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One Punch Man Parody: Tier 1


Chap 2 Stalking and The Talk

Genos was very confused. He had been so focused on revenge he had not thought about things like love and sex. So he didn’t fully understand the feelings and emotions coursing through him currently. The events after Mosquito Girl plagued him.  

He couldn’t close his eyes without seeing Saitama’s naked body fresh in his mind. Thinking the man’s name made his heart flutter. When he slept he was having dreams, very different dreams than what he was used to.  

Instead of nightmares of the cyborg attack, or dreams of him crushing the cyborg’s metal skull into powder, he was now having dreams of Saitama. It was strange, the man was always touching him and doing things to him. No matter what he would wake up with his cock hard, and his sheets or shorts stained. ‘What is this stuff, am I leaking?’ It wasn’t piss, that was clear, but he almost wished it was to have a solid answer to what was going on.   

For a time he thought he was malfunctioning, even after he got fixed up by Dr. Kuseno but he decided to keep his new found feelings a secret. The good doctor told him his system and parts were operating normally. “Is something troubling you Genos?”  

“I’m not sure, I met someone recently someone who is very strong!” Genos explained.  

“Is that right, are you thinking of asking him to help you find the cyborg?”  

“Something like that, the man is a curiosity. I feel I must study him to find the source of his power.” he leaves.  


Saitama wasn’t psychic, he was super strong and could win his fights with a single punch. He did have strong instincts, but he had no way of knowing he was being followed or being watched more so than anyone else.  

He did have a sense that someone was following him at times, and that sensation people get when they felt they were being watched. Though he put it off, because he had just rented a horror movie about a stalker going off and killing their target. ‘I’m just being paranoid,’ he thinks.  

Oh he wasn’t. Genos had begun his stal...ahem studying of Saitama. He observed his movements at first, keeping a safe distance. When he went out on patrol, or ran errands Genos was following close enough, writing down everything he saw.  

He was hoping to find some sort of secret to Saitama’s power. Instead he was discovering more and more about himself. He followed Saitama to the bath house, and observed him, watching him wash himself.  

Genos found himself wanting to do it for him. He thought about how great it would be to wash his back. ‘Such bliss!’ he thinks as he slips into the fantasy. He got excited at the thought of touching the other male. He came back to reality after Saitama rinsed off and went to soak.  

Saitama removed his towel, and got in the water. Genos watched it all focusing on the male’s body. He had seen Saitama naked before, but it was like he was seeing it for the first time. ‘He’s bigger than me,’ he thinks comparing the sizes of their dicks. ‘Could having a big cock be the source of his power?’ he did a quick scan around the room, there were some guys bigger than him, some guys smaller, but Saitama was by far the biggest. In both size and girth, did he best so many guys in the room.  

Another thing he noticed was that Saitama didn’t have a hood on his cock like he did. ‘I wonder what it tastes like? Is it heavy, it looks heavy? What am I thinking?’ His balls were also quite large as well, he checked with other guys and their balls seemed smaller than even his.

As more questions filled his mind, he found himself getting hotter and hotter, just watching Saitama relax, spread himself out. ‘Does his penis get hard to?’ the thought surged through Genos, and the boy was so hard it hurt. ‘Why is this happening? Is there something wrong with me?’  

He left to try and calm down, waiting for his erection to go down. He continued to stal...observe Saitama, following him to his favorite restaurant and even stealing some of his food, thinking that something in his diet was the key to his strength.

The cyborg had observed the waitress trying to flirt with Saitama, and he felt this little bubble of jealousy surge through him. He kept his cool though as Saitama didn’t react to her flirting.   

Genos sent samples to Dr. Kuseno, but still wasn’t dealing with his new found feelings and desires. ‘Even if I find the secret to Saitama’s strength, I am still in the dark about why he effects me so.’  

Saitama was now on high alert, he didn’t notice some things but when his food goes missing, for someone like Saitama who was on a budget he noticed. His own investigations of catching his stalker didn't go well as even when he watched his apartment, Genos was further back watching him. He finished off some kind of monster, who Saitama thought was his stalker, and finished him off with one punch.  

Since he wasn’t satisfied with his fight, he decided to rent a special movie from the video store. Tonight was a good night for some alone time, and since his “stalker” was taken care of he felt he could have some alone time in peace.

Genos had snuck onto Saitama’s balcony, curious as to what the man was up to. ‘What is he doing?!’ He never could have imagined…

Saitama was watching porn! His large cock did indeed get hard, and it got even bigger when fully erect. Genos’ heart was racing, he analyzed Saitama’s fully erect dick standing at a whopping 14 inches!

He gulped, his own 8 inches throbbing once again. Genos was  feeling tingly all over. He turned his gaze to the video on screen, he heard moans and both noises were male. It was two men having sex, doing things he’d only ever seen in his dreams. He didn’t think it was possible for two men to...do that!

There it was, right on screen. A fit guy had another skinnier boy on his knees, his big cock getting worshiped by the smaller male. Saitama joked if this hero for fun thing didn’t work out maybe he could become a porn star. There was a whole series of videos of big dick lovers.  

Genos gulped as he watched the two males on the screen go at it, he watched the sub suck on the dom’s dick. Sucking it deeper and deeper till he swallowed it down to the root. He shifted his gaze back to Saitama who was pumping his dick to the video.  

The hand glided his massive man meat, slicking himself with his own pre. Using his essence he worked himself faster, no doubt matching the pace of the boy sucking the other guy’s dick. Genos followed his strokes, gulping and licking his lips.   

He palmed himself as he watched Saitama stroke himself, his heart was racing a mile a minute. Tearing his gaze away from the hot man to the video he shivered. The stars had moved into the 69 position and the top was rimming the bottom’s hole.  

Genos replaced the two with Saitama and himself, his mind placing him in the bottom role. He wanted to do this with Saitama, he wanted to suck the man’s dick, and get opened up by the man’s tongue and fingers. He wanted Saitama to praise him for his skills at oral, and having a beautiful ass hole. He wanted to be spread open, with Saitama leaning over him, lining up his big dick to his prepared hole.  

This was beyond even his dreams, in his dreams there was some touching, some kissing, but this! Genos was aware of how reproduction occurred, Dr. Kuseno home schooled him. He just had no interest in sex before now. Now he needed to know more, he wanted to know and wanted Saitama to show him.  

The stars were having sex now, and Genos returned his gaze to Saitama who was pumping his dick intensely, his balls bouncing with the force of his strokes. He was mesmerized by the big nuts bouncing and swaying erotically.  

Genos came overwhelmed by his own feelings and his pent up needs. He watched Saitama cum eventually, his climax was explosive, his cum erupting like a volcano. Saitama truly felt relaxed after that. ‘So much cum!’ Genos shivered at the sight of it all.  

New images filled his mind, getting covered in the stuff, sucking the stuff down, being cum inside of. The box had been opened and now Genos just needed to know if he should go inside.  


Genos got a call from Dr. Kuseno soon after that, the samples he sent were all normal, nothing special at all. “Doctor, I need to talk to you, before I take the next step.” He had asked to become the man’s disciple in order to get stronger, but now other desires were fighting inside him.  

“Doctor, I’m sure my recent behavior must have been strange.”

“You did have me a bit worried Genos, care to tell me what’s wrong?”  

“You see, the man who saved my life, he’s different.” Dr. Kuseno raised a brow. “He makes me feel different, I...I’ve been having dreams about him and...well thinking about him makes me excited...” he twiddled his thumbs. “I thought I might have been malfunctioning, or maybe there was something causing my strange feelings.”

“Oh...Oh!” Dr. Kuseno put the pieces together, and he chuckled. “You aren’t malfunctioning Genos.”  

“But I thought to reproduce it required a man and a woman to...” the doctor cut him off.

“Yes yes yes, look Genos its time we had a little talk. It’s the talk, I wanted to have with you a long time ago but you never showed any interest in it, but it’s finally time.” he was actually happy, happy that Genos hadn’t fallen so deep in that deep dark path of revenge to feel nothing but hate. “In regular reproduction a man and a woman have sex to produce a child, but it is entirely normal for a man to have feelings for a man, and a woman to have feelings for a woman. Though sex will not result in reproduction, it does feel good, usually not the first time but with practice you get better and you know how to please your partner.” he sits down in front of Genos. “What your feeling isn’t a malfunction or wrong! If this Saitama makes you feel this way, you should talk to him, it can be scary opening up to someone.”  

“He’s the only one who’s ever made me feel like this, but I’m a cyborg even if we can have sex what if he doesn’t want to be with me?” Dr. Kuseno sighed.  

“That my boy, is a part of life if he doesn’t love you back, it might hurt but you can’t give up on love. If this Saitama isn’t the one, then maybe someone else is.” Genos pondered for a moment.  

“Thank you doctor, I’m going to see him!” he says.  


It had been a week since the Mosquito Girl incident, and Saitama hadn’t seen the young cyborg he had saved. He thought he could ignore it and move on...That is until his door bell rang.  

To be continued...Chap 3 Becoming A Hero   

Genos wants to get closer to Saitama but before he could really confess his feelings he’s attacked by the House of Evolution.


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