to Jose and begged him to stop it. Gajeel was giving off an intense aura.  

“I can't step in every time these two duke it out best they settle it amongst themselves.” he says.  

Gajeel tried to punch Natsu, but was quickly forced back as Natsu drew a knife on him. “Don't touch my scarf, it was a gift from Dracuul!”  

He smirked. “You think a knife is gonna scare me, I'm Iron Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer!” he hardened his body with iron scales, and charged at Natsu.  

“This knife was made by Dracuul's scales,” Natsu's eyes narrowed and in a quick show of skill, he dodged Gajeel's attack and managed to cut through his iron scales and draw blood.  

“Heh, so you can cut through my scales with it, so what...” he turned his arm into a massive blade, which gained a chainsaw like addition. “I'll still kick your ass!”  

Natsu brought the knife up to his lips, and licked Gajeel's blood off the blade. “I'm Natsu Dragneel, the Blood Dragon Slayer!” in an instant Gajeel stopped dead in his tracks.  

“Damn it, I can't move.”   

“This is my blood control, it's time to teach you a lesson.” He sat down and made Gajeel follow. His magic was forced to deactivate, then Natsu had him drop his pants and underwear and lay across his lap.  

“You...you wouldn't dare!” Smack! “Ahh!”  

Natsu hit hard, smacking Gajeel's ass in a proper spanking motion. His cheeks jiggled with each strike, Gajeel blushed in humiliation as he was spanked in front of the whole guild. His yelps accompanying the loud smack of skin striking skin.  

The other guild members snickered and even Jose had a hard time fighting back a chuckle. Natsu dropped Gajeel right on his sore red ass. “Let that be a lesson to you.” Gajeel growled and pulled up his pants and boxers.

“This isn't over Dragneel!” he growled and ran off.  

It really wasn't; Gajeel competed with Natsu at everything, who was stronger, who could train longer, who could complete the most missions. They arm wrestled, did weight lifting contests, raced each other, and sparred.  Their sparring matches could get destructive so Jose built a room for them to spar in. This went on for years...

Natsu didn't seem to mind. He could have ignored Gajeel, but he liked him. “Gajeel is not a bad guy, his blood doesn't taste bad.” he'd say. The guild members didn't see it, he wasn't close to anyone in the guild, he valued strength over all, and if you were too weak he didn't care about you and often ignored you.  

The only ones he really answered or spoke to was Jose, the Element Four, and Natsu. Natsu being the only one outside of Jose, that's been able to beat Gajeel. In all of their spars Natsu has bested Gajeel, he didn't let it go to his head either. He saw Gajeel getting stronger, and he did to. The two pushed each other to hone their magic, and they became the two strongest guild members in Phantom Lord.  

No matter how many days, weeks, months, even years passed Gajeel was always on Natsu's case, challenging him to see who was better. Some guild members have expected to see a literal dick measuring contest at some point. When Natsu was gone on on a mission Gajeel seemed more pissed off.  

When he came back Gajeel would greet him with an Iron Fist, not that it did him any good. No one could understand the two's relationship, but many weren't brave enough to look and see what happened behind closed doors.  

After Gajeel lost in his spars and was literally spanked, no one saw his “iron club” was quite stiff. Gajeel has gotten hard from thinking of Natsu, from getting spanked by Natsu, sparring with him, and he didn't understand why. He didn't get why he got so upset when Natsu wasn't around. He didn't get why he got so excited when he mastered a new move and the first person he wanted to show the pinkette more than anyone else. He didn't know why being around him made him smile, and he found more and more excuses to be around him. He also didn't understand why when a guild mate tried flirting with Natsu he punched him into the nearby wall.  

He confided all this with Juvia a member of the Element Four. He waited till Natsu was on another mission and he asked Juvia out for a drink, she was the only one he felt he could confide in. She was a ditz at times but Juvia would rather die then betray someone's trust. “Gajeel, I think you might be in love with Natsu-sama.” she told him.  

“That can't be! I hate him, I hate his smug face, I hate his silly pink hair, I hate all his muscles, I hate his stupid smile, I hate the way he looks at me, I hate that I'm always dreaming about him, I hate that I'm always thinking about him, I hate that he takes long missions without me, I hate the way...oh shit!” he blushed. Juvia drank her tea. “I'm an idiot!”

“Sounds to me you got a lot of “hate” for Natsu-sama. You should go talk to him.”

“I can't...all I've ever been is an ass to him, even if this is love, which I'm not saying it is!” he hisses, Juvia rolls her eyes. “Even if it was, he's not gonna love me back.”  

“Sounds like you're a little scared.” Gajeel banged his fist on the table.  

“I'm not scared!” he growled. He was a bit, he was sure Natsu hated him.  

“Well, you never know until you try, you can't change the past, but you can change and make a better future.” she gets up. “And besides I think if Natsu-sama truly hated you he wouldn't have stayed around you all this time.” Gajeel had a lot to think about, he just hoped he had an answer by the time Natsu came back from his mission.   

To be continued...Blood and Iron


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