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Chapter 3 Slime Trio

Little Slime stirred awake, the first thing he noticed was that he was back in their world. He could taste the magic in the air again, feel it beneath him. The second thing he noticed he wasn’t a blob anymore, he had arms and legs. He tried to stand, but his legs felt like literal jelly, but as he tried he drew magic from the earth and he was able to learn how to stand and even walk. Third he could see, he could see the world for the first time instead of just sensing it.  

He looked himself over and could see despite his liquid, blue jelly like body he was humanoid in shape. He ran his hands over his form, feeling lean. “So this is me?” he felt a pulse, and looked at his chest to see a red orb inside him. “This is...”  

Little Slime looked around, and from what he could see he was in a small cave of some kind. “Chaos maker? Chaos maker?” he called but got no response. “Dang, I never even got his name, will I really be able to see him again?” he crossed his arms and sat down. “I feel kinda bad not asking him for his name, I should work on that.” he placed his hand over his chest where the orb resided. “I really can’t thank him enough.” he closed his eyes and smiled.    

“Hey, he’s awake! Come quick, he’s awake!” he heard a voice echoing towards the front of the cave. Snapping him out of his daze.  

“Really!” another voice, this one was deeper than the first. Two figures approached him and Little Slime got on the defensive.  

‘Who’s coming, is it an enemy?’ he thinks. The two were getting closer. ‘The time comes fight or flight...’ someone bigger than a slime ball came around the corner so Little Slime snapped.  

His arm morphed into a whip and he lashed out, he struck something. “Whoa whoa, brother it’s us!” He blinked and saw two more slime humanoids similar to him kinda.  

The one on the left with the deeper voice was gray, with a green orb, his tentacle hair seemed to have morphed into a helmet and was a very dark gray, looking almost black compared the rest of his body. Speaking of his body, he was ripped, thick muscular looking arms and legs, abs and pecs, and his face was more chiseled than his own. He had coal black eyes, that matched with his slime color.   

“Sorry, we should have said something sooner. We were just so excited to see you were awake.” the one on the right was pink, with a purple orb inside him, he was even slimmer than Little Slime, having a dancers body, with slightly more curvy hips. His tentacle hair was a light purple and short and looked more like hair and with 6 tendrils that framed his head perfectly. He had ruby red eyes, that matched well with his slime color, and his face had gentler features.

Little Slime pointed between them. “Could you two be?” they  grinned and nodded. It was them, they were alive! He couldn’t help himself, he launched forward and hugged them, and they hugged him back, it was here he realized more things. He was still smaller than the other two, and hugs were nice. “It’s nice to see you both, and talk to you both!”  

“Sorry we weren’t more social before, just needed time to evolve is all,” the big guy chuckled.  

“Oh, what are your names?” he asked. “I’d like us to be properly introduced.”  

The big guy grinned, his teeth were pointy. He pound his chest. “I’m Metal!” he chuckles. “I’m a true metal slime!”

Metal Slime: A member of the slime species, a slime holding intelligence, has balanced offense and defense, can be a tad slow. It is said metal slimes were hunted to extinction due to the materials and experience gained from killing them.    

The pink slime gave a bow. “My name is Jam, I am a true pink slime!”    

Pink Slime: A member of the slime species, a slime holding intelligence, is gifted with speed and magical power. It is said pink slimes were hunted to extinction due to the powerful potions and materials gained by defeating them.  

While in the vats they were able to change and evolve into a new species before evolving. A special gift for each of them, some healthy minerals allowing them to become the slimes they want to be. They now were all True Slimes.  

True Slime: A name given to slimes that have obtained their magical orbs. A true slime holds more intelligence and is able to learn skills and magic. True Slimes used to live near water, they were hunted for their magical orbs, even broken orb fragments could be used to amplify magic items and weapons.  

“So what’s your name?” they asked Little Slime.  

“Oh...I hadn’t thought about it.” he crossed his arms and thought. Even the Chaos Maker called him Little Slime, and he was smaller than all the other slimes. “Chibi, you can call me Chibi!”  

“Chibi!” they say in unison.  

“It’s nice to finally talk to you, you must have been so lonely, before.” Jam says.  

“Yeah, sorry ‘bout all that, if we had any sense we would have spoken to you.” Metal says.  

“It’s fine now, I’m happy you guys are here.” he takes their hands. “We aren’t alone anymore!”  


The slime trio sits down and Chibi stares at his hand. “What’s wrong?” Metal asked.  

“Earlier, when I attacked you, my arm transformed, I’m trying to figure out how I did that.” he flicked his wrist and nothing happened.  

Metal chuckles. “That was your slime whip?”  

“Slime Whip?” he blinked.  

Monster Skill: Slime Whip Level 1: True Slimes can morph their arms or legs, into a whip to strike an opponent.  

A voice spoke to them. “What is that?” Metal rubbed his ear.  

“You hear it to?” Jam sighed in relief. “Oh good I thought I was going mad.”  

“It’s the voice of the universe I guess, or maybe the voice of magic?” Chibi ponders. They shrug accepting it, at least they were not going crazy. “So it’s my monster skill, I’ll have to add it to the list.”  

“It’s not a bad trick but I got one better.” his hand morphed into a spike ball. “Monster Skill: Slime Flail!”  

Monster Skill: Slime Flail Level 1: It is the metal slime version to the slime whip, though it holds more power than the Slime Whip.  

“Hey now, my Slime Jab, is pretty good to!” Jam pouted.  

Monster Skill: Slime Jab Level 1: It is the pink slime version of slime whip, using its hair tentacles the pink slime pummels its opponent. It is not very powerful…

The other two couldn’t help but chuckle. “Alright, let’s test our skills, there’s some trees outside we can use as practice!” It was on!

They headed out of the cave to find a nearby forest. Metal was up first, he flexed making his muscles swell and bulge. As Chibi watched him prepare he could sense the male’s abilities.  

Metal – True Metal Slime

Iron Guard Level 1: Hardens the body to block physical attacks by 10%.  

Weapon Resistance Level 1: Resistance to low level weapons.  

Self Regeneration Level 1: Upon taking damage, able to self heal wounds. 10%

Monster Skill: Heavy Hit Level 1: A monster builds up power before launching a powerful blow. It is a favored move of metal slimes and lizardmen. 25%

‘Amazing, how can I know this?’ Chibi thinks.  

Scan Level 1: A magical skill that allows one to to scan your opponent and sees their skills and magical power.  

‘Ahh, I’ve been wondering what abilities Chaos-san’s orb might have given me.’  

Telepathy Level 5: Can communicate telepathy with all species, can translate all languages and text.  

Was all the voice would say. ‘Guess I’ll have to figure it out on my own. More fun that way.’ He looked at Jam.  

Jam – True Pink Slime

Self Regeneration Level 1: Upon taking damage, able to self heal wounds. 10%

Regeneration Level 1: Upon touching or eating a living creature, using this skill you can slowly heal their wounds. 10%

Cure Level 1: Can heal minor wounds. 10%

Shell Level 1: Creates a barrier to protect from low level magic attacks.  

Monster Skill: Slime Shot Level 1: By manipulating one’s own slime can launch a powerful shot. 15%

Projectile Resistance Level 1: Resistance to low level projectile weapons.  

“Alright here I go, let me show you my power!” His arm turned into a chain. “Slime Flail!” he whipped the tree and wham, he broke the tree in two, sending splinters splattered all over. “Hahahaha!” he laughed before getting smacked upside the head with his own mace fist.  

It was Chibi’s and Jam’s turn to chuckle. Metal rubbed his aching head. “Got a bit carried away.”  

“I noticed,” Chibi says and hops up for his turn. He stretches not doing anything to flashy. “Alright then, Slime Whip!” he strikes at another tree, his arm morphing and he strikes the tree, he didn’t smash the tree like Metal did but did leave a nice gash. Metal was rolling on the floor laughing, while Chibi blushed.  

Jam stepped up. Instead of stretching he took a meditative stance. “Slime Jab!” his tentacle hair flared up, and the six tendrils pummeled a nearby tree. It was well in tact, not even a dent was made.  

Metal snorted, and Chibi elbowed him. “Aaahhh,” he took a different stance, pink slime forming and gathering between his hands. “Slime Shot!” he fired the orb of slime, and not only did it blast through one tree, it kept going till its momentum dissipated three trees back. A point blank range it was quite impressive.  

Jam turned to glare at Metal, who began to sweat.  

“Our skills are just level 1, it’s not that big of a deal. If we use them more it’ll get lots stronger.”

“Also, it’s not just the skills themselves but how we use them, that technique is a long range attack, but fired at point blank range it had way more power, fascinating!” he examined the trees, the damage to the trees further back became less and less. He used Regeneration to restore the trees they had damaged from their training. “Hmm, if gathering the slime to fire a projectile is like that then...” he took a different stance, bringing three fingers in, pointing at a tree with his thumb raised. ‘I can feel it!’ he built up the slime at his pointer finger. “Slime Pistol!” he fired the shot and made a deep dent into the tree causing it to crumble and crack.  

“Wow!” Even Metal was impressed.  

Monster Skill: Slime Pistol Level 1: By gathering up their slime, can launch a projectile/long range attack. 10%

“You guys, this is our gift, we can adapt and change quickly. Because we are slimes!” he grins.  

“So what do we do now?” Jam asked.  

“Well, I got an idea, but we need to be stronger than this,  even as we are now if we went up against stronger opponents they’ll wipe us out.” Chibi says, he fixed up the tree, and looked around. This area was new and different, from their open field. “Six months...” the two stare at him. “I say we stay here for six months, we eat and train and hone our skills! Then we go out and explore!”

Metal grins, and even Jam perks out. “Let’s eat!” They found similar herb plants and flowers like their field, but not in big patches. What they lacked in quantity made up for in variety. New flowers, fruits that replenished their magical power, for Jam and Chibi, and Metal found all kinds of rocks in the cave, even some glowing stones.  

When it was time for them to finally rest, they gathered in the cave on beds of grass. They ended up cuddled together, Chibi lying between the two of them. His loneliness was gone, now all he could feel was excitement, he had big plans for the future. ‘The world thinks we are weak, but we’ll show them just how tough we are!’ he closed his eyes and drifted off, dreaming a vision of the future.  

To be continued


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