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Pocket Monster Parody: First Look


Pocket Adventures 01

What if Ash caught Haunter? Ash faces a great wall going up against Sabrina, her Pokemon and her powers are overwhelming. He seeks the help of a ghost type, said to be capable of facing off against psychic types. Haunter helps in a unique way, but he doesn’t choose to stay with Sabrina instead he follows Ash playing pranks and helping him out in more ways than one.  

Chap 1

Ash Ketchum left Pallet Town with his reluctant partner Pikachu on his journey to become a Pokemon Master. On his way he gained two traveling companions Brock the former Pewter City Gym Leader, and aspiring Pokemon Breeder. Misty the former Cerulean City Gym Leader and aspiring Water Pokemon Master.  

He’s received 3 badges, and he’s caught Pidgeotto, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Krabby he had a Butterfree but the little guy fell in love and Ash wanted him to be happy so he set him free. Krabby stayed with Professor Oak, the man who gave him Pikachu and his Pokedex.  

When Ash tried to go for his fourth badge he ended up facing against Sabrina. A powerful psychic, who’s overwhelming powers caused her mind to split, manifesting a doll of her younger self. She didn’t see Ash as a worthy trainer, but thought he and his friends would make excellent toys.  

She used her most powerful pokemon Kadabra and trounced Ash’s team. She toyed with them, to further humiliate Ash. They were saved by a mysterious psychic who teleported them away.  

Ash got his pokemon to the center, and the mystery man told him it was impossible to defeat Sabrina. In the face of psychic power Ash showed his guts, even as the man humiliated him with his own power he didn’t give up. So the old man relented telling him about the type of Pokemon he needed to face a psychic type.  

“You need to find a Ghost Pokemon from Lavender Town.” he said, Ash passed out from the relentless psychic assaults but he heard him, giving a weak thank you before passing out.  

Lavender Town was famous for Ghost Pokemon visiting and haunting the whole town. The towns people eventually built an eternal home for the ghost pokemon to gain some peace. Ghost pokemon were drawn to this site. It became like a rest house for ghost pokemon.  

The group were given directions to this house. Currently the house had only three permanent residents, a Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar. They were friends and enjoyed the house so much they stayed full time, playing tricks on the trainers who came by to try and catch them.  

Thus played pranks on Ash when he arrived, they toyed with Misty and Brock to, but they ran away, but Ash didn’t want to give up. Even when he and Pikachu had their soul ripped out, and got to experience life as a ghost.  

Ash actually enjoyed the ghosts antics, he didn’t want to part them so he planned to leave after returning to his body. However as they left Brock gasped as his pants were undone and his pants and his boxers were yanked down exposing his fat 8 incher. Misty covered her eyes in shock, when suddenly she got licked and became paralyzed. “Ehh?” Ash blinked and suddenly Haunter appeared laughing. “Haunter!”  

Haunter nuzzled him. “You wanna come with me?” the ghost type nodded. “Aww thanks Haunter!” he hugged the ghost type and laughed.  


Brock was still pretty embarrassed after getting pantsed by the ghost pokemon. “Ash are you sure you can trust Haunter?”  

“What do you mean Brock?” Ash blinked in surprise. “You aren’t scared of Haunter are you?” Brock blushed.  

“Scared?! No I am not scared!” Haunter nuzzles Ash, a small blush forming on the ghost Pokemon’s cheeks. Brock glares at the ghost feeling a strange feeling bubble inside him. “I just don’t trust him!” he pointed an accusing finger at him.

Haunter faded away only to reappear crying. “Aww Haunter it’s okay, Brock you hurt his feelings.” Ash pet Haunter which cheered the ghost type up. Haunter agreed to help Ash fight Sabrina, so they headed towards the gym.  

Things didn’t go well, Haunter vanished after Ash challenged her, and his other Pokemon were too scared of fighting the powerful psychic. Kadabra was strong sure, but Sabrina was far stronger. Their psychic link made Kadabra far more powerful than a normal Kadabra.  

The old man, who turned out to be Sabrina’s father showed up and helped Ash escape, but Brock and Misty were turned into dolls. Her father told Ash about Sabrina, since she was a little girl all she cared about was training her psychic powers. She didn’t make any friends outside of her fellow psychic pokemon.  

They are bonded telepathically so their psychic attacks way more punch. “Unless you can find Haunter I’m afraid you won’t be able to save your friends.” Ash went searching for Haunter even having his Pokemon help look.  


Team Rocket was planning on capturing Ash’s pokemon, only to be foiled by Haunter. James tried to nab Ash’s Charmander, only for Haunter to suddenly appear, he ended up pantsing James exposing his soft 6 incher and plump ass, he ended up tripping on his own pants and the fire type got away. Jessie tried to catch Squirtle only to have Haunter trap her in her own net. Meowth tried to capture Bulbasaur, only to get Hypnotized by Haunter.  

They regrouped planning on catching Pikachu only for Haunter return again. He scared them, and gave them each a lick paralyzing them. “Haunter, you helped stop Team Rocket?” the ghost type nodded and nuzzled him. “We are pals right Haunter?”  

The ghost type nodded. “Then please help me rescue my friends.” He thought about it and agreed. They regrouped at the gym, and they entered. “Sabrina!”  

“Back again, I’m surprised.”  

“You have my friends and I want them back!”  

“They are my friends now.”  

“Those aren’t friends, you are fooling yourself. You’ve spent so long developing your powers you don’t know what real friendship is.”  

“Enough!” Sabrina’s power flared the floor and walls cracking. “We shall have a match, 3 on 3! you will face true humiliation.” she teleported two more Pokeballs. “When you lose you’ll be returning to the toy box.”  

“Fine, let’s do this!”  

The first match was Abra vs Charmander. It was a difficult match as Abra’s teleport allowed it to dodge Charmander’s attacks. “Charmander spin and use Ember!”  

“Char char!” he spun releasing embers in all direction. Abra tried to Teleport but as soon as he came back he was hit by the flames. “Now Scratch!” he jumped on Abra and hit him with a Scratch attack.

Abra tried to teleport only to take Charmander with him. “Now Charmander Flamethrower!” the fire type blasted him at point blank range. It was Ash’s victory. “Thanks Charmander you were great!” he returned him.

The next match was Pidgeotto versus Drowzee.  The psychic type was super powerful, his power amplified by Sabrina and his link. “You can’t win a psychic pokemon links with their trainer, being a psychic myself we cannot be stopped, Drowzee Psywave!”  

Drowzee created a large ring of energy and launched it at Pidgeotto. “Dodge it and use gust!” the flying type swooped out of the way and launched a powerful gust. The wind hit Drowzee and started pushing him back.  

“Stop him Drowzee.” With a clap Drowzee dispersed the Gust, he used Disable as to stop Pidgeotto from using the attack again.  

“Pidgeotto Quick Attack!” It zipped forward and hit Drowzee sending him flying back.  

“Use Confusion!” Drowzee’s attack made Pidgeotto dizzy.  

“You can do it Pidgeotto, Wing Attack!” it shook his head, it’s wings glowing, and he charged at Drowzee.  

“Psywave.” Drowzee built up another psychic attack. The two clashed and Boom! When the smoke cleared Drowzee was unable to battle. Pidgeotto was just a little faster.  

“Thanks Pidgeotto you did great.” he returned him.  

“It seems you’ve gotten a little better, but persistence will only get you so far, Go Kadabra!” the psychic type appeared.  

“I choose Haunter!” however the ghost type was not in the room. “Oh no not again!”  

“Choose your pokemon or forfeit the match.” her eyes glowed. “Become a doll!” Ash flinched but Pikachu stood up for him.  

“You’ll battle Kadabra for me?” Pikachu nodded. “Alright Pikachu I choose you.” The two clashed Pikachu finally able to damage Kadabra with a Thunderbolt. “You did it!”  

“Recover!” Kadabra regenerated healing itself from all the damage. “I told you, you cannot win. Accept your fate!”  

Just as Sabrina was about to turn Ash into a doll Haunter appeared. It started doing it’s comedy act, and Sabrina started laughing. Thanks to her psychic link to Kadabra he was caught in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. He was rolling on the floor laughing like crazy.  

Sabrina’s father teleported in. “Sabrina’s powerful psychic power has overwhelmed Kadabra making him unable to battle. Ash is the winner.” He received the badge. Brock and Misty, along with Sabrina’s mother was reverted back to human form.  

“Sabrina,” Ash came up to her. “You are really powerful, but you don’t have to force people to be your friends.” he offered his hand to her.  

The doll vanished, and she took his hand. Her gym had a bunch of growing psychics in it, but Sabrina had kept them under an iron fist. “They share an interest in psychic power just like you. It’s something you have in common.”

“But I’ve kept everyone at arm’s length for so long how can I change things now.” To this Haunter vanished, and loud screams were heard inside the training room. The door suddenly blew off it’s hinges and the psychic students fell out bare ass naked.  

Sabrina couldn’t help but laugh, shocking them. “This is a good chance to start over.” Ash says. “I’d like to consider us friends as well.”  

“Thank you.” she smiles at him. “Your Haunter is quite the trickster, but he’s got a good heart.”  

“I know,” Ash laughed. Though this reminded him that he had yet to actually catch Haunter. They left Sabrina’s gym and Haunter followed them.  

“Haunter, I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to stay here or if you wanted to return to Lavender town, but I’d like to catch you, would you like to join me for real this time?” Haunter thought about it and nodded. “Alright, PokeBall Go!” Just as he was about to throw the ball Haunter vanished. “Haunter?” he looked around but Haunter was nowhere in sight.  

“He’s gone again!” Ash cried.  

“Maybe, but I don’t think this is the last we’ve seen of him.” Brock says.  

“Maybe your right.” Indeed he was, Haunter stealthily followed the group, maybe one day he’d allow Ash to catch him but just not today.  

To be continued...4 Badges Down 4 To Go: The Great Shopping Spree: Late Night Secrets



Interesting point of divergence! I'll be looking forward to seeing where this goes. ^^