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DBZ parody: Tier 1 

Chap 3 Kids These Days

There was more to the story of Son Goku that Whis did not reveal. Androids, a monster from the future, a pink blob of death and his evil wizard master. Goku and his friends fought them all.  

He searched for his mother with his brother Raditz. They found her and brought her back to Earth, and then it was time to bring back their father. Using the dragon balls they brought Bardock back to life. The two were reunited, and were happy to see their children doing so well. Raditz even had his first child with Bulma.  

The Son house was a well built home thanks to Bulma. A fancy and well stocked kitchen, a dining room and living room. It had several rooms for the kids and the mates of Son Goku. Not all of them were the cuddle type, and Goku was a cuddler. This didn't mean they didn't share his bed from time to time, but they all had their own personal space.  

Piccolo had his own room. Yamcha had his own room. Vegeta shared Goku's room and no other, unless you counted the gravity room. Android 17 aka Lapis had his own room. Gohan had his room, which he shared with his mate Android 16. Goten and Trunks shared a room, as not only were they brothers they were mates as well. There was a spare room for guests.  

If your curious about some of the matings. Piccolo and Yamcha have been with Goku the longest, Piccolo loved Goku but wasn't much the cuddle type unless Goku really pushed him on it. Yamcha was the same, he had no problem cuddling with Goku, but since Vegeta joined the family things got a little tense in the bedroom. It took some time but Goku eventually got them in a good rhythm.  

For Yamcha, he knew Goku needed Vegeta. They were both saiyans, they understood each other in a way that he couldn't. He knew Goku loved him, and a new boy wouldn't change that. His family, him, Goku and their Gohan, a family he wouldn't even have without Piccolo's help. Sharing Goku wasn't the problem, but the prince always rubbed him the wrong way.  

As for Vegeta, he wanted Kakarot, in some ways needed him. A saiyan who could challenge him, who could push him to new limits. The prince didn't like to share, but he was nothing if not adaptable. His Kakarot needed things he couldn't give on his own. He hated to admit it but he owed the namekian. He carried his first child, his hair color was a little strange but that was due to the ultimate oozaru bloodline. It didn't bother him too bad, and to further his surprise Kakarot offered to carry their second child. It was after the cell games, and Vegeta was so happy and adorable for the next few months. He loved his sons, and his mate, and yes even the extended family his mate drew around him.  

There was no tearing Goku away from anyone, there was no point in trying. After Cell's defeat they got a new addition, well two new additions.  

Android 16, he was rebuilt thanks to Bulma and Gohan, well Gohan kinda fell for the giant red head. He and his father could make the best puppy eyes. 16 was reprogrammed and given the choice on what he wanted to do with his life. He chose to become Gohan's mate.  

Unlike his father, Gohan was more submissive. While Goku did bottom from time to time, he enjoyed topping a lot more. Gohan loved 16, and while some could debate if 16 could love, he cared about Gohan. He helped Gohan with his school work and with training.  

The last member of their family to date, was Android 17 aka Lapis. He owed his life to Goku and co. He was a proud switcher, and he gladly offered his ass to Goku, and his cock to Gohan.  

Android 16 didn’t mind sharing, since he considered Lapis family. After the events of Majin Buu, Hercule was named the world’s hero and he received a large sum of money. In turn Hercule wanted to celebrate the real heroes who not only defeated Buu, but saved him as well.  

The pink magic blog of a being had taken into the care of Hercule, and has been staying with him. “Hey Buu, we got the party almost ready.”

“Sweets?” he asked.  

“Uh huh, lots of sweets, lots of food. Now we just need to get everyone together.” He started making calls.  

-x-Son House-x-

Son Goku aka Kakarot was curled up naked in the sheets of his bed, but he was not alone. His enemy, turned rival, turned lover and mother of his children Vegeta was with him. The prince of all saiyans was equally naked, covered in love bites, his mates cum leaking out of his ass.  

Vegeta was behind him spooning him, his cock buried deep in Goku’s ass, their tails coiled together. ‘What’s gotten into Kakarot recently, he’s been so affectionate lately.’ He wasn’t complaining, and it wasn’t like leaving bruises was uncommon. Saiyans got a little wild when excited and horny.  

Goku usually picked one position with Vegeta, if he had sex with Yamcha, or Piccolo, or Lapis he usually came to him for some submissive fun. Or if he had a round with Bardock, Raditz or Gohan. Incest was not a word in the saiyan language, saiyans looked to family for many things.  

They weren’t mates, but that didn’t mean they didn’t fool around. Bardock’s family were like sex sponges, always experimenting always trying new things. Vegeta had gotten to watch Kakarot and Raditz go at it, the two had strong alpha attitudes so it was a sexual wrestling match to see who would come out on top.  

Raditz took what he learned and applied it to fun times with Bulma, hell just telling her stories of him and his brother together got the woman wet.

Bardock often played with his sons, one on one, or together. One on one he usually got out on top, but together he often ended up between them. It was on more than one occasion where Bardock returned to Gine with his sons’ cum either in him or on him. It was the same thing with Gohan, the young hybrid found himself coming to his father from time to time, getting sexed up, and returning to his lover 16. Saiyan bonding was always important.

Goku is a strong saiyan, with a wild and creative sex drive. He often took what he learned from his other mates and his family and brought it to their bed. It was glorious, so dominant and caring Vegeta could just melt beneath him. When Kakarot took him, there was no blow to his pride, he wanted the man as much as he wanted him.   

His Kakarot, so strong, so beautiful, gladly gave him the chance to hold the reigns. He took those reigns and made sure the larger saiyan didn’t regret it. Vegeta was very proud of his sexual skills, bringing his mate to a panting moaning mess.  

Mates were often off limits to family, Goku didn’t touch 16, or Bulma, or Gine. Bardock and Raditz in kind didn’t play with Goku’s mates unless asked, such as 17 and Gohan’s play time. In such rare times Vegeta has fucked Raditz, usually with Kakarot present.  

Kakarot wasn’t the only one to learn some new tricks, and Vegeta used them to have Kakarot melt for him. Raditz was happy to help his prince practice new techniques. Bulma didn’t know which was hotter, Raditz being with Goku, or Raditz being with Vegeta, but it aroused her to no end.  

Vegeta caressed his lover’s cheek. Despite how wild their sex life seemed to be, they had a good flow with each other. Yet Kakarot had been taking both roles lately, not letting Vegeta leave the bed, till both their holes were filled with jizz.  

Kakarot nuzzled into his touch, letting out a rumble of a purr. The saiyan prince couldn’t help but chuckle and nuzzle his mate’s thick mane of hair. Suddenly the door burst open, disturbing the tranquil peace Vegeta was having. ‘Oh great...’

“Get up you two, you can’t spend the day in bed.” Yamcha stood in the doorway.  

“We can if you’d just leave us alone beta male.” Yamcha may have been Goku’s wife, but as Vegeta states he was Kakarot’s mate.  

“And let his highness miss his daily training schedule, heaven forbid.” Yamcha says in a mocking tone. “Now both of you get up, get a shower and come have breakfast.”  

“Do not boss me around you...” He was cut off as Goku suddenly shot up awake. He pulled himself off the prince’s dick, making said prince gasp in shock. Best way to get Goku up and moving, mention food or a meal.  

“Come on Vegeta breakfast!” His tail wagged excitedly. Vegeta would have punched him if he didn’t look so damn adorable. His stomach growled, telling him breakfast did sound nice. He got up and followed Kakarot into the shower.  

“Vegeta, would you mind washing my hair?” he asked.  

“Are you a child?” Vegeta growled, Goku simply looked back at him, giving him a pleading look.  

“Please, it feels nice.” Vegeta sighs, and grabs the shampoo.  

“Fine, you clown.” Goku chuckled, and Vegeta began washing his hair. The larger saiyan purred as Vegeta’s fingers massaged his scalp.  

“Ahhh, so good.” he smiles. “I could wash your hair to.”  

“I can do that myself baka,” Vegeta scolds and rinses his hair down. Goku groaned and whipped his hair.  

“It’s nice, I used to do that with Gohan all the time.” his tail grabbed the brush and began washing his own back. “I got to do it with Goten to.”  

“What’s with you today?” The male just sighed.  

“Nothing.” He says before chuckling.  

“What are you...ahhh!” Goku spread his cheeks and began lapping at his cum filled hole. Vegeta had to brace himself against the wall. ‘Damn Kakarot always a surprise!’ the prince shivered as his mate’s tongue plundered his ass, lapping out his cum.  

The two showered and went for breakfast. Piccolo had water, he could eat, he just didn’t need to eat as much as even a human, one meal a day could satisfy. “Goku, did you enjoy your breakfast?” Yamcha asked.  

“Yes, you did great.” He pulled the human into a kiss, hands roaming Yamcha’s chiseled form. The male moaned into the kiss, deepening it passionately. Goku cupped Yamcha’s ass, fondling the toned cheeks. “Mmm!”  

“Papa!” Goten burst into the room, flying straight at Vegeta. He called Vegeta Papa, and Goku Daddy. Vegeta caught him. “Fix a plate, training will start soon.” Goten grinned and hugged his papa. “Kay!” he cheered and flew off into the kitchen.  

Since learning to fly, he did it freely. He brought his plate of food. “Is daddy, joining us today?” he didn’t even flinch at the heavy make out session going on at the table. Goku broke the kiss but didn’t stop molesting Yamcha.  

“Not today,” Goku says before going back to kissing Yamcha. His youngest son nods and starts to dig in. He broke the kiss once again. “And Gohan?”  

Piccolo blushed, his ears twitching. “He’s preoccupied, he woke up early to study, and is currently entertaining.” Bulma reinforced the walls and doors but Piccolo could still hear with his sensitive hearing. He blushed, and finished his water. “He’s with both Lapis and 16, so he will probably be free around lunch.”  

Another odd thing Vegeta has noticed is that Kakarot had taken to meditation training with Piccolo lately. “Goten, let’s go train.”  

“Yes!” the boy followed after Vegeta. The boys scattered out a bit after breakfast, doing their own thing, be it training, meditating, or getting sandwiched between two huge android dicks.  

It was Yamcha who got the call from Hercule later, informing him of the grand party. Music, drinks, tons of food, of course they were going. Little did they know they would be getting some party crashers…


The party was in full swing, everyone was gathered together. The saiyans occupied the biggest table with food piled high. Goten, Trunks, and Gohan were chomping down food like it was there job. Vegeta, Raditz, and Bardock were mixing food and drink. “Kakarot why aren’t you drinking, this stuff is so strong!” Raditz groaned, a blush spreading over his face.  

“No thanks I’m good, I’m super hungry anyway!” he went after more food. Raditz and Bardock didn’t question it.  

“More for us then!” they clinked glasses and chugged. Gine however, kept a close eye on her youngest son. The other Z fighters were having fun, it was great to party together like this, with no big threats to fight, no alien invasions, just a nice time with friends and family.  

Roshi joined in the drinking, trying to see if he could out drink the saiyans, a noble goal in a way. It was a good thing Hercule got all this food, Goku was already on his sixteenth.  

“Watch it little brother, even for a saiyan, eat this much and you’ll get fat!” no sooner had the word left his mouth, did Goku’s fist go flying towards it. Raditz went flying and slammed into a wall.  

“Don’t call me fat!” Goku growled.  

“The hell, you lost your mind, but if you wanna fight!” he was about to pounce when Gine, struck him. “Oww.”  

“No fighting this is a party.”  

“But Mom, he started it!”  

“And I finished it, now both of you apologize and get back to the party, or you both can go home now!” her tail thrashed angrily, and the two quickly bowed their heads and apologized.  

The party was back to normal. To bad they were about to receive an uninvited guest. Bulma’s watch went off. “Wahh!” she gasped.  

“What is that Bulma?” Krillin asked.  

“It’s my Space Perimeter Alarm, with all the aliens we’ve come across I developed some tech to alert us when something comes towards us.”  

“That’s so cool!” Yamcha says.  

“That’s our Bulma, always thinking ahead.” Krillin praises.  

“Well, I am a genius after all.” she says proudly. She checks her watch. “We got two detected, coming in fast.”  

“Enemies?” Raditz and Vegeta stand up readying to fight. Goku continued stuffing his face.  

“Not sure,” she says. “This system is a prototype, I designed it to be an early alert system.”  

They were about to find out as someone was heading their way. The mystery person landed, and everyone took a fighting stance. When the figure landed everyone was frozen in shock...he had a tail.  

‘A saiyan?!’ was the shared thought.  

“It can’t be.” Bardock says in shock. Vegeta steps forward and Bardock looks between him and the stranger.  

“Tarble,” he speaks.  

“Big Brother!” Tarble shouts happily, and everyone gasped.  

“Big Brother?!”  

“I don’t believe it, Prince Tarble was alive.” Bardock was completely shocked.  

“Vegeta, you never told me you had a brother.” Goku snaps.  

“You never asked,” he turns his head back towards his brother. “What are you doing here?”  

“After father sent me to one of the most dangerous galaxies in the quadrant to train me.” Tarble began.  

“What?!” Goku and Bulma shout, and look to Bardock.  

“King Vegeta was quite strict, especially with his children.” That wasn’t strict that was psychotic.  

“Your power level was quite small at birth, it was unbecoming of an elite let alone a prince. I never did agree with father’s decision, and I was never informed of your location, but I’m glad to see you alive, little brother.”  

“Vegeta oni-san!” he says blushing. “It’s great to see you alive and well.” he bows.  

“Aww Vegeta, he’s so cute!” Goku suddenly approached Tarble and hugged him.  

“Gah, Vegeta oni-san, who is this guy?” Tarble blushed, and his tail wagged.  

“This is my mate Kakarot, forgive him he can be very affectionate.” he says, as his mate nuzzles his little brother.  

“This guy?” he presses a button on his scouter. “He doesn’t seem that strong.” he scans him. ‘His ki is fluctuating oddly.’  

“You can’t trust the scouters Kakarot is hiding his power level.” To prove his point, Kakarot powered up, but didn’t transform.  

His scouter broke from the force. “Wow, you really are strong. That’s good, I really need your help.” Tarble filled them in. He did get sent to one of the most dangerous planets for training, but it was dangerous due to it’s terrain and several vicious wild life. Tarble found a small tribe of those just like him, just trying to survive. They taught him survival techniques and Tarble used his big brain to develop new technology to help deal with the planet’s terrain and it’s dangerous predators.  

Just as Tarble had gotten the planet under some form of balance that’s when they were found out. Two members of the Frieza forces attacked the world, but when they saw the technology Tarble had created they wanted him. They gave the people an ultimatum hand over the inventor and their world would be sparred. The planet’s people were not fighters, they had a deep instinct for survival. So they had planned to turn Tarble over to save themselves. Tarble ran, stealing one of their ships and escaping.

“You were too soft Tarble, you should have been properly training.” Tarble looked down. He was too soft, he couldn’t see how the people of the planet were only nice to him because he was able to make them things. He did learn some survival skills from them, but as a saiyan his power wasn’t high at all.  

“That means, the people after you are on their way here.” Bulma sweats.  

“I’m sorry for the trouble.”  

“It’s no trouble, you are family.” Goku says happily.  

Frieza’s army was spread thin, since the overlord’s death uprisings have begun and even the mighty army has fallen apart, and in both power and tech they have started to fall behind. “The two chasing me are Abo and Kado, they have been training and they’ve obtained power as strong as Frieza!”  

“As strong as Frieza huh, thinking back on it he isn’t even the strongest enemy we’ve faced.”  

“Ehh?” Tarble gasped in surprise. Sure enough speak of the devil and he appeared. Abo and Kado had landed and came after Tarble. “It’s them!”  

“Hand over the inventor or die.” One of them said.  

“No thanks, he’s family you can just leave now.” Goku says.  

The two twitch in anger. “You dare to mock us.”  

“Goten, Trunks!” Goku calls and the two come over. “We are gonna help uncle Tarble.”  

“Yes!” the two cheer.  

“Trunks, be careful!” Bulma says.  

“He’ll be fine.” Raditz says. “Kick their ass son!”  

“Got it pops!” Trunks powers up.  

“Go get him Goten.” Goku calls.  

“I will!” He to powers up, and Tarble gasps.   

The two transform, Trunk’s body gaining purple fur spreading over his body. The same occurred for Goten, but his fur was a reddish pink. “Ultimate Ozaru!” they cheer and charge in for an attack.  

Tarble couldn’t believe it, they were holding their own against the two. The duo once held the same power as the Ginyu Force but through training they were on par with Lord Frieza.  These two were standing up to them.  

Their attacks were wild, it was clear that Abo and Kado had not faced saiyans before. Even the two’s cooperation tactics weren’t much against these two well trained saiyan youths. Any ki blasts the two could fire, were easily hit back by their strong saiyan tails.  

“Enough of this!” The two fuse into a larger form, he was now purple, and bulky, and had a weird tentacle on his head that reminded everyone of Buu, or perhaps it was an antennae.  

The new fusion turned the tides a bit, smacking the two young saiyans around. His ki blasts were even stronger and he proceeded to pummel the two into the ground.  “This is bad, they’ll be killed!” Tarble was trembling in fear.  

“No, they got this.” Goku says. “Kids these days, if we aren’t careful they’ll surpass us in no time.”  

Bardock chuckled. “Now you know how I feel.”   

The two rise up from the crater. “This guy is asking for it!” Trunks growled.  

“Let’s get him Trunks!” Goten says, and the two take a strange stance.  

“Fu...” they start moving towards each other. “Sion...” they do some strange poses. “Ha!” they come together bringing their fingers together. A powerful light erupts and Gotenks appeared, he to was in Ultimate Ozaru form, their fur was pitch black.  

“You better get ready you big blob, we are gonna take you down!” Wham! The fusion slams into Aka, knocking the wind out of him. “Hya hya hya hya hya hya Haa!” after a barrage of punches they hit Aka with a ki blast.  

“You damn brats! Fine, all of you can die!” he lets loose a wide spread barrage of ki blasts.  

The Z fighters take to action and do their best to deal with the barrage. “Knock it off!” Gotenks powers up and slams into him, once again knocking the wind out of him. “You are ruining the party, now you gotta go!”  

He takes a fighting stance all too familiar, blue energy building up between their hands. “Kame...hame...ha!” he fired a powerful blast and blasted Aka away. Their fusion ended and Tarble’s jaw dropped.  

“That form, I can’t believe it.”  

“That’s not the only power a saiyan can achieve!” Vegeta proved it by going Super Saiyan.  

“Oh wow! Do you think I could obtain such power.” Vegeta smirked, and nodded.  

The party resumed, with only some mild damage. That’s when Lapis, Gohan and 16 showed up. “Whoa, did we miss the party?”  

“We had some party crashers, but it’s been dealt with.” Lapis comes over to Goku and gives him a kiss.  

Tarble’s jaw drops and looks between Goku and Vegeta. “Kakarot has many lovers, that one is just one of the newest.” he explains before stuffing his face once more.  

“Aww don’t be jealous Vegeta, we are all one big happy family.” Lapis says after finishing his make out session.  

“Does that mean, he could mate me to?” Tarble says out loud. Everyone’s gaze sets to him and he blushes redder than a tomato.  

“If you become a super saiyan, I’ll allow it.” Vegeta says.  

“Thank you big brother!” Tarble digs in.  

The party was back in full swing. Two more saiyans at the table had the servers running like mad to keep up with the food. As it turned out Abo and Kado weren’t done, they launched one final assault on the party.  

Abo attacking Goku, and Kado attacking the depowered saiyan children. 17 acted fast, creating a barrier and he and Goku. “The party crashers I take it. I was trying to enjoy my meal!”  

Gohan deflected the other blasts. “Attacking my precious kin, you will pay for that.” Gohan and Lapis charge each finishing the two with a single blow. 16 sent them flying with one final rocket punch up the ass.  

The two had enough, and denounced the Frieza forces and left never to be seen again.  


Beerus was stuck doing his job as destroyer, when his mind was heavily distracted, all he could do was think about Goku. ‘I have to see him!’ he thinks.  

To be continued...Hunt For God


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