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 Yugioh GX Parody

Jaden x 2 - 11 inches soft – 12 Hard

Syrus 5 inches uncut

Chumley 4 inches soft - 6 inches hard – 4 fingers thick

Bastion 8 inches

Chapter 13 Jinzo’s Curse

Jaden was right about Miss Dorothy, with her help and some spare parts the red dorm was well fitted in time for winter break. Many of the students went home leaving Jaden, Chumley, Syrus, Bastion, and Banner chilling at the Slifer Dorm.  

The male had been cooking up a storm, with a better kitchen they were able to store better ingredients and cook the food properly. In the kitchen he was able to take lamia form and use his tail to cook double time. “I appreciate you inviting me to stay at your dorm, I hoped to get much needed studying done, but since all the other Ra yellows were planning on leaving I didn’t want to inconvenience the dorm head.” Chumley was making the dessert, cooking marshmallows on a portable grill.  

“No problem the more the merrier.” Jaden calls from the kitchen. In truth Bastion’s family liked to travel, and while working on formulas over the break was fun, spending time with Jaden and his new harem brothers was more fun. Plus he could still work on his formulas.  

He was quite enjoying the new found freedom, in Jaden’s dorm he was allowed to strip down and bask in his nudity. Jaden hadn’t taken his virginity yet, he promised after they had their duel it would happen. For now Bastion was enjoying getting fingered and rimmed, blow jobs, hand jobs, and so much petting.  

Jaden reverted back to human form to bring the food in. He even made some for Banner. They dug into the food, giving a quick prayer of thanks. Jaden’s meals were meat and egg heavy. He wanted his boys nice and strong.  


An Obelisk Blue student was racing through the woods, running like the devil was on his heels. “Help me!” he shouted. “Someone, anyone help!” a dark chuckle seemed to follow him. “He took them...he took my friends...and I’m next!”  

Those that remained at the Blue Dorm, were enjoying the fancy luxuries the dorm had to offer, not that anyone would believe him. The Ra Yellow dorm was closed down, so the boy raced towards the Red Dorm. The lights were on so someone had to be home.  

He pounded on the door. “Please! Someone! Help me!” the door opened and the boy falls forward. “Whoa!” The boy had shoulder length brown hair, he wore glasses, and was quite handsome. “Are you alright?” Jaden approached him.  

The boy got up and clung to Jaden, eyes wet with tears, face pale in terror. “Please you have to help me!” he clings to the brunette. “It’s Jinzo! He’s after me!”  

“I know you,” Banner says. “You’re Torrey Takadera, you are in my Para-Dueling Class.”  

“That’s right, Professor Banner, and everything you said was right! All that stuff about Duel Spirits being real.” Jaden’s eyes widened in shock. ‘How does he know about that?’ Banner was quite the mystery. “It was all true!” Torrey cried.  

They sat Torrey down and Jaden got him some water. “Alright, talk to us, what’s happened?” The boy takes a drink to calm his nerves.   

“Please start from the beginning.” Banner says, and Torrey nods.  

“You see I told some of my friends about your class, and how with certain conditions you can communicate with duel spirits, and even bring them to life.” Jaden couldn’t believe what he was hearing. ‘Don’t they know how dangerous that is?’ many of the duel spirits were actual monsters from his world, most could only appear in spirit form, but even then not all monsters were kind or friendly.  

“We started trying to create those conditions. We used a ouija board and started trying to communicate with Duel Spirits. My friends, Isaka and Mukouda helped even though we knew the academy forbids it.” Jaden could almost face palm. “We managed to communicate a few times, so we thought we’d try summoning the spirit. He told us the incantation to use.”

After reciting the chant, “From Vapor To Flesh,From Wind To A Roar, Come Jinzo, From The Land Of Yore!” the candles were blown out and some of the books fell from the shelves in the library. The spirit board, began moving on it’s own.  

Jaden got chills, that was a dark spirit incantation. “Then the spirit board spelled out, Give me 3 and I’ll be free.” he trembled. “We thought he meant cards.”  

‘No, for a dark spirit such as Jinzo he’d never be satisfied with mere cards, dark spirits demand a terrible sacrifice.’ Jaden thinks.  

“Oh dear me no, Jinzo’s appetite would never be satiated with mere cards.” Banner says, and Jaden raises a brow. ‘How does he know this?’  

“What did the 3 mean Torrey?” Syrus asked.  

“It meant people!”  

“People!?” Syrus gasped.  

“Yes, and unfortunately we had agreed before we knew the truth.” he lowered his eyes in shame. “My friends are gone. I’ve looked everywhere and it’s like they vanished!”  

“See here, maybe they just left for winter break.” Bastion says, trying to be the voice of reason. Jaden knew better, Jinzo took them as sacrifices. He plans ripping into the world by force.  

“They didn’t, I know they didn’t. I called their parents to be sure, and...I even tried to leave the island, but couldn’t.” He had gone to the ferry, only to see and mysterious figure wearing a trench coat. The same sinister chuckle followed him. “There’s no escape!” he says crying, the boy was trembling in fear.  

‘We’ll be safe here but not for long, if Jinzo’s already gotten two sacrifices, it means his power is growing.’ his shadow charm reacted, and the lights went off in the dorm.  

Everyone gasped. ‘He’s here!’ Jaden got on edge.  

“What was that?” Syrus gasped.

“Easy, Syrus.” Banner says hoping to calm the boy down. It wouldn’t do anyone good if people started panicking.  

“It was probably just a blown fuse.” Bastion says.  

“Yeah, or maybe a blown bulb.” Chumley chuckled nervously.  

“Or maybe...” A dark voice began, a terrifying voice that sent shivers down everyone’s spines. “It was me!” Jinzo appeared in the door way. Everyone screamed as Jinzo laughed evilly. “He’s real!” Bastion gasped.  

Torrey tried to hide, but Jinzo fired beams from his eyes and froze him in place. “Let him go Jinzo!” Jaden snaps, his eyes flashing gold.  

“We have a deal!” he says. “Don’t interfere!” he releases a powerful Psycho Shock! Jaden was able to counter it with his shadow power, but the force did knock out Banner, Syrus, Chumley, Torrey, and Bastion. Jaden absorbed most of the hit changing into his lamia form.  

Jinzo runs off, taking the unconscious boy Torrey with him. Jaden gave chase, following them to the island’s power station. The dark spirit leached off the energy, using it to take form. “A lamia? What is your kind doing here?”  

“I’m here because my kind doesn’t go feasting on human souls.” Jinzo laughed.  

“That is why you are weak!” Torrey came to and saw Jinzo and screamed. Jaden quickly snatched him up with his tail. “Release him, he made a deal, not even a lamia can break a binding contract.”  

Jaden paused. It was true, not many powers could break a contract. Torrey looked up to Jaden. “Please save me, save my friends. I’ll do anything!” Jaden tilted his chin up. “Anything?” the boy blushed.  

“Yes, anything!” he says.  

“Then form a contract with me, for saving your life and your friends, you will become my servant.” Torrey doesn’t hesitate. He was shocked to see Jaden as a monster sure, but he wasn’t scared of him as he was Jinzo. “I’ll do it.”  

“Sealed with a kiss.” he says and captures Torrey’s lips. The boy moans in delight, the kiss making him weak in the knees and painfully hard in his pants.  

“You vile snake!” Jinzo hissed. Jaden smirked.  

“I will duel you for Torrey and his friends, you win you get me!”  

“Why would a lamia care for a pathetic human. They are but trash to be ruled or turned to ash.” This murderous intent is what made Jinzo so dark, a shame if he used his power for good he could really help people. “A duel is fine with me, this energy will keep me around long enough.”  

Jaden/Jinzo: 4000

Jaden readied his duel disk, and Jinzo conjured the cards before him. “I’ll go first.” he says. “I summon Malice Doll of Demise!” he summoned the creepy blonde doll monster.  

1600 ATK/1700 DEF

The monster was summoned in attack mode. “Next I play Ectoplasmer! Now we both must tribute one monster we control during our end phase, then we inflict damage equal to half the monster’s ATK points.” he chuckles. With that he ends his turn, and the continuous spell card sucks out the doll’s soul and blasts Jaden.  

Jaden: 3200

Jaden draws. “My move!” he draws Mirage of Nightmare, while his hand had Emergency Provisions, Lamia Sister # 3, Snake Venom, Snake Pit, and Venom Strike. “I’ll activate a continuous spell card of my own, Snake Pit!” While this card remains face up on the field, all Lamia monsters gain 200 ATK points. Each time a Lamia is summoned draw 1 card. “I summon Lamia Sister # 3!”  

The purple haired snake woman appeared, her hair in a braid. Thanks the effect of Snake Pit Jaden got to draw a new card. Also the effect of the spell card, boosted her ATK power.  

ATK 1500 Boosted 1700.  

“Now I activate her effect, and she hits you with 300 points of damage.” he says. The sister spat purple venom at Jinzo.  

Jinzo: 3700  

“Now I’ll play these cards face down, and activate Mirage of Nightmare!” Now during Jinzo’s Standby phase Jaden would get to draw until he has 4 cards in his hand. “Next I play Snake Venom to destroy your Ectoplasmer!” the spell card spat venom and destroyed the continuous spell card. Jaden had Lamia Sister attack, who whipped him with her tail. He ended his turn.        

Jinzo 2000  

It was Jinzo’s turn and Jaden got to draw 3 new cards thanks to the effect, which he quickly used his spell card Emergency Provisions to destroy Mirage of Nightmare, and increase his life points.  

Jaden 4200     

“You lamias are pathetic, you could have used Ectoplasmer to deal more damage to me.” Jinzo draws. “You’ll regret that mistake!” He special summoned Malice Doll of Demise, since he was sent to the graveyard by the effect of a continuous spell card.  

“Hold on Jinzo, I got an effect to activate, since my monster was added to my hand I got to special summon it. Say hello to Lamia Bunyip!” the monster appeared on the field.  

A dark gray skinned lamia girl, her underbelly is dark purple, her scales and arms covered in thick white fur, she has thicker claws and bunny like ears.  

4 Stars Water: Effect: If this card is added to your hand by the effect of a spell or monster effect, except the effect of Lamia Bunyip, you can special summon it to the field, you can choose the mode. If this monster is targeted by your opponent’s monster for an attack, you can negate the attack and return Lamia Bunyip to your hand.  

ATK 2000 Boosted 2200 ATK Thanks to the effect of Snake Pit Jaden got to draw another card.  

“So you added another Lamia to the field big deal when what I have is much more!” he laughed evilly. “I sacrifice, Malice, to summon Jinzo!”  he laughed wickedly as he summoned himself.  

His gaze pierced Jaden’s trap card, destroying it. “Oh man!”  

“Now I get to destroy you personally!” he launched an attack at Bunyip.  

“Wrong choice, when Bunyip is targeted by an opponent’s monster’s attack she can negate the attack, and escape back to my hand.” She ducked down and escaped Jinzo’s blast returning to Jaden’s hand.  

“One turn that all it buys you.” he says.  

It was Jaden’s turn and he draws. “I summon Lamia Bunyip, and I’ll switch my Lamia Sister # 3 into Defense mode.” Bunyip returned to the field, and Sister # 3 got defensive.

Lamia Sister # 3 DEF: 1600

“Next I activate Lamia Sister # 3’s effect, and hit you with 300 points of damage.”  

Jinzo 1700

“I end my turn!” he says. He had some traps in his hand but couldn’t use them with Jinzo on the field. He also had Shirohebi in his hand, but he was saving her.   

Jinzo draws. “Fool I will teach you the terror of my power. I equip myself with Fairy Meteor Crush!”

“Uh oh, that’s not good!” Jaden says and braces himself. Jinzo blasted the Sister in Defense mode, and Jaden took 800 points of damage.

Jaden: 3400  

“Next I activate the effect of a monster from my hand. Bone Channeler, when this card is sent from my hand to the graveyard, I can select one monster on my side of the field and inflict damage equal to half its attack points.”  

“Oh crap!” A skull appeared in Jinzo’s hand it became infused with his energy and Jaden got blasted with it.  

Jaden: 2200  

“I’ll end my turn.” Jaden shivered as he felt his body fade.  

It was Jaden’s turn, he drew and got Lamia Little Sister # 3. “I summon, Lamia Little Sister # 3 in Defense mode.” With that he ended his turn. Little Sister # 3: DEF 2000

Jinzo drew, he attacked Little Sister and thanks to Fairy Meteor Crush, Jaden took damage.  

Jaden: 1800   

Jinzo used another Bone Channeler to blast Jaden with another round of 1200 points of damage.  

Jaden: 600

“Jaden!” Torrey cried out.  

“Your energy is delicious, I’m gonna enjoy devouring your soul.” Jaden glared at him. “I activate Amplifier and equip it to myself.” This effect allowed Jinzo to play traps. “I’ll play this face down, I bet you can guess what it is.”  

Jaden drew, and he smiled. “It’s over Jinzo, I activate Lamia’s Hunting Ground!” the field spell changed the landscape. Each Time a Lamia monster is summoned, you can choose to destroy one spell or trap card on the field. When a Lamia destroys a monster in battle increase life points equal to half the destroyed monster's atk points. All monsters with Lamia in their name increase their ATK by 600 points.  

Bunyip’s ATK boosted further 2200 to 2800   

“I summon Lamia Shirohebi!” a long haired white lamia girl with scales of pure white, she has red eyes and wears a white kimono, appeared on the field.    

Shirohebi’s ATK Boosted from 1600 to 2400. Thanks to the effect of Lamia’s Hunting Ground, Jaden destroyed Jinzo’s trap card. “Next I activate Shirohebi’s effect to bring back Lamia Sister # 3!” the sister was summoned, and thanks to the effect of the field spell Jaden destroyed Amplifier.

“Nooooooooooo!” Jinzo howled as he was destroyed, and since he wasted his Bone Channelers for their effects he was no defenseless.   

Jaden got to draw 2 cards thanks to Snake Pit, but it was over. “Go get him girls!” The Lamia Sisters charged and crushed Jinzo.  

Jinzo: 0

His body faded. “I won’t lose, I won’t give up!” he tried to possess Torrey but Jaden was ready.  

His charm glowed and he bound Jinzo’s spirit with energy snakes. Jinzo exploded, his power dispersing and Torrey’s friends returning to the land of the living.   

Jaden breathed a sigh of relief. Torrey and his friends were safe. Jaden returned to human form, and Torrey hugged him. “Oh thank you Jaden, I’m never gonna forget this!” he says happily.  

“I know you won’t. My loyal servant.” he says and Torrey blushes. He felt his manhood spasm and he cums hotly into his pants. “Ah ahh!” the boy drooled. As Jaden’s servant he can never betray him, so revealing his secret was impossible. “I’ll train you well.” he says petting him.  

Jaden told everyone what happened later after returning the boys to the blue dorm.  

To be continued


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