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Overlord Parody: Tier 1


Chapter 2

Momonga was stunned, his boney jaw dropped as his large manhood poked Demiurge’s ass. The Arch-devil rubbed his naked rear against the large shaft. It pulsed with power and made him shiver. “My lord, is it time, will you claim me for your own?” Demiurge panted.  

“Is that something you want?” he felt up the male’s body, able to feel his muscles and the warmth of his skin.  

“Ohh yes, there would be no greater honor than to become yours.” he continued to rub himself against the phallic rod. The rod in question looked similar to his once human cock, but it was a lot larger. He felt the heat radiating off the arch-devil’s hole and he wanted to slide right in.  

‘Think up something fast noob!’ Momonga cleared his throat. “I will remember this Demiurge, and as much as I would like to claim you, here and now, there are important matters that have to be looked into.” Demiurge blushed.  

“Yes of course, forgive me my lord, I was so overcome with joy I forgot myself. You wish for the floor guardians to meet at the arena on the Sixth Floor.” Momonga wrapped an arm around him making Demiurge gasp.  

“Do not mistake my actions Demiurge, there will be time for this and more, you were made by my precious comrade, if I am to claim you as my own I wish to take my time.” Demiurge shivered in delight, a blush spreading from pointy ear to pointy ear.  

“Yes my lord!” he almost moaned, and he cleared his throat. “I will go get cleaned up, I’ll be ready for the meeting.” he gets up and retrieves his clothes, before leaving. Momonga stared at his cock. ‘So this is my sword now? Not bad, I didn’t know undead even had a...well...penis...’ he touched his new manhood and felt it pulse in his hand. It was smooth and warm, and he could feel magical power leaking off of it. ‘It feels real, different but real...what am I gonna do with this...’ he thinks, he was hard as a rock.  

With a little focus, his hardened cock returned to its dormant state, an orb settled perfectly in his crotch. The orb felt hot and tingly. ‘So this must be what blue balls feels like for an undead.’ he thinks. As much as he wanted to fuck Demiurge he needed to figure things out. He clearly wasn’t in the game anymore, that was for sure. He had to see if he could still use magic.  

Momonga went to the Sixth Floor Amphitheater, using a special ring that allowed him to move freely through the tomb, so items worked as they did in YGGDRASIL. ‘This floor is protected by the dark elf twins created by Chagama.’ He did not have to wait long as Aura appeared. Despite her appearance/attire, Aura was a female dark elf.  

“Greetings Lord Momonga!” She bowed.  

“I’m sorry to intrude,” he says.  

“Oh not at all, you are the leader of the supreme beings that created us. There’s not a floor guardian in Nazarick that would consider you an intruder. Least of all my brother and I.”   

“Speaking of, where is Mare?” Momonga looked around.  

Aura turned around. “Mare! Get out here, you are being rude to Lord Momonga!” she shouts.  

“Oh um...okay...” he came out. Mare despite his appearance/attire was a boy. Chagama had made the twins cross dressers.  

‘Was he hiding?’ the dark elf came forward. He did a curtsy. “H-hello Lord Momonga.” he blushed slightly. “I’m sorry for making you wait.”  

“It is alright,” he says. “I’ve invited the other Floor Guardians to meet here, they will be along soon enough.”  

Aura groaned. “Does that mean Shaltear’s coming?”  

“Yes, we have urgent business we must discuss. Before that, how would you two like to help me practice?” he asks.  

“Practice? You my lord?”  

“Yes, I’d like to test this out.” he shows off the Staff of Ains Ooal Gown. ‘In truth I’m trying to see if I can even use magic.’ The two dark elves marveled at the staff, it was the treasure of Nazarick. Momonga went into a little fanboy mode, the staff really was the testament of their guild. He cleared his throat. “Anyway, let’s have some practice before the others arrive.”  

Aura whistled and two dragon-like beasts came out bringing out targets to use. ‘Normally to use magic you just select the icon, but now...’ he closed his eyes and focused. ‘I can almost feel it, the range of my magic, the cooldown, my MP.’ He blasted the targets with powerful flames, and conjured a Fire Elemental. “I trust this will be enough, would you like to fight it?”  

“Oh yeah!” Aura says excitedly.  

“I uhh...I think I have some errands to run...” Mare says.  

“You do not have to fight if you don’t want to, I believe in your magical skills.” Mare blushed.  

“I’ll fight!” the two elves fought the elemental, it was almost child’s play for them, especially working together. Aura fought with mid range and close combat, while Mare backed up with magic and attacked long range.  

‘So I can use magic in this world, so my other skills should work as well. I still can’t contact a GM so this isn’t a game.’ He cast Message, and at first was met with silence, but then he connected with Sebas.  

“What is it Lord Momonga? Do you need me?” his voice came through crystal clear.   

“What is your report?”  

“Well sir, I’ve encountered something strange.”  

“Hmm, come to the Sixth Floor, I’ve called the other guardians so meet us here and you can give your report to everyone at once.”  

“Yes sir!” the spell ended.

The dark elf twins crushed the fire elemental and came over to Momonga. “Well done, both of you.” they smiled. “You must be thirsty, here.” He conjured a pitcher of water and poured them each a glass.” They drank and felt refreshed.  

“Lord Momonga, I thought you were scary at first, but you really are wonderful.” Mare says.  

“I thought you’d be scarier to be honest.” Aura says.  

“Is that so,” he chuckles.  

“We like you best this way.” they say, and he pats their heads.  

‘Still its good to know my skills in Yggdrasil works here, but I need more information about this world. If this is another world should I even try to return to my own?’ he looks at the NPC’s. ‘They are alive, could I leave them behind? I didn’t have any friends or family or a lover, all I did was eat sleep and work outside of game.’

He was pulled from his thoughts as a gate opened up. “Oh? Am I the first to arrive?” She is the Great Tomb of Nazarick Guardian of Levels 1-3 “True Ancestor” Shalltear Bloodfallen.  

‘I recall Peroronchino designed her...’ Momonga thinks. She rushes over to him gracefully. ‘She is a true vampire!’  

“Oh my lord Momonga!” She embraces him making him gasp. “The only man that can stand above me!” Aura glared at her.

“Stop Shalltear, your slobbering on him.”  

“Don’t be jealous, I didn’t even see you there. Mare it must be tough having such an incompetent sister.” Mare sweat dropped.  

“Fake boobs!” Shalltear gasped.  

“What did you say?” she hissed.  

“That’s why you used a gate, you were in a rush after stuffing your bra.” Aura pointed out. “You didn’t want the stuffing to shift if you ran.”   

“Silence you don’t have any yourself!” Shalltear snaps back. “Little boy chest!”   

“Oh they’ll grow soon enough, I’m still young, but you are stuck in an undead body.” the two glared at each other. Mare hid behind Momonga.  

‘That reminds me Chagama and Chino were siblings. How those two act reminds me of them, they also used to fight like that.’ They pulled on each other’s cheeks growling and glaring.  

“What is this noise?” powerful footsteps quieted the quarreling. “Enough of your games our lord is present.” Great Tomb of Nazarick Level 5 Guardian “Frozen Ruler” Cocytus.  

‘He is the very definition of warrior, it’s good he is on my side.’ Momonga thinks.  

“I’ll stop when this elf bitch pays for her lies!”  

“Bring it on vamp!” the two looked ready to rumble. Cocytus starts to freeze the floor.  

“That’s enough, just leave it at that.” the two bowed.  

“My apologies!” they say in unison.  

“It seems everyone is here, sorry for the wait, I had to freshen up a bit.” In walked in Demiurge, the guardian of level 7. He seemed to be grinning like the cat that caught the canary.  

“Now then, pledge your loyalty to our supreme leader.” Albedo says and they all bow.  

“Aura Bella Fiora Guardian of Level 6, I pledge my fidelity, I serve and obey!”  

“Mare Belle Fiore, also a Guardian of Level 6, I pledge my fidelity, I serve and obey.”  

 “Cocytus, Guardian of Level 5, I pledge my fidelity, I serve and obey!”

“Shalltear Bloodfallen, Guardian of Levels 1, 2, and 3, I pledge my fidelity, I serve and obey!”

“Demiurge Guardian of Level 7, I pledge my fidelity, I serve and obey!”  

“Albedo, Commander of the Guardians, I pledge my fidelity, I serve and obey!” Albedo says. “With the exceptions of Gargantua the Guardian of Level 4 and Victim Guardian of Level 8, who also pledge their fidelity, all the guardians are gathered before you.”  

“Give us your orders, our supreme leader, we will grant you whatever you may desire.” As they stood before Momonga he couldn’t help but see a bit of his comrades in each of them.  

‘No, it’s not relics of the past, in a way you are all still with me!’ Momonga smiles. “Splendid!” His power radiates out and washes over them. Demiurge shivers in delight, feeling his heart race. Cocytus also shivers, heat spreading through his armored body. Mare blushed from ear to ear, feeling his manhood tent the panties he wore. Being in his presence was so overwhelming.  


“Is there anything new to report?”  

“No, none of us have anything of significance to report.” Albedo says.  

“I see,” he says. ‘Good, least Nazarick moved without issue, he should be back soon.’  

“My apologies for being late.” Sebas entered the arena.  

“That’s fine, more importantly, I want to hear your report on the surroundings.”

“The Tomb of Nazarick has been moved, we now found ourselves surrounded by grassland.”  

“Grassland?” The tomb was surrounded by swamp and dark woods.  

“Yes sir, there are no artificial structures, and the animals that are in the area do not possess any notable combat abilities.”  

“And the grass is normal, not sharp or frozen grass?” One of the many defenses the tomb had originally.  

“Indeed, just plain grass.” Sebas fills in.  

‘There is no mistaking it, this really isn’t the game, we’ve been brought to a new world, that has some similarities to YGGDRASIL.’ he thinks. “Since we don’t know anything about this new world, we must remain vigilant, we’ll raise the security levels and make sure to capture any intruders alive.” Nazarick was in unfamiliar territory. ‘I was pretty high level back in YGGDRASIL, but we don’t know if I’ll be the strongest here.’    

“Mare can you conceal the Great Tomb of Nazarick?”  

“Oh um, yes, if we use soil, we could cover the walls for camouflage.” He says.  

“You would defile the glorious walls of Nazarick with dirt?!” Albedo was fuming, making Mare sweat bullets.  

‘Good grief...’ he face palmed. “Albedo, do not open your mouth needlessly, I am speaking to Mare.” the succubus bowed.  

“Yes, my apologies Lord Momonga!”  

“Mare, that is a brilliant plan, create dummy hills as well so it doesn’t stand out.” he says.  

“Yes!” he bows.  

“Lastly, I’d like to ask all of you a question: What sort of individual do you see me as?”  

“The embodiment of beauty, there is no one else in this world as beautiful and radiant as you.” Shalltear.  

“An existence stronger than all of us guardians, a being most suited to ruling over the great tomb of Nazarick. Your power is awe inspiring.” Cocytus says.

“A most compassionate and merciful lord, you are two steps ahead.” Aura says.  

“You are very nice and kind, looking after the needs of others.” Mare says.  

“You are incredibly wise, capable of taking action in an instant. You are the only man I wish to submit to!” That surprised the other guardians.  

“You never abandoned us, you stayed here with us to the end, you are an incredibly benevolent individual.” Sebas says. Momonga frowned, to think the others felt abandoned as he had.  

“A supreme ruler and our master, one perfect in the position to rule over Nazarick and us!” Albedo says.  

“I understand your thoughts, and I’m grateful for your trust and loyalty. I entrust some of my old friends’ duties to you, carry them out in honor of your creators.” he says.  

“Thank you lord!” they say. He teleports away.  

“That was tiring, to think they would all have such high expectations of me. They were completely serious, while I’m happy they are loyal I don’t want to disappoint them.” he says and sighs. “I wonder if the others were brought here as well.” Thoughts about returning home drifted further and further away. ‘I promise I’ll do my best to care for them and meet their expectations!’  

To be continued Chap 3 Carne Village



Yes please meet their expectations as a leader......and a lover (for the men)