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Yugioh GX parody: Tier 1

Chapter 6 Breaking Red

Crowler liked the system Duel Academy employed. He was the head professor and dorm adviser to Obelisk Blue, his students were the strongest and the most elite, and thus better than the others. The only other dorm he respected was Ra Yellow, only because they had skills, that could one day elevate them to Blue. When his students did well, it looked good for him.  

What he didn’t like was the slackers/trash that was the red dorm. To him they were pests, ants, ruining his perfect duel academy. He assisted in the test wars that helped weaken Red to what it was today. He enjoyed seeing the run down shack they were forced to live in. The best part is it was all under the rules of duel academy set up by Kaiba himself. Through dueling one can claw their way to the top.  

That was the premise anyway, but Crowler was proud of how he had used the system to his advantage, no one in red had the skills to turn the tides. It was a game and as far as Crowler was concerned he was holding all the cards. The crappy dorm, and poor food, the Red Dorm’s budget was bare minimum was a good way to demoralize them. As far as he concerned the sooner the slackers dropped out the better the school would be. It wasn’t like their school’s practices were that strange, compared to some of the other schools  

So imagine his shock and terror when the red dorm was upgraded. The run down shack was actually fixed up, it was still a shack, but the roof seemed to be fixed, the stairs, and railings were fixed, and the work was impeccable.”How is this possible, this is outrageous!” The red students looked positively buzzed and happy. He didn’t need to know why they were happy but he assumed nonetheless.   

“Oh Crowler.” Banner came out. “Impressive work don’t you think?”

“That’s Doctor Crowler!” he snipped. “Is this your doing Banner?”

“Not at all, a student did this.” he says. “It truly is wonderful.”   

“Its against the rules!” he snapped.  

“Is that so? Not any rule I’m aware of.”  

“No dorm improvements can be approved outside of budget.”

“I believe the rule is over budget.”  

“No excuses, this dorm was upgraded without any approval!”  

“It was done by a student, no such rules exist. In fact, there is a rule stating a student may decorate and improve on their dorm room to the best of their means.” Crowler glared around him.  

“I will not stand for it, this spits in the face of the academy system!”  

“There is a way of settling this, a test war.”  

Crowler grinned. “But of course, very well if you want these additions to remain you will have the student who gifted them to you face one from my dorm in a duel.”  

“And if they win, not only will the additions stay I think an increase in Slifer’s budget is warranted.” Crowler grit his teeth.  

“Very well, it is a duel!” he stomped off, completely forgetting his search for Jaden.  


Jaden and Syrus were having a lovely bath time together. Jaden had washed Syrus’ back, and the bluenette was returning the favor. The brunette believed that manly bonding could be had when washing each other. “You should invite your roommate next time.”  

“Chumley? He probably won’t come he doesn’t trust Obelisk Blues.”  

“Doesn’t mean you can’t offer, if he turns it down at least you tried, if you give up without even trying then nothing will ever happen.”

“Hmm, you’re right, I’ll try next time.” they finished cleaning up, Jaden returning to human form and went to class.  


The three dorms were a buzz with gossip, talking about the upcoming test war. “A test war already?”  

“Who’d be crazy enough to start a test war so early in the school year?”  

“I hear it was the red dorm, supposedly they upgraded their dorm somehow.”

“Doctor Crowler and Professor Banner got into it.”  

“That’s crazy, the Slifer Slackers are asking for it.”  

“I hear if they win they also get a budget increase.”

“Those slackers, they’ll never win they should give up now.”  

So they heard. It was a lot more of that, usually with the blue students mocking the reds. Ra Yellows were curious but pretty much just chatting about who was gonna be in it. Jaden and Syrus rushed to Banner. “Professor Banner is it true?”

“I am afraid so children, this happened sooner than I expected. Crowler wants the one who did the work to face off against one of his students.”

“Fine by me,” Jaden punched his palm. “I’ll take them on.”  

“Are you sure Jaden, you’ll be fighting against someone from your dorm this probably won’t end well. You could be seen as a traitor.” Banner says.  

“I’m not a traitor, once the school dorms are equal I’ll put an end to the test war system, its better for all of us that way if we can grow on equal footing.” he held out his cards. “If they want to act superior they should have to show their skills on the battle field!”  

“The war will begin in a few days, Test War’s are held the same day as the promotion exam each month.”  

“I’ll be ready.” The two head to their next class. Sadly it was Crowler’s class.


Jaden took a seat next to Syrus. “Jaden what are you doing, Obelisk Blue students sit over here.” Chazz says. Jaden looked around and saw most of the dorms were sitting in groups around their dorm.  

“It’s not a rule is it?” Jaden asked and sat next to Syrus. “We can choose our own seats can’t we?”  

Chazz huffed and took his seat. “Ever the maverick aren’t you.”  

“Hey Bastion.” Jaden greeted.  

“You two seem close this morning. Mind if I join you?”  

“Sure!” Syrus says. He was sitting on the right, so Bastion sat on Jaden’s left. “The more the merrier right Jaden?”

“Very right.” The two chuckle.  

“So Jaden, do you wear some form of cologne. I’ve been racking my brain to understand how you accomplished that?”  

“No it’s just my natural musk. Don’t worry Bastion I’m sure you’ll understand soon enough.”  

Before they could discuss it more, Crowler entered the room. “Ah Mr. Yuki I see you made it to class, why were you not at breakfast today?”  

“I went for a walk early morning, and had a project I wanted to get started.”  

“Very well, I actually have a job for you Mr. Yuki.”  

“Yes sir?”  

“There will be an upcoming Test War, with a representative of Slifer Red, with your skills I’m sure you can handle defeating them.”  

“Uh sir, I can’t do that.” he rubbed the back of his head.  

“And why not, do you think your skills are not good enough to defeat a Slifer Slacker!?” he walks forward. “Lets hear it Mr. Yuki what excuse do you have for not facing and crushing the representative of the Slifer Red?”

“I’m the representative for Slifer Red.”  

“Oh yes that does pose a problem...WHAT?!” Crowler shrieked as other Blue students’ jaws dropped. “You mean to tell me you upgraded the red dorm?!”

“Yeah, that was me.”  

“Inconceivable, one of my own helping those slackers. I won’t allow it!”  

“Sensei, there is no rule that says I can’t support the other dorms.” Crowler chewed on his sleeve. He couldn’t demote Jaden, his grades and duel skills were too good. He had to start class, and go over the lesson for today. Crowler would call on Red students, seemingly able to pin point who knew the answers and who didn’t. If someone got the question wrong, he’d humiliate them and degrade them. Making the next person called on more nervous and rattled.  

Jaden was doing his best to keep his rage under control. Syrus was called on, and the boy had a bit of stage fright already, add the pressure, he couldn’t think straight. “Well Syrus, can you tell me what a field spell does?”  

“I uh um...I think it does the thing with the thing on the thing...”  

“Even pre-duelers know the answer to this one Slifer Slacker.” Many of the blues laughed at the insult, making Syrus blush and tremble.  

“If you can’t answer the question, sit down!” Crowler says. “Would anyone else like to answer the question, preferably someone not wearing red.”  

Jaden had enough, using his charm he was able to focus and release his monster pheromones to help calm Syrus down. Bastion and Syrus got the brunt of it. While the other students weren’t able to answer as the guys in class were popping wood left and right. ‘It’s happening again, oh god!’ Bastion bit his lip as Jaden’s pheromones stroked his arousal, his cock hardened and swelled in his pants, making him shift in his seat. His insides grew hot and tingly, his nipples hardening and getting rubbed by the fabric.  

Syrus however didn’t get aroused, he felt calm. Taking a deep breath the classroom failed away and he found himself naked in the forest. He felt safe, and clear headed. “Field Spells, are spell cards that when used alter the field in a duel, some give monsters a power bonus, or allow them to use effects, or support monsters allowing them to battle and use their own unique effects effectively.” he sits down.  

“That is...correct...” Crowler moves on. Jaden calms down and pulls back his pheromones. The students that laughed suffered painful erections that refused to go down. Bastion and Syrus got hornier and hornier with each passing minute, just the fabric on their backs rubbing against their special places was enough to drive them wild, they soon lost control and had an orgasm. No cum was released, but their cocks twitched in climax, the intense feeling of an orgasm, and their cocks calmed down.

After class Chazz cornered Jaden alone.  

“What do you think you are doing Jaden?”  

“What are you talking about?”  

“Helping those Slifer losers, they are just scum beneath out shoes that deserve to be crushed.”  

“If you want to crush the red dorm, you’ll have to go through me to do it!”  

“If you insist, I’ll crush you and the red dorm!” Chazz says.   

“Then let the games begin, I hope your prepared Chazz for war!” the two parted.

Chap 7 Test War Jaden versus Chazz


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