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Pocket Monster Parody: Tentacleween


Happy Tentacleween Ash

Ash celebrates a very special holiday. It was a wonderful night of the year.  


It was Ash’s favorite time of year, October, the air was crisp, the nights were long, and the ghost pokemon were aplenty. There was something else special about this month, a special day where one could truly celebrate.  

The sun was going down, and Ash was overjoyed. The young man removed his shoes and socks, and peeled off his vest. His stuff was set aside, as he readied himself for what was about to happen.

As the last beams of sunlight danced across the sky, Ash pulled his shirt off, and placed it on the pile. He undid his pants, exposing his Pikachu and Thunderbolt boxers. The boy’s dick was already tenting his underwear being in a semi hard state.  

When the last light glimmered in night, Ash yanked his boxers off so fast it made his cock bounce. He was as naked as the day he was born, the cool night air brushing across all his most intimate of places. His semi hard 5-inch dick twitched in the air.  

It wasn’t long before Ash spotted the wonderful element of this night. Tentacles slithered out and Ash grinned at the sight of them. Purple tentacles came out and scooped him up into the air, cradled and supported him.  

Ash shivers. The tentacles felt so warm, they massaged his shoulders, his arms, and his legs. “Mmm,” he shivers in pleasure. The tentacle massage felt other worldly, stimulating his muscles.  

It only got better as a tentacle coiled around his cock. “Ohh,” he rocked his hips, the tentacle pumped his shaft. It had a firm grip on him, giving his penis a squeeze now and then. In seconds he was hard as a rock, and weeping pre. The pre was absorbed into the stroking purple tentacle.  

Orange tentacles joined the fray, these tentacles were tongue like. Six in total, two worshiped his feet, licking along the heels, soles, and even working between his toes. They even went as far as licking the tops of his feet. “Oh yes!” Ash moaned sinking deeper into the tentacle’s hold, arms raised up above his head.  

Two orange tentacles worked his pits, licking and tickling the smooth skin. Ash shivers in delight. The last two went to his ass and balls. The orange tongue-like tentacle licked his sack, juggling his balls with each lick. The one at his ass danced along his crack, teasing his hole making it twitch.  

“Ahh yes, take my ass!” the boy moans. The tentacle focuses on his hole, teasing it swirling around it getting it nice and wet. Pushing forward it worked his hole open, and Ash’s toes curl in pleasure. It was like getting rimmed by a Lickitung.  

His hole opened up, and his insides got slicked by the unique secretion the orange tentacles produced. The tentacle licked his insides painting the insides in slick. It made heat spread through his body. Even the chilly air couldn’t effect the warmth that was spreading through Ash.  

The tentacle wiggled and curled, sinking deeper and deeper. “Ohh so deep!” he grinned, eyes rolling up. The tentacle darted back and forth, giving a tongue fucking sensation only wonderfully deep. His insides got slicked up and stretched open more.  

Then the tentacle said hello to Ash’s sweet spot, licking his prostate and gave it a tongue lashing. “Ohhhh I’m cumming!” he howled in pleasure. His cock twitched as it explodes, shooting rope after rope over his chest and stomach.  

The purple tentacles absorbed his semen, caressing his body lovingly. New tentacles joined the party. A red phallic looking tentacle appeared, Ash licked his lips and opened wide. The red tentacle thrust into his mouth. ‘Mmm, cherry flavored!’ he sucked on the tentacle, tongue caressing the red length. It was the perfect combination of candy and manliness.   

He wasn’t holding back, sucking loudly and a little lewdly. Could you blame him, this was like the best sucker in the world, a unique mixture of flavors. The more he sucked the more flavors that were revealed.  

Green tentacles appeared, and latched onto his nipples. The little buds had hardened due to the pleasure rushing through his body. The tentacles began sucking his nips, making him moan around the tentacle in his mouth.  

Another green tentacle latched onto his cock head, forming a seal around the tip. It sucked and sucked, and Ash moaned. ‘Oh Arceus yes!’ the purple tentacle pumped his cock faster and faster. Ash came again, his seed slurped away by the green tentacle.

A second orange tentacle joined the first in his ass, the two slithered in his hole, working him back and forth. ‘Yes so good, more, more, more!’ he sucked on the tentacle in his mouth, his tongue caressing the underside.  

His efforts were rewarded as a pink goo poured into Ash’s mouth. This goo’s flavor was beyond anything Ash had ever tasted, as if all the candy in the world had an orgy and melted, and became the goo that was filling his mouth.  

He chugged the sweet shake, filling his belly up. The special mix, had his balls tingling. His nuts grew larger slowly building up as his seed increased. Ash moaned.  

His next orgasm tears through him, and instead of ropes he cums a torrent. Thick baby batter rushed into the green tentacle, it ballooned for a moment, only to be slurped away.  

Not only was the orgasm more intense it lasted several minutes, all while the tentacles continued playing with Ash’s body. Before he even had a chance to come down from his high he was cumming again. He came even more the next time.  

The tentacles were keeping Ash hard, happy, and high. Milking his balls of the increased production. They held him in a cycle of a never ending orgasm, his penis remaining in a permanently erect state.  

Each new orgasm was more powerful than the last, the green tentacle was working double time slurping his cum away. Two purple tentacles joined the orange ones in his ass, wiggling and stretching the boy’s hot little hole. ‘Full!’  

They took turns, striking his sweet spot, purple, then orange, then purple, then orange. The repeated blows to his prostate was electrifying, his body twisting up in pleasure, back arching and body shaking.  

The red tentacle left his mouth, letting the boy’s moans fill the night. It continued to spray the goo, splashing Ash’s face, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, crotch, legs, feet, ass, and back. The purple tentacles smeared the goo, coating every inch of the boy, even between his toes. The green tentacles withdrew, allowing his thick cum to erupt and join the goo that was covering his form. The tentacles mixed his cum with the goo, the mixture almost felt like warm wax, or having a mud bath.  

His orgasm tapered out, his balls returning to normal size, but he came enough for the tentacles to make a full body suit out of his cum and goo.  

Then the orange tentacles made their move, running over the mixture smoothing it out, making it become like a second skin to Ash. The mixture covered his crotch, forming a perfect sleeve over his cock and balls making it stand out.  

The red tentacle plundered his ass last, filling his tight channel with the goo. The orange tentacles licked his ass cheeks, his plump boot looking even sexier in the skin tight latex looking suit.  

It had his fun with Ash, fucking him nice and deep, the goo coated his insides, and as the tentacle fucked him it created a void, allowing the special goo to fill the void.  

Ash came one final time, his cum hitting the suit, and it ballooned like a condom, dangling erotically from his hard dick. The red tentacle retreated, filling the last of the void with goo.  

The goo solidified, becoming a dildo inside Ash’s ass. He shivered in delight. “So big! Thank you!” he moans. The tentacles released him and Ash stretched, he felt amazing, the suit he was wearing was so skin tight it was almost like he wasn’t wearing anything at all, and the best part was it was completely edible.  

Ash ran off as the tentacles faded away, he had his costume now and he joined many other boys who had celebrated Tentacleween. He saw friends and rivals, and his mouth watered. The suits varied from colors and flavors, but they were all hard and sensitive. One suck would have the boys’ fresh man milk flowing, but their was so much to taste. The night was still young and Ash was ready to sample many treats.  

The edible body suits wouldn’t last by morning, and the boys would be spent, not a single dick would be left un-sucked. Truly a wonderful night, and a favorite among many boys. Ash couldn’t wait for next years Tentacleween.  



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