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Ben 10 parody: patreon reward


The Tennyson Ten

The Tennyson family, at least the males, Rook is curious to see if the rumors are true, they are and then some. Ben’s been packing a 10 incher since he was 10, but once he hit puberty that’s when he really developed. Hyper Sexual Ben/Harem   

Chapter 1 Rumors

The Tennyson Family has been quite famous from the time of Max Tennyson. The man was a hero to some and a legend to others. So many plumbers looked up to Max, and so few had an ill word to say against him. In some circles however there were whispers of another side of Max Tennyson, some would claim that Max was possibly the best lover in all the galaxies.  

For a human Max had bedded quite the selection of alien beauties male and female alike. Stories of his endowments were shared, and soon reached the point of curiosity were the stories true or just a tale that went out of hand. Max was often happy to show just how true the stories were. Verdona said it best, no one had a spark like Max, so full of life.  

The rumors didn’t stop at just Max, he had a large family and it seemed his male children certainly didn’t fall far from the big oak. Before his sons settled down they sure had their fun, and their partners always left with a smile on their face and a noticeable limp. The rumors even spread to his children’s children.  

This is where Ben Tennyson comes in, at the age of 10 he gained the power of the omnitrix, using the power of it to become a hero. Fighting alien bad guys and local bad guys. Years passed and Ben Tennyson gained galactic fame, by stopping/saving the Highbreed, defeating Vilgax in champion combat, and even stopping an inter-dimensional monster from invading the world. Despite his fame as a hero, he was famous for another reason.  

The Tennyson ten, it may have started with Max, but Ben Tennyson certainly expanded the rumors. He stepped out into the lime light and became a celebrity hero. Ben’s business was suddenly everyone’s business, and while the Tennyson Ten wasn’t as well known on earth it was certainly across the universe.  

Rook Blonko, a revonnahgander and Ben’s current partner, he was a huge fan of Ben Tennyson, and the Ben 10 legends, even that certain legend. He fantasized about meeting Ben, the real Ben and he wasn’t disappointing. Sure there was damage but he did the best he could, Ben cared more about people than property, going as to far as to shield Rook himself from an explosion despite the fact he was wearing armor.  

After meeting Ben, his fantasies only grew, now he couldn’t help but think about the Tennyson Ten. He wanted it to be true, call him a size queen but he liked what he liked. Revonnahganders weren’t overly large in the pecker area, he was only at 6 inches and he was one of the lucky ones. The rumors of the Tennyson Ten sparked some interesting merchandise.  

Rook had a secret stash, consisting of his favorite toy, some pictures of Ben, and a copy of Ben’s file. He had it bad, his brother thought once he met Ben he’d get it out of his system, that if he could prove the rumors false, or if the real Ben 10 wasn’t as great as he thought the feelings would fade, but no. Ben wasn’t perfect, no one was, but he tried and did his best to do what he thought was right. Rook admired him for that, and he may not have been as muscular as the “Ben Ten” on the galactic show but he had his own charm, his soccer player’s body was certainly a treat. What started as admiration, became a crush, and developed into more.  

For a revonnahgander there were two stages of arousal, and Ben helped him achieve both stages, if the feels weren’t real he’d barely enter stage one. He wanted Ben, wanting to share things with him, be with him, if Ben had been with another guy before he wanted to show what he had to offer.    

There were times Rook felt a little guilty lusting after his partner, but his feelings were true. He just didn’t want to ruin what they had. Ben wasn’t exactly thrilled about their partnership at first, but the boy was welcoming the idea more and more. He trusted Rook, liked him even, he didn’t want to give Ben a reason to dislike him. 

While Ben’s file had a lot of info, info about his love life was not available. Gwen had told him some things about Ben’s crushes, but was vague about certain things of course. She told him if he wanted to know who’s he been with he’d have to ask Ben himself. He couldn’t help himself he was curious, he wanted to know things, deeper things. Ben had told him he could ask him anything, and on occasion he did, but nothing on a deeper level. That little parasite of fear would grip him so tightly, not letting him ask the questions; Do you happen to like guys? Would you be looking for a boyfriend? How big is your cock? May he see it? So many others!  

He had thought of catching a peek at Ben in the showers but Ben often showered at home. He didn’t want to hurt his relationship with Ben but he was curious. His curiosity fueled by his own desires, but curiosity killed the cat. Rook found himself walking a dangerous line…


Ben and Rook had drawn the short straw and were overlooking Blukic and Driba’s experiments. Rook kept stealing glances at Ben, a soft smile on his lips. Most plumbers didn’t like looking after the two as things tended to explode, or zap, or burn, or go missing when these two decided to experiment, Ben had the best luck at dealing with their...tests

Today was a fun day, they were messing with chemicals. “Blukic did you add the polymorian essence?” they were wearing goggles.

“Yes Driba I did.”

“Before I added the algomanian jelly?”

“I don’t remember...”

“Polymorian essence goes in after the algomanian jelly!”

“No it doesn’t.” the two bickered like an old married couple.

“Yes it does!” the two bickered back and forth as their concoction bubbled up and soon exploded dousing the whole room in green goo. “Oh I guess it doesn’t.”

“Told ya!”  

Ben wiped the goo from his face with a sigh. “Thanks guys, quite the mess today, this stuff isn’t toxic is it?” The whole room was caked in goo. “Gross it feels like its everywhere!”  

“Agreed, most uncomfortable!” Rook says, the goo clung to his fur.

“Of course it’s not toxic, it was intended to be a more functioning extinguisher.”

“It washes off with water.”  

“You guys better clean this up before Grandpa Max sees it.” he used a towel to wipe off most of the goo off his skin.   

“We’ll clean it up.”

“We always do!” Driba turned on some bots that got to work cleaning.  

“Man, looks like I’ll be using the showers here today, I’ll send you my laundry bill.” Ben grumbled. “You coming Rook?” Ben walked past his partner, he heard what Ben said and felt his heart flutter at the thought. “Rook?”  

“Oh, yes...coming!” he says and follows after Ben. They hit the locker room, Ben removed his soiled clothing, the goo sank through the fabric even drenching his underwear and socks.  

‘This is your chance Blonko, do not blow it!’ Rook thinks as he removed his own armor. He gulped, and went to take a peek, and saw Ben taking off his pants. Rook blushed and quickly looked away. ‘What am I doing, I can not do this?’ he closed his eyes tight.  

“Everything okay Rook?” his eyes opened and looked to Ben, who stood in his boxers.  

“Yes, I am fine.” His voice cracked a bit, Ben was standing before him almost completely naked and it was doing things to him. He was not fine, his body had entered the first stage of arousal.  

“Okay, but to be sure lets get a shower and check with med lab.” Ben tossed his soiled clothes in to be decontaminated and cleaned. He removed his boxers and grabbed a towel. Rook averted his gaze.  

‘What are you doing idiot?’ he scolded himself. Ben walked past him in all his naked glory, a shiver racing up Rook’s spine. The boy’s smell was fantastic, unobstructed by his clothing he got it raw, the warmth that radiated off his bare skin made his fur puff. Ben walks into the showers. ‘Snap out of it Blonko, this is could be your only chance. It is not that odd for men to check each other out in the locker room and showers.’ He got from an article that showers, hot springs and saunas were a good bonding experience for men.  

He took off his armor and removed his underwear, standing in his naked glory. He deposited his armor and clothing to be decontaminated and cleaned. Rook was quite fine, his body lean and toned from his farmer days and plumber training. Rook had a nice pair of furry orbs hanging from his crotch, and his sheath could be seen, his alien cock dwelling inside.  

‘Focus Blonko just shower and get out, if you get a peek you get a peek, do not do anything to threaten your relationship with Ben!’ he walks in with a towel around his waist. He entered the showers only to find the room filled with steam, the hot water going on strong. Ben was washing the goo off his body, the steam hiding his form from Rook’s eyes. ‘I should not look, if Ben knew I was he would never trust me again.’  

He started washing himself, running his fingers through his fur. ‘Just do not think about it, Ben is just showering naked next to you, naked...gah!’ he scrubbed himself quickly. He felt hot, his heart was pounding in his chest. He put the water on cold to wash himself off, but the cold water washing through his fur couldn’t sooth the heat in his loins. ‘So naked, so wet and naked, the Tennyson Ten, could it possibly be real?’ his heart pounded in his chest. ‘I have to see!’

Rook gulped and steeled his resolve and dared to peek at Ben Tennyson. His eyes blew wide, Ben was letting the hot water cascade down his body, his eyes followed the water to the boy’s crotch. “Oh wow!” Rook gasped and fell back loosing his towel. ‘So big!’  

To be continued



My oh my what a tease!! Hehe very nice job for sure and great buildup!


You tease, you! ;)