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Avengers Parody: Tier 3: PDF copy available to patrons


Hulk Gets Smashed

Thanos didn’t have many things he loved, he certainly lusted, but even then it was rare. Not many could handle his “love” good thing he has a Hulk.


Thanos was still looking for the infinity stones, his gauntlet felt almost empty without them. He traveled from planet to planet searching for them. With each passing failure, he grew more needy, his repressed desires building. On the cold and lonely nights, he took his massive cock in the infinity gauntlet’s grasp.  

Even without the stones there was power in it, he could feel it as he stroked. His hard 20 incher pulsed in his hand, pre overflowed, and washed over the golden hand. The hand pumped his massive length.  

Every stroke made him feel powerful, from base to to tip, he stroked the heavy pumps making his balls bounce. The gauntlet felt hot and cold at the same time, a truly electrifying experience. Even giving his cock a squeeze was an absolute treat.  

He groaned, his cock pulsing in his hand. His climax rocked him, but even as he cums he felt unsatisfied. He tried laying with those that sparked his interest, but none could handle all of his mighty self. So he was often stuck with only his hand as a lover. ‘I need someone who can handle me, will I ever find that someone?’ He thought that maybe Death would be his perfect someone, but that wasn’t happening anytime soon.  

Thanos stared down at his semi hard dick, even after climax his cock never seemed to be satisfied. His balls ached, wanting a proper climax. He would give anything to bury all 20 inches inside someone, without killing them. It was like his cock and balls were against him, it seemed he would not be satisfied until he bottomed out inside someone.   

So he continued hunting for the stones. Hoping that by achieving the greatest power in the universe he would get everything he wanted. His hunt led him to Earth, where he faced the Avengers, amusing lot, these Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.  

The weak gathered together, but were quickly left broken and humiliated in his wake. He stripped them and hung them naked and exposed. It was amusing, then he appeared on the scene, green and muscles rippling.  

He landed making the earth tremble and crack under his bare feet. “Hulk Smash!” he hit hard, but Thanos could hit harder. The two exchanged blows, the force knocking the weak back.  As fists clashed with fists, the shock waves ripped through the air like thunder. “You have a lot of strength.” he dodged a punch, and hit Hulk hard bringing the hulking green man to his knees. “And a lot of spirit.” He grabbed Hulk by the leg and proceeded to whip him around, slamming him again and again.  

Despite smashing him into a crater, Hulk still rose out ready to fight Thanos. “Hmm, you aren’t like the other pests that plague this planet.” He stomped him down.  

“Hulk not puny!” he still tried to rise. Thanos smirked.  

“Let’s see,” He grabbed Hulk by the back of his pants and hiked him up. Hulk gasped as he was given a wedgie with his purple shorts.  

“Gah!” Hulk gasped, not used to being manhandled in such a way. His cock and balls were forced to rub against his confines. The pain meant so little it was finding pleasurable. Thanos let out a laugh as he bounced Hulk around by his shorts, giving the hero the mother of all wedgies.  

Soon his shorts could not take the punishment and ripped apart, making the Hulk fall bare ass and cock semi hard. He groaned as he hit the ground. Staring at the muscular male in all his naked glory.  

His sexy back, thick arms and legs, the plump green ass on full display. Thanos felt his lust spike, his blood rushing south to fill his mighty rod. “Let’s see if you are as puny as the others.” he rolled Hulk over, and even Thanos had to admit the male was endowed, not as big as him, but he was the most endowed out of all the Avengers.  

His thick green cock stood proudly at 15 inches. “You cannot beat me you know this, you aren’t as dumb as you appear.” Hulk growled at him.  

“HULK SMASH!” he tried to attack Thanos ignoring his nudity. Thanos side stepped him and grabbed him by the balls. He gave them a squeeze and Hulk dropped to the floor, ass raised high.  

“You fight like a beast, but you are a man, and all men have needs.” He fondles the huge green balls, making the Hulk cry out in pleasure.  

“Hulk...smash...” Smack! “Gaaaah!” Thanos brought the infinity gauntlet clad hand across Hulk’s plump ass. The green muscles rippled from the strike, his channel trembling, the force of the blow even stimulating Hulk’s prostate.  

“I believe you can amuse me.” He fondled his balls, earning groans from the green brute. Every time Hulk tried to move, he got a swift smack on his ass, making his back arch and his cock swell.  

The massive 15 incher throbbed, swelling to full arousal. The ball teasing made his cock weep, but the random smacks made his cock and balls feel hot. “What you doing...to Hulk?”  

“Having some fun, I believe you will have it to.” He grabbed Hulk’s cock with the infinity gauntlet and the green male moaned, his balls lurching as he spilled his seed all over the ground.  

Thanos collected some of his essence and rubbed it against his tight hole. His thick strong fingers made quick work of his tight ring of muscle opening it up and work it’s way inside. ‘Strong, tight, durable.’ He thinks thrusting his finger in and out.  

All the while Hulk was losing his mind, sure as Banner he indulged in the carnal act of pleasure, but not as the Hulk. This was new, and his smash first tactics were being overwhelmed. He was in the same boat as Thanos really, as the Hulk who could handle his overwhelming strength.

Hulk refrained from such thoughts as they weren’t needed in a fight. Now with each stroke those thoughts bubble to the surface, his ass tightening around the probing fingers. Thanos worked in a second finger and started to scissor him, opening the tight passage further and further until. “Gwaaaaggghhh!” Hulk came blowing his heavy load across the ground.  

‘Already?’ a bit pent up is all, as Hulk was still hard and wanting. “Impressive, perhaps you deserve something special.” He pulls his fingers out of his ass, the Hulk whining at the loss.  

Giving him the personal touch he starts playing with the Hulk’s cock with his hand, while the hand with the Infinity Gauntlet goes to his hole. With the electrifying touch, he encircled the Hulk’s tight manhole. The green male moaned, body bucking back on instinct.  

“Ohh so you want this?” he chuckles, caressing the man’s entrance with two fingers, rubbing the outer ring. The muscles quivered at his touch, parting, but the gauntlet clad fingers did not push forward.  

“Naaa...no-ohhhh!” His cock pulses in Thanos’ hand. He chuckles, and pulls back Hulk whining at the loss. He blushed a lovely shade, his body was responding oddly and he couldn’t pull himself together.   

“What a horrible liar you are.” he brings his palm across Hulk’s ass. “Liars shall be punished!”  

“Aaaggghhh!” he moans, his cock pulsing more, pre spilling out like a waterfall. The hit sent a surge through him, his manhole twitching like crazy. Hulk felt the swat all the way down to his prostate.   

He was struck ten more times, on the tenth swat his balls lurched and he came again. He found himself in a massive puddle of his own cum. “Let’s see if you can be honest, know that if you lie again, I’ll tie you up like your friends and you’ll get nothing!” He emphasized the final word, by flicking Hulk’s hole.  

“Aaahh!” The man’s body shook. “Hulk Wants it!” Thanos smirked.  

“Good boy!” the fingering began anew, Hulk moaning loud and proud. One finger, became two, then three, the armored digits stirring up his insides. Thanos’ flesh hand continued to pump hulk, almost like he was milking a big green cow.  

Now matter how much of the Hulk’s seed was spilled his massive softball sized balls didn’t seem to tire, kudos to gamma radiation. The Hulk was drooling, just three fingers, had his insides shaking, needing more. “More!” he moans, bucking back onto Thanos’ fingers.  

The conqueror chuckles and slips in a fourth finger, and the green male moans. Hulk’s hole was taking quite the punishment, while his cock sang his pleasure in a glorious streams of white.

“I wonder...” Thanos draws out, working four fingers in and out, in and out. “I bet you can take it.” Before Hulk could even question what, Thanos’ fist plundered his ass. Hulk howled as he had possibly the most intense orgasm yet. Despite the overwhelming pleasure coursing through the massive brutes body, he clawed at the ground and started bucking back, fucking himself on the gauntlet. “You’ve been needing this, needing something big to stuff your ass.”  

“Too...Puny...men...” Hulk pants. His pupils were wide, high on the pleasure pumping through every cell and fiber of his being. Thanos chuckles and fists the green man, toes curl in the pool of semen.  

“I think I have something you’ll like.” He releases Hulk’s cock, he didn’t need to stroke it anymore. The Hulk was cumming on pure anal goodness. He gives a punch to the prostate and he cums again. The more he came the tighter he got, which had no effect on the gauntlet, but it fueled Thanos’ amusement.  

He watched the man’s ass squeeze around him. It made his own cock twitch in want, using his now free hand he undid his lower garb, and freed his massive dick and heavy balls. “How does this look?” he asks, wagging the 20 incher.  

Hulk’s eyes follow it like a dog after his bone. He licks his lips, “Not puny!” his eyes roamed the massive shaft, so long, so thick, bigger than his own. The Banner part of his brain struggled to remain in control, but the lust and Hulk’s hunger was overwhelming him.  

The massive dick was starting to leak pre. “Hulk want taste!” he found himself saying. Thanos smirked.  

“Then you will have a taste.” He pulled the gauntlet free off his ass, making Hulk cry out. His ass was left gaping, from the powerful fisting. Even with the gauntlet gone, Hulk’s ass was still suffering from it’s effects. Thanos went to his face and slapped it with his hard heavy cock. “Suck it!”  

Hulk shivered. ‘Hulk stop don’t do this, we need to smash this guy, not...’ his words were silenced as Hulk licked up some of Thanos’ pre, his pupils dilated, and he started eagerly lapping at his massive dick. Each lick made him want to lick more.  

He wrapped his lips around the tyrant’s massive cock head, the tip stretching his lips wide. Hulk started sucking as his tongue worked the tip like a sucker. It swirled, it flicked, it made sweet love to Thanos’ piss slit. Every action was focused trying to coax more delicious essence into his mouth.  

Thanos chuckled, reaching down to pet Hulk’s head. ‘Simple creature, to deny one’s pleasure makes it become a weakness.’  the touch to his head, signaled Hulk to venture forth, sucking the man’s cock into his mouth. He tried his best he did, it was cute really, but he could barely get half of the massive dick inside. “Tsk tsk tsk, you can’t get a proper taste like this, the only way...” he fisted the male’s dark green locks. “Is to take it all!”  

He thrust into Hulk’s mouth, burying his dick down his throat, his heavy balls smacking his chin like a wrecking ball. Hulk moaned at the sudden action, his cock blowing a heavy load all over the ground.  

All Hulk could do to survive was breath through his nose, inhaling the manly musk of Thanos. The smell made his knees buckle and hole twitch. No being should smell this good, it was sinful. He moaned, sending pleasing vibrations through Thanos’ dick.  

“Ohh that’s nice!” Thanos began to move, fucking the green man’s thick throat. “No one in the universe has been able to swallow my dick, you have my respect.” Hulk wasn’t listening, to high on pleasure to care.  

All he could muster was heavy sucks, slurping on the man’s thrusting dick. ‘Tastes good!’ he manages to think, eyes rolling up in bliss. Thanos was impressed Hulk had the mind set to suck him at all, but it was appreciated.  

He made good use of Hulk’s mouth, enjoying the dominance and control over him. “Be grateful for my seed!” he howls as he cums, his thick man milk flooding Hulk’s mouth. “Swallow it all!”  

It didn’t need to be said, Hulk was gulping down out of pure instinct. Another orgasm rips through the Hulk as he chugs the thick seed. ‘Hulk needs this, Hulk needs more!’ he thinks, and Banner agreed. ‘Cock we need cock!’  

Then they felt their hole twitch. ‘There!’ their minds syncing up. Despite the powerful orgasm Thanos was still hard. He pulled out of the man’s mouth, and slapped his face with his dick. “You have amused me, for that I will spare your world, but you have a choice I can leave and you will never feel my cock again.” he rubs his dick in Hulk’s face, pre rushing down and smearing the green man’s face. “Or you can offer up your ass to me, and serve as my consort.”  

Hulk didn’t even hesitate, he turned around and wagged his ass in the air, his hole still gaping. “Smash Hulk, Smash Hulk good!” he moans. Thanos grabs the shaking ass and lines up his cock.  

He pushes inside and the two moan. Hulk was so tight, so strong, so durable, his hole was the perfect fit for him. His dick bulged Hulk’s belly as Thanos buried himself to the hilt. Hulk howled and came again. “Move!” Hulk howled, which earned him a smack to his left buttock. He looked back whining. “Please move.”  

“Much better!” he didn’t hold back, he plundered Hulk’s insides, his cock stretching and rubbing all the right places. Hulk’s prostate didn’t stand a chance, every pass Thanos’ 20 incher brushed the sensitive bundle of nerves. “Take it, take your master’s cock!”  

“Master!” Hulk moaned. Hulk was filled with a new anger, an anger over the past, and how he hadn’t had this cock sooner, how he was born so far from his master, that time had denied their union.  

Thanos fucked him so hard, so fast, the friction making his insides feel like they were melting. The man’s pre filled his void, painting his inner walls, and marking him deep. No other man could have him, no other man could compare.  

His master’s stamina drove him wild, as he spilled more and more of what made him a man. He wasn’t a man, he was a consort, a cock sleeve, a cum dump for his master. Hulk wanted this, wanted this pleasure. All of Banner’s late night porn surfing was flooding into Hulk’s mind, he wanted sex!  

“Breed Hulk, please use Hulk as a vessel for Cum!”  

“As you wish!” Thanos sped up his thrusts, his heavy balls slamming into Hulk’s. His dick swelled, stretching Hulk even wider, hot cum surged through his pipe, pouring deep into the man’s wanting hole.  

The old Hulk was gone, now lived the new consort of Thanos. To prove this, Thanos lifted Hulk, carrying him as if he weighed nothing at all. The former avenger was speared onto the invader’s dick, a steady stream of cum shooting from his semi erect dick.  

Thanos walked around like this, with Hulk as his cock sleeve, the stripped naked heroes were sprayed with Hulk’s semen. Tony, Strange, Thor, Steve, and many others. All of them weaker than his consort, it was the final humiliation, as if being stripped and tied up wasn’t bad enough.  

They watched as Hulk got fucked, before getting showered in semen. “Consider this a parting gift.” He left taking his new consort with him. He still sought the infinity stones, but now he wasn’t in a hurry he had his ways of passing the time.  



DVonta Elam

Highly anticipated and much appreciated. Thank you this was hot!