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Hunter x Hunter Parody: Tier 1

Chap 6 https://www.patreon.com/posts/23135341

Gon 2 Cocks 16 inches each

Kurapika 6 inches

Leorio 8 inches

Chapter 7 Trouble in the Swamp  

36 applicants had dropped out, 368 remain

The group follows Satotz after one last warning. It was another marathon but far more difficult as running on unsolid ground and wet grass made things significantly harder. As they ventured deeper into the wetlands the fog grew thicker and thicker.  

“Gon you need to be extra careful.” Kurapika points out.  

“Ehh why?”  

“In this forest there is heavy fog and mist for cover, it makes for the perfect chance to go after your head.”  

“I’m sure it will be fine.” Gon says.  

“I’ll be with him, if anyone tries anything I’ll take them down.”  

“Oi this is serious!” Leorio tries to scold, but the pack started to pick up.  

“We’ll be fine, and I promise I’ll be extra careful.”  

“Now everyone, do try to follow close behind me.” Satotz tells them.  

The deeper they went the thicker the fog became, you could barely see a few inches in front of your face. If you looked down you wouldn’t have been able to see your feet, or the path ahead of you.

There were whispers in the fog, some of the applicants were plotting to get rid of someone. “Do you think they are after Gon?” Leorio whispered to Kurapika.  

“Not sure,” Kurapika says. Killua also noticed the group, he also couldn’t be sure if they were talking about Gon. What also bothered him was Hisoka, he wasn’t that far behind them and the man’s eyes were intense.  

“Gon, let’s try to move closer to the front.”  

“Oh, uh sure.” he slithered faster. “We should get closer to the examiner after all.” That wasn’t Killua’s only reason for wanting to pull ahead, he could smell that Hisoka was dangerous, so putting some distance between them wouldn’t be a bad idea. He shared his worry with Gon, who sniffed the air, even giving a flick of his tongue. “Hmm, can’t say I can smell so many creatures its hard to tell. I’m trying to keep my focus on certain scents.”  

Before they took off Gon turned his head back. “Leorio, Kurapika, Killua says we should all move to the front of the pack.” he shouts.  

“Hey, calm down, don’t you feel the tension in the air.”  

“Baka, if I could reach the front I’d already be there!” Leorio shouts back.  

“Go ahead, we’ll meet you there!” Kurapika shouts.  

“Aww,” Gon was clearly disappointed, if that was the case he’d have had everyone surf on his tail.  

“Come on. Let’s go.” Killua encourages and the two pushed ahead.  


Kurapika was getting concerned with the thick fog, it was impossible to tell which way they were going. Leorio wasn’t as worried. “As long as we don’t lose sight of the guys ahead of us, we’ll be fine.” They could see shadows of people through the fog. It seemed fine till suddenly the head shadows were severed from the rest of the bodies. “What the hell is going on!?” Strange giant strawberries seemed to appear from the mist.  

Some of the applicants approached them, and got eaten, by the Noggin Lugging Tortoises. They were large turtle like dinosaurs that used strawberries as bait. The sudden appearance of these monsters caused the applicants to scatter, those too slow to escape these hybrids, were quickly eaten.  

With the fog so thick, no one could see what they were running on or what they were stepping on, many paths were littered with strange mushrooms. Simply touching them caused them to release spores into the air.  

One fateful group stepped on a parasitic mushroom, and its spores quickly killed them and caused more of its species to spread and multiply using their bodies as food. These mushrooms were purple and yellow.  

Another group faced the terrifying hypnotic butterflies. They might seem pretty and harmless, but the glowing scales that fall from their wings were known to put people into a hypnotic trance. Those effected stopped what their doing and shed their clothing like caterpillar emerging from the cocoon, they found the nearest naked party member and the mating would begin.  

They would not be able to stop, their bodies burning higher and higher, and the butterflies would swoop in, feasting on the sweat, tears, drool, and semen from those caught under their spell.  

Moans, screams, and cries could be heard in all directions. Some applicants were tricked by Mr. Satotz’s voice coming from a strange bird, and ended up running off a cliff into a pit of spikes.  

“I wonder what’s happening, I can hear people screaming all around us.”  

“Don’t worry, we’ll be very careful.” Killua says, right before he stepped onto a pink and blue mushroom. The fungi released its spores. “Oh crap, Gon, don’t breath it in!” Without thinking Killua pulled Gon close and sealed his lips over the lamias.  

A pink mist of spores hung around them, clinging to their clothing. Lucky for them this mushroom wasn’t of the parasitic variety but its spores didn’t do nothing. Killua gasped and pulled back, realizing he had kissed Gon.  

“Killua...” he stared at his friend.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, please don’t be mad at me.” he says blushing.  

“What? I’m not mad.”  

“You’re not?” Gon smiles.  

“Of course not, you were trying to help me out, but I don’t think these mushrooms are parasitic.”  

“What makes you say that?” Gon points down, Killua gasped. “I’m naked!”  

“And hard!” Gon says, adding fuel to the humiliation fire Killua was facing with. The boy’s soft 4 inch dick, had grown into a fierce 9 inch rod. Killua blushed and covered himself for a moment. Through the special Zoldyke family techniques each male in the family was a grower, the small dicks they had when soft were easier to have when killing, and when the art of seduction was needed all they had to do was get hard.

Fabricata Mushroom: It’s spores dissolved most fabrics and materials outside of metal. Gon’s green jacket was dissolved but his fishing rod wasn’t, also Leorio’s briefcase was safe, and the tainted soda cans Killua got from Tonpa, and Killua’s skateboard.  

Killua blushed, he couldn’t go down, he had just kissed Gon and being naked in front of him was not making things better. ‘Go down, go down,’ he chants, but his cock refused. He could still feel Gon’s lips against his, he wasn’t trying to kiss him either, he just acted on instinct. He wanted to kiss him again, and really feel it.  

He peeked at Gon’s naked body, but Gon’s cocks were safely hidden in his sheath. He turned around and gave Killua a great shot of his ass. “You don’t have to be shy, you got quite the nice piece.” Gon praised, and his penis throbbed and Killua groaned.

“I am not shy,” he says, almost pouting and places his hands firmly on his hips. “As an assassin, modesty is a weakness of an assassin.” In a kill or be killed situation, his father taught him that in the bath, a shower, a hot spring, anything you had to be ready to fight and kill even without clothing or weapons. ‘I can’t run around with a stiffy, and taking time to get myself off would cost us valuable time.’  

Let’s just say Killua hadn’t fully mastered that yet, shirtless fine, in boxers he’s good, barefoot sure, but bare ass naked and aroused he still wasn’t there yet. Gon didn’t seem to have a problem with it though.  

“Hmm, I’m worried about the others, we have to keep moving.”  

“Right let’s go-ooohhhh whoa!” Gon surprised him by suddenly licking his cock. “Gon! Ahh what are you doing?”  

“You can’t run around with your cock hard like this, so I’m giving you a hand. Do you want me to stop?” Killua quickly shook his head no, his foreskin was pulled back with the strength of Gon’s tongue. He used his tail to support Killua and quickly swallowed the boy’s penis.  

“Gon!” Killua moaned, as his penis was swallowed up by Gon’s tight wet heat. His throat muscles seemed to tighten around his penis, teasing the sensitive head. “Oh god, this feels so good, so amazing!” he couldn’t keep his voice down.  

His hips rock finding a rhythm with Gon’s powerful sucks. His toes wiggled and curled, as his legs felt like jelly, Gon’s long tail curving and helping keep him supported. The scales felt so exotic against his skin. ‘This is wonderful!’ his heart was pounding in his chest.  

He crumbled under Gon’s skill, his cheeks clenched, and back arched as he came. “Gon, I’m cumming!” he cries out as his cum shoots and floods his mouth. The lamia boy continued to suck, slurping and gulping down each spurt. His tongue caressing the boy’s manhood through his orgasm. “Oh wow!”  

Gon cleaned his penis, and made sure not a drop was wasted before pulling off. His cock softened up, returning to its 4 inch state. “Feel better?”  

“Amazing!” he pants. He’s touched himself before, used toys before as per his training, but this was a million times better. He hoped he had the chance to repay the future to his new lamia friend in the future.  

The naked boys pressed forward, Killua stealing glances at his naked friend. His penis twitched wanting to get hard at the images running through his mind, but Killua had some control. The kiss had caught him off guard before.  

The cans of tainted soda, were useful as a massive beast tried to eat them, Killua dumped the drugged soda and they escaped. Gon was still worried about his friends, he had this chill in the back of his spine that he needed to find them.  


Gon was right to worry. Leorio and Kurapika fought off the monster hybrid turtles and escaped their nest, but they were completely lost. By a bad stroke of luck they encountered Hisoka and a gang of applicants who were trying to take him out.         

The men didn’t want Hisoka to take the exam again, claiming he wasn’t Hunter material. Hisoka however was confident in passing this year, so he had no intention of participating again. “You’re crazy, we’ve lost the pack, there’s no way to find it in this fog.”

“That’s it, then? You failed so now you want to play examiner?” he chuckles. “Hunters require prey, so why don’t I play examiner? All of you gentlemen claim to be hunter material, but I’ll be the judge.”

The men charged, but they were no match for him. He killed nine of them in a single strike. He killed the leader who was crawling away, begging for help. Hisoka turned his attention on Leorio and Kurapika. “Well, how about you two?”  


Killua had caught up to the main group, but Gon had turned back. “Where did he go, he was right here a second ago. Man I wanted to talk to him some more.”  


Hisoka approached Kurapika and Leorio, the two feeling the pressure. “Wait for my signal.” Kurapika whispers. “Then we run in opposite directions.”  


“The fact is, he’s way more experienced in combat than us. The two of us don’t stand a chance against him.” Leorio balled up his hands into a fist. “We are short on time, and we can’t afford to waste more fighting him, especially in a fight we can’t win.”  

Leorio didn’t like this, as he saw the dead bodies that littered the field. Hisoka armed himself with a card ready to strike, but then the wind changed. “Now run!” the two dashed off in opposite directions.  

“I see, a wise decision.” He chuckled. Many of the wetland’s creatures had come out to feast on the dead. Hisoka was about to leave when he noticed something in the mist. “Hmm?”  

Leorio came back with a thick stick. “I just couldn’t do it. This may not be my fight, but I can’t sit back and pretend nothing happened.” he took a fighting stance. “That’s not my style. I can’t run away!” he shouts.  

Kurapika heard him, and Leorio charged.  

“Hmm, I adore that look.” Leorio growls and strikes only for Hisoka to seemingly vanish in the fog, like his body became the fog itself. In truth it was just an after image from Hisoka’s great speed, he had side stepped Leorio’s attack.  

Just as he was about to strike him, Gon’s fishing rod lure, the large red orb flew in and smacked Hisoka in the face. Gon appeared from the mist. “Good I made it.”

“Not bad, little lamia.” Hisoka wasn’t phased much by the attack it seems. “Is that a fishing pole? How original.”  

He approached Gon. “Leave him alone, your fight is with me!” Leorio charged but Hisoka took him out with one punch. Gon snapped and charged in, moving as fast as a snake.  

Even Hisoka was surprised, he thought he dodged Gon’s strike, but it was a fake Gon’s tail landed another hit. Hisoka blocked but was thrown back. He scooped Leorio up with his tail, and tried to focus on where Hisoka was, but in an instant the male was beside him. “Did you come here to save your friend?”  

Gon jerked and slithered away, but Hisoka was on him. “Such a sweet boy.” Gon couldn’t fight while carrying Leorio, not fully anyway. His speed was already cut down. “Hmm, I adore that look.”  

He tried to keep Hisoka away, using his fishing rod, but Hisoka was dodging it. “Stay back!” Gon spat some poison at him, but again Hisoka dodged it.  

“Very nice, I’m beginning to get excited.” His eyes widened as Gon’s aura flared. “So the rumors are true!”  

Gon channeled his aura into the fishing rod, he cast the line again, but this time he could control it like a snake. Hisoka flipped back and dodged. Gon was born with his aura nods open, and he knew how to draw out and control his aura, but he had no one to teach him and help him grow further.  

What he had was a bare knowledge of nen’s existence, and any techniques or tricks he’s developed were from experimenting back home. He’s never had to use such skills before against someone, he learned he could draw out his aura for offense and defense, and even mask his aura and presence completely. He had a few tricks up his sleeve, but he was no nen master, he needed to be trained properly.  

Hisoka realized it, and put an end to their fight knocking Gon around and choking him until he released Leorio. “Don’t worry, I didn’t kill your friend and I don’t plan to. He’s going to be just fine.” he chuckles and tells Gon they both passed his Examiner game. “Now go and become a good hunter, you’ll need to train that aura of yours.”  

“You...know about aura?” before he could ask more, a radio beeped.  

“Hisoka, you should get back here. We’ve almost reached the site of the second phase.”  

“Okay be right there.” he turned off the com. “It’s good to have friends, isn’t it?” Hisoka scoops Leorio up. “I trust you can find your own way back?” Gon nods. “Good boy.”     

Gon had many questions. If Hisoka knew about aura, then he might be using nen. Kurapika found him and the two raced to catch up. Gon followed his nose and led them to the exam site, Leorio wears a pretty strong cologne that he could smell and follow.  

The two had a talk about Hisoka. He was scary, but strong, even Gon couldn’t fully read him. They made it to the site with minutes to spare. Leorio was safe, Hisoka had left him near the wall of the exam site. Once Gon showed up Killua came out of hiding. “What happened to you?” Kurapika asked, more used to Gon’s nudity since his genitalia were hidden internally.  

“Some stupid mushroom destroyed out clothes.” he went over to Satotz with Gon. “Mr. Satotz could we get some new clothes?”  

“I’m afraid not, the hunter exam is not responsible for lost or stolen items, nor will they provide the examiners with weapons or armor. You must take the exam with whatever you bring, or lack there of.”  

“You mean if we continue we have to do it naked?” Killua gulped.  

“Yes, or you could drop out and return, and get yourselves some clothes and take the exam next year.”  

“I’m staying.” Gon says confidently.  


“Killua, I want to do this, and I have to do this. It would be nice if you continued on with me, but I won’t force you.”  

“Dang it, I’m no coward, I’m staying!”  

Satotz nods. “Very well, with that out of the way we can begin the second phase.” Killua was still a bit cock shy and he didn’t want to seem weak.  

Gon smiled and got close to him. “I think you look amazing.” he says and kisses the boy’s cheek. Killua got that happy tingly feeling again.  

To be continued


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