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My Hero Parody: Patreon Reward

Chap 11 https://www.patreon.com/posts/21781115

Chapter 12 What Izuku Can Do? Results!

Izuku was surrounded by betas an alphas at his site. He was nervous, more nervous, there were so many alphas you could cut the testosterone in the air with a knife. Put a bunch of young alphas in the same room together, and of course, this was gonna happen.

Adult alphas didn’t turn a gathering into a dick measuring contest, but these alphas were young and kind of stupid. With betas and omegas present it was in their nature to show off. Even the betas were getting overwhelmed by the thick musk. Izuku had enough and dispelled the heavy musk with his soap fragrance.

The betas were able to breathe a sigh of relief. “That is an impressive skill.” An alpha approached Izuku. He was tall with blue hair and wore glasses. “My name is Tenya Iida, I’m an alpha.”

“Nice to meet you,” Izuku blushed, the male was built, you could call him an alpha’s alpha.

“After the exam, I hope we can talk.”

“Oh uh, sure.” Iida gave him a bow, before getting back into form. Little did Izuku know there was another pair of eyes on him. Whether these were the eyes of a hunter or protector Izuku would find out soon enough.

There was no starting bell, as Present Mic, said there was no such thing for real combat. So the race was on for points. Izuku wasn’t stupid, he knew his quirk was not effective against nonliving opponents. Just like his aunt robots did not breathe so could not be effected by such quirks.

She had told him of an incident with a villain who wore a gas mask, her quirk was powerless. Had she been the type of hero who relied on her quirk alone she had been finished. ‘Hand to hand combat is crucial for any hero, you never know if your enemy has a means of being immune or neutralizing your quirk having self-defense skills are key.’ So she had said.

Being an omega he already learned basic self-defense classes, but since wanting to become a hero, and training to become the vessel of One For All, his close combat skills had been honed fiercely. Sadly Izuku was not fighting people, he was fighting robots, some with thick and heavy metal. Normal punches weren’t gonna cut it.

The bigger issue was the race aspect, everyone was running around only for themselves. Acing as points were first come first serve, those with quirks that were more suited for battle began tearing through the one and two pointers quickly. Trouble came with the three-pointers, they were outfitted with nonlethal attack systems. The Stun Beam, it could stun and/or knock out an applicant for a short period of time, but for this exam it was intense. Getting hit with it spelled disaster for most applicants.

It seemed most weren’t thinking of any cooperation. If any saving was done it was by accident, or students taking out a faux villain while they were distracted. Izuku wasn’t working that way. “Peppermint Fragrance!” Using his quirk he was able to awaken the fallen heroes. The smell helped revitalize those that were stunned or knocked out, giving a jolt to the system to counter the effects.

“You helped me?” One boy asked. This boy was Rikido Sato a beta, who’s quirk was called Sugar Rush. It allowed him to boost his strength ten fold for three minutes, by ingesting more sugar he could extend the time, but when converting it into his strength, his cognitive functions gradually drops. He had gotten sleepy from too much sugar, and a 3 pointer got the drop on him. He thought it was over for him, but when his vision returned he had an adorable omega standing over him. “Why this is an exam?”

“Because heroes help people!” He pushed the guy out of the way as a faux villain attacked them. “We need to move!” They scrambled out of the path of the villain.

They didn’t have to worry about it as a blonde boy blasted the villain with his navel laser. “Thank you both, you made a great distraction. This may be the last time we see each other, Adieu!” he says and runs off.

Izuku sweat drops. ‘What’s his deal?’

Almost all the one pointers were taken out, which means it was time for the 0 pointer to be released. Izuku was starting to panic, he had planned to take out a few one pointers at least, maybe assist with some of the bigger ones. However, his focus kept shifting, into helping those that were knocked out by the three pointers.

Sato was helping watch his back. A fierce tremor shook the area. The zero pointer was tearing through, sending many of the alphas and betas running. Izuku gasped seeing the behemoth taller than many of the buildings.

“Midoriya, we need to run!” Iida says tugging on his hand. Izuku was tempted, but then he heard it.

“Help!” someone called out. It was an alpha boy, he was tall and muscular, his head was in the form of a rock, unevenly shaped and pointed at the top of his head, and his jaw is square shaped. His quirk was called Anivoice, it gives him the ability to command and control any creature in the animal kingdom.

He had taken out several one and two pointers by having mice sever the wires of the faux villains. He currently found himself under rubble, his mice friends couldn’t help him move it.

The 0 Pointer was coming right for him. Izuku snapped and ran from Iida. ‘Focus, focus, remember what All Might told you.’

When you want to draw on One for All, clench your butt cheeks together and scream from the depth of your soul!”

“Smash!” he felt One for All through his legs and launched himself into the air at the 0 Pointer. The force ripped his shoes and pants apart, after jumping his legs were wrecked, but he didn’t have time to think about that.

He drew his arm back, and One for All surged through his arm, ripping apart his sleeve and half his shirt. He punched the behemoth and wrecked his head and sending it flying back. Jaws dropped and eyes bulged.

‘AN OMEGA DID THAT?!’ No one was blind or dumb before Izuku released his soap fragrance people could smell omega, and some even recognized him from the sludge villain incident, and the omega registration.

Now here came a problem, Izuku’s arm and legs were spent, and he still didn’t have any points, if he used his last arm to break his fall he’d be dead in the water. ‘Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!’ he thinks.

The ground was coming up fast, he didn’t know what to do. To his shock, he was caught by six strong arms, cradling him safely. “Midoriya, are you alright?”

“You...you know my name?”

“Mezo Shoji, I’m an alpha. It’s a pleasure to meet you face to face.” He didn’t speak through his mouth, one of his hands, turned into a mouth. Mezo’s quirk Dupli-Arms allows the tips of his tentacles to replicate parts of his body.

“Do I know you?” the boy was in a daze, the adrenaline was winding down and the pain was effecting him.

“No, but I wanted to meet you, I’ve met your mates. I was hoping to become a part of your pack. It was a stroke of fate that brought us together.” He was the one keeping an eye on Izuku. With his quirk, he could make eyes and ears to hear and see better around him. Izuku’s head was spinning.

“You were keeping an eye on me?” he groaned. “Quick put me down I don’t have any points yet.” he struggled.

“So to speak.” Izuku whimpered. “Oi!” The exam ended and Izuku went limp, he was in so much pain he fell unconscious. Be it shock or pain, who was to say.

Everyone was talking about the omega who took out the massive faux villain. Iida, however, was focusing on something else. ‘He didn’t just run after the villain to prove himself, he did it to save that other alpha. Did no one notice! Had this not been an exam I would have...wait this is an exam which means they are watching. It’s possible he saw something I didn’t.’

“Alright dears, its time to head to the medial tent, if you were hit by the Stun Beam you’ll be collected.” An old woman walked through the area. This was Recovery Girl, the famous female alpha, famous not only for her alpha record but for her quirk as well. It was thanks to her the school was even able to hold this exam, her pack was packed full of those with healing and support abilities.

She gave out gummies to help those who were stunned but aided by Izuku’s quirk. “Recovery Girl-sama, please help him.” Shoji brought Izuku over.

“Oh my poor dear, you did this much damage to yourself using his own quirk.” She raised a brow at the damage. ‘This boy...it couldn’t be...he’s the one All Might chose?’

“Can you help him?” Koda came over, after getting out of the rubble.

“Of course, its probably better he’s asleep.” She puckered up and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. Her quirk activated, stimulating the body’s natural healing factor and accelerated it. Izuku’s broken arm and legs were healed amazingly fast. “Bring him to my office so he can rest, I’m sure he’ll be good as new after some rest.”

“I’ll go!” Shoji carried Izuku. “His pack should be notified as well, to pick him up.”


When Izuku came to he realized what happened, he wasn’t sure how he recovered but he knew the truth, he didn’t get a single point. Even if he aced the written exam, there was no way he was getting in with 0 points. ‘I wasn’t ready, even with all my training, even with a quirk, even with All Might’s quirk, I couldn’t...’ the tears started to fall.


“Katsuki, calm down, I’m sure he’s fine.”


“Both of you keep it down, this is a medical office.” - Ojiro

Izuku was snapped out of his sadness when he heard his pack looking for him.

“He’s in here.” Shoji pointed out. As soon as the door opened Katsuki was planning to burst in quirk blazing demanding to know what happened, but when a mildly upset Izuku came barreling out and hugged him all questions left his mind.

“Kacchan!” he hugged the blonde alpha tight.

“Let’s go home Deku” the boy nods. He spared a glance at
Shoji, the two share a nod. “Thanks for looking after our Deku for us, we can talk later.”

“I look forward to it, it was good meeting you Midoriya!”


Izuku was in a funk after the exam. In truth everyone was tense waiting for their results. Izuku hadn’t heard from All Might, which made him even more worried. No one asked how Izuku got so hurt he landed in the nurse’s office. In his current funk he wasn’t able to even think about what to do next pack wise.

Soon the results came in. It was a holographic message from All Might. Apparently he had to do a lot of these, one for each passing student. “With great power comes a great amount of paperwork!” He sided with Midnight, playing no role in which Izuku got in or not. They both figured he wanted to get in on his own merits.

“Before we get to the results first a short clip.” he played a video and to Izuku’s shock the alpha he saved had come to school, he had overheard him about the points and was asking to give up some of his. “Your actions have a way of touching people, of course, someone with 0 points on the practical exam couldn’t pass.”

‘I know that I know!’

“However what kind of hero school would we be, if all we cared about was fighting villains, being a hero is also about helping people, so that’s why we have Rescue Points!”


“Izuku Midoriya 133 rescue points. Your support and help of the other students, was truly inspiring, Young Midoriya, welcome to U.A.!”

Izuku cried tears of joy. His mother was pacing outside when her son opened the door and showed her the acceptance letter and smiled. “My baby!” she cried to.

To be continued...Class 1-A Aizawa the Omega Terror!


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