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Digimon Parody: Tier 1


Chap 2 Aguman

Hiraoki went into work, finding everyone scrambling. “What’s going on?” he asked.  

“Huge news, some giant bug thing attacked a park. We gotta roll!”

“A giant bug?” he was already being pulled out the door. “How big is this thing?” The few photos were taken but they were all blurry. “The chief is offering a big bonus to anyone who gets clear footage.”  

“Alright, let’s do this!” they race off to get the scoop.  


Tai had no idea what he was doing, all he knew was that he had to help. The giant red insect hiss and roared swiping at Tai with his claws. The brunette ran at his top speed, tumbling out of the way barely avoiding the beast.

It swooped down, the air pressure knocking Tai back and slamming him to the ground. “What is this guy?” He gripped his aching shoulder. It screeched and swooped in, going for the kill.  

‘This is bad, I’m dead, Matt...I’m sorry...’ he braced himself for the impact. His eyes clenched shut, he waited for pain but it didn’t come. A cloaked figure stood before him, he created a barrier between him and Tai in the form of a large tree. “What the heck?”  

“Hurry this will not hold him back for long.” It was true, Kuwagamon was trying to rip apart the tree. ‘To think this is the best I can do.’

“How did...What the...Who are you Mister?” Tai was having a hard time filtering them out.  

“All very good questions, but we don’t have time if you wanna stop that thing.”  

“Me? How can I stop that huge monster?”  

“With help, from this...” he offered Tai a box with the crest of courage on it. He opens it and sees a small ring.

“A ring?” he blinks in shock. A light releases from the object, and a tiny creature appeared. “Whoa!” The tiny creature floated around, he looked like a tiny dinosaur.  

“Yay!” he cheered, “Is it time?” he looked at Tai and his eyes sparkled. “Tai!” the little guy flew over and hugged him.  

“Who are you, and how do you know my name?” Agumon floated back.  

“This is Agumon, he is a kwami, and your partner. I’m Gennai the guardian of the kwami.” he explains, and Agumon bows. “The kwami have a gift for reading the hearts of there partners.”  

“It’s how I know Tai is a brave and caring warrior, putting others first, you may rush in without thinking but your heart is in the right place.” Tai blushes. He floats over and touches Tai again, a wave of warmth washing over him, his aching shoulder was miraculously healed.  

“Whoa!” he stretches him arm. “You fixed it.” Agumon chuckled, grinning happily.  

“That is nothing compared to the power you will have by joining forces. If you would like to fight, you can be a hero!”     

“Yeah, Tai let’s work together!” Agumon cheers.  

“A hero?” Tai was shocked, what young boy didn’t dream about becoming a super hero. Kuwagamon was nearly through the barrier. “Let’s do it.” he takes the ring and slips it on his finger. “Uhh now what?”  

“Call my name, and tell me to transform.”  

“Alright, Agumon Transform!” The ring glowed, and Agumon cheered, being drawn into the ring. Gennai watched in excitement as a new hero was born. The crest of courage appeared on the ring.  

In a flash Tai’s clothing disintegrated leaving him naked, energy rippled across his body until the crest appeared on his chest. Tai’s body swelled with muscle, his soccer player body growing stronger, and that wasn’t the only piece of him that was growing.  

From the ring a yellow latex came out and began to hug Tai’s body like a second skin, it hugged his toned body perfectly. His heavy balls and large cock, were safely collected and the latex made the perfect hammock for them. The latex covered every inch, up his neck, over his shoulders, down his sexy back, forming over his plump cheeks perfectly, down his strong legs.  

The latex covered his hands, giving him claws. He grins and brings a hand over his face, forming a mask, and his hair became a little more wild. “Aguman!” he cries out. “Whoa is this me?” He feels up his muscular form. “Oh wow!” he palms his crotch, his cock and balls had all but doubled in size.   

“Aguman!” Gennai calls out. Kuwabagamon was breaking through the last of his barrier.  

Aguman turned and faced Kuwagamon. “I got this!”  

(Que Let’s kick it up music)  

Just as Kuwagamon breached the barrier, Aguman sent it flying back with a powerful kick. The news crew, with Matt’s dad arrived. “Hurry get this!” Aguman stepped out in all his glory.  

“You have fun picking on little kids, try fighting someone my size!” Kuwagamon roared at him, taking off and swooping down on him.  

“Hey look out!” Hiraoki shouts.  

Aguman simply smirks, and he catches Kuwagamon by his massive pincers. “I don’t think so!” with a swift kick he knocks him back once more. “Let’s try these claws out!” He gives Kuwagamon a swift clock in the jaw.  

He gives Kuwagamon a barrage of claws and kicks, each blow seemed to deal a powerful shock. Aguman had Kuwagamon on the run till the bug took off into the air. “Amazing!” Hiraoki says, eyes roaming every inch of Aguman. ‘He’s amazing!’  

Kuwagamon stayed in the air, letting out a roar. A strange symbol appeared over his face. “A hero? Well done Kuwagamon, take his charm, bring it to me and I shall grant you even more power!” The beast roared, hearing Deviman’s words.   

“Come down here and fight me like a mon!” Aguman says, and his ring glows. ‘Tai, Tai, my power is your power, you can hit him.’  

‘Agumon?’ Tai thinks. ‘Tell me what to do!’ Agumon explained his powers, through their bond in the ring.    

Kuwagamon flaps his wings releasing a terrible noise. The humans in the area clutched their heads in pain. “Knock it off!” Aguman jumped into the action, jumping from wall to wall. “Pepper Fire!”  

Fire gathered between his hands. “Poi!” he released the flame and it struck Kuwagamon hard, the flames spreading. The insect howled in pain, and he crashed into the ground. It at least stopped the noise.

Aguman landed epicly. “Time to stop this bug!” he brings his claws together, flames swirling around them. Kuwagamon roars and charges at him. “Cross Fire!” In epic samurai style, their two attacks clashed, yet it was Aguman who stood triumphantly!   

Flames consumed Kuwagamon destroying his form, returning him back to his original form. The boy gasped. “What happened?”

“You are safe now.” his ring glowed. ‘Not yet Tai, you must remove the mark of evil.’ the hero blinked. He brought his ring hand to the boy, and the light from the ring destroyed the mark. The marked left him peeling off like a shadow, holding a face before evaporating.  

“That was amazing, who are you?” Hiraoki raced over to him.  

‘Oh no it’s Matt’s dad?’ he began to sweat. “I’m Aguman, a hero!”  

‘Tai, you have to go, you are going to change back soon.’ Agumon warned, Tai felt the ring pulse. “I’ve got to go, but know if trouble arises I’ll be back!”  

“Wait!” It was too late, Aguman was bounding awake, taking to the sky with a single jump.  

‘This is amazing, I was amazing, we were amazing!’ Tai thinks. His transformation timed out, and he was safely hidden when he transformed back. “You were great Tai!”  

“Indeed you were.” Gennai appeared, making Tai jump a little. “You did a good job, facing Kuwagamon.” he pulls back his hood.  

“He was a kid, and that mark of evil, who could have done that to him?”  

“We need to talk.” As Gennai explained the situation…


Deviman reverted back to Evil Gennai. He gave his report to Maki. “Fu fu fu, sounds to me like you failed.” One of his clones said.  

“That is where you are wrong, my orders were to draw a hero out, the only hero could have been made by the guardian.”  

“Correct,” They turned to Maki, who was having one of the Gennai clones lick her boots. “You have done well, but next time I trust you will be able to capture a miraculous for me?”

“I shall my lady!” he bowed. “Enjoy your victory Aguman, for soon I will be coming to claim your Miraculous!”


“Because of my mistake, Maki has gotten away with miraculous giving dark power to her men. I have no idea which one she has released, but I know it’s not over.” Tai took it all in, listening patiently. “I’ve done my best, but I can’t stop her on my own.”  

“You won’t have to, I’ll do it, I’ll stop Maki and get back the Miraculous she took.” he looked at Agumon. “You can count on us.”  

“You must keep your identity a secret, should you reveal yourself to the wrong person, and they succumb to evil everyone will be put in danger.”  

“I understand,” he thought of Matt. ‘I can’t tell him I don’t want him to be in danger.’   


Hiraoki did his job, taking the kid back to the park where this all started. He asked around and got the same answer. “That big red bug thing attacked us, but then a boy with brown hair with a soccer ball tried to save us.”  

‘A boy with brown hair, a soccer ball...no way!’ He called his son. “Matt, have you heard from Tai?”  

“No, he was late to school. What’s up?” Matt didn’t like this, Tai missed soccer practice, and was even late for class. Everyone was in a big tizzy about the events that happened in town.

“Matt you won’t believe what happened today, it’s big news!”   Matt’s eyes widened as he heard the whole story. Some rumors were floating around the school, but he didn’t believe it. Now that he got word from his dad, he was ready to snap. ‘Tai you idiot!’ he raced out of class.  

To be continued...Chap 3 Jealousy is a Dark Emotion  


Lord Zero 1606

Can't wait to read how Matt will react once he meets Aguman.