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Naruto Parody: Tier 1: PDF copy available at chap 10


Naruto 12 inches

Iruka 8 inches

Kakashi 8.5 inches

Sasuke 4 Inches

Kiba 10 inches

Akamaru 9.5 inches

Chap 9 Plans Unfold

Naruto’s plans were indeed set in motion. The blonde asked Kakashi to keep tabs on Asuma. The man was supposedly dating Kurenai, so Naruto wanted to be sure the man wanted men, before bringing him into the fold.  

Team 7 had started missions, nothing to major, simple stuff around the village. These were to get them ready for larger more dangerous missions. So they did things like, find lost pets, walk dogs, and other D Rank Missions. Simple enough missions that consisted of things like farming and even babysitting.  

This gave Naruto time to move things along, same for Iruka. While the Chunin had gotten the joy of pounding Kakashi’s ass he had yet to sample Kiba and Akamaru’s. On this particular day, Team 7 had finished their missions and filed out. Sasuke spent the rest of the day training, as a way of working off his current sexual frustration he was experiencing. Kakashi met up with Asuma, while Naruto went off to find Shikamaru. Kiba and Akamaru spent the day with Iruka.  


Iruka was first mate, which meant when Naruto wasn’t around he was in charge. It was why Kiba had pull over Kakashi, despite being older and stronger, he was the younger harem brother which meant his ass was fair game unless ordered different by Naruto.   

He stood before the two dog nin, both of them knelt before Iruka. It was kinda nostalgic, from the days when Iruka would give them lectures. The only difference was they were all naked, cocks hard and wanting. This to was part of Naruto’s plan, his harem had to work together and bond together in different ways.  

“Naruto has put you two in my care today, I trust you will obey your harem brother’s orders.” Kiba loved sex, and Akamaru was happy to take a cock or two. “Yes!” Iruka’s latent lust was free, and it was time to play with his younger harem brothers. “Come suck my dick!”  

The two crawled forward, cocks bouncing as they moved forward, asses shaking, as Akamaru’s tail wagged. Since they were among harem brothers Akamaru was in his true form, the twin of Kiba.  

They buried their faces in Iruka’s crotch. His manly musk filled their senses and they moaned. They sniffed and shuddered, Iruka’s musk making their cocks quite happy. Their hard manhoods dripped pre onto the floor, as they started licking up his shaft.  

“Ohh fuck!” Kiba and Akamaru worked together, licking up and down Iruka’s hard member. It was amazing, their tongues were so long and flexible. “Yes that’s it!” Iruka moaned, hands petting them.  

The praise made the two moan. They started to compete with each other, while Kiba sucked on Iruka’s dick, Akamaru went down to lap at the Chunin’s balls. They switched every 15 bobs, Kiba slurped and bobbed his head back and forth. His tongue caressing the underside, as he sucked every inch. He buried his nose in Iruka’s pubes and took a deep whiff of his musk.

Iruka’s pubes tickled his nose, and made him moan around his shaft. At the fifteenth pass they switched, Kiba licking his way down and began worshiping Iruka’s balls, as Akamaru took his turn on his cock. They both were excellent cock suckers without a hint of gag reflex. Kiba was more skilled at cock sucking in a way, pacing himself to savor the flavor. Akamaru was more primal, focusing on giving pleasure.  

“Gonna cum!” Iruka howls, his cock twitching in an early sign. Kiba and Akamaru shared the head, lapping at the tip excitedly. Iruka’s climax hits, and he cums all over their faces. Their mouths opened wide, catching some of the erupting cum, tongues outstretched wide, curling to hold the ropes of cum. They swallowed their shared loads, their own cocks twitching, so close to orgasm.  

Iruka was still hard. “Let’s continue, Kiba I bet your hole is hungry.” Kiba was licking the cum off his lips, he snapped up. “Yes!” he moans.  

The older brunette lays on his bed, and wags his cock. Kiba climbs up and straddles his waist. Iruka’s cock slides between his plump cheeks. He bucks back, rubbing against his shaft. Playing a bit, until he slides up until he positions over his shaft.  

He sinks down, taking Iruka’s cock inside him. “Ohhh!” Kiba took it all, thanks to Naruto’s cock tail his hole was made for taking cock. His inner walls clamped down onto Iruka’s 8 incher.   

Akamaru whines, watching his cock and hole were aching to be touched. Kiba shudders, taking his harem brother’s cock felt good, so good he couldn’t wait and started moving bouncing up and down in Iruka’s lap. His own hard cock bounced and flopped about along with his balls.  

Iruka’s feet were planted firmly, he bucks up into Kiba’s ass making the dog nin moan. “Big Brother Iruka, your cock feels good!” he moans. The older brunette smirks and bucks a little harder, cock ramming his sweet spot. “Ahh!”  

“Akamaru, I wasn’t gonna leave you out.” he gestured for him to come. Akamaru understood and soon straddled Iruka’s face. The Chunin pulls him down, and kisses his hole. Akamaru moans as his ass was breached by the older male’s tongue. His tail wagged as the tongue fucking began.  

The dog nin’s holes being stimulated was enough to drive them closer and closer to the edge. Iruka reached around and played with Akamaru’s dick, pumping his weeping length. Kiba began playing with his nips, loving every second he was on Iruka’s manhood.  

His stamina was quite impressive, Kiba rode him hard and fast but the Chunin dick never gave in. It was actually Akamaru who came first, shooting his load all over Iruka’s pecs, abs, and his partner’s back. Kiba came next, his climax hitting and blowing his load.  

The dog nin’s inner walls tightened around Iruka’s dick, the clenching heat helped pull Iruka over the edge. His dick swelled and his semen pumped inside the Inuzuka. “Akamaru your turn.” Kiba was pushed off and Akamaru took his turn on Iruka’s cock.  

A change in position was needed, Iruka was behind Akamaru driving into the white haired male, Akamaru pulled his partner in and stuffed him with his cock. Kiba moaned as he was stuffed. It was hard to say who held the higher position between Kiba and Akamaru, but they were partners for so long they’d fuck each other as needed.  

Iruka pounded into Akamaru driving him into Kiba at a lustful speed. Akamaru licked his partner’s neck and shoulder, as Kiba panted and drooled. ‘This...is...the...best!’  


Asuma and Kakashi had gone to the local BBQ shop to eat and drink. Kurenai had joined them. They discussed how their students were coming along. Kurenai boasted about her team. Sakura, Shino, and Hinata they were doing very well, and Sakura and Hinata were excelling under Kurenai’s teachings. “I’m so glad you gave me Miss Haruno, she’s quite unique.” Sakura’s inner Sakura created a unique case the split personality made her quite useful against genjutsu, she just needed to hone it.  

“Well it was a decision from on high.” Kakashi says. He was barely listening to her. He had a belly full of his master’s cum and a vibe buried in his tight heat. The vibrations ranged from low to medium, bouncing back and forth. He was very good at keeping a straight face.  

“I think my team will be ready for the next Chunin Exam.” she boasts.  

“I’m sure.” Kakashi looks to Asuma. “How is your team going?” He noticed Kurenai was focused on either bragging about her team or was talking to him. Yet, her supposed boyfriend she barely glanced at. Asuma sat their quietly eating, before he answered he looked to Kurenai before answering.  

 “Doing alright, been focusing on teamwork. I’m tasked with training the next Ino-Shika-Cho team. Their skills really compliment each other.” he says. “I think they’ll be ready for the next Chunin exam as well.” Kurenai stands up.  

“I must be going.” She looks at Asuma who stands up to let her out. “Will I see you later?” Asuma asks.  

“I don’t think so, I’m gonna work on some new genjutsu techniques.” Asuma goes in for a kiss, but she quickly avoids him, not even letting him get a cheek kiss. She walks off and Asuma sits down.  

“Trouble in paradise?” Kakashi asks.  

“Kurenai...she...she doesn’t like the beard.” Kakashi raises a brow. “Things have been tense since she’s become a jounin.”  

“Didn’t you start dating a few months after she became a Chunin?” he asks, and Asuma nods.  

“I thought she’d be happy once she became a Jounin, she asked me to put in a good word for her with my father.” Kakashi blinked. ‘He didn’t...she didn’t...’  

“We used to have a nice loving relationship, I mean I gave her my virginity. Then she started pulling away but then she said she was nervous about her Jounin exam. So I put in a good word for her.” Kakashi fought back the urge to face palm. ‘She’s totally using him.’  

“Is there a problem in the bed room?” he asked quietly. Asuma blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Kakashi was one of his best friends, they had shared secrets in the past together, and he didn’t know who else to talk to.   

“I thought it was great, but lately she seems to just get mad. Sometimes I was still hard after we had sex, and she said she was finished. She says she doesn’t like kissing me because of my beard, she says that my body hair feels weird, and she says my dick hurts her.” he looked at his friend. “What should I do, should I shave, should I take some meds to shrink me down?”  

“Asuma, if you are with someone who doesn’t accept you for you, and needs you to change so drastically maybe they not for you.” It was clear to Kakashi she was using Asuma since he was the son of the Hokage. “If you aren’t satisfied in the bedroom, maybe you need something else.”

“But Kurenai she, she’s the first woman to ever want me. I tried going out before, and my dates always ended badly.” It was true, most girls often went out with Asuma because he was a proud member of the Sarutobi clan, and his father was the Hokage. The dates usually went south once they hit the bed room, most of the girls scared off by Asuma’s size.  

“You know there is the other option, remember you told me about that dream you had.” Asuma blushed, and felt his heart race, his blood rushing south. In there youth Asuma had confided in Kakashi that he had a sex dream about his sensei. “Have you had any such dreams recently?”  

Asuma shifted in his seat. “Sometimes,” he takes a cigarette and tries to light it. “I don’t know Kakashi, those dreams are...” it was his deepest secret, he’d only told Kakashi. He’d been worried that such desires made him less.   

“You are the submissive, I remember.” Kakashi had shared some of his porn with Asuma back in the day. In the end he chose to walk a different path. He looks around. “Follow me.” he leads Asuma into the bathroom. A quick check and seal to make sure the room was secure. Kakashi removes his mask making Asuma blush deeper.  

“Kakashi what are you...whoa!?” he gasps. Kakashi stripped naked and turned around. He bent forward slightly, his ass cheeks spreading exposing his stuffed hole. The tight ring throbbed from the vibrations.  

“I’ve found myself a top, I’m apart of a harem.” Asuma’s cock bulged his pants, he was so hard at the sight of his naked friend. “He accepts me, he accepts us. I’m not telling you to join but maybe you’d be happier with a man.”  

Asuma feels his hole clench. Kakashi shows him the size of toy inside, it was so big. “But...But what about Kurenai, I can’t just break up with her.” Kakashi turned around, pumping his cock as his hand pumped his shaft. “Shouldn’t I try to make it work?”  

“You have tried. My friend, you are a wonderful man, if given the chance you’d make a woman very happy. I think however a man can make you very happy.” Asuma sighs. When he was a kid he was scared of letting these feelings out, but now he was older and wiser, he had siblings who were already carrying on the clan’s name. He didn’t have to be with a girl unless he wanted to. “Think it over.” he starts putting on his clothes, tucking his arousal back into his pants. “But you should be with someone who accepts you for you.” he says and pats his shoulder.  

He left Asuma with many questions. He still couldn’t see that Kurenai used him but, he could see that their relationship was pretty strained. He wasn’t happy, Kurenai was distant but she was happy after becoming a jounin but their relationship hadn’t gotten better.  

Seeing a man as powerful as Kakashi, naked, hard, with his hole stuffed took the weight off his shoulders. ‘Maybe I should try meeting a guy.’ he thinks and palms his arousal. He sits in an open stall and takes out his hard 13 incher. ‘I wonder who got Kakashi to submit like that?’  

The thought made his manhood twitch. He started pumping himself, his cock was large, with a heavy girth. He pulls his shirt over his head exposing his ripped body, he had manly hair over his muscles. Running a hand through his manly hair he sighed. ‘I always thought I looked good, but Kurenai thinks I’m gross.’ He lifted his balls out of his underwear.  

Pre spilled over his length allowing him to pump himself faster. He worked himself faster and faster making his heavy balls bounce. His family jewels had gotten larger, having a serious bad case of blue balls.  

He grunts and groans, feeling his release build higher and higher. It didn’t take long before him to cum, his climax hits hard and his knees go weak. Thick cum splatters all over his pecs abs and crotch. ‘Would he accept me to.’ he thinks. He had lied to Kakashi, when he said his dreams came only sometimes. Since he started dating Kurenai his submissive dreams happened almost every night.  

Collecting his cum, he reaches down and slips a finger into his hole. “Oh ohhhh!” he moans. He continues to pump himself, his cock still hard and wanting. As he starts playing with his ass, pleasure washes through him in waves. He gets louder unable to control his voice as things get hotter and hotter inside him.  

He cums again even harder than before, his semen erupts like a volcano drenching himself in his seed. ‘Ohh fuck!’ he thinks. Kakashi had heard everything. ‘I need to talk to Naruto right away.’  


Naruto had a nice talk with Shikamaru, a very nice talk. Naruto laid his cards all on the table, told Shikamaru his plan and intent, even going as far as to show his cock tail. Shikamaru was surprised, embarrassed, and aroused. His genius mind worked through the problem, and he made his decision.   

The two were laying naked, watching the clouds go by. Shikamaru was getting his ass stuffed with Naruto’s cock tail. He had cum three times already, his semen marking his face, neck, chest, stomach, and crotch.  

His body shuddered, toes curling in orgasmic pleasure. His belly bulged from the forced of Naruto’s cock tail. “Ohh I felt that!”  

“Feels good yeah?” Naruto chuckles.  

“Soo good! So not troublesome.” he shivers, and rubs his swollen belly, only to watch shrink as the tail pulls back leaving a void inside him. He was only empty a few seconds before the tail thrust back in. “Ohhh!”  

Naruto leaned over and began licking his orgasms off his body. Shikamaru’s ass was wonderfully tight, his tail was coating it’s insides with pre. The cock tail pounded his ass, his wet insides allowing him to go faster and faster.  

He offered his cock, and Shikamaru began to suck it. ‘So big!’ Shika thinks, as he bobs back and forth, slurping and sucking the blonde’s massive dick. The pre was delicious, and made the lazy nin suck harder. He could only suck about half, but Naruto was more than close. Naruto’s climax hits, and his cum fills his mouth and ass at once. Shikamaru hits another orgasm, and cums all over himself. “You weren’t kidding, this really is amazing!” he licks his lips.  

The cock tail leaves Shika’s ass, and Naruto pulls him into his lap, still hard cock slipping inside. “Ohhh!” Shikamaru drooled. His head rolled back onto the blonde’s shoulder. They watched the sun set together, Naruto caressing the lazy nin’s body. “This is nice.”  

“Indeed it is.” Naruto kisses his neck and cheek. Shikamaru wanted to live an easy life, a life in Naruto’s harem didn’t sound troublesome at all.   

Kakashi showed up. “Naruto-sama!” he says. Shikamaru gasps, but doesn’t bother to cover up.  

“What’s wrong Kakashi, did things not go well with Asuma?”  

“Things went alright, but I think you may need to take action with him. He’s being used by Kurenai.”  

“What?!” Naruto gasps.  

“I’m not surprised, I once saw Asuma-sensei try to give her flowers, and she didn’t really seem to like them. Ino told me she saw the same flowers in the trash the next day. Asuma didn’t talk about it, but he seemed down.” Shikamaru looked to Naruto. “If you want to add him to the harem I think he’d actually be happy.”  

Naruto hugged Shikamaru. “Kurenai might be a problem.” he frowns. “I think Asuma might be willing to leave her. He just needs a push.” Naruto brings his cock tail around, his pre pouring out. He collects the essence in two vials. “Give this to Asuma, and this to Chouji. If they react to my essence I will bring them into the fold.”  

“I’m sure he will, thank you so much Naruto.” Shikamaru kisses him. He wanted Chouji, and he had a small crush on Naruto. If Naruto could bring him in the fold, he’d have both his crushes. Kakashi strips down and removes the toy, he joins the two Naruto’s cock tail plunging into his ass.  

He fucked them both. Naruto let the pleasure wash away his concerns. Kyuubi however shared his concerns, Naruto’s plan needed time to unfold, pushing too hard, or slowing down could draw out issues. The council had forces, eyes and ears everywhere, if Kurenai used Asuma, it made him wonder if she was acting alone or apart of a bigger scheme.  

To be continued


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