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Ben 10 Parody: Tier 1

Chap 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/23152496


Chap 2 The Hunted

Up in space…

The massive ship was in need of many repairs. It was stuck in stasis, it’s power going towards the life support system. The owner of the ship had survived the explosion, but was in heavy medical care, his legs were gone, as was one of his arms. He was in a tube for life support, but even in his weakened state he was still feared. “Lord Vilgax, we have detected the symbiote!”  

“Good, send the probes, and have them retrieve it.”  

“Yes lord,” a few button clicks later and two pods were sent to earth. The drones would retrieve the symbiote and kill the host if necessary.  


Ben lay back panting, he had a phenomenal couple of hours. ‘That was intense, but amazing!’ He felt so different, his heart beat seemed to be slower and calmer. He felt stronger, lighter, more energized. His cock seemed to remain in a permanently erect state, despite the three orgasms he felt tear through him. No mess either, as the goo swallowed every drop and absorbed it. He would never forget this pleasure, it seemed burned inside his  body. Ben felt different, but he didn’t fully understand how yet. “What did you do to me?”  

“I stimulated your body, and helped it evolve.” the goo said. “You could say I made you the ultimate human.” Ben flexed his lithe body was more toned, despite not looking bulky Ben felt his muscles. He got up and went over to a tree, he gave a little push and uprooted half of it, he kept pushing and knocked the tree over.  

“Oh wow!” Ben gasped. “Is there more?”


 The loud crashing of the tree, could be heard even from Max’s camp site. Max bolted out of bed as he heard the crash, he wasn’t the only one Gwen had also gotten out of bed. “You okay?” he asked, and she nodded. “Where is Ben?” he ran over and the boy’s tent was empty.  


Ben had a spring in his step, his jump was strong, he was a lot faster. “This is awesome!” Ben cheered. He jumped and did a huge cannon ball into the lake. He got back out and shook off, goo spitting out some water. “What else did you do?”  

“In order to make you ultimate I had to manipulate your organs a bit, now your body will break down all food and convert it to energy.” Ben looked down at his hard dick.  

“Is that why...” he looked down at his mighty piece.  

“Yes, your penis will benefit greatly from it, you are still young but as you grow I have no doubt your assets will only grow.” Ben nods. “If you can focus it might soften to a semi hard state.” After some time, goo was right his dick did soften to a semi.  

“What else did you do?” Ben was liking this more and more.  

“Made your body more durable, your new muscle will not falter, and if you train it over the years, it will only grow stronger, your body will be much more durable than a normal human. I also put a filter in your lungs, so if you were attacked by poison or gas it will not effect you.” Ben raised a brow at that. “So can I stay?”  

“Yeah, sure why not. I don’t have a lot of friends, so lets be friends!” The goo got all teary eyed. Their touching moment was interrupted by one of the probes.  

“Oh no, they found me!” The goo squeaked, hiding behind Ben.  

“Who found you?” Ben asked. The probe scanned Ben, and targeted the goo.  

“Target locked: Terminate the host and acquire the symbiote.” it charged a laser.  

“Dodge it!” the symbiote shouts, Ben jumps dodging the laser, and it blew apart a tree causing a fire.  

“What is this thing?” Ben took off running as the probe gave chase.

“It’s a probe, not sure who sent them but they are after me!” Ben dodged the blasts from the probe.  

“Why are they after you?”  

“My kind were hunted, you feel what I did to you, for those who lust for power they captured us and we were used as slaves. If they get their hands on me, they will use me!”  

“That’s awful!” Ben says, and tried to outrun the probe. The fire was spreading and smoke was filling the air. “But why would they agree to it?”  

“We are symbiote, our personalities tend to get warped by our hosts. You are a good person, and I’m causing you trouble.” It sulked.

“Nonsense, we are friends right, and I’m not letting my friend get taken by any crazy space probe.” Ben went to a nearby tree and pushed it down, trying to smash the probe. It didn’t work as the probe simply blasted the tree, but as the burning remains fell on it, it gave Ben time to escape. “Dang!”  

“Ben the rock!” the goo points out. Ben grins. “On it!” He kicked the large stone and sent it soaring at the probe as it tried to scan for them again. It couldn’t charge its laser fast enough and got smashed. “Goal!” Ben chuckled.  

“You did it!” the goo cheered.  

“Don’t worry pal, thanks to your help I can protect you.” the goo blushed.  

“I only helped a little, what you do with your body is up to you.” 

“Well I always wanted to be a hero.” Ben says, goo nodded he knew of course. Ben opening up to him had allowed him to see all of Ben’s mind, his memories, his thoughts, and his dreams. The goo truly believed Ben would make a fine host for him, he knew something about Ben the boy did not know himself.  

The fire drew attention and people arrived to try and put out the flames. “Ben!” Max shouted.  

“I’m here grandpa!” Ben shouted back. “Hey, can you turn into some shorts for me or something?”

“Consider it done!” The goo shifted and became a pair of black shorts.  

Ben and Max reunited. “Grandpa!” He embraced the man.  

“Ben, I’m so glad you are safe, what happened?”  

“Well...you wouldn’t believe me if I told ya.” Ben says.  

“Ben, you didn’t start this fire did you?”  

“What?! No!” Ben snapped. “It was this strange robot thing.”  

“Oh come on!” Gwen showed up. “Robots really?”  

“I’m telling you the truth it...”  

“Target located!!!” the three turned to see the second probe. “Initiating attack!” it fired lasers and forced the family to dodge.  

“Leave my family alone!” Ben tackled the pod and smashed it down to the ground. It wasn’t enough, it’s assault system released a beam blasting Ben off him.  

“Ben!” Max ran over to him. His chest was a little scorched but Max was surprised he was okay at all. “How on earth?”  

Gwen screamed and ran off. “This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening!”  

Ben groaned and sat up. “Oww, man he wasn’t kidding about being durable, that hurt like heck though.” He rubbed his chest.  

“Ben you are alright!” Max cried, hugging the boy.  

“Believe me now!” Ben pushed Max out of the way as the robot rushed forward. He pushed down another tree, and using both arms he swung the tree at the robot. “Batter up!”  

The probe produced blades and cut the tree up. “Dang!” He jumped back avoiding the blades. Max was stunned, he couldn’t believe his grandson was fighting with an alien probe.  

“Ben be careful!” Max shouted.  

“On it Grandpa!” he did a back flip dodging one of the blades. “Try this!” Ben kicked the probe denting it and sending it flying back and crashing. “Goal!”  


The destruction of both probes did not go unnoticed. “It seems the symbiote has found a proper host, interesting. Send the assault probe.”  

“Yes sir!”  

A larger pod went to Earth.  


Ben had some explaining to do. “Ben, how were you able to do that?”

“Well...” he looked down. “I made a friend.”  

“Ben...” Max began, but then there was a shift in the air. ‘Something big just breached the Earth’s atmosphere!’  

A larger pod came down. “Grandpa this could get messy, you should get the other campers to evacuate.”  

“Ben be careful, that one is...bigger than the others.” He was gonna say stronger but he corrected himself.  

“Don’t worry grandpa, the bigger they are the harder they fall.” 

“Alright, but you owe me an explanation.” he says and races off, the danger was real. If the other campers didn’t evacuate they’d end up caught in the crossfire.  

“Ben this might be bad, this one is lots stronger.” The goo says. 

“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna let them take you away.” Ben stood his ground even as the probe turned into a massive robot. “Hey, what’s your name anyway?”

“A name? We symbiotes have no name.”

“Well I don’t wanna have to call you goo or it, your my friend. Can I give you a name?” the goo blushed but nodded. “You can have my family name, I’ll call you Ten, Ben and Ten friends to the end!” 

“Target Acquired!” the robot revealed a powerful arsenal.  

“Ben, let us fight together as one, I may have helped evolve you, but if we fight together, we can win!”  

“Fight together? Let’s do it!” Ten spread over Ben’s body, encasing his form completely becoming a skin tight body suit. It spread over his body increasing his muscle mass. It spread over his crotch forming a massive and prominent bulge. As it spread over his hands it gave him sharp nails. It hugged his body perfectly like a second skin. Last but not least it formed a mask over his face.  

“Ben Ten!” he roared.  

To be continued...Chap 3 Partners!


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