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Bleach Parody: Test


Bleach: Legend of the Five Heroes

Ichigo was just a normal young man, a bit of an otaku, and despite some knowledge in martial arts, he wasn't a master or anything. On a trip to the book store, he finds a book called Legend of the Five Heroes, upon reaching the chapter of the Shield Hero strange magic pulls him into a brand new world.

Chapter 1 The Heroes Summoned

Ichigo Kurosaki was a fine young man at 18, he grew up taking some martial arts when he was young, he kept himself fit and toned when he got older but he wasn't a master. He moved out on his own when he attended school, he learned to cook for himself while juggling a job. All in all, it was a good life, if he had any complaint it lacked excitement. He was a big fan of fantasy anime and manga and liked to dream about worlds more fantastical of his own.

In his off time, he liked to visit the book store and see if there were any new fantasy books. After reaching for a book off a high shelf, a bunch of books fell and hit Ichigo on the head. He rubbed the sore spot as he collected the books, pausing only upon finding a book he's never seen before. “Legend of the Five Heroes?” he opened the book and began to skim through it. “Legend foretells of five brave souls summoned from another world to take up the holy weapons to battle against the evil waves.” Ichigo smiled at the thought.

There were illustrations he could see various creatures, both good, and those from the mysterious waves of disaster. There was an image of a woman in the book, but Ichigo got a bad feeling about her, thinking she kinda looked like a villain. “Let's see, the Spear Hero, the Sword Hero, the Bow Hero, the Axe Hero, and the Shield Hero...ehh?” while the other heroes had several pages of info about them, the Shield Hero's pages were blank.

Suddenly the pages started to glow and turn on their own, in a flash Ichigo's world vanished and he was suddenly somewhere else. The walls were stone, with carvings of weapons and heroes, on the ground, there was a symbol something like a cross but with five points.

“Wonderful the five heroes have been summoned!” they were greeted by men in robes. Ichigo looked at them, then to his comrades who had been summoned with him. Each of them had random weapons. Ichigo's own weapon was strapped to his arm.

“Ehh?” Ichigo gasped. 'A shield?' he tried to remove it but it would not come off. The others talked amongst themselves, saying that this place was different from where they were and how it reminded some of a video game.

“Oh, great heroes please save our world!” The robed men bowed. “Praise be the heroes!”

Ichigo looked to the others, the Bow Hero was the only one really up for it fresh out of the gate. Some had quite the air of arrogance to them, the Spear Hero quickly demanding compensation for calling them to this world. “Oh yes, follow us to the King, he will fill you in.”

“Very good,” the spear hero runs his fingers through his hair, giving it a hair flip. “Lead the way.”

Ichigo looked at his comrades. The Spear Hero had medium length black hair with white streaks, and a strand hanging down in his face, reaching down to his mouth. He had lavender eyes, a thin face with pronounced cheekbones. He was tall and lanky, wearing an expensive looking uniform.

The Sword Hero wore glasses, and he was average height and had a slender build, he had straight, chin-length black hair that framed his face, he had blue eyes, and he was wearing a fancy uniform.

The Axe Hero also had dark hair, it was short with pointed bangs, and he had pale blue eyes. He had a scar over the left side of his mouth. He was a bit more toned than the others, and he was dressed more like a punk, wearing black fingerless gloves.

The Bow Hero had green eyes and red hair, and his hair was kept in a long mohawk. He had two piercings in his upper left ear and one in his lower right. He had some chains on him, and some black armbands around his biceps. This guy had the most muscle than the rest of them, and he was the only one of them wearing boots.

They were brought before the King. “Welcome heroes, I am Yhwach the King of Karakura,” the King greets. “You have been summoned here, to help protect our world from the Waves of Calamity. Should you save this glorious country you will be duly compensated in turn, aside from that I have funds prepared for you, so I ask that you work to your fullest.” The King explains. “Please tell us your names,” he says gesturing towards his court.

It was the Spear Hero who stepped up first. “My name is Askin Nakk Le Vaar, I am your Spear Hero!” he says proudly, earning some cheers from the King's court. He was 21, and a university student.

“Uryu Ishida,” the sword hero started. “I am your Sword Hero!” he says adjusting his glasses, smiling as he receives cheers. He was 18, and a high school student.

“Your Axe Hero is I, Cang Du!” the male steps forward raising his axe, to cheers from the court. He basked in the praise and cheers. He was 19, and he wasn't in school.

“My name is Bazz-B, I am your Bow Hero.” Again he was met with cheers from the court. He was 20 and he was a university student.

Just as Ichigo was about to introduce himself, the King interrupts. “Excellent, now then...”

“Hey wait, your majesty!” Ichigo raises his shield bearing arm. “What about me?”

“Ah, yes, the shield hero, introduce yourself.”

“I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, your Shield Hero.” He does get some cheers but the King cuts them short. Ichigo felt something was off but there were pressing matters. There were things to discuss, the heroes would have to take a party out to train before the waves came. Powerful monsters would appear from a dimensional crack, and their knights and adventurers were not strong enough to beat them on their own, so the Heroes were summoned, in hopes of stopping more death and destruction.

Ichigo was a bit excited, this world seemed amazing, and he'd like to protect it. With a Tip, the heroes discovered their Icon, it opened a game-like menu that showed their stats, they were all currently level 1, so they would need to prepare before the upcoming wave. They couldn't do it together as the Holy Weapons were said to not be able to grow properly in a party together. Along with arranging party members for the heroes, they would also give them funds and rewards for each Wave bested, on top of the rewards they'd gain from hunting monsters.

Ichigo had to admit this was really exciting. A room was prepared for the heroes and they gathered together and had a chance to talk. “This is crazy.” Cang Du says.

“But kind of exciting right, I've always dreamed of being in a fantasy world,” Ichigo says.

“This world seems a lot like a game I played.” Uryu points out, he wasn't a big gamer, but his main out for stress relief was a VR Game he played known as Dungeon Masters.

“You mean Emerald Online!” Cang Du points out, saying it was more similar like a video game on his phone.

“Please, it's more like Quest Run,” Askin says, saying it was like an MMO he played.

“Seems more like my Holy Warrior disc game,” Bazz-B says. The four look to Ichigo who chuckles.

“I'm not really a gamer, but I did find a book about this world in Urahara's Book Shop!” This was weird, none of them heard of each other's games or locations. They began asking each other questions, only to get different answers. It seemed they came from the same place, just different worlds as people, places and things were vastly different from each other.

They each had some knowledge in their weapons, as by happenstance they used said weapons in each of their games. All except Ichigo since he wasn't a gamer. “Its weird, the Shield Hero's story wasn't written in the book.”

“You know why that is right?” Askin brings up, giving a look to the others. He puts his long arm around Ichigo. “That's because the Shield Hero is trash!”

“What?!” Ichigo gasped looking to the others.

Uryu adjusts his glasses. “Not to say he's trash, but no one likes using him since he has no offensive skills.”

“He's boring to use.” Cang Du says.

“Guys come on, the Shield Hero is the Tank, he's fine if he levels up enough.” Bazz-B puts his hand on Ichigo's shoulder and gives him a thumbs up. “Hang in there, and don't give up and you'll be fine.”

The next day the heroes line up, and the adventurers got to choose who they would follow. Ichigo was nervous but excited, there was a lot of different adventurers here, he wondered who would join him, he didn't care just that he got along. “Begin!” the King shouts and the adventurers move forward.

Ichigo closed his eyes until the footsteps stopped. When they opened he looked and saw he had no one behind him. Askin had a team of women, Uryu had the most mid to long range adventurers of the group, Cang Du had a group of the most powerful looking adventurers, and Bazz-B had the most balanced of the group.

The orangette found this a tad unfair since being the Shield Hero, he didn't have a way to fight monsters on his own. Even with his martial arts knowledge, he didn't think that would help him with some of the creatures and monsters he had seen in the book.

While some of the heroes agreed that it was a bit unfair, Uryu saying he didn't need help and those that would slow him down could leave. Askin laughs making a joke saying he's too popular with the ladies to give them up. Cang Du remained silent and stoic. Bazz-B stated that forcing the shift would only make things more toxic.

“I see,” they look to the King. “It seems word has spread that the Shield Hero knows very little about this world, his lack of battle experience seems to have turned off potential party members.”

“But I do...” Ichigo growls in frustration.

“Will no one join the Shield Hero?”

A hand is raised. “I'll join the Shield Hero!” Ichigo turned to see a girl with long black hair.

“Are you sure Bambietta?”

“Yes,” she smiles at him. “I look forward to working with you, Hero-sama!”

To be continued… Lies and Betrayal

Ichigo was riding high, he gets money for supplies and armor, getting taken to an armor shop recommended by Bambietta. After a day of adventuring and upgrading his shield, they go to a tavern where things take a turn. Ichigo wakes up to his gear and money stolen, and he's been accused of a terrible crime. No one is listening to him despite the poor evidence. He doesn't understand what's going on until he sees Bambietta's face, mocking him through fake tears.


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