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Yugioh Gx parody: patreon reward


Jaden Human form: 16 inches soft

Syrus 7 Inches

Bastion 8 inches

Chap 4 A Centaur’s Pride

Chazz was going on and on about the elites, and how the elites should be with the elites, and he put his hand on Jaden’s. He caressed his hand, in a flirtatious way. Jaden pulled back and brought his down on the table. Bam! The table cracked under Jaden’s strike, shocking Chazz, the Obelisk blue student falling flat on his ass. “Holy fuck!” the table collapsed.  

Jaden’s aura flared in his rage. “Who are you to tell me who I can and cannot hang out with?” he grabs Chazz and lifts him up into the air. ‘He’s so strong!’ his feet weren’t even touching the ground.  

‘It is a centaur’s pride to never turn their back on a comrade. When we fight we stand together.’ Jaden glared at Chazz. “I don’t care about the elites, we are all weak once, but if you don’t give someone the chance how will they ever grow.” he dropped Chazz. “Excuse me!” Some other blue students raced over to help Chazz up.  

“What happened Chazz?”

“Nothing,” he says. Crowler was wigging out over the table. Chazz was stunned, Jaden’s actions and strength took him completely by surprise. Even a greater a shock, he was rock hard in his pants.  

Jaden left the party, angry beyond belief. ‘I should have decked the ass, what nerve!’ Dandylion appeared and nuzzled against him. “I’ll be alright,” he flexed his hand. “I need to watch my strength though.” he took a deep calming breath. “What nonsense, elite this, elite that. It reminds me of the vampires, they act like their status is the most important, and if a vampire is weak that’s all they are.” Jaden sighed. ‘I need to clear my head.’  

He stripped off his clothing and stretched, it felt so nice to be free and naked, only one thing could make this better. So he transformed, returning to his centaur form. Dandylion rode on his back as Jaden ran off into the night. The cool night air and running helped clear his head. “I like Syrus, I don’t want to stop being his friend. But what if being friends with me causes him trouble?”  

“I mean, I am hiding stuff from him already, how can I ask him to trust me or stand with me when I’m keeping a secret from him.” He had his eyes set on both Syrus and Bastion. Dandylion pondered it, then got an idea. He whispered his idea to Jaden. “Hmm, that could work, let’s go!”  

Jaden rushed towards the Red Dorm.  


Syrus was upset, what Chumley told him, he didn’t want to believe it. “I’m telling you Syrus, it’s true. The weak get left behind.” he rolled over in his bed to get some sleep. The bluenette couldn’t rest, tears falling down his cheeks. He didn’t have many friends growing up, even his own brother was focused on his own future, his own goals. His brother was so strong, and Syrus felt a large gap expanding between them.  

He could see the same thing happening to him and Jaden. They were already in different dorms, and their skill level was clearly night and day. The boy sobbed, as his heart ached. ‘I thought...I thought...things would be different.’ The poor boy cried himself to sleep, clutching the marble Jaden have him.  

Jaden stood outside the Red Dorm. “My friend, go get Syrus for me,” he infused Dandylion with his power, allowing him to take form in their world. Dandylion sprang into action going up and unlocking the door. He entered the room and found Sy’s bunk, he raced over and pulled back the covers.

He bounced up and down, waking the boy up. “Whoa!” Dandylion rolled back, shaking his head he stood up and brushed himself off. Syrus rubbed his eyes and cleaned his glasses. “No way, I must be dreaming.” The monster jumped and yanked out one of Syrus’ hairs. “Oww!” he yelped.

Dandylion got out of his bed, it pointed to the door and gestured Syrus to follow. “I must be crazy,” he gets out of bed and follows the monster. Dandylion led him out to the woods. “Wait slow down.”

“Syrus,” Jaden’s voice made the boy shiver.

“Jaden? Where are you?” he looked around, but in the dark, he could barely see.  

“Syrus, when we met I admit I liked your spirit. You weren’t the strongest, you were scared, but you were still willing to try.” Jaden’s voice seemed to come from everywhere, and yet nowhere at all. Syrus blushed.  

“That’s because of you and your charm. Without that good luck charm, I never would have...” Jaden chuckled.

“It was just a marble,” he could have infused it with magic but he didn’t. “It was all you, you have something special in you Sy, I see it, and I like you a lot.” Syrus heard something moving. “I don’t want this school to separate us, and I want you to trust me that I won’t turn my back on you.”

Syrus smiled. Hearing Jaden’s words made him feel a lot better. “I do trust you Jaden.”  

“You can’t, not yet, you need to see the real me,” Jaden stepped out of the shadows, and Syrus gasped. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, Jaden was a centaur! His jaw dropped, ‘I hope this was not a mistake.’ Jaden thinks as Syrus continued to stare at him.  

After a long pause, Syrus approached him. Hesitant he reached out and began to touch Jaden’s horse half. “Wow, you are amazing!” he ran his hand over him. “Never in my wildest dreams, you are a real centaur!” he sounded almost excited. “But how can you be human?”  

“Well it’s partly thanks to this,” he showed Syrus his shadow charm. “I’m also part human, which makes it a bit easier.”  

“Part human?”  

“Yeah, my dad entered my homeworld and met my mom, and well you know...” he blushed.

“So who is he?” Syrus asked. “Oh sorry, I probably shouldn’t pry.”

“Nah, it’s cool, I don’t really know him, he left me an apartment and some money, but there weren’t any pictures in the place. I don’t even know what he looks like.”  

“Sorry,” he hung his head and Jaden laughed ruffling his hair.  

“It’s all cool.” Jaden talks about his life with his centaur family, talked about his world, and his past. “I’ve had a good life, my dad may not have been there to see it, but I know he cares.”  

“Well no wonder you don’t get scared when dueling, you’ve actually fought in real combat.”  

“It’s exciting, just like duels. If you want I can help train you.”

“What? You will?” he looked down. “Why would you wanna help me?” his brother always said he was weak, his brother’s words left a heavy weight on his heart.  

“Because I like you Syrus, you don’t have to accept training, I’m still gonna like you.”  

“You will?” Syrus blushed.  

“Oh yes,” he tilts the boy’s chin up and kisses him. The kiss was soft and sweet and made Syrus’ heart flutter. When the kiss ended Syrus felt like he was floating on air.  

“Say Jaden, in the locker rooms, you said you had your eye on me and Bastion.” he blushed, twiddling his fingers.  

“That’s right, centaurs have a harem-based mating system, due to our unique bodies.” Jaden rubbed the back of his head. “We don’t sleep around with just anyone, we must feel a spark with that person, and said someone can’t be overwhelmed by our scent.”  

“You do smell really good!” Syrus says blushing, sniffing at Jaden and trembling as his cock hardens in his pajama bottoms. Jaden chuckles.  

“Yes, the other part of it is, Centaurs are all born switchers,” Syrus blushed. “We liked to get fucked as well as fucking.” the words hit Syrus like an explosion. His penis throbbed and began to leak pre. “We also have two cocks.” That did it Syrus got a nosebleed. “Sy!”  

The boy came to a few minutes later, the first thing he saw was Jaden’s face. “Oh man, I had the weirdest dream, you were a centaur, and you said you have two dicks, and that you were a switcher.”  

“Right, right, and right,” Jaden says and Syrus sits up seeing him still in all his centaur glory. “You see a centaur’s body is quite unique, our bodies break down all food for energy so our holes exist purely for mating.”

“You said you had two dicks, but in your human form you only had one, a really big one!” he says blushing.  

“In my human form, my dick gains the benefits of both my cocks in my monster form. Taking a human shape and my balls are quite large.” Syrus couldn’t help but look seeing Jaden’s monstrous centaur cock between his legs and the hefty balls, looking even larger in this form. Syrus gulped feeling his hole clench, some parts terror some parts anticipation.  

“How could I take something so large?” he asked out loud.  

Jaden chuckled. “Well not as you are now, you need to drink some of my cum first.” He guided Syrus’ hand towards where his human body met his centaur one. “Feel here,” Syrus does and there was a small opening, you couldn’t see it by a glance but Syrus could feel the opening. “This is my sheath it houses my other cock if you drink my cum and your body absorbs it, it will evolve allowing your body to handle my monster cock.”  

It sounded crazy, but this has been a crazy night, and he trusted Jaden. The centaur knelt down and gave a bow. “Syrus, on my pride as a member of the centaur race, I am not gonna turn my back on you. Should you seek strength to become strong I shall guide you, should you seek to stand by my side I shall love and protect you, and should you seek to be mine I will do all within my power to make you happy.” Syrus blushed.  

He couldn’t help but cry, he was so happy. He embraced Jaden and cried, the brunette smiled and embraced him. “So is that a yes?”  

“Oh yes!” Syrus smiled, wiping away his tears.  

“How about a night run?” he rubbed the boy’s back.  

“I’ve never ridden before.”  

“Do you trust me?”  

With no hesitation. “Yes,” he says happily.  

“Alright, take off your clothes and climb onto my back.” Syrus blushed red, he was still hard as a rock. He took off his pajamas, shaking as the cool night air caressed his heated flesh. He climbed onto Jaden’s back, moaning as his hard cock and balls brushed against him. He took Syrus’ clothes and packed them with his own. Dandylion joined sitting behind Syrus.  

Jaden stands up and begins to move. Syrus yelps and clings to Jaden as the centaur gallops away. The wind danced around them, the air caressed Sy’s naked form, his nipples hardened and his penis twitched. He blushed and shivered, the wind was carrying Jaden’s scent to him, and Syrus found himself getting more and more excited.  

His body was so warm, Syrus felt like he was melting into him. Even as he ran, Syrus didn’t feel cold, he shivers in pleasure and rocks his hips against Jaden’s back. Jaden smiled feeling him rub his cock and balls against him. He was leaking but it didn’t bother him in the slightest.  

Jaden carried Syrus all over the island, the boy getting hotter by the minute. By the time they got back to the red dorm, Syrus came, his seed pelting Jaden’s sexy backside the cum splattering over the wall of muscle. He blushed seeing his cum run down Jaden’s sexy back muscles. “Sorry,” he says.  

“Don’t be, did it feel good?” Syrus nodded and hugged him from behind. “This is just a taste of what I want to offer you, there is so much more.” he turned his head and captured Syrus’ lips.  

Syrus moans into the kiss, and even though he just came, he finds yet another release. “Wow!” he slides off Jaden his legs feeling like jelly.  

“Careful now,” he’s supported by Jaden. The bluenette felt so special, he hadn’t felt like this in so long. He walked Syrus to his door, but he had to revert to human form. “Things won’t be like this forever, it’s gonna be better!” He shared one final goodnight kiss with Syrus and returned his clothes to him. “Good night, sweet dreams.”  

“Jaden...” the brunette had turned to walk away but stopped. “I do, I do want to get stronger, will you help me?”

“Of course, tomorrow we can begin.” Syrus smiled and entered his dorm room. He felt like he was walking on air, feeling light as a feather. He got in bed.  

Jaden transformed and raced back to his dorm, and though they were apart, this night created something between them. Something that no distance could break or tear.  

To be continued


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