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Inuyasha Parody: Tier 1


Souta: 9.5 inches

Spirits: Buyo, Keys, Drip, and Ember

Inuyasha 9 inches

Chap 3 Long Beautiful Hair

Souta had his mission, to find the shards of the shikon jewel, in hopes of returning home again. He wasn’t as scared as he thought he’d be, maybe it was his training, or the fact he had his spirit friends by his side. He also had his pet, the former ruler of the forest and former half demon Inuyasha.  

Keys knew about half demons, born from the union of humans and demons. Their blood constantly fights against each other, the demon blood seeing the human blood as weak and tries to consume it. The human blood fights back, the survival instinct strong. This causes an imbalance within the hanyo’s very soul, this causes side effects like the demon blood vanishing during strange times and during odd situations. Another side effects is demon take over, where the demon blood takes over the body in such a way it corrupts the mind making it impossible for the hanyo to think properly, and they basically attack everything around them.  

The technique Keys used freed the blood of it’s conflicting natures allowing it to merge properly. The human blood accepting the demon blood, and the demon instincts joining with the human mind. His human heart joining with his demon lust.  

As for Inuyasha this was a dream come true, he felt like a full demon, power flowing through his veins. Even his anal cherry loss wasn’t bothering him, in fact his hole and balls were itching for their next go. Just having his master on top of him was exciting, his stronger senses allowed him to catch his scent, hear the boy’s heartbeat it was soothing.  

They left his territory, Souta sensing the presence of a jewel shard beyond it. “So if a demon gets the jewel shard it can amplify their powers, and upon getting another shard gets amplified again. Kinda scary.”  

“Feh, you got nothing to worry about. You have me!” He says confidently. Souta chuckles and pets him, giving him a good scratch behind the ear. Inuyasha pauses, body trembling in pleasure.  

“In truth, he has us, you still gotta pull your weight around here.” Buyo says.  

Inuyasha growls at the spirit. “Watch it cat, or I’ll send you back to hell!”  

“Stop fighting you two, maybe we need to take a break?”  he gets off Inuyasha’s back and the demon transforms back into human form, bare ass naked and rock hard. Souta sits beneath a tree, and Inuyasha comes over to him. He stares at his feet and whimpers. “Something you want puppy?”  

Inuyasha shivers, cock twitching in delight at the name. Souta pulls off his shoes and his socks, wiggling his toes in the open air. “Mmm!” Inuyasha chews on his bottom lip.  

“If you want something I might just give it to you,” he palms his growing bulge.  

“I want to pleasure you master!” he moans.  

“Go ahead,” Inuyasha obeys, starting to lick Souta’s feet. The boy giggled as the long tongue worked along his feet and between his toes. Inuyasha blushes, loving every lick and whiff of the boy’s feet. His cock twitches and bounces, pre forming at the tip.  

“Did my spell warp him this much?” Souta asked.  

Buyo shakes his head. “Dogs can act all dominant, but once they submit they crave it. Dog demons are simple creatures.” Though Inuyasha heard him but was enjoying himself too much to care.  

After cleaning his feet, he was painfully hard. The dog demon caught the whiff of his arousal. He undid the boy’s pants and lowered them and his underwear down. The hard cock sprang up and slap his face. “Ahh, master’s dick!” his golden eyes sparkle as he stares at it.  

He rubs his cheek against it, and takes whiffs of the boy’s fat cock. He moves down to worship his balls, he took the left nut in his mouth and sucked on it, before moving onto the right.  

Inuyasha licks his way back up to suck on the tip. Souta’s cock spills pre, which the dog demon happily laps away. He swallows down his master’s cock, breathing through his nose as he swallows him down to the root. “Mmm!” he moans around his shaft. Inuyasha grabbed his dick and started to pump himself as he sucked Souta.  

The boy moans as the eager demon bobbed back and forth on his cock. His own strokes was making his balls bounce. He couldn’t help it, he was so close. Souta’s cock glided across his tongue, making his taste buds sing in joy, his throat was stuffed making his hole jealous.

“Here it comes puppy, drink my milk you’ve earned it!” Souta moans. His cock twitched in delight, his own balls itching to shed his own seed. Souta’s penis pulses in his mouth, and soon expands in climax.  

Inuyasha gave one last good suck from base to tip, hollowing his cheeks as the flow of cum rushed into his mouth. As the thick manly cum spilled into his mouth and coated his tongue, Inuyasha saw stars, his own release following just a few seconds after.

His strong demon seed pelted the ground hard, as his cheeks puffed out from Shippo’s manly essence. He couldn’t help it, he wanted to savor the flavor, glutinously rolling the cum over his large tongue. Finally he had no choice but to swallow, or risk the delicious man milk escaping. He swallowed, but as he did he sucked and lapped at the head, hoping to coax more of the delicious cum.  

Inuyasha’s efforts were rewarded with five more spurts, Souta’s balls being very happy. The softening cock soon rested on Inuyasha’s face, as he went back to worshiping Souta’s nuts.  

Souta was in heaven, he sighed happily as Inuyasha continued to please him. The ball worship was a great start, then he dipped lower to lick Souta’s taint. The boy shivered, and got an idea.   

“You wanna be my chair puppy?” Inuyasha pulled back face red, but the smile on his face said it all.  

“Really?” Souta nods and makes a finger gesture.  

“Roll over,” he obeys, and Souta sits up so Inuyasha can slide under him. He sits on Inuyasha’s face and plants his feet on the dog demon’s muscles. “Hmm, this is nice.” he wiggles and Inuyasha moans.  

The boy’s cheeks are parted and Inuyasha is able to kiss his master’s ass. Oh the pleasure that spread through the dog demon’s veins tail wagging, cock throbbing in delight.  

He started licking his master’s ass, tasting what his master offered to him. The tight ring of muscle opened up and allowed the dog demon entry. Souta moaned as the long wet muscle wiggled deep into his ass. His puppy was a very good boy, licking his master’s ass giving pleasure through his rimming. “You make a wonderful chair puppy!”

His words sent another jolt of pleasure through Inuyasha’s body, the praise alone made him feel like he was gonna cum. His dick wept and started leaking pre. The dog demon’s hand came to stroke cock, but not his own.  

He reached around and began pumping Souta’s aching cock. “Ohh yes!” With Inuyasha’s tongue up his ass, and his hand on his cock Souta couldn’t help but relax. Planting his ass more firmly into Inuyasha’s face.  

Inuyasha was in heaven, finding a greater purpose in life and doing his best at it. His master had opened so many doors for him, it was official he would serve his master till the end of his days. As his servant, as his pet, as his seat, whatever his master needed.  

Before he knew it Inuyasha bucked, his climax hitting him like lightning. His toes curled, and he came painting his lower half with semen, his cock erupting like a volcano painting his legs and crotch in cum.   

Souta followed suit, his hole spasming as he came his cum spraying all over Inuyasha’s abs and pecs. ‘Beautiful!’ Souta thinks, loving the way his pet looked drenched in cum, the seed looked lovely on his skin.  

He stood and Inuyasha sat up, not one to waste cum, and showing off to his master he started licking himself, lapping up his own seed off his legs. “Impressive, but you should have a proper bath.”   

“Yes master.” he stands up and heads towards a spring to wash himself. Even bath time seemed to brighten for Inuyasha. “Getting all clean for master, getting all clean for master!” he found some herbs that had a nice smell and used them as soap.  

“Well now, I’ve never seen a man such as yourself, what lovely hair.” Inuyasha tensed, and turned to glare as a woman appeared, seemingly floating on air.  

‘Damn!’ he was so focused on bathing and the herbs masked the enemy scent. He got on the defensive. “What do you want?” he growled.

The woman chuckled, eyeing Inuyasha’s body. “You are a  dog demon, I’d love to add your skull and hair to my collection.”  

“Not a chance!” he growled.  

“Not just you, your little master as well, his hair is also unique, such a lovely shade and texture.” Inuyasha’s demon aura flared.  

“You won’t lay a hand on my master you bitch!” he jumped into the air falling right into the woman’s trap. Inuyasha could not see the strands of hair she was using to remain suspended in the air. In a flash Inuyasha found himself tied up, and held spread eagle. “Damn it!”  

“I’m Yura of the Hair, nice to meet you doggy!” she flexed her fingers like she was manipulating puppet strings. “Your master is dealing with some of my toys now, so don’t worry you’ll be joining him in hell soon.” she chuckled.


Souta was also in a pickle as men and women manipulated like marionettes attacked him. He however could see the strings. “Buyo!”  

“On it!” the cat spirit zipped through the air slashing apart the hair freeing the innocent villagers. “This is the work of a demon.” Her powers were no threat to one who could see the hair.  

“Inuyasha might be in trouble.” Souta threw on his shorts and rushed towards where Inuyasha went to bathe.   

“No way, he can’t be that dumb as to not be able to see the hair...then again...” Buyo sweat dropped.  


“Damn it, how are you doing this?” Inuyasha struggled against his bonds, that to him was invisible but he was really tied up in hair.  

“Simple, my power is greater than yours.” Yura got nervous as her threads were cut. ‘If he can see the hair I must end this now.’ She drew a sword and rushed in to scalp Inuyasha. Before she could Buyo rushed in and severed her hand.  

“Hands off!” Souta snapped.  

“Master!” Inuyasha exclaimed, excited to see him despite his humiliating pose and situation.  

“Inuyasha, you are captured by hair!” Souta told him.  

“Hair?” he blinked but couldn’t see it.  

“Idiot!” Buyo snapped and used his claws to free the bound dog demon. Yura’s arm returned to her and hair restored it.  

“Buyo, Inuyasha is new to his new power, it’s possible his eyes have not yet awakened.”  

“You are gonna spoil him at this rate!” Buyo groaned.  

“Wonderful both of you together means I can collect both of your hair at once!” she charged at the two.  

“I don’t think so, Water Cyclone!” Thanks to Drip, Souta was able to manipulate the nearby water and blast Yura. However despite ripping a whole through her she was fine.  

A swirl of hair restored her body. “Souta she’s not real, she’s merely a manifestation, her true form lies elsewhere.”  

Yura glared. “For that I cannot let you live. Ogre Fire Hair!” She revealed a red comb, making a swiping motion with it she set some hair ablaze to scorch the two boys.  

Inuyasha gasped, his robe of the fire rat was back at camp, Souta had run off without it. “Pyro, dinner time!” The fire spirit appeared and it sucked up the flames.  

“Another spirit?” Yura gasped. Her comb pulsed, and Souta heard the faint voice of a spirit.  

‘Help me!’ it spoke.  

“Buyo!” Souta calls.  

“Fine, but this is the last time!” Buyo possessed Inuyasha again, awakening the dog demon’s eyes. Buyo needed to rest, saying dog demons made him sick, but his efforts were rewarded Inuyasha could now see the hair.  

“Inuyasha can you distract her?”  

“Heh, leave it to me! Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!” he jumped into the air. Now that he could see the hair he was able to fight. Using his claws he cut through the hair again and again.  

“Drip, Pyro, back him up!” the two obeyed launching fire and water attacks.  

Yura was getting pushed back, she was strong sure, but Inuyasha was stronger still. Her advantage over him was her hair which he could not see or defend against, now he could see. Plus with the spirit back up, water blades and flames cut through her defenses.  

“Give it up you can’t defeat me!” even as she was cut up, slashed, and burned her body continued to regenerate. “You’ll long tire out and then I will have your heads.”   

“That’s because your true self is not here!” Souta says, he was holding Keys. He needed her distracted to summon up the necessary power. “Key of the Sky, answer my call, pierce through the air and reveal to me that which is hidden!” It was a high level spell, Keys would be worn out after this, but it was well worth it.  

Thanks to the spell, Souta was able to locate Yura’s lair and her true self. “Inuyasha let’s move!”  

“Right!” he transformed into a dog and jumped down letting Souta ride him fast to get to Yura’s lair.  

“Hold it!” she tried to chase after but Drip was still around. Drip created a cyclone of water, trapping Yura within the vortex.  

“You think this can hold me!” she released her power, and Drip struggled to contain her. Even contained Yura still had control of hair, and the closer they got to her lair the more it attacked. Pyro acted as defense using his flames to blast apart the attacking hair.  

Any hair that was before Inuyasha simply broke across his durable body. Yura escaped Drip’s cyclone and raced after them. Drip had expended his power and returned to Souta. Souta was worried his friends had used all their strength to get them this far.  

They reached her lair, and Pyro used the last of his strength to get into the hair cocoon. “Thanks buddy.” Souta grabbed an old sword from one of the dead bodies around them.  

Yura returned furious. “Inuyasha, I’ll leave her to you.”  

“I hope you have a plan master.” Inuyasha returned to humanoid form and launched at Yura fighting her with all his might. Souta found the red oni skull, seeing a jewel shard inside it.  

In her domain, Yura began to overwhelm Inuyasha, smacking him around and soon had him tied up once again. “I think I’ll keep you alive, I’m gonna punish you for eternity for all the trouble you caused me!” she draws her sword. “But your master has to die!” she laughs as she heads towards the cocoon.  

“No you don’t!” Inuyasha stabbed himself. “Blades of Blood!” Yura didn’t bother to dodge as Inuyasha’s attack couldn’t hurt her, but maybe she should have.  

Before the hair could heal her wounds Souta had broken the oni skull with the sword. Inside was an object called a spirit comb. Someone had placed the comb inside the oni skull to create a more powerful demon with more unique powers.

Not many demons could awaken the spirit sight, so Yura’s hair could not be seen. So long as the comb remained inside the skull Yura had control over it’s powers. The jewel shard simply amplified them.  

With the skull damaged and the hair no longer answering her call, Yura bled for the first time, feeling pain. Souta took the comb and the jewel shard and Yura of the Hair died, crumbling away with the red skull.  

“It’s okay, your free now.” Souta held the comb, and out popped a furry spirit. It reminded Souta of cousin It from the Adam’s Family, only without the hat and glasses. The fur ball trembled.  

“Thank you so much.” he cooed.  

“Do you remember how this happened to you?”  

“I don’t I was resting inside the medium, waiting for someone to call for me. Then the next thing I knew, a man with long dark hair was placing me inside the skull. I was trapped and that demon woman appeared, she stole my power and used it for her own wicked ends.”  

“I see, you’ve been through a lot. How about traveling with me?” Souta offered.  

“Really?” the fur ball did a flip. “Thank you, it would be an honor to serve the one who saved me. My name is Wig!” he bowed.  

“A pleasure Wig, my name is Souta.” he made a contract with the spirit. “Rest easy, I will use your power well.” The comb became Souta’s newest medium.  

To be continued  


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