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Ben 10 Parody: Tier 1

Chap 1/2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/23607914

Chap 3 https://www.patreon.com/posts/20627895

Chap 4 Ben’s Feelings

Ben hoped that after the punishment things would go back to normal. What happened was not a secret, everyone heard about their little joy ride and their punishment. It was on the last days of punishment when a select few tried messing with Ben.  

Charmcaster loved to make messes for Ben to have to clean up, especially since he couldn’t use his powers. She mocked him and called him an idiot. Ben just ignored her, she could talk all she wanted.  

Manny was laughing and mocking the anodite as he was working on cleaning one of the hallways. “See what happens? You play with a guys heart you get him in trouble.” Ben was scrubbing the floor.  

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ben says, and Manny blocks his path.  

“Oh I think you know what I’m talking about, you can’t fool me, I got eyes, Kevin Levin isn’t the only guy you’ve been stringing along. The farm boy revonnahgander, the runt loboan, even that green twink. You anodites can’t help yourself.” He laughed and Ben glared at him.

“I believe I told you, you don’t know what you are talking about.” Ben moved past him.  

Manny caught his shoulder. “You anodites are sluts, thats what I’m talking about, you fall for anyone and you don’t care how many hearts you break or how many lives you ruin.” he kept a firm grip on Ben. “Some people think you’re fun loving and wild, you can sugar coat it however you want, but all your kind does is fly in and make a mess and leave others to pick up the pieces.”  

Ben snapped and with a snap of his fingers the bucket floated and spilled over Manny. “You know nothing of anodites, or me so back off!” he snapped, and stomped off.

‘Seriously what is his deal!’ He didn’t know why Manny bothered him so. Ben was conflicted enough, he knew the rumors, he knew how people saw anodite practices.  

It was hard enough being young, but being a young anodite made things so complicated. He didn’t get feelings for just anyone, he had to feel that spark. His grandmother always told him to trust in his spark it would never lead him astray.  

He might have made a few enemies but he’s made some good friends since joining the GP. He didn’t want to ruin it, he’s lost control a few times and he’s been doing everything in his power not to again and have the chance of losing his friends.

“I need to clear my head.” he went to the training room. As he pummeled the punching bag, he couldn’t help but think about Manny. He didn’t know what the guy’s deal was but he’s been on his case since coming here.

Rook found him there. “Ben, are you alright?”  

“I’m fine,” he says and punches the punching bag.  

“I heard about the happy ride.”  

“Joy ride, I’m sure, everyone has heard.”

“What happened?” he helped support the punching bag.

“Hulka got me wound up, and I was upset and Kevin was just trying to cheer me up. I got him caught up in my mess.”  

“Ben, if you are ever upset you can come talk to me.”  

Ben shook his head. “Nah, I think I’m gonna keep my head down, and not drag anyone else into my mess.” he wailed on the punching bag.  

“I do not think the punching bag is a suitable opponent, how about you spar with me?” he asked.  

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” he wanted to blow off steam not hurt anyone.  

“I am sure I can handle a few rounds with you.” Ben blushed, and blinked at him.  

‘Does he really not know what he just said?’ Ben thinks. From the look of it he did not. He agreed and the two took their positions. Rook was a skilled fighter, and strong, but Ben could read his moves easy.  

Rook was very by the book fighter, every move he made he’d seen the instructors give. “So am I better than the punching bag?” he asked.  

“Not bad, a little stiff though.” he quickly turned Rook’s power against him and knocked him to the ground. “In a brawl you gotta be creative think outside the box.”  

“Noted,” he quickly swiped Ben’s legs out from under him and the boy fell and landed on top of Rook. Their lips met, and their eyes widened. Ben broke the kiss, and the two stared at each other for awhile.  

The anodite cupped the furry male’s cheek and captured his lips again. Their eyes closed in bliss, and Rook spread his legs, letting Ben settle between them. They fit so perfectly. Their confined manhoods stirred and began to rub against each other.  

Ben rocked his hips down, and Rook bucked up to meet him. The kiss grew more heated and passionate, as the frot continues. The kiss and the frot combined, had the boys dancing close to the edge of orgasm only to be tipped over the edge. The kiss only broke for air only for Ben to return more heated.  

They came, moaning into the others’ mouth. The kiss broke and the two were left panting. “Ben...” Rook purred.  

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. Thanks for the spar, I’m hitting the showers.” Ben couldn’t help but teleport away.  

“Ben wait!” too late he was gone in a flash. Rook was confused, the way Ben talked to him, touched him, looked at him he thought the boy felt the same way. He laid back in a daze. “Am I missing something?”


Kevin was getting worried, he noticed Ben was upset even after the punishment was over. He seemed to be keeping his distance from him, he was staying out late taking extra training sessions. ‘Why is he overworking himself?’ He was worried Ben was gonna burn out.  

Scout noticed this to, he found Ben in the library. The boy was pouring through tomb after tomb. After he finished a book he put it back and went for another one.  

The boy was high up putting a book back, when he suddenly got wobbly and dropped. “Ben!” Scout rushed over and caught him before he could hit the ground. “Are you alright?”  

“Yeah...just got a little dizzy is all.” he shook his head. He felt tired, but being near Scout was making him feel better. He felt that spark, like with Rook, and Kevin.  

“Maybe I should see you to the nurse station.”  

“No,” he clings to Scout, making the werewolf-like alien blush. “I’ll be fine.”  

“But...” Ben loses it, he captures Scout’s lips stopping his protests. His tail wagged and his knees buckled, he moans into the kiss. When Ben releases him, Scout drops to his knees, his face level with Ben’s crotch.  

The manly aroma draws Scout in, and he nuzzles the boy’s crotch. He inhales his musk feeling his own arousal pulse between his legs. Ben cups the back of his head, giving a scratch behind the ears.  

Scout loses himself, to the smell and touch of the other boy. Before he can think, he’s cumming and soaking the confines of his pants with his cum.   

Ben felt energized again but he gasped seeing the dazed loboan. “Scout, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Thank you for caring about me, and saving me.” he was able to send Scout to the showers without anyone noticing.  

He was trying not to give into the spark, but being with Kevin it felt so right, being with Rook felt so right, being with Scout felt so right. He wanted to touch them, kiss them, and oh so much more. The thing is he couldn’t say he wanted one over the other, and he wasn’t even sure about Tack. The guy was sweet, and he liked him to.  

What made it worse, he had no one he could talk to, and he didn’t know what to do.  


Rook and Scout were worried about Ben, so they decided to pay him a visit at his room. Rook was surprised to see Kevin there, and Scout was surprised to see Rook. “Kevin?”



“What’s everyone doing here?”  

“I am here to see Ben.” Rook and Scout say in unison. “You know Ben?” again in unison. The pieces were falling into place.  

“I think we need to talk.” Kevin brought them inside. “I’ll start things off, I’m Kevin Levin, and I have feelings for Ben.”  

“I am Rook Blonko and I have feelings for Ben.”  

“My name is Scout, and I have feelings for Ben.” looks were shared between the three men.  

“What do you guys know about anodites?” Kevin asked.  

“Not much, I have heard rumors.” Rook says.  

“My people call them mana spirits. They are made of mana, they are said to live life because they are raw life energy.”  

“Well Ben, is an anodite. I don’t know a lot about them, but from what I heard they are said to believe in free love. Most anodites don’t have just one partner.”  

“Ben has been acting strange, and when we have gotten close he seems like he was holding back.”  

“Just as my kind is often feared, I know there is some prejudice against anodites.”  

“Ben has been acting weird, distant. I think he likes each of us, and doesn’t want to hurt us so he’s pulling himself back.”  

“I have not thought of sharing a mate before, but I can see Ben’s feelings are more important.”  

“He’s been hurting, because he doesn’t want to hurt us.”  

“I don’t know about you, but I would be willing to share Ben. I want to see him happy, and call me a pervert but I think the thought of Ben with either of you sounds hot.”  

“I do not disagree, while I have not thought about it, my people do have harem practices, the strongest and most skilled are allowed to have harems so long as they can support it.” Rook blushed. “Ben’s recent behavior makes sense now.”  

“Loboans are pack creatures, we do mate for life, but having multiple partners is not a stretch.”  

“So lets go talk to Ben, he needs to know that if he wants us, all of us he can have us.” the three offered their hands one on top of the other, and agreed.  


Ben walked to Hulka’s office. “What do you want Tennyson?”  

“I would like to ask to leave the GP.”  

To be continued...Chap 5 Hulka’s Advice Stay or Go


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