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One Punch Man Parody: Tier 1


Saitama's Life With Naughty Boys

Saitama just wanted to be a hero for fun, but now he's got a cyborg who's in love with him, an alien conqueror who wants to conquer his heart, a tsundere ninja that wants to kill him while wanting to get fucked with him all in his house, and more just seem to show up.

Chapter 1 Hero For Fun

It was a nice cloudy day, not to hot not too cold. A man known as Saitama was laying out in his bed in his apartment, completely naked. It had been warm the day and night before so he decided to forgo his pajamas. It was probably not one of his better ideas. 

A young cyborg slipped into his room, pulling the blanket off the man, exposing his naked form to him. This cyborg was known as Genos. He has been stalk...ahem observing Saitama for some time. Genos blushed, feeling all tingly at the sight of the naked Saitama. 

His eyes roamed over the firm body, the strong muscles, the smooth skin, reaching their goal at the man’s crotch. ‘Master is so bold!’ he thinks as he settles between Saitama’s legs. Metal hands move up the strong limbs, parting them to get access to the man’s crotch. 

The manly musk hit his senses, making him shiver. Despite being a Cyborg, Genos still had many of his human parts, his legs, arms, and various organs were replaced with machines. His body was modified by science, and he for a time lost focus on his humanity. It was Saitama that made him feel human again and excited him. 

His cock hardened at the manly musk of his master. He lifted the man’s cock and started to lick at his balls. “Mmm,” he cleaned his smooth balls, licking away the sweat, going as far as to suck each orb into his mouth. 

The sucks and licks stirred Saitama’s manhood. His heart rate increased and his cock swelled, the 10-inch soft dick grew thicker and longer reaching its max of 13 inches. Genos blushed at the size, it was a monster of a cock. Some men could be smaller and have more skill, some men could be bigger and have more stamina, but none of them could match this cock. 

Saitama’s penis held some form of pressure. The first time he saw it he was mesmerized and it wasn’t even hard. He never thought of men or woman before, but one look at Saitama’s manhood awakened a hunger inside him. His hole twitched in delight, itching to be filled. His balls grew hot and wanting to spill his seed. 

He touched the heated flesh with his metal hands, making the manhood pulse in delight. He starts to lick the man’s dick, his taste buds singing a choir of joy with each pass. ‘Yes, yes, yes, yes!’ he licked every inch, moving up to the tip. It was electrifying, as he licked his own cock twitched in delight. He grew more excited lapping at a man’s dick than touching himself. 

After worshiping his penis with his tongue, burning the flavor of his man meat in his memory banks, he wrapped his lips around the head and began to suck. He breathes through his nose, inhaling Saitama’s musk as he sucks his cock. Genos was happy he didn’t have a gag reflex as he sucked Saitama down to the root. 

The effect was like a lightning rod, pleasure crackled through him, his eyes widened as he came. Trembling in delight. ‘Thank you, master, for this glorious pleasure.’ he starts bobbing his head, slurping and sucking his mighty rod. 

His cock was truly impressive, the length, the girth, the delicious pre that poured down his throat and filled his belly. His mouth was having a blast, but his ass was lonely. He couldn’t stop himself from reaching behind and slipping a metal finger into his ass. ‘Master!’ he moaned around his length. 

As he bobbed his head, he worked the finger back and forth. He wanted to get Saitama off before he came again, so he doubled his efforts on Saitama’s cock. The bald man’s orgasm was building, higher and higher as Genos sucked him from base to tip. His long strong sucks, made the large manhood pulse more and more, a signal of his impending release. 

Saitama’s release did hit, the sleeping male pulled awake as the powerful orgasm, his hips bucked off the bed, and he stuffed his cock down Genos’ throat as he came. 

His cock expanded, locking Genos in place as a long stream of thick man milk pumped into his body. It filled his belly, and Genos’ eyes rolled up as he came again. After a few minutes Saitama’s orgasm calmed down and his cock relaxed enough for Genos to pull back to the tip, catch the last few spurts of Saitama’s orgasm in his mouth. 

He blushed, as the taste overloaded him, he had another orgasm on top of his second before he even had a chance to come down. 

Saitama blinked, as the sleep faded from his vision, and he got hit with the sight of the half-naked cyborg currently still suckling from his dick. “Oh...morning Genos...”

Genos pulled off his dick, licking his lips. “Good morning master!” he says. “It seems you are still hard, as expected of a man of your greatness.” 

“No really it’s nothing special...” he sweatdropped. 

“Perhaps I should have used my ass this time.” Genos ponders allowed. Saitama groans. ‘How did things turn out like this?’ 


Saitama was just a normal guy, struggling to get by, having a hard time finding a job, he wasn’t able to get a girlfriend or boyfriend, he lived in a small kinda crappy apartment, there wasn’t a lot going for him. 

That’s why when a giant lobster/crab monster found him and threatened to kill him he didn’t really have a reaction. The monster said his eyes were cold and lifeless just like his so he let him go. He had bigger fish to fry apparently, some kid had drawn nipples on him with permanent marker, and he was looking to kill him. 

As it happened Saitama found the kid and tried to save him when the crab monster attacked. It was crazy, he didn’t have any powers, or skills to fight a monster like this. Yet, here he was, risking his life to save some kid he never met before. 

By luck, fate, no probably luck Saitama was able to kill the monster and save the kid. From that moment something changed in him. He decided to train to get stronger, he trained and trained till his hair fell out, but he became super strong! Stronger, faster, harder, more durable! 

Since gaining this strength he tried to be a hero for fun, helping people whenever and wherever he could. Though something was missing, he wanted to be a hero that could take down a monster with one punch. Now he could do that, every fight ended in just one punch. 

He wasn’t having fun, he was bored, it was like the excitement was gone from him. Not hard to understand as every fight seemed to end as quickly as it began, there wasn’t a thrill. He found himself looking for things to keep his spirits high, he took up gardening, bought manga and video games, even rented movies. It just felt like something was missing...


Then he met Genos, fighting with a mosquito girl. The cyborg was able to destroy the massive swarm that was plaguing the city, incinerating them along with Saitama’s clothes. Mosquito Girl really messed him up, and Saitama saved him swatting her like a bug. Sure he saved his life but Genos seemed to have fallen for him head over heels. Every day Genos has been showing up, offering his love, his devotion, and his body.

He told Saitama he never had a girlfriend or boyfriend before, not even a crush, but he was a quick learner. Saitama wasn’t sure about this. To prove he was serious Genos downloaded tons of porn learning various techniques to pleasure a man. 

Saitama felt bad, like he had corrupted Genos somehow, and felt he should take some responsibility. So he gave Genos a key to his place, the cyborg was overjoyed. ‘Was he always this naughty?’ he thinks. He didn’t really know Genos that well, despite the boy promptly giving him his backstory in great detail. 

He was a normal human until a mad cyborg attacked his village and wiped it out, he tried to protect his family but the cyborg broke his arms and legs and left him to die. He was found by a kind doctor who saved him and repaired him. He’s been hunting the cyborg for revenge, at first he just wanted to train under Saitama, but now he also wanted to serve him. 

“Are you hungry master? I can prepare breakfast.” 

“Uhh yeah, sure...” Genos smiled and promptly began to strip, showing his cum soaked crotch and his soaked boxers. ‘He came from sucking my dick again?’ a small part of him was worried about sex, with the new strength he didn’t want to hurt his partner, but at the same time he couldn’t just say “Hey, I might kill you if we have sex forget about me” yeah sure that would go over well…

If he didn’t kill Genos, he could ruin the boy’s chance at having a normal sex life. ‘What if I break him in a completely different way?’ Genos was bare ass naked, before putting on a frilly apron. 

“I’ll have breakfast prepared in no time,” he says before heading to the kitchen, shaking his adorable ass as he went. 

‘Damn...’ his cock twitched. It was a surprise before Genos was around, he hadn’t gotten hard since his training. During his training, he hadn’t jerked off once, in the entire 3 years! 

Saitama broke his limiter in more ways than one…

To be continued...House of Evolution makes a House Call


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