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My Hero Parody: Patreon Reward


Chap 9 Heat Over Next Hurdle Arises

Inko retrieved medicine for Izuku, The After Heat Pill for Omegas! She made sure to get extra strength since he had two alphas. ‘My poor baby, it’s so tough for omegas. It’s hard on to think he’s already a man now. His first heat, he’s growing up so fast, someday he’ll be having babies of his own. Oohhh, Izuku’s babies would be so cute.’ she blushed. ‘Oh my what am I thinking?’  

It wasn’t completely irrational, omegas were capable of such things. With two alphas and a beta Izuku could start a lovely family already. ‘But Izuku wants to be a hero, he’s worked so hard.’ She had stayed at the home of the Bakugo’s while their sons went through Izuku’s first heat. ‘It must be over by now.’  

“To think we would be in-laws so soon.” Mitsuki says happily. “Honestly I didn’t think the brat would man up and accept Izuku but I’m glad he did.”  

“I thought they were always close, and Katsuki is a fine alpha.” she says. The two were having tea. Izuku’s heat should be finished soon and Inko was planning on heading home to give her son the medicine.  

“He’s still a brat if you ask me, I almost wish he had been born an omega and Izuku was the alpha. It’d knock his arrogant ass down a peg.”  

“Don’t say that, I hear he picked a fine beta for Izuku to.”  

“As long as he doesn’t kill the other alphas, I think it would all work out.” Bakugo’s mother says. Inko chuckled.  

“I’m just so nervous,” she says.  

“Hey my boy may be a brat, but he loves Izuku I’m sure he’s handled his heat well.”  

“No, it’s not that.” she wipes her eyes. “Izuku is still planning on going to U.A.”

“That’s tough, have you spoken to your sister about it? She’s a teacher there right?”  

“My sister...” Inko rubs her temples. She and her sister were often at odds with each other, but she loved Izuku. Mitsuki laughs.  

“She was always the wild one, but your family I’m sure she can help.” Inko nods. Her cellphone buzzed.  

“Heat over.” she reads, and breaths a sigh of relief.  

“See that, he got through his first heat. Now his future heats will be a cake walk.” Mitsuki hugs Inko. “Now that our boys are mates, that makes us family.”  

“Indeed,” she returns the embrace. “He’ll be fine, you raised a strong boy.” Mitsuki tells her. “But as mothers we can’t help but worry.” the two share a laugh.

She collects Izuku’s medicine and returns home. It was already late and all was quiet, the house’s vents had already cleared away the pheromones. She made her way to Izuku’s room, and peeked in. “Oh!” she blushed at the cute scene. Izuku had made a nest of blankets and pillows and plushies, he was at the center of it, Bakugo on his right, a red haired alpha on the left, and a blonde beta resting his head in his lap. ‘He looks happy.’   

Izuku had 24 hours to take his medicine, she decided to give it to him in the morning. That following morning…

Crash Bang Boom!  

Inko awoke to a loud clatter. “What on earth?” she got out of bed and raced down stairs.  

“Careful Bakugo, you are gonna burn it.”  

“Shut it weird hair, I know how to cook damn eggs.” That was Katsuki’s voice. She bumped into the blonde beta boy, he was carrying a laundry basket. “Oh Hello Mrs. Midoriya, excuse me breakfast will be ready soon.” Boom. “If it survives.” The beta carried the basket to the laundry room.  

“Guys don’t you dare destroy our kitchen!” Izuku calls.  

“I won’t!” Bakugo snaps.  

“Izuku?” Inko makes herself known.  

“Mom?!” Izuku gasped, veryone was in pajamas, thankfully. “Good morning.”  

“Good morning sweetie, I got you some medicine, please make sure you take it.”  

“Thanks mom, I will. These are my mates Kirishima, Ojiro, and of course you know Kacchan.” he says. Kirishima gives her a bow. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as Izuku’s mate.”  

“It’s good to see you auntie.” Katsuki says, and smoke starts rising from the pan. “Oops the eggs are burning.” Kirishima chides. “Damn it!” he rushes over and tries to save the eggs. Inko couldn’t help but chuckle.  

Breakfast was served, event Bakugo’s burnt eggs. Izuku took those. “You don’t have to eat them nerd, I know they are ruined.”  

“Kacchan made these eggs for me, so I’m going to eat them.” Kirishima cries tears of joy. “Izuku you are so manly, go go!”  

Izuku eats them, and everyone hears an audible crunch. “Their terrible aren’t they just say it!” Bakugo roars.  

Izuku starts crying, and Bakugo pales. “Ohh looks like Bakugo’s cooking made his omega cry.”  

“Shut it!”  

“No,” Izuku says. “They are a little burnt, but Kacchan made them for me they are good.”  

“Next time they’ll be perfect.” Bakugo says.  

“We can take turns making breakfast.” Kirishima says.  

“I’m not much of a cook but I can whip up something.” Ojiro says.  

Inko smiled. ‘Such good boys.’ Izuku took his medicine after breakfast. “You boys are so nice, are you planning to go to UA as well.”  

“Yes!” Kirishima and Ojiro exclaim.

“It’d be wonderful if we all could get in together.” Izuku says happily.  

“Oh yeah it will, we’ll be able to train and study together.” Kirishima says.  

“I could use some help on the studying front.” Ojiro admits, cutely scratching his chin.  

“What?! You better not lose you are my beta. I’ll beat the knowledge into you!” he growls.  

“Kacchan, maybe it’s better if I tutor Ojiro-kun.” the alpha blonde huffs, and the beta blonde breathes a sigh of relief.   

“Don’t forget Izuku, you’ll need to fill out your paperwork for your mating, you’ll need it for your paperwork for UA.” Izuku blushed. Another thing about omegas is their mates had to be registered after a successful mating, but for Bakugo, Kirishima, and Ojiro this meant something else. Once an omega was mated, it did deter some alphas and betas from sending mating letters, but it also opened the door for challenge letters. The men share a look not planning to let anyone take Izuku from them.  

‘I need to contact All Might as well.’ Izuku thinks. The man had given him time off of training to deal with his heat. ‘I’ll need to pick up my training to prepare for the big UA exam.’  


While Izuku worked on his paperwork. Inko called Midnight over to talk to her. The two sat down for tea. “So Izuku made it through his first heat, that’s wonderful.”  

“Yes, but I’m a little worried about Izuku.”  

“What’s wrong?” she asked.  

“I’m worried about the exam, is it really as tough as people say?”  

“I’m not gonna lie, this years exam is gonna be tough for him. I can’t go into details but his quirk isn’t gonna be suited for the practical exam.” Inko sulked.  

“Isn’t there something that can be done?”  

“There isn’t, omegas have to take the entrance exam, they can’t get in on recommendations.”  

“This is his dream.”

“I know, and there’s something else Izuku will be placed at a site away from any friends or mates he has. It’s partly why you have to register your mates before you can partake in the exam.”

“Oh dear!” she sulks. “He was so happy when he got his quirk, then he found out he was an omega, the odds seem to be stacking against him. I want him to succeed.”  

“I could give Izuku and his mates some training. There’s still time before the exam.”

“Izuku’s been working so hard, here!” she hands over Izuku’s training schedule. Midnight is surprised by it, this training program was very detailed, and seemed made exclusively for Izuku.  

“Inko where did Izuku get this?”  

“He didn’t say, is it dangerous? Should I have pressed it?”

“No no no, it’s just interesting. I think with this training Izuku will find results.”  

“You mean it?”  

“Yes, the exam isn’t easy, but Izuku’s desire to be a hero is strong I think he will do great.”  

“I want him to do great.” Inko says. Izuku heard everything, feeling his heart flutter.  

“Hey mom, I’ve finished my paperwork.” he comes out. “Hey auntie Midnight.”  

“Hey kiddo, you are a true man now, how does it feel?” he blushes and scratches the back of his head.  

“I’m gonna go send in my paperwork.” he says nervously. Inko elbows her sister.  

“Don’t embarrass him!” she whispers. “Want me to walk you sweetie?”  

“No I’m good. I’m gonna go train after.” he says. ‘I got a meeting with All Might.’ he heads off.  


Izuku walks to deliver the paperwork. He accidentally bumps into a guy wearing a hoodie. “Excuse me.” he says, and gives a polite bow to him. “It’s fine, try to be careful.” Izuku walks off, the hoodie clad male following him with his eyes. ‘A sweet little omega like you shouldn’t be walking around alone.’ he places a strange hand on his face and heads off. ‘Such a rare beauty in this world of filth.’  

With Izuku’s mates registered, the Omega Protection Office responds to many of the letters sent in. This is when they had a choice, resend the letter and see if they can join the mating party, or write a challenge letter.  

Izuku was quite the popular omega, since his TV appearance. His name and face were out there which was more than other omegas. His popularity was high!  


“So this omega has 2 alphas and a beta, he must be some kind of slut, looks like a I dodged a bullet.” says a blonde alpha, who laughs but the expression on his face said he was jealous. He busted out pen and paper and began writing a challenge letter.   


“So he has mated already, I could challenge his alphas, but from the video he seems to truly care about at least one of them. I should not taint our relationship in darkness. I’ll resend my letter, and hope for the best.” the boy had a bird for a head and he proceeded to write a new letter. “We can take em!” his quirk spoke. “No, we should approach the omega on equal grounds.” his quirk booed.  


“Man two alphas and a beta, that means I still got a shot!” a blonde beta says. “Wait till he gets a load of me, I’ll rock his world.” he goes to resend his letter.  


While many betas resent their letters, some alphas planned to challenge for Izuku’s hand. However many of these challengers gave up on Izuku for now, focusing on school to try and get into UA.  

To be continued...Chap 10 Second Quirk?! Challengers Make their Move!  


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