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Bleach/Rising of Shield PArody: Tier 1

 Chapter 4 https://www.patreon.com/posts/bleach-legend-of-24480728

Chapter 5 The Wave

Renji's Pov

Dear Mom and Dad in heaven, I am doing well, still miss you terribly, but I understand why you did what you did. You wanted me to survive, and I have. Things were rough at first and there were times I didn't think I was gonna make it, but guess what I was saved by the Shield Hero. I didn't know who he was at first, but he was truly kind to me. He treated my wounds and sickness, gets me food whenever I want, and has taken very good care of me, even when I make mistakes or mess up. There are times when I still get nightmares, but Ichigo lets me sleep in his bed and it helps a lot. He's helped me to become strong, and he wants to crush the Waves so other kids don't have to experience what I did.

Ichigo-sama works very hard, I want to help him and be his sword. He cares a lot about me, even getting me a friend to help hunt. Grimmjow is from another village, he's tough and tends to hog Ichigo-sama's attention, but I'm not jealous. He cares for both of us! I wish I knew more about him, he seems angry at times, like something is haunting him. Even when he cooks us yummy food he doesn't seem to enjoy it, eating not the cooking. He's really something great, I want to be by his side until the end.

If I had one complaint about Ichigo-sama it's that…

Grimmjow's Pov

Dear Mama and Pops in heaven, I miss you both, but I hope you two have reunited together and are proud of me. Things were a bit tough at first, but I never gave in. You won't believe this, but I actually met the Shield Hero of legend. He's actually nicer than I expected. Even though our first meeting was odd, he let me join his group. I think I impressed him with my strength.

He had another boy in his care, a demi-human like me, Renji. He's okay I guess, we are friends/rivals. He was so mad that I leveled up quickly it was funny. He didn't give up either he got pretty creative, and learning how to fight as good as me, something I noticed as he's leveling up he's getting these weird tattoos on his body, they just show up. We play, train, and eat together. Ichigo-sama's cooking is amazing! I like it better when we camp outside. When we go to the city I hear people whispering about Ichigo, it sounds like they are saying bad things about him. I don't like it. It can't be true, Ichigo isn't that kind of person, how do they think they know about him more than us. He's hardworking and dependable, even when I go too far, he still protects me. I want to stay by his side forever.

If I had one complaint about Ichigo-sama it's that…

End Pov

“He still treats us like kids!” the two shared the same complaint.


Ichigo had made it to level 15, and he's unlocked quite a few shields. Through their hunting, he gained the Egg Shield, which boosted his Culinary skill by 1. Sky Egg Shield, which unlocked Beginner Cooking Recipes. He wasn't eating much so he fed some of his food to his shield, unlocking Calorie Shield, Energy Shield, an Energetic Shield. This gave him a stamina boost, a stamina consumption decrease, and an SP Boost. He needed SP to use his more advanced skills, and the stamina boost and consumption decrease helped him a lot allowing him to work more even when Grimmjow and Renji turned in.

They got enough Pill Rabbits to unlock Rabbit Leather Shield, that gave him an agility boost. They were able to hunt Pikyu Pikyu which were bird-like monsters, it unlocked the Pikyu Pikyu Shield, which gave Ichigo Beginner’s Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques 1. He gained the Butterfly Shield from hunting Butterfly monsters, they proved tricky for Renji and Grimmjow as it spread paralysis spores. After absorbing a few he gained Paralysis Resistance (Small).

He started feeding random things to his shield to get an effect. Like wood, rocks, even some old pipe he found laying around. It unlocked Wood, Rock, and Pipe Shield Respectfully. The wood shield gave him Lumbering Techniques, the Rock Shield gave him a small decent boost in his defense, the Pipe Shield gave him a new skill, Shield Prison!

Ichigo fed a broken mining pickaxe to his shield and unlocked the Pickaxe Shield, not very clever names but the skills were a benefit, as it boosted his Mining Skill, and lowered the stamina it took while mining. He was also given an old whetstone by Urahara, which he fed to his shield unlocking the Sharpening Shield. It gave him Mineral Identification +1 and gave him a side skill of Automatic Sharpening. Using this skill he was able to mostly repair and keep Renji's and Grimmjow's weapons sharp since it took time they often retreated to balloon areas where the enemies could be taken down much easier.

The last shield he acquired recently was the Light Metal Shield, it had a Defense +1 boost but its unique effect was Magical Defense Enhancement. He had gained quite a few shields, it was almost hard to keep track of them all, thankfully most of them didn't have unique effects which could only be used in that shield form, the other boosts were stackable.


Even with his increased defenses, Ichigo had to be careful as they learned when a porcupine-like monster rushed them and attacked Ichigo. The creature had powerful quills that pierced Ichigo's defenses and dashed off.

Grimmjow and Renji gave chase, Grimmjow's sword was being sharpened, so he was having trouble fighting it with just his claws. “See if you weren't so reckless you'd have your sword.” Renji teased.

“Shut it, don't let it get away!” Grimmjow hissed as the two chased after it. It was very fast, zipping and darting, circling around for Ichigo.

“Ichigo-sama!” they shout.

“Shield Prison!” Ichigo cast, catching the beast in a ball of metal and chains. “Now, Renji!”

“On it!” The prison opened up allowing Renji to stab the creature, and killing it with one blow. “Got it!” Renji says happily, holding up his kill to Ichigo and Grimmjow.

“Don't get cocky if I hadn't chipped my sword, I'd have killed it way faster than you.” Ichigo stared at them. They were both level 18, but the weird thing was, they weren't kids anymore, not that Ichigo could see it.

Renji was as tall as Ichigo now, he had broad shoulders, fine pecs, and rock hard abs, his arms and legs were toned and even his tail had grown longer. His body was inked with rather sexy tattoos to show his strength. He continued to wear similar clothing to his old ones just upgraded for his size.

Grimmjow was just a little taller than Ichigo, he had his hair cut short, that made him look rather sexy, he was chiseled and toned. Grimmjow wore a vest, to show off his pecs, abs and blue treasure trail, he wore loose pants and still wouldn't wear shoes.

“You guys still bickering like children,” he sighs, he comes over and pats them both on the head. “You both did great, let's get moving.”

“We aren't kids Ichigo-sama!” they tell him.

“Right, right,” he says. The two share a look, Ichigo still treated them like children even though physically because of their level increase they weren't anymore. Demi-humans would age naturally if they stayed at level one, but upon leveling up they grow up. Not only had they evolved but their feelings had evolved to. They wanted Ichigo to look at them as men, not children.

He bought them kids meals still, and when men and women flirted with the two Ichigo didn't get jealous or mad, he looked confused. It was another strange thing about Ichigo they hoped to figure out.

Ichigo may not have known when the wave was coming but felt it would be soon, at their current level he was worried. He was hoping with some new gear they'd be able to make it through.


They went to Benihime's, and Kisuke greeted them. “Ah Ichigo-kun, Renji-chan Grimmjow-chan, boy have you two grown into dashing lads.” Kisuke complimented. “Its been so long since I've seen you guys.”

“A lot has happened, an innkeeper taught us table manners,” Renji says.

“Only did it to eat properly as Ichigo-sama does.” Grimmjow huffed. They had gotten stares when he ate like a beast. He didn't care, and neither did Ichigo, but he didn't want others looking down on Ichigo because of him.

“You both have grown so much, I'm impressed. Nothing like the pipsqueaks you used to be.” Renji pouted, and Grimmjow glared at Kisuke.

“You think so?” Ichigo looked at them not seeing any change. Kisuke gave a concerned look at Ichigo. Ichigo didn't or couldn't see the change, Renji and Grimmjow had grown into fine young men, it was no wonder they were popular with many of the food vendors.

“Ichigo, don't you know what demi-humans are like?” he asked.

“Kisuke-san!” Renji interrupted. “Forget about that, we are here to buy armor for Ichigo-sama!” Grimmjow nods.

“Armor for me? What for, we need to upgrade your weapons and equipment.”

“Ichigo-sama, while we appreciate the thought you need to think about yourself.”

“Did you forget you just got hurt in the plains, you need proper armor,” Grimmjow adds.

“If you aren't careful, you might end up dead!” Renji says seriously. He upgrades to two magic core iron swords, and a magic core dagger. As Renji leveled up he gained the Basic Sword Skill, Dual Blade Sword Skill, and thanks to training his tail he gained the unique skill Tri-Blade Technique. His tail was strong enough to swing a sword, but the weight of three blades was a bit much so he kept it to holding a dagger.

Grimmjow got an iron sword since it was more sturdy than his old one. “Kisuke-san can you give us a discount.”

“Sure, sure, anything for my favorite customers.”

“How about this Ichigo-sama?” Ichigo turned to see Grimmjow holding up some chain mail, and his anger flared. “I think you'd look good in this.”

“Absolutely not! I'm not wearing THAT fucking thing!” Ichigo snapped making Grimmjow flinch. It was rare to see Ichigo snap, his eyes burning with rage. He looked into Grimmjow's eyes and saw shock and concern, and he quickly calmed down. “I'm sorry Grimmjow...I'll get something else, anything else,” he says, looking down ashamed. Grimmjow looked to Kisuke, who gave him a pat on the shoulder. He seemed to know something, even whispering, “I figured as much,” under his breath.

He looked to Renji who shared the same look of confusion. “Um, how about something custom made?”

“Sure, if you got some spare materials, I'd be happy to.” Ichigo handed over some Pikyu feathers, and some furs and pelts. “Excellent I can make you some fine armor.” Ichigo pays for the new equipment, with the discount and all of his farming and grinding he was able to stay under budget.

“I hope it will be ready before the waves come,” Ichigo says.

“Didn't you know, you can check it at the church,” Kisuke says.

“What?” Kisuke shows them the way, the church holds the Dragon Hourglass. In the town, the knights were on the move, so the wave had to be soon. Ichigo didn't know how soon. They went and got some food planning to return for the new armor.

“Kisuke is a good man, don't you think?”

“Hmm,” he looked down feeling this unshakeable feeling of distrust. “He wants our business I suppose.”

“I think he likes taking care of you, even if he's a bit weird,” Grimmjow says. They go to their frequent spot and Ichigo buys them both kid's meals, much to the embarrassment of the two demi-humans.

“Ichigo-sama, we aren't kids anymore, we can eat the same meal as you.”

“You don't want it? You don't have to force yourself to act like an adult,” he says and tries his food, once again he couldn't taste anything. They ate their kid's meals as it was rather tasty even if a bit embarrassing.

They returned to Benihime's, and Kisuke had the armor finished in no time. Ichigo went to the changing room, and Renji and Grimmjow were torn on peeking. Kisuke put a stop to it quickly enough. “I know its tempting but Ichigo-kun needs your trust more than anything.”

“Right,” they say.

“Give him time, you'll see,” he says.

Ichigo stepped out in his Barbarian Armor. Renji's eyes sparkled. “You look so cool, Ichigo-sama!”

“You look like a real hero!” Grimmjow says giving him a thumbs up.

“Thanks, Kisuke, for making this for me. I owe you a lot, I'll be sure to pay you back when this is all over.”

“Ichigo, I don't help you out because of the money, though you are my favorite customer. I help you because I know a good man when I see one.” he gives him a fist bump to his armor. Ichigo felt an honest smile break the scowl on his face.

“Thank you,” he says.

“Good luck out there.” Kisuke waves them off.


At the church, there were women wearing strange charms around their necks. It looks like all the hero weapons in one place, except one. Ichigo was focused on something else, the huge golden hourglass in the center of the room. “This...this is the Dragon Hourglass?” His shield reacted to it, a beam of light connecting them and his Icon opened up.


“Less than 24 hours!” Ichigo gasped. 'Are we gonna be okay?' he was more worried about Renji and Grimmjow.

“Well if it isn't the Shield Hero!” Ichigo tensed and grimaced.

'I know that voice.' he turned and sure enough, there was Askin, with Bambietta, and a few other girls.

“Come on, are you still fighting with such flimsy equipment?” he asked, approaching them.

“Are they friends of yours?” Renji asked while Grimmjow narrowed his eyes. Ichigo was clearly upset.

“Who are they, Ichigo-sama?” Grimmjow asked. Ichigo grits his teeth and walked forward. Choosing to ignore Askin he walked by him.

“Oi, Askin-sama is talking to you!” Bambietta says, just seeing her made Ichigo relive it all, it made his blood boil. She tried to approach Ichigo and Renji and Grimmjow got in the way.

“Pardon us, but it seems we are leaving,” they say.

“This is the Criminal Shield Hero's party?”

“Are they adventurers?” Bambietta looks and partially sees Grimmjow's tattoo, but gets distracted.

Cang Du and Uryu were also there. He didn't see Bazz-B.

“Where's Bazz-B?” he asked them. Cang Du just huffed not answering him.

Uryu adjusts his glasses. “He came earlier, he has the count down, he has quite a few stamina boost skills, and he makes good use of them. He plans to grind until 8 hours before the Wave.”

“Ah,” Ichigo says. 'He probably has forgotten all about helping me anyway.'

“Hello,” Askin approaches Renji. “I'm Askin Nakk Le Vaar, the Spear Hero.”

'Does this guy flirt with anything with a pulse?' Ichigo thinks. 'He has a whole party of girls and he flirts with a kid?!'

“You're a hero?” Renji raises a brow at him.

“So cute,” Askin takes hold of Renji's hands. “Please join my party, beauty such as yours surpasses all. Come save the world with me!”

“Oi, back off.” Grimmjow hisses.

“My aren't you a feisty kitten, no worries you can join my party too. It's hard to be so popular.” Grimmjow flexes his claws ready to stab this guy.

Bambietta steps forward. “Askin-sama, why are you complimenting filthy demi-humans?”

Renji buts in. “I'm afraid not, we are with Ichigo-sama!”

“Ichigo?” Askin gasped. “That's not a good idea! If you're with a guy like him, you'll be in danger!”

Ichigo snaps and gets in his face, glaring at the spear hero. “Something wrong? I'm only speaking the truth.”

“We are leaving, Renji, Grimmjow!” he turns to leave and the two are quick to follow.

“Surely you've heard the rumors about him, too,” Askin says and Ichigo stops for a moment. Grimmjow could see his body tense up with frustration.

“See you at the wave,” Uryu says when they pass him.

“Don't hold us back.” Cang Du says.

“Do come to the wave, while your busy protecting yourself, you can watch as a real hero handles things,” he says with a smirk. 'How'd he get two hotties like that on his party, no matter they'll leave him soon enough?'


Ichigo left town finding some balloons. “Ichigo-sama why did we come out here?” the balloons charged and Grimmjow and Renji were ready to attack.

“Stay back both of you!” his scowl was back, his eyes burning with anger. “I just really need to punch the fuck out of something right now!” Ichigo fought the balloons cursing with each popped balloon.

“I feel him, I wanted to rip that guy's throat out.”

“Grimmjow you can't, he's one of the five heroes.”

“He's an ass, talking that way to us, saying shit about Ichigo-sama. I don't like him.”

“I wonder what happened between Ichigo-sama and those people.” he tried to ask but Ichigo wouldn't answer.

'They won't believe me, they are only with me because they are my slaves, if they weren't they'd abandon me, betray me, I hate this!' he finished popping the balloons. Ichigo was quiet the rest of the night, even when they returned to town and got an inn, he worked on making medicine's in silence. Renji tried to speak to him, but Grimmjow just shook his head at him.

“Ichigo-sama we are turning in,” he tells him.

“Good, get some rest, the Wave is coming in the morning.” Ichigo was in a foul mood, his thoughts getting twisted up. Even as the morning came and Renji and Grimmjow pledged their loyalty to him, he wasn't hearing it, a part of him refusing to believe it.

“We are your blades, we will cut down your enemies, and will follow you wherever you go!”

“Good luck with that,” Ichigo says. In the last ticking minutes, adventurers and knights were making preparations.

“Ichigo!” Bazz-B came running over to him.

“Bazz-B what are you doing here, where is your party?”

“Don't worry, we'll all warp once the wave starts.” Ichigo had no idea what he was talking about. “Listen after the wave we have to talk, I don't have all the evidence yet, but something is very wrong with Bambietta's words against you. So no matter what, don't die okay?”

“I wasn't planning on dying, this might seem like a game, but once you die its over,” he says.

Bazz-B steals a kiss, making Ichigo, Renji, and Grimmjow blush. “A kiss for luck.” he winks at him and the clock hits 0.


The Dragon Hourglass glows and in an instant, the heroes and their parties were warped to wear the Wave was gonna hit. “How did we?” he looked and saw that Lute Village was nearby.

“Ichigo-sama!” Renji gasped. Ichigo turned and saw the sky rip apart, pouring out was waves of wild colors, swirling out and blocking out the natural sky.

The others were summoned to and they raced towards the crack where the boss would be. “This is bad,” they could see monsters coming from the miasma. “Did Lute Village evacuate? Where are the knights?” Ichigo saw the others race towards one direction. “Wait, you guys, there's a village nearby we need to help it.”

They were too far away to hear. Someone sent up a flare for the knights to find them. “This isn't good, the village is closer to the rift then we are,” Grimmjow says.

“Damn it, what are they thinking.” his hand balled into fists.

“What do we do Ichigo-sama?”

“I can't fight, I can only protect, the options are clear. Let's go!” he turns and runs towards the village. “To Lute Village!”

“Yes!” the two race after him.


In Lute things were bad, zombies and dimensional wasps were swarming the area. The villagers were using farm tools and whatever they had on them, but it was no match for the zombies' weapons and armor.

“Ahhh, help me!” the zombie cut through the man's pitchfork and was readying another strike.

“Air Strike Shield!” the glowing shield appeared in front of the man blocking the zombie's attack. “Renji!” The red-head swooped in and cut the zombie down.

“Thank you!” the man says.

“Renji, help with the evacuation. Grimmjow, focus on taking down the wasps and healing the wounded.”

“What about you?” Renji asked.

“I'm gonna be bait,” he says with a smirk.

“That's crazy, I'll stay and fight,” Grimmjow says.

“No, I can't win on my own, so I need you two, to carry out this task and get back to me as soon as possible understand?”

“Yes, Ichigo-sama!” they two rush off. Ichigo transferred all their supply of potions to Grimmjow and Renji and prayed it would be enough.

Ichigo used Shield Prison to protect a mother and daughter from some dimensional hornets. Grimmjow cut them down with his claws. “When the spell dissipates run in the opposite direction of the rift,” Ichigo shouts.

“Its a hero, the shield hero has come to save us.”

Renji was leading the evacuation, cutting down monsters that got in their way. He used some of his healing potions to help those injured from the zombie attacks.

The Hornets were a real problem attacking in large swarms. Grimmjow was tearing through them as fast as he could, only for more to pop up. “You think you can beat me huh? I'm a panterean Raaawwrrr!” he spins like a buzzsaw and tears through a massive swarm. He stopped only to treat others, Ichigo had made healing potions and antidotes, and a couple that was a bit of both. Grimmjow had seconds to act, he treated the wounded as best he could. Some of the swarms had gotten people to fast that they couldn't be helped. “You lot can't die, run the Shield Hero is here for you!” Grimmjow shouts.

After treating those he could, he directed them to Renji who continued to get everyone out. “This way, hurry!”


Ichigo tried to fight a zombie but as he suspected it was not possible. As he fought one off a huge beast came after him, swinging at him with an axe. Ichigo dodged and the zombie he was fighting got crushed instead.

'This one is a bit slow but powerful.' He slipped past the big bruiser and ran about. “Listen, everyone, I'll keep them distracted, move to the evacuation site.” His plan was working, the zombies and Dimensional hornets were going after him.

Those that weren't Ichigo used Air Strike Shield to block their attacks. He saved a merchant who was about to be zombie chow. “Run quickly.” His interference earned the attention of the monsters.

The giant hornets swooped at him, trying to pierce him with their massive stingers. Ichigo dove under some burning wood, and broke a piece off to make a torch. “Come on, I'm right here, come and get me!”

His distraction was making it easier for Grimmjow and Renji to do their part. He looked around, there was so much destruction even from just a few minutes. He used the torch to fend off the Hornets not that it damaged them. 'I'm risking my life to protect total strangers, I'm a fool. Would you be proud of me?' he thinks thinking of his family.

Things weren't looking good, Ichigo was getting surrounded. “There's way too many of them, how can I minimize the damage to the village?” he spots a large wooden tower.

He used the Air Strike Shield to jump over zombies. Some men were still cornered by zombies. “Stay away!”

“Damn it stay away from us!” they were backed into a corner. The tower had a bell and Ichigo began to ring it.

The noise turned the zombie's attention and they left the people alone and began to swarm the wooden tower. “This is bad, it's not showing any signs of slowing down. What are those guys doing?”

He lured a massive horde into the town square. He doused the zombies and the tower in oil and dropped the torch. It burned consuming several dozen zombies and scaring off the Hornets. Using the rope shield he jumped, and landed kinda rough but made it out of the fire.

To Ichigo's shock, some of the more able-bodied men returned and formed ranks to try and help him. “You can help, try to pin them down till the evacuation is complete, from there you have to go, to protect your families and friends understand?” the men nod.

“I've had enough of these damn bugs!” He activated his Silk Spinner Shield. “Steel Thread!” he fired webbing and began to bind the bugs, they fell to the ground unable to move and ended up getting trampled by the villagers and zombies.

They were doing their best, but it seemed the big one brought friends, or the wave was getting worse. These massive heavily armored zombies were even cutting their own down trying to get to the villagers. “Run!” Ichigo shouts. “This one is too much for you.”

“But...” the men were hesitant.

“Think of your families!” his own flashed before his mind as he blocked the massive zombie's strike. “Don't die here for no reason!”

They pulled back, carrying the wounded and Ichigo soon became surrounded by two of the bruisers. 'This is bad?!' Renji and Grimmjow charged in. “Ichigo-sama!”

Renji cut off one's head, and Grimmjow busted out his sword to do the same. During this fight, their levels had increased. Ichigo was now at 19, and Renji and Grimmjow were at 22 and 23.


“We cleared the path for you, hurry and evacuate,” Renji says.

“We got things here, the monsters will focus on us, get going,” Grimmjow added.

“Alright, please be safe.” the men retreated, heading to the evacuation site, far from the rift.

“This seems like bad odds, are you sure you don't wanna run?” Ichigo asked.

“Not without you,” Renji says.

“We fight together, let's kill them all!” Grimmjow says. They had evacuated everyone they could, now it was time to fight.

"Heroes don't run so they say, let's do this!" Ichigo readied his shield.

Even though they were surrounded they weren't gonna give up. Before they could fight though…

Flames were shot into the sky converging on one point. “What is that?”

“Renji, Grimmjow, come here!” Ichigo shouted. The two obeyed, he pulled them close and wrapped them in his cloak. He raised the Light Metal Shield up and created a small barrier around them.

Good timing too as the ball in the sky became a rain of flames pelting the ground and consuming everything in the area. Many monsters were killed, but thanks to Ichigo's shield they were safe. So many homes were destroyed he was glad they were able to evacuate everyone they could in time.

“Hahaha, we burned them all to death at once.” knights marched forward. “The Shield Hero? You're quite tough.”

“Tch, they didn't care that we were here?” the look on Renji's face shifted in an instant, he looked as furious as Grimmjow. The red-head left Ichigo's embrace and charged at the head knight, only to get blocked by a younger knight.

“Did you know Ichigo-sama was here?” he growled. “Answer me, depending on your answer I will have your head.”

The younger knight told the others to draw their swords. “Are you with the Shield Hero?”

“I am one of Ichigo-sama's blades. None may disrespect him in my presence.”

“All we knew were the monsters were gathered here in one place, we didn't know why, but it was an opportunity to blast them all at once.” The older knight says. “And besides, he came out of it just fine, so what's the problem?” Grimmjow escaped Ichigo's hold.

“How dare you!?” Grimmjow roared, he readied his own blade.

“Grimmjow stop, Renji enough!” Ichigo shouts.

“You think you can point your blades at royal knights? You filthy demi-humans.”

“What kind of knight neglects the people they are sworn to defend?” Renji snaps back.

“Drop it!” Ichigo says. “It's not over yet.”

A new wave of zombies had come and they were a mix of the armored and the big bruisers. “If you morons want to act like that, I can just sit back and watch as you lot become monster feed. That doesn't sound too bad!”

“D-don't falter, stay in formation.” just two attacks from the bruisers caused the formation to break. The old knight was about to be killed when Ichigo stepped in.

“Want to die an honorable death in battle?” he asked while blocking the strike. “Renji, Grimmjow,” the two charge, Renji cutting down the first massive zombie, Grimmjow cutting down the second that was going after the younger knight. “We'll buy you time, use it to get back information.”

The trio moved in perfect sync, it almost looked like a dance instead of a battle. Grimmjow had strong jumping power so with a quick Air Strike Shield, Grimmjow was able to jump from that and slaughter the Hornets, and when he came down crush some zombies before jumping back to Ichigo. “This is getting fun!” Ichigo blocked projectiles, it seems some zombies were using bows an arrows. Renji moved with Ichigo cutting through the zombies as they made way.

A young knight was in awe of their impressive skills and cooperation. “Leave this to the Shield Hero, we are going to where the other four heroes are!” the older knight says.

The knight that had blocked Renji's attack earlier, didn't budge, he watched these three fight so hard for this village. “Men, we are gonna help the Shield Hero, Phoenix Formation!”

“Byakuya, what are you doing?” The young knight removed his helmet to reveal long dark hair.

“My job!” he rallied some of the knights, and they began using the phoenix formation and pushed the monsters back. The older knight left with a few others.


“Tsunami Slash!” Uryu slashed at the boss monster, using water to extend his blade farther.

“Crimson Arrows!” Bazz-B fired a barrage of flaming arrows that pelted the boss monster.

“Tornado Slicer!” Cang Du spun his axe, building up wind and launching it at the boss.

“I'll finish it off, Lightning Spear!” Askin charged dealing the killing blow.

With the boss dead, the crack closed up, and the remaining monsters were picked off by the party members in that area. “That was easy, I bet the next boss will be even easier!” Askin says.

“If we keep leveling up between waves it'll be easy as pie.” Cang Du says.

“Where's Ichigo?” Bazz-B asked.

“Huh, that's right I haven't seen Ichigo anywhere.” he jokingly looks around for him.

“It only makes sense that he isn't here,” Bambietta says. “He'd just be in everyone's way.” Bazz-B narrows his eyes at her.

“You're right!” Askin laughs.

“Well done heroes!” the knights say upon arrival.

“So you finally came a bit late don't you think?” Cang Du points out.

“Don't say that the king has prepared a banquet for you, to celebrate your victory. Plus the rewards for defeating the wave as promised.”

“Right let's go,” Askin says, and the groups head off, following the knights back to the castle, all except for Bazz-B, who heard from his Scout that a village was nearby and that Ichigo and his party was there.

“There was a village nearby and you didn't tell me?”

“I'm sorry sir, I was focused on the rift.” Bazz-B sighed.

“If I had known there was a village nearby I would have helped.” he punched his palm in frustration.


The Miasma dissipated from the sky, and Renji and Grimmjow finished off the few straggling monsters that were left behind.

The village was a mess, the people returned and began treating the wounded and caring for the dead. Tears were shed, and the lost lives mourned. Ichigo looked to Byakuya, among all the chaos the two said nothing. He simply walked off with his fellow knights.

“Ichigo-sama,” Renji and Grimmjow approached him. “We finished off all the monsters.”

“And we gave out medicine, so the wounded should be okay.”

“Good job...” Ichigo says.

“Did...did we win?” Renji asked. That was hard to say, it didn't feel like a victory.

“Shield Hero-sama!” The leader of the village approached them. “We couldn't have made it without you.” he bows to Ichigo.

“Thank your lucky stars, not me.”

“No, your presence is what helped us survive.”

“We'll never forget what you've done for us.” Ichigo turned his back as they all gave a bow to him before leaving. Renji and Grimmjow saw families that survived together, some that were chipped but still standing.

“They looked truly grateful,” Renji says and Ichigo remained quiet. “We prevented some kids from going through what I did, right?”

“Yeah,” Ichigo finally speaks.

“Their village is trashed but so long as they are alive they can rebuild,” Grimmjow says.

“We killed lots of monsters.”

“We fought as hard as we could.”

“You did great.” he pets them both on the head. Renji cries, and Grimmjow sniffled but chose to hug Ichigo and nuzzle his neck instead. Renji joined him and the trio embraced. It wasn't perfect but they did their best.


The Dragon Hourglass completes its cycle, turning over and as the sands spill from the top, the countdown to the next wave has already begun.

To be continued...Chapter 6 Duel! The Slave Crests Are Removed?!

While the other heroes celebrate their victory Ichigo is focused more on learning about the waves. They leveled up some more from battle, and some of the monster parts were fed to his shield. Things go from quiet to a storm as Askin challenges Ichigo to free Renji and Grimmjow from his hold. Ichigo of course refuses but the King forces his hand, trying to take them away by force. Ichigo agrees, but will hate consume him and turn him into the villain they see him as or can Renji and Grimmjow save their master from...himself!


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