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Yu Yu Hakusho Parody


What to Do With A Sleeping Yusuke

Yusuke went through a lot in his training, so much so his body went into a state of hibernation. Good thing Kuwabara is there to take care of him.


Yusuke was in a state of hibernation, the full force of his training hitting him hard. Though his spirit had grown very strong his body needed to adjust. Thankfully Kuwabara, his former rival, now friend was there to look after him and see to his needs.  

He carried Yusuke on his back. This wouldn't be a problem except, Yusuke smelled so damn good. Apparently he did to, as Yusuke kept nuzzling him. ‘Urameshi you better not be faking this sleep thing.’ He thinks, fighting a blush.  

His heart was racing having Yusuke so close. His feelings for the detective had always been passionate but now, things had changed. Just carrying the sleeping male on his back had his blood rushing south, his cock pushing at the fabric of his boxers. ‘Down boy keep it together.’  

He almost did, then he felt Yusuke rock against his backside. A definite bulge rubbing against him. Kuwabara stopped dead in his tracks. ‘Holy crap, is he hard?’ another rock and Kuwabara knew for sure. ‘Yep he’s hard.’ He started to sweat, his own manhood twitching.  

“Something wrong Kuwabara?” Kurama asked.

“Nothing!” His voice was high, Kurama raised a brow but didn't press. Yusuke’s warm breath was ghosting over his neck, sending shivers down the red head's spine. ‘Urameshi if you are faking, I'm gonna kill you!’  

The male had been in a heavy sleep for a long time. They made it to their rooms and Kuwabara deposited him in the big bed. Yusuke had a fat bulge, his cock pushing heavily against the fabric.

Kuwabara gulped and reached down and fondled Yusuke’s crotch. The sleeping boy groaned and bucked into his hand but didn’t awaken. Kuwabara yanked his hand back as if burnt. ‘His crotch was so warm.’  

“Is this wrong, if he is sleeping I should leave him alone, but he shouldn’t sleep with his clothes on, plus he’s hard it sucks sleeping with a hard on.” he started to ramble till his eyes started to spin.  

Yusuke groaned. “Kuwabara...touch me...” he moaned in his sleep. The male froze, his cock demanded freedom, his hands itched to carry out his request.  

“Urameshi, I hope you know what you are asking for because I’m not holding back!” he put on the fighting headband of love. “Hnn!” He opened his pants, lowering them until his hard cock sprang free. “Ahh,” he sighed as the cool air touched his heated flesh.  

He started stripping Yusuke, starting with his shoes. He inhaled the young man’s musk, and playfully licked the sole. Yusuke shivered and groaned, each lick making his body tremble. ‘You like this Urameshi, then take it, take my love!’ he licked between his toes.  

Kuwabara rubbed his cock against Yusuke’s free foot, balls smacking the heel. Yusuke shuddered, toes flexing, massaging Kuwabara’s length. His dick responded in kind leaking pre, the manly essence running down and washing over his foot.  

Pre slipped between his toes, running over the top and across the sole. “Ohh!” Kuwabara moaned, and gleefully licked his other foot. He licked every inch before switching. He’d made quite the mess on Urameshi’s foot, the clear substance had coated him nicely like a work of art.  

It was almost a shame to ruin it, but Kuwabara licked his essence off Yusuke’s foot regardless. The former he massaged to keep stimulating Yusuke. The boy moaned and whimpered in his sleep, but didn’t awaken, his breathing remained even.  

Kuwabara licked his lips. He noticed Yusuke’s bulge twitching more and more. Giving aid to his friend, he slowly undid the sleeping boy’s pants. A soft gasp could be heard as the pressure weakened.  

It seems Yusuke was going commando today, his manly hair peeking out as the button of his jeans was undone. The jeans were unzipped, and Kuwabara started pulling them down. ‘Damn they are so tight, what does he do paint them on?’ After a few tugs the jeans slowly fall, and Yusuke moans as his cock snapped into the air.  

His penis pulsed in delight, pre soaked head, skin covering half the head making his cock even more delectable. Kuwabara had Yusuke beat when it came to length, but Yusuke had him beat in girth.  

“Fuck Urameshi, your cock is hard as a rock, and your balls man, they are so big.” he fondled the heavy orbs. “Must not have gotten a lot of alone time, training and all.” he bounced them in his hand.  

“Baka,” Yusuke muttered in his sleep. Kuwabara just grinned and started licking Yusuke’s penis; up, down, around, along the sides, swirling around the tip. His tongue breached Yusuke’s foreskin making the boy squirm.  

He was all over Yusuke’s fat cock, licking, kissing, sucking, loving! The boy’s penis pulsed against his lips and tongue, more pre leaking out of his slit. “Mmm,” Kuwabara gave a long swipe with his tongue, from base to tip, before quickly wrapping his lips around the head. He sucked him, tongue lapping at his piss slit, to coax more of the delicious essence. ‘He tastes so good.’  

Pushing forward, he starts sucking more and more of Yusuke’s penis into his mouth, tongue teasing the underside with each inch. As his mouth made sweet love to his cock, his left hand fondled his balls, his free hand pumping his cock.  

Each stroke helped spread pre over his long length. Kuwabara swallows Yusuke down to the root, nose burying in his thick nest of pubes. “Mmhhmm!” he moaned around his full length, sending pleasing vibrations through his shaft.  

“Kuwabara!” Yusuke moaned.  

The male smirks around Yusuke’s dick. ‘I’m gonna send you to heaven.’ he hollows his cheeks, sucking hard on the boy’s cock. Yusuke shuddered in pleasure, toes curling and body shaking.  

Every suck made it seem like Kuwabara was trying to suck his soul out through his dick. Pleasure continued to build, his balls growing hotter, his pre rushing into the male’s mouth. Kuwabara gulped him down, not wasting a single drop, pre was the appetizer before the main course.  

“I’m cumming!” Yusuke moaned, his dick expanding into Kuwabara’s mouth. He had only seconds before thick ropes of cum came, he managed to pull back to the tip and caught it all in his mouth.  

Thick man milk exploded over his tongue, filling his cheeks. Kuwabara savored the flavor before swallowing it down. He pulled of Yusuke’s cock with a wet pop, licking his lips to savor the flavor of cock and cum.  

Yusuke’s dick drooped to a semi hard state. “You better not quit on me now Urameshi.”  

“Mmm, shut up and fuck me, big dummy.” Yusuke muttered. His skin was flashed but the male was still in hibernation. Kuwabara collected some of his pre and lifted Yusuke’s hips, exposing the male’s tight pucker. The ring of muscle was twitching from his previous orgasm.   

Kuwabara poked and prodded his manhole, smearing his pre over the entrance. ‘Man he’s tight!’ Kuwabara thinks trying to pushing his finger in, there was some resistance. He started sucking on Yusuke’s balls, hoping the pleasure would open him up.  

It worked, his finger breached his ass, the inner walls gripping him tightly. Kuwabara’s cock twitched in anticipation. He focused on working his finger in and out, the digit slowly sinking deeper as Yusuke relaxed.  

Seems like hibernation worked well for prep. Yusuke’s inner walls tensed for only a moment before relaxing. ‘So warm and soft inside. Hard to believe from you.’ he worked in another finger, twisting and thrusting the fingers.  

“Is that all you got.” Yusuke muttered in his sleep.  

“You asked for it!” he hooked Yusuke’s hole, and kissed it, he thrust his tongue into the male’s open ass. “Lick Lick Lick Lick Lick!”  

“Ohhhhh!” He tongue fucked the male, wiggling his tongue and getting his insides nice and wet. Kuwabara spat into his hole, watching as his saliva bubbled before sinking deeper inside.  

He pulled back. “Get ready Urameshi, I’m gonna rock your world.” he lifted the male up and sat him in his lap. His cock was hard and wanting, hooking Yusuke’s strong legs he positioned him over his shaft.  

The tip nudged his hole, giving it a kiss hello. Kuwabara pushes forward, the head sinking into Yusuke’s tight heat. “Ohhh!” the two moaned, Yusuke’s head rolled forward, and his penis pulsed.  

Kuwabara’s grip became almost bruising. ‘Oh man, Urameshi’s ass, it’s tight, so tight, so AMAZING!’ he stuffs him with three inches, he went slow, savoring the moment. Yusuke certainly wasn’t complaining, only a string of soft snores coming from him. Inch after glorious inch ventured into the sleeping male’s hole. The tight squeeze of anal walls milked Kuwabara’s pre from him, extra lube as it ventured deeper than his fingers could reach.  

“Ura...meshi!” he held the sleeping male in his arms, half his cock stuffing the male’s hole. The tight ring swallowed his length, he was so tight and warm it almost felt like his body was sucking him in.  

His penis throbbed as it ventured into his warm sheath. “I’m sorry Urameshi, I can’t...so tight!” he bucks up, stuffing his ass full. The boy didn’t even grunt in response, though he was drooling a little. “You really are amazing Urameshi.” he takes in the boy’s musk, nose rubbing against the wild hair.  

He basks in the moment, cock buried full into Yusuke’s channel, every inch of him being hugged by tight inner walls. He lifts him up and slowly fucks him onto his cock. “Fuck Urameshi!” Yusuke’s own cock bounced and bobbed as he moved. “Damn this is so hot!” he watches his cock appear and disappear inside him.  

Kuwabara was strong, capable of guiding Yusuke up and down his cock with one hand, the other slipping under Yusuke’s shirt, feeling up his muscles before reaching his pecs. He toyed with one of his nipples. Yusuke shivers and pants, his eyes never opening.  

His teasing coaxes the pebble to hardness. “Ah yes!” the nipple teasing made Yusuke’s body tremble, his inner walls clamping down onto his thrusting rod. “Urameshi!” He pinches the nipple, and got a small gasp.  

He switched nipples and worked the other bud to hardness. Kazuma started building speed, driving into Yusuke faster and faster. “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!” he pants.  

“Kazuma!” Yusuke suddenly moans, and Kuwabara felt like he was hit with lightning. His balls lurched and his cock expanded as his seed pumped into Yusuke. Yusuke came mere seconds behind him, his seed firing all over.  

His seed spilled out around his cock, making a mess of his crotch, Yusuke’s shirt was marked in semen. Kuwabara hugged him close, basking in the after glow, Yusuke’s head resting on his shoulder. “Urameshi...I...”

The door suddenly opened, and Kuwabara froze as Kurama peeked in, freezing as well. His gaze looked from the sleeping detective, to Kuwabara, to where they were joined. “Wait, Kurama...this isn’t what this looks like!”  

Kurama’s handsome features twisted, his smile turning into a smirk. He didn’t say a word, a deep chuckle rumbling from him, that was perhaps worse. His eyes shined mischievously. Kuwabara continued to sweat, and to his embarrassment getting caught had made him stiffen up inside Yusuke.   

The red head noticed, smirking and licking his lips. His silence was even more terrifying than anything he said. He gave them a wink and shut the door, Kuwabara blushing from head to toe.  

“Threesomes, are good for team bonding.” Kuwabara stared at the sleeping Yusuke in shock. ‘What am I gonna do with you?!’  



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