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My Hero Parody: Patreon Reward

Chap 4 Date

Izuku was humming to himself as he got ready for his date with Kirishima. The red head had waited for him so they could exchange numbers, and set up a time for their date. The school semester would start a month after the exam, with so many applicants they needed not only time to gather the scores, ship the results, and give time for students to get supplies. The results would be released in a week, then students had 2-3 weeks to finish school, get supplies, and the uniform.   

He was picking out something nice to wear, when his mother knocked on the door. “Izuku sweetie...” she opened the door. Her son was dressed in nice pants, a white undershirt, and a green hoodie. “Oh, you look nice.”  

“Yeah, I sorta got a date.” he says, a faint blush gracing his freckled cheeks.  

“Ohhh!” his mother squealed. “Have you and Katsuki made up?” Izuku sighed. His mother knew they had been close, but something had caused a rift between them. She hoped the two could patch things up, Inko often spoke to Katsuki’s mother and while she didn’t know all the details she was 100% sure it was Katsuki’s fault. Inko wasn’t sure, but she hoped they’d patch things up.

“No mom, we haven’t, we formed a combo and that’s it. There’s nothing more between us.” She could see the pain in her son’s body language, she knew that it wasn’t true there was something between the two boys, but she dropped the subject. “I met a guy at the exam, he asked me out, this will be our first date.” Izuku says smiling.  

“Well try not to stay out too late, you nervous sweetie?”  

“Yeah...UA is a tough school to get in to, even someone who gets good scores could still miss the window.” he slaps his cheeks snapping him out of the spiral he was about to go down. “Not gonna think about that!” He puts a smile on his face.  

“I’m sure you did great sweetie, and you look good to. Have fun on your date.” she hugs him.  

“Thanks mom,” he hugs her back.

A knock on the door signaled the arrival of Kirishima. “He’s here!” Izuku gasped, and he began checking himself over.  

“I’ll get the door.” She says and goes to the door.  

“Mom wait, oh man.” he looked for his wallet.  

Inko opened the door to find the red haired boy, with pointy teeth greeted her at the door. “Hello, you must be Midoriya’s mother, my name is Kirishima.” He gave a bow. “A pleasure to meet you.”  

“Oh my, how polite. You met Izuku at the exam?” she smiled at him.  

“Yes, though I saw him on videos during the sludge villain incident, he was inspiring.” He blushed. “I was gonna ask, the other boy Izuku saved, is he the one he took the combo test with?”  

“Oh, you must mean Katsuki, yes the two were very close.” He noticed the use of the word were. “It might not be best to bring up to Izuku. You both should enjoy your date.”  

“Yes,” he bowed again. Kirishima was wearing a simple jacket and a black t-shirt and nice pants. He had his suspicions especially with Midoriya taking the combo test.  

“I’m ready!” Izuku came running out, stumbling a little. Inko noticed the little sparkle in Kirishima’s eyes when he gazed at Izuku. “Let’s go!” he takes hold of Kirishima’s hand. “Bye mom, be back later.”  

“Have fun you two.” she waved them off. As the two headed off, she was about to turn in before she saw someone passing by. “Katsuki?” the person flinched and ducked down. “Bakugo Katsuki!” she says and he slides out of his hiding spot.  

“Hey Auntie,” he says.  

“Are you planning to follow Izuku on his date?” the boy blushed. “Katsuki-chan, I’m not gonna stop you but I want you to observe not interfere, you are a smart boy you might learn something.” she let the boy go and went into the house.  

Not missing a beat she called Katsuki’s mother. “Moshi moshi.”  


“Inko-chan!” the two were very close. “It’s been awhile. Bakugo says he’s sure he’s passed the exam into U.A. but he got all quiet when I asked about the Combo Exam.”  

“Speaking of, I got some news. Izuku left on a date.”

“With Bakugo? I knew he left in a hurry.”  

“I wish, I wish those two would make up, but no Izuku met a nice boy at the exam.”

“WHAT!?” she shouted. “Don’t tell me, my brat is following them?”

“He is, I saw him.”  

“I’m gonna tear that little shit a new ass hole!”  

“I think it would be good for him, that he will learn and be able to make peace with Izuku.” Her friend sighed.  

“Honestly Izuku is too good for my brat, he was lucky to have him and he blew it. What about the new boy?”

“Well there is always that...” the two began chatting about this and that. Inko dishing out the details on the boy her son was currently dating.  


Katsuki’s Pov

I didn’t know when their stupid date was so I staked out his place. Damn stupid Deku, and damn red haired bastard. I saw him approach Deku’s house that punk, I’d have taken him out there and then but I was already on the outs with Deku, if I pushed any further he might sever our combo completely.  

To be honest I didn’t know what I was doing here, following Deku and that shitty spiky hair. I should be celebrating, I passed my solo exam, and we crushed our combo exam, there is no way we didn’t get in. No, I knew why I wasn’t out celebrating, because I didn’t want to do it alone. Knowing Deku was going out with some bastard I couldn’t stand it.  

So here I was following after the two on their date. Auntie Inko told me not to interfere and just watch, but what the hell did she want me to learn.  

“Kirishima-kun, what do you have planned for today?” Deku was letting him plan the date, lets see what this guy had to offer.

“Oh,” he blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “I was thinking we could hit a little fast food place, and then go to a movie.” That’s his big plan what a joke, Deku won’t be impressed with a lame date like that.  

“That sounds fun, let’s do it!” Seriously! You could knock me over with a feather. (What Bakugo didn’t know is Kirishima didn’t have a lot of money, he saved up just so he could treat Izuku to this date.)  

They hit the local fast food place, I sat a few tables away, but stayed within ear shot. The burger girl was making her rounds, and taking orders.  

-Normal Pov-

Izuku and Kirishima ordered their food. The red head getting a double decker burger with a side of fries and a soda, Izuku got a single burger fries a soda and a medium shake to split. “I’ll be back with your food boys.” she says and heads off.     

“So Kirishima-kun have you always wanted to go to U.A.?” he asked.  

“Oh um kinda yeah, it was a dream of mine, but for a time I didn’t think my quirk was good enough.”  

“What changed your mind?”  

“Well...” he blushed. While he always wanted to be a hero, his quirk was shown up time and time again. He almost didn’t even apply to U.A. but then… “It’s actually because of you.”  

“Me?” Izuku tilted his head cutely.  

“Yeah, I saw the video about the sludge villain incident. I thought you were so manly and cool! You really inspired me,” he had fished his application to U.A. out of the trash and he promised himself if he ever met the boy in person he’d ask him out. “I spent the last 10 months training my quirk non stop.”  

Izuku couldn’t help but smile. ‘Just like me.’ he thinks. “Well I think your quirk is awesome, and that you should get into U.A..”

“Thank you,” he smiles back. “I was worried, I almost blew it getting caught by that 0 pointer, if you hadn’t saved me I know I didn’t stand a chance.”  

“Actually if we had just a few more guys helping, we could have taken down the 0 pointer as a group, and have been able to focus on the exam fully.” Izuku says. “They said we didn’t have to fight it, to avoid it but really I think with the number of applicants we have at each site we could have brought it down easy by working together.”  

“Hmm, you have a point, you’re really smart as well as manly!” Izuku chuckles and rubs the back of his head.  

The burger girl brought them there order. Katsuki got his burger spicy, and a soda. “So Midoriya, who’s your favorite hero?”  

“All Might, I’m a big fan of his, the way he saves people with a smile on his face, that’s the kind of hero I want to be,” he says proudly.   

“That’s cool All Might is great, but the hero I want to be like is the Crimson Riot!” the red head says. “You probably don’t know him, he’s kinda old school, hehehe.”  

“The Crimson Riot, considered one of the most fearless heroes ever, always charging into danger headfirst without hesitation.” Kirishima was impressed. “He promoted willpower over quirk power, and his motto was...”

“As long as you have a manly spirit, it doesn’t matter what kind of quirk you have!” the two say in unison, before laughing.  

“Man I didn’t think anyone would know about him anymore.”  

“I like to study heroes and quirks.” he says.  

Bakugo knew it all too well, the notebook after notebook Izuku has filled out with hero data. Always studying ways to improve and get stronger. ‘Damn nerd,’ he thinks, while sipping his soda, though his mental tone was surprisingly affectionate.

“That’s really cool!” Kirishima says. Izuku blushed red and got flustered. No one had called him cool before, he started stuttering. Izuku tried to stop his stuttering by drinking his shake.

“Here!” Izuku offered him the shake. Kirishima stared at the straw Izuku had just been sucking on.  

‘Is this what they call an indirect kiss?’ his heart fluttered. Katsuki glared at him. He couldn’t stand this, he got the burger girl and had them send them another shake on him.  

“Tell em its on the house, but put it on my bill.” she did, and interrupted the chance for an indirect kiss, or so he thought. After Kirishima drank his shake, looking a bit disappointed, Izuku used his quirk to switch their cups.  

“Cheers!” he clinked their cups and the two shared an indirect kiss. Bakugo seethed, he was mad and jealous. He wanted to go over there and raise hell but knew that wouldn’t be any good for him.   

Then came time for the bill. Kirishima did get a little nervous, he was trying to make sure he had enough to pay for both their food, their tickets and something for the movie. He was shocked how much shakes cost, almost one shake cost the amount of one of their meals. ‘Oh man, what am I gonna do?’

To his shock Izuku paid for the meal, the whole meal. “Oh, uhh I was gonna pay.”  

“Its fine, you can get the movie.” Izuku says, but noticed that Kirishima looked unsettled. “What’s wrong?”  

“Sorry, its stupid. My dad always told me that especially on the first date you had to make a good impression, and since I asked you out I wanted to treat you.” he rubbed his hands. “Not very manly huh?”

“Kirishima, I already like you, and in my opinion you are very manly and cool.” he gets up and takes his hand. “I was really nervous about tonight, I haven’t exactly dated, but I’m having a good time and if you pay or I pay isn’t gonna change that.”  

“Midoriya...you are so manly, so awesome!” he says.  

Izuku chuckles. “You are very sweet.” he leans over and kisses his cheek. Kirishima cupped his cheek feeling warm and fuzzy all over.  

Bakugo crushed the cup in his hand, his eyes got scary with rage. Seeing Izuku like this made him remember all the time they spent together, and how much he’s missed it since.  

The two left, Bakugo falling behind because he had to clean up and pay before giving chase. Now not everyone with quirks wanted to be heroes, sure heroes were famous and had a lot of popularity but there were still actors. While one’s quirk didn’t mean they could save the world or fight bad guys quirks could be quite handy. Shapeshifters, for example were prominent actors in the world, capable of taking the form of big name heroes with the appropriate permission of course.  

So there were many films like All Might versus The Martians, and Endeavor versus the Ice Queen. Some stories were made up, others based on actual events with just some creative liberties taken. With the appearance of quirks special effects were practical, cgi technology wasn’t even needed as most people could literally create or project such things as needed. Also if a hero needed to make some extra money, or do some PR they did even make cameos in movies, usually no one in the Top 10 due to both money and safety issues.   

Kirishima payed for the tickets, and the two decided to split a popcorn and soda. Katsuki followed after them. It was an All Might movie, Izuku was so excited, he knew it was fake and it wasn’t the real All Might, but everyone in the movie was real using their quirks to entertain and Izuku liked that, plus he could sit back and enjoy the story.  

Katsuki wasn’t focused on the movie, he was focused on the two watching the movie. Kirishima kept stealing glances at Izuku, and he looked conflicted about something. ‘Oh you little shit you better not...’ he did, he took hold of Izuku’s hand.  

Bakugo was trying to remain calm, but then Izuku laced his fingers with his and smoke started to rise from Bakugo’s palms in his anger. ‘This is so stupid, it should be me sitting with Deku, not that spiky haired idiot!’  

Inko was right Bakugo did need to observe, he did need to see this. Izuku was still forming a combo with Bakugo, and he was free to have whatever relationship he wanted. What he was realizing was he wanted Izuku, not just as a combo partner.  

He left before the movie finished he’d seen enough. For our two the date wasn’t over. They traded training tips, talked about the movie they watched, shared some stories all while walking hand and hand back to Izuku’s house.  

They reached the door. “So uh this is normally the time for the good night kiss kind of stuff, but I had a really nice time and don’t wanna ruin it...” he was cut off as Izuku kissed him.  

His heart fluttered and his knees buckled. Izuku pulled back and Kirishima was left catching his breath. “Don’t over think it, I had a really good time, and I hope we can do it again.” Kirishima giving a nod, he gave him one more quick peck on the lips he unlocked the door. “Good night, call me”  

“Good night...I will!” his voice caught in his throat. He went home smiling and harder than he’d ever been in his life.  

Izuku felt his own heart pound in kind. He actually didn’t want the night to end. It was a very nice first date, and the first of many to come he hoped.   

To be continued...Chapter 5 Katsuki’s Confession


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