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Naruto Parody: Tier 6: Uzumaki Size Vol 1 and 2 Patreon exclusive


Uzumaki Size

Naruto 17 inches
Kakashi 10 inches
Zabuza 10 Inches
Haku 7 Inches
Asuma 9 inches
Sasuke 9.5 inches
Kiba 9 inches
Shino 8 inches
Chouji 5 inches
Shikamaru 6 inches

Sakurai 8.5 inches

Chapter 10 Chunin Exams Opens

It was interesting news all around, as many of the Konoha teams received word they would be taking part in the Chunin Exams. Being genin came with restrictions, but this exam would allow them to take the next step.  

However it wouldn’t just be them, villages from all across the land would be attending, so it was best if everyone was on their best behavior. Naruto felt the behavior line was more directed at him then the others, but ehh it was a reasonable request. “Ninja from other villages will be coming here! This is gonna be so cool!”

Quite the turn out indeed, while only Suna’s, the village hidden in the sand, Hokage was here as a spectator this years Chunin Exam had gathered talent from many of the villages.  

The village hidden by mists, the village hidden by rocks, the village hidden by sound, the village hidden by a waterfall, the village hidden by rain,  and the village hidden by cloud, the village hidden by grass.  

So many ninja were gathering in one place. Sarutobi was looking over the teams, and some stuck out to him. Team Samui from Kumogakure the village hidden in the clouds. Their Jounin instructor was Samui, and the students under her varied in age. The eldest was Atsui, the younger brother of Samui, then there was Karui, and the youngest was a boy named Omoi. ‘They are each skilled in the sword, this will be difficult for most of the students as they haven’t handled many bladed fighters before.’  

It was funny if Naruto had obtained Zabuza sooner he could have given basic kenjutsu knowledge and defense. Sarutobi sighed. ‘Perhaps it’ll work out if they can pass the first 2 tests.’  

Another team he had his eye on was the Sand Sibling Team led by their Jounin Baki, it seemed the group consisted of two brothers and their elder sister Temari, the middle child Kankuro, and the youngest Gaara. What made this lot so special for one, they were all children of the Kage of Suna.  

Then there were two teams from the Village of Sound, Team Dosu and Team Skull. Just at a glance Team Dosu stood out. Team Skull consisting of Kimimaro, Juugo, and Kidoumaru, they were older and more skilled, it was surprising they weren’t Chunin already.

‘This year is gonna be interesting to say the least.’   

-x-With Team Samui-x-

“Man, I can’t believe A-sama isn’t coming to watch us compete, we are gonna kick ass in this exam.” Omoi says.  

“Ugggh, you idiot A-sama doesn’t need to come, he knows we will pass the exam and bring pride and victory to Kumo!” Karui scolds him.  

“But what if we do so well, we become super popular we end up getting hoards of fans, it’d be so hard to break all those hearts.” Karui thought about it for a moment before blushing.  

“Idiot!” she snaps at him.  

“Well it is possible, men of Kumo are the most endowed men across the ninja world.” Atsui says, and he and Omoi high five. “You know it!” he chuckles. “I could never choose one gender to love, but I’ll only submit to a man with a bigger cock than mine.”  

Samui face palms. ‘Idiots.’ Though they weren’t wrong, her former teammate C was 13 inches, her brother the same size but had more girth to him. Omoi was 14 inches, his teacher Killer B was 16 inches, and their Hokage had the biggest cock in the village. There wasn’t a single man in their village born under 12 inches.

“OH NO!” Omoi shouts. “I was looking forward to visiting the hot springs and bathhouse here in Konoha, but what if the ninja see my dick, they’ll become so turned on by my size they’ll fight over my cock and I’ll end up starting a civil war!”

Atsui chuckles, drooling a little at the possibilities. While the girls face palm at how dumb they could be. “Listen up!” she smacks them both. “We are ninja from Kumo, we are here to pass the Chunin Exam, do your best or else bring shame upon the Raikage!”  

“Yes!” they stand at attention and salute.  


Naruto was busy training and preparing for the upcoming Chunin exams, Kyuubi was putting him through the paces mentally and physically. Naruto had some requests for his training, one being becoming a sensor type ninja, he wanted to be able to keep track of his mates and find them if need be.  

Your skills are growing, this exam will be a good test for you to see how far along you’ve gotten.’ Naruto nods. Kyuubi’s training was tough, the blonde had stripped down to his sealing underwear.

He ran drills, went through several meditation practices, and had to do chakra manipulation controls. While he meditated Kyuubi had him practicing jutsu, plus Kyuubi had Naruto coming up with his own jutsu, testing his creativity and adaptability.  

Naruto had no idea of the trouble that was brewing in the village, or the attention his training drew.  


Kurenai was giving Hinata special training, so Kiba and Shino were on their own. “Maybe we should go train with Naruto, or ask Kakashi-sensei or Asuma-sensei to give us some training?” Kiba groans.  

“It would be beneficial, Kurenai seems to only care about Hinata’s training.”

“Training with Naruto also means...” Kiba chuckled, a blush spreading on his cheeks. Shino groaned, but couldn’t help but agree. With Akamaru barking in agreement it was unanimous, and they were off to find the blonde.  

“So this is what qualifies as Konoha ninja?” the two pass by a pair, the male speaking as they pass.  

“What was that?” Kiba growls.  

“Nothing, just commenting on weak Konoha ninja look.” the male marked in face paint says.  

“Now Kankuro be nice, they can’t help how weak they are.” the blonde girl says.  

“You’re right Temari!” he laughs.  

Kiba growls, but Shino grabs him. “We can’t be starting fights here, let’s go!” Kiba was hesitant, but relaxed.  

“Running away, is that all the ninja of Konoha can do?” Kankuro taunts.  

“We will show you our strength during the Chunin exam.” Shino says, and adjusts his glasses. “But I don’t think you are very good ninja.” the two tense up and glare at the bug user. “What competent ninja judges a book by it’s cover.”  

“You!” Kankuro glared readying his weapon he kept on his back. Temari did the same reaching for her weapon. A rock came soaring and struck Kankuro’s hand, and before Temari could draw her weapon a pink haired boy appeared behind her and caught her hand.  

“That’s enough!” Sasuke and Sakurai were on the scene. “This is not how ninja appearing for the Chunin exam are supposed to behave.”  

Kankuro smiles. “We were just having fun, sizing up our opponents and all that.”  

“I’m sure.” Sasuke glares. “You guys okay?”  

“Perfectly fine, we could take em.” Kiba says.  

“I don’t think so mutt boy.” Kankuro taunts.  

“Stop it Kankuro.” the group freezes, but the pair began to sweat. “You are embarrassing us.”


Sasuke and Sakurai were shocked. ‘I didn’t even sense him.’ Kiba and Akamaru shared a similar thought. ‘I couldn’t even smell him.’ Shino as well, his bugs were actually buzzing, sensing danger, and Akamaru whines.  

This boy had an aura of death about him.  



Naruto had worked up a nice sweat from his training and was using the nearby river to clean off a bit. The blonde was unaware of the audience he had gained.  

‘This is the vessel of the nine tailed fox?’ one of them thought.  

‘He doesn’t seem like much.’ another said.  

Naruto started practicing his sensor skills, and his eyes widened in shock. “I don’t know who you are but it’s not polite to peep.” Naruto says.  

‘He can sense us!’ the first one thinks in shock. This didn’t sit well with the third, the male unable to hold back his killing intent.  

“Wind Bullet Jutsu!” he fires a bullet of air towards the murderous aura. A cloaked male burst out from hiding and crushed Naruto’s air bullet, but lost part of his robes. Orange hair was revealed, along with a large body. His right side looked corrupted and mutated, his fist massive.  

Naruto dodged his fist, but was shocked at the power. “Juugo no!” a pale male with white hair sprang out and tried to hold him back, another male tried to do the same, using 6 arms to try and hold him back.  

“Damn it Juugo, control yourself!”  

“No! He’s strong! Let me kill him, let me kill!” he roars more of his body mutating. The pale male was shocked. ‘Is this boy really so strong to get Juugo to react like this?’  

He took his eyes off Juugo for a moment and Juugo tossed him away, and broke free of the six armed male’s hold.  

‘Kyuubi, what’s happening to him?’ Juugo roars as his body became fully mutated.  

Interesting his body is being altered by nature chakra.’ Kyuubi had been teaching Naruto about nature chakra, it would be helpful with his sensor training. ‘Amazing I’ve never encountered a human with natural nature chakra inside them, he can’t control it!’

Juugo rushed at Naruto wildly. ‘I can stop him, I just need to relieve the pressure.’ Naruto closed his eyes. ‘Dancing Leaf Technique!’ Juugo kept charging but with each attack Naruto’s body flowed out of the way, it was almost like he was dancing.  

Once Naruto was close enough he slipped in close. He kissed Juugo, the orangette froze. ‘Uzumaki 30 Hit Combo!’ his powerful kiss had Juugo’s head spinning.  

5 Hit...10 Hit...15 Hit…

Juugo’s legs buckled under the intensity of the kiss, his heart fluttering at the sweetness of it.  

20 Hit...25 Hit…

The mutation receded as the nature chakra was given a chance to be released. His body went slack against Naruto, never being kissed before he had no idea what to do. A blush spread across his cheeks as pleasure raced through his form.  

30 Hit!

Juugo came into his pants, and Naruto broke the kiss, the orangette dropping to his knees. Juugo looked so refreshed, his body shaking as he came, his orgasm lasting several minutes.  

Kimimaro and Kidoumaru were both stunned at this, Kimimaro was the only one who could calm Juugo down, but even that was a 50/50 chance depending how far Juugo was gone.  

The white haired male dashes over. “I apologize for my team mate.” he lifts him up, Juugo shivers as cum runs down his legs and over his bare feet. “He sometimes can’t control himself.”  

“He has nature chakra inside him, he needs advanced training to keep it from overloading his brain.” Naruto says and collects his things.  

“How did you know that?”  

Naruto gives him a strong look. “That’s my secret.” Naruto walks off. “I won’t tell anyone about this, try not to get into trouble.” The blonde rushes off fast.  

What’s the hurry kit?’

“I have a bad feeling, I think my mates are in trouble!” his eyes flash red, and he pours chakra into his feet to move at double speed.  


“You lot have foreign chakra on you.” Gaara says, he points at Sakurai. “You have been touched by the Nine Tailed Fox, bring me to him!”  

“What are you talking about?” Sakurai gasped.  

“Do not lie to me, I feel his power on you, on each of you. Take me to the vessel of the fox, or I will make you!” Gaara’s chakra began to flare making everyone get defensive.  

Naruto suddenly appeared on the scene. “Who are you and why are you threatening my mates!?” Naruto growls.

Gaara’s face twists into a terrifying grin. “There you are!” his gourd opened and sand came out and attacked Naruto.  

“Gaara!” Temari gasped. The sand coils around the blonde’s body so fast he couldn’t even use the replacement jutsu.  


‘Dang it, his sand his fast.’ Naruto groans. ‘I can’t believe I have to use this jutsu.’  

“I won’t let you escape, in the name of Shukaku I will defeat you!”  

Shukaku!’ Kyuubi growls.  

“I don’t think so!” Naruto’s chakra flared, Gaara’s hand tightened as did the sand. It looked like Naruto was crushed, but when the sand opened only Naruto’s clothes were ripped apart.  

“Man, that was my sealing underwear.” Gaara and Kankuro turned to find the blonde naked, his massive cock exposed for all to see.  

“Oh god!” Kankuro’s jaw dropped at the size of the blonde. ‘I’ve never seen a cock so big outside of the Kumo Pin Up Magazines, is he really from Konoha?’ Kankuro’s cock tented his pants, like all Suna men didn’t believe in wearing underwear.  

Gaara on the other hand…


The red head had a massive nosebleed. “Gaara!” Temari rushed over to him.  

“His...penis...is...so big...” he muttered before passing out.  

“Damn it, Kankuro help me!” her shout snapped Kankuro out of his daze, and he ran over to help lift their little brother. “We won’t forget this!” she yells and they ran off.  

Naruto is swiftly tackled by his mates, all of them so happy he was alive.  

To be continued...Chap 11 The first test!


Lord Zero 1606

Can't wait to see if Shukaku affected Gara's body in any way.