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Ouran Parody: Hentai: Patreon Reward


Not Haruhi

Haruhi is worried something is wrong with her but to not worry the guys she kept it to herself. Now something terrible has happened, and there’s a new Haruhi walking around, she’s flirtatious, she’s tough, and she’s a bit vicious her actions of course raise suspicions with the Host.

Chap 1  

Haruhi Fujioka was a good girl, she was nice, observant, fearless, caring, and smart. Not only that she was a beauty that with a glance could make men fall for her. However all such things didn’t matter to Haruhi, she showed no interest in dating or boys really. Yes she was straight but she was focused on her studies.  

This girl had managed to capture the hearts of the Ouran host club. She was truly special, not only to them. She cared about them to, but she also didn’t want to worry them. She had been having various suspicious dreams, all of them including her and one of the males of the host club, or two when dreaming of the twins.  

Her dreams with Tamaki, she dreamed of dominating the blonde male, a ball gag in his mouth a collar and leash around his neck, furry cuffs around his wrists keeping his hands behind his back. All the older blonde could do was moan as Haruhi rode him, he tight pussy devouring his pulsing manhood.  

As for Kyouya, she dreamed of being taken. The black haired male devoured her, hungrily sucking from her breast while thrusting into her. After he finished with her pussy he took her ass to, using a vibe on her wet core at the same time. She got payback of course, as after he finished taking her, she took him. Using the vibe coated in their essence she fucked Kyouya’s ass, the whole time sucking his pulsing manhood.  

Then the twins, she dreamed of them both. Even in her dreams they were inseparable, she took control of them and showed them sides of pleasure they had no clue existed. When Hikaru took her she spread his cheeks allowing Kaoru to fill him up. When the trio came filling the one beneath them with seed, the positions changed. Kaoru at her pussy and Hikaru at her ass. In this position Haruhi used to vibes to tease their asses, and bring them all to another release. While they came down from their high they happily nursed from her chest.  

With Honey it was something different. He was dressed in a special bunny suit, pink bunny ears, with a little pink bow tie, his ass was stuffed with a bunny tail butt plug filling his rear. He had Haruhi on her hands and knees driving into her sweet womanhood, and he was using a carrot vibrator on her ass.  

Last but not least was Mori. Her wild stallion, the kama sutra would be put to shame at the things they did. Everything Haruhi could imagine and wanted from the muscled man, she was sure he was well hung, she was very observant and after swimming she saw how his swim suit clung to him. Mori not only was the biggest in her mind, but had the most stamina, there were no toys involved just them together, skin against skin touching licking nipping grinding sucking everything that she wanted happened.  

Now these dreams had been going on for awhile now, but she always pushed them to the back of her mind. She never allowed her feelings to over take her, she treated everyone fairly and equally. One of the many reasons she never said anything is because she loved each of them for different reasons, but in her heart she could never pick one to love and only love, knowing it would hurt the others. So she refused to choose anyone, or date anyone.  

In fact she often tried to find a suitable match for them so they can be happy.  However once they fall for the host club charm, the chance of having a proper relationship goes out the window. Even still she doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and wants them to be happy. For now everything was fine…or so she believed.  


The host club was having a strange event, as Tamaki put it, it’s called reflections of love. They were hanging mirrors on the walls, and even were gonna have a maze of mirrors planned. Haruhi was helping when Kyouya stopped her. “Haruhi, would you go to Nekozawa-san, he says he has a mirror we could use.”

“Sure Kyouya-senpai.” She went to the room where Nekozawa usually stayed for the black magic club. She went in but didn’t find the cloaked male. “Are you here?” she called, but no one answered. She wondered around a bit, until she found something that appeared to be a mirror all wrapped up. “This must be it.” She unwrapped the mirror.

The mirror was black around the edges, and had a cat idol on the top. Haruhi peered into it, and found herself unable to look away. ‘What is this?’ she tried to put the mirror down but couldn’t let go. ‘This is wrong!’  

Her reflection smirked. “You had your fun, but now it’s my turn!” in a flash the smirking reflection changed into one of Haruhi, while the girl began to smirk on her own.  

“Hey what are you?” the real Haruhi gasped.  

“I’m you, the deepest desire revealed by your own reflection. Don’t worry I’m gonna take this body for a spin.” She covered the mirror back up.  

“Hey stop, Stop!” Haruhi left the room leaving the mirror wrapped up.  

To be continued

Chap 2 Mori’s Fall

Not Haruhi went to the bathroom, the reflection of Haruhi’s deepest desires were finally free. Every repressed thought and hidden desire was now on full display. Leaving behind the real Haruhi trapped in the mirror in the cult club room. When she looked in the mirror, her reflection was hollow, incomplete as a part of her was left behind. She was so excited, so wet, and she was hungry. One hand slipped into her pants, fingers slipping into her wet folds. “Ohhh!” one finger wasn’t enough for how excited she was, two fingers worked her core. “Yes ohh yes!”  Her free hand slipped under her shirt and fondled her breast.  

Her nipples had gotten nice and perky from arousal. She teased the bud, pinching and giving her nip a tug. “Ah ahhh!” she moans. The real Haruhi hadn’t touched herself like this, it was her loss the body was very responsive and hungry for touch. She panted and moaned, the noise echoing in the empty bathroom.  

With her climax on the tip of her tongue, she starts playing with her clit. The orgasm rips through her like a thunderbolt, her body trembles as she soaks her panties in climax. “Ohhh!” her orgasm lasted for several minutes, her legs buckled, becoming like jelly. She blushed, her skin flushed as she basked in her first orgasm.  

‘That was a decent appetizer but it’s time to find a main course.’ she thinks, after recovering from the climax. She leaves the bathroom and heads in search of someone to satisfy her need. Not Haruhi had awakened the beast, her body yearning to be touched, to taste orgasm once more. She licked her lips when she spotted one of her targets. ‘Mori!’ she thinks, her heart fluttering a bit.  

She approaches the tall young man, and embraces him from behind. Mori tenses at the sudden contact. He looks back and gasps. “Haruhi?” the girl looks up at him. A strange shiver runs through Mori when her looks into her eyes.  

“Mori-sempai...” she holds a little whimper in voice as she says his name. “Please help me!”  

Mori blushes, and his heart skips a beat. “What’s wrong?” he says, his voice catching a bit as she hugs him tighter. Her cheeks burned, just pressing against the wall of manliness had her getting wet again. Her juices soaked through her wet panties and began to wet the crotch of her pants. She whimpers. Mori turns around and looks at her. “You have to tell me what’s wrong.”  

“It’s hot...” she whimpers tearing up a little. “I feel like I’m burning up inside!” she gives Mori an innocent look. Mori was stunned by her words.  

“Where, what’s burning?” his worry pushed forward, and Not Haruhi nearly smirked. She takes his hand and brings it to her crotch. Mori’s face turns red and he gasps as he feels her wetness. He couldn’t pull back, he was frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. Testing his sense of reality, his finger shifts rubbing the wetness. ‘This isn’t happening, this must be a dream.’  

“You’ll help me won’t you Mori-sempai.” she gives a little moan at his name. Mori’s eyes widen, and his cock jumps at her tone. ‘I can’t do this, it’s Haruhi, this has to be a dream! I mustn't have such thoughts.’ he jerks back, hand retreating as if burned. He didn’t realize Haruhi still had a hold on him and when he pulled back she went with him. The extra weight caused him to fall back, with Haruhi landing on top of him.  

Mori groaned. “Haruhi, are you okay?” she catches his hand, the one that had been playing with her, her essence still on his fingers. She licks his fingers, making Mori blush from ear to ear. “You protected me, as always.” she says and starts to suck on his fingers. Mori gulped, his cock throbbing as it pushed against the confines of his pants.  

In Not Haruhi’s current position she could feel the bulge press against her. “Sempai, won’t you help me, I’ll help you.” she says and kisses the tips of his fingers. Mori’s iron will was at his limit, the pain of the fall made him realize this wasn’t a dream. ‘This is happening, this is really happening.’ he thinks, and his heart races a mile a minute.  

It broke as Haruhi rubbed against his confined arousal. “Please!” she pleads. Mori could only nod, and Haruhi captures his lips. The kiss was soft at first, but the feel of Haruhi’s lips on his own made Mori hot, he could feel his cock weep into his fundoshi. He bucks his hips rubbing his bulge against her. “Mmm,” she parts her lips and licks his, asking entry into his mouth.  

He gives it, and their tongues meet for the first time. ‘So sweet!’ he thinks. ‘So manly.’ she thinks, and rocks against him as their tongues do a sinful dance. The kiss only breaks for air, he gazes at Haruhi as she pulls back. He catches her face twisting slightly, but the thought is quickly squashed as Haruhi undoes her pants and turns around, bringing her soaked panties to Mori’s face.  

Mori gulps as her scent hits him, his nose tickles her clothed crotch. At the same time Haruhi starts undoing his pants and pushes them down to his knees. “A fundoshi, how manly.” his cock tents the garment. “But not as manly as this.” she feels up the confined length. Mori groans and bucks into her grasp.  

She undoes his underwear and even she has to gasp as the massive man meat comes into full view. “Oh wow...” he put dream Mori to shame. In length and girth, and the manly musk was powerful. She cups his heavy balls. “So big, have you been pent up sempai?” she asks and Mori blushes. “You should have come to me.”  

‘She’s acting strange, what’s gotten into her, oh damn!’ his back arches as she fondles his balls and starts kissing every inch of his dick. Her free hand started pumping his shaft, as her kisses led up to the tip. She kissed his fat head, loving how it twitched in her grasp. She starts licking and Mori moans, her tongue swirls around him like a big pop sucker.  

After giving his cock a squeeze, pre starts pouring out into her mouth, and got lapped away. With Haruhi pumping his shaft, playing with his balls, and licking his tip Mori was losing his mind. Not willing to be outdone, he pulled her panties down and exposed her smooth pussy. He leans forward and kisses her lower lips. “Ohhh!” Haruhi pulls back with a man.  

Mori laps at her core, tongue slipping inside. Taking point, she wraps her lips around the head and starts sucking him into her mouth. Moans were shared between them, as each other did their best to pleasure the other. The moans sent pleasing vibrations, through Mori’s shaft, and Haruhi’s core.  

Haruhi breathes through her nose, sucking Mori more and more into her mouth. ‘So rich, so manly.’ The musk made her drool, the saliva running down over his balls. Not Haruhi was able to relax her throat and deep throated the tall male, nose brushing his big balls. Mori bucked and moaned, toes curling as his dick vanished down her throat. ‘Holy fuck, she...she...oh god!’  

She bobbed back and forth slurping and sucking him with all her might. The pent up desire to taste his seed burning inside her. With his cock taken care of by her mouth and throat her free hand was ready to play, and Mori’s bucking hips exposed a place to play. She collected some of her saliva, and the wet digit comes down to play with Mori’s exposed hole.  

Mori had gone back to making out with Haruhi’s pussy, not wanting to cum before her. What he wasn’t expecting was his asshole suddenly getting probed. The finger plundered his ass, it rocked in and out, curving and rubbing his insides. The anal stimulus made his cock twitch more and more. Mori was in a losing battle, his orgasm building closer and closer.  

Trying his best to get Haruhi to cum first, he started sucking on her clit, tongue flicking the pearl. She matched him sweet spot for sweet spot, finding his prostate and rubbing the bundle of nerves. Mori lost it, his twitching cock was all the warning she got as he came. His thick, heavy load rushed into her mouth. She pulled back to the tip to catch some of his seed in her mouth.

The taste was explosive, and Haruhi finds her climax a few seconds after. Her juices pour into Mori’s mouth and over his face. Haruhi continues to suck on his cock, not wanting to waste a single drop, she continues to play with his prostate milking him of a few extra spurts. Despite his orgasm something felt off, it didn’t feel right.  

Normally when he helped Haruhi and was around her he got this special flutter in his chest. His reactions were more from the sudden boldness but it wasn’t quite like Haruhi. She suddenly moves and starts rubbing her pussy against his cock. “Mori-sempai, I want you inside me!” she moans. Her juices run over his cock, and the male gulps.  

Before things got too far, they heard some students heading their way. “Damn, find me later we can play some more.” she gives him a kiss on the lips and runs off. Mori is quick to find a nearby closet to hide in to redress. ‘What is up with her?’ he thinks, he’d never seen her so wanton.  

To be continued...Tamaki Cracks


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