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Bleach Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy Available at chap 5


Grimmjow’s Queen

When Grimmjow is an adjuchas he is attacked and injured and escapes to the human world and falls under the care of Ichigo.

Chap 1

Grimmjow growled, cursing his fate. ‘Damn it, it can’t end like this!’ he was being tossed around, he had a wound on his side, damage to his legs, and he had a wound above his eye.

The feline like hollow, had ran into a vasto lorde. This thing was too powerful, and boy was it vicious. It clawed him, and tossed him around like a rag doll.

Grimmjow managed to rip out his eye but he was losing a lot of blood. His vision was blurring as the hollow made it’s way towards him. “I won’t die!” he fired a cero, his most powerful ever, and the vasto lorde hissed and Grimmjow escaped through a garganta.

He had no idea where he was going or where he’d end up, but he had to escape. He landed in the world of the living. Not at the best time either, dark clouds were circling the sky, the rain pelting the ground as thunder boomed through the sky.

The rain was cold, or maybe his body was just cold. 'Am I dying? Damn it…damn stupid rain…’ the rain seemed to fall harder on him, as if the world itself was crying for him. 'What a joke? I was supposed to be king!’

He looked around, he was on some grass by a walk way, there was a river not too off as well. 'If this is where I’m going to die, good a place as any.’ he closed his eyes and waited for the hand of death to claim him, least he wouldn’t be some bastards’ meal.

A few minutes passed…

Grimmjow felt the lack of rain on his person, he could still smell it but something was shielding him. “You’ll be okay.” these words, spoken by such a warm and gentle voice, it opened his eyes.

What greeted him was a bright glow, he was under some kind of barrier. He shifted and saw a bright mop of orange hair. “You’ll be fine, I got you.” the boy put his hands on the barrier. “I reject.”

At these words Grimmjow’s fate changed, his wounds healed, and his strength returned. 'What is this?’ he was healed, and the barrier fell, and he saw the face of his rescuer. 'It’s just a kid.’

“There all better,” he flashed a dazzling smile and Grimmjow felt a pulse through his chest. “You take care now okay.”

Grimmjow got pat on the head. 'That fool, does he even realize what I am?’ he walked away and Grimmjow rose up. He had to admit his interest was peeked.

Grimmjow’s pov

There was something strange about that boy. I couldn’t let it go, my time in the world of the living couldn’t be long. With my power it wouldn’t take long for those soul reaper bastards to come looking for me.

My return to las noches was interesting, that vasto lorde fucker tried to kill me, but I was ready this time. I felt stronger than ever before, and I tore out his throat and made that bastard my food.

I spent my time traveling between worlds. Ichigo, I learned his name from what the other humans called him. Hehe a berry indeed, he seemed to be like just like any other human, but I could feel it, that power.

Following him around was easy enough, most humans couldn’t see me after all. He could though. “Hey Mr. Cat!” he called to me.

“My name’s Grimmjow kid.” he raises a feline brow. Wouldn’t most kids be scared of a large predator feline. ‘This kid is odd.’

“Grimm…jow…” he tested out my name. “That’s a funny name.” his laughter was nice.

I twitched in anger, and a little amusement. “Not funny Berry.”

“Hey! Don’t call me berry!” I couldn’t help but smirk. Taking my leave he called out to me again. “Hey wait, am I going to see you again?”

Yeah he would, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. Yet as I looked into his almost chocolate like eyes, he felt himself nod. The boy smiled happily, and it made Grimmjow’s heart flutter. I kept stopping by now and then, keeping my distance only when I sensed a soul reaper. Had to keep them off my scent. I wasn’t able to spend all my time in the human world, my spiritual pressure would have attracted attention. My time in Las Noches, I ended up building a pack, and left my affairs to them when I went to visit Ichigo.

I should have stayed away from the kid, but every time I came around Ichigo smiled at me with that beautiful smile of his. It kept drawing me back, time and time again. I found myself staying with him longer, and closer. Instead of just watching from afar I would spend time with him in his room.

He didn’t seem to mind. In fact, my presence made him smile more. He wasn’t scared of me, I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. That boy’s smile made me forget about everything else.  

Then it was gone…while I was away, dealing with some territory dispute, Ichigo’s mother was killed by a hollow. It was Grand Fisher. When I see him I’m gonna rip him apart. It was raining that day as well, Ichigo hasn’t smiled since that day. I tried to hunt the bastard down, and kill him, I’d bring his corpse to Ichigo as a trophy.

I wouldn’t eat him, I didn’t want that filthy bastard inside him. Finding the bastard was tricky, he was good at covering his tracks. Even going as far as having my followers hunting for him to, they didn’t question my orders. ‘I don’t know if I can face him, he must hate and fear hollows now.’

End Grimmjow’s Pov

The panther like hollow eventually broke down and came to visit Ichigo. He could smell the boy’s sadness, and it made him angry. He chose to venture forth, passing through the walls of the boy’s home, and Ichigo’s spiritual pressure hit him like a ton of bricks.

He had to physically brace himself, to keep himself from hitting the floor. He knew the boy was strong, but in his turmoil his energy was like a storm. “Ichigo,” Grimmjow spoke, and the boy sat up in his bed. The storm seemed to calm, allowing Grimmjow to breathe.

“Grimmjow,” he gets out of bed, his face emotionless, and as he approached Grimmjow’s natural instincts were kicking in. Fear! Fear that Ichigo would hate him, fear that Ichigo would push him away and reject him.

Once Ichigo was close enough he could see the tears. In an instant the boy was on him, hugging him tight. He cried, and Grimmjow felt his heart ache. Grimmjow nuzzled him, trying to comfort the lad. “Tell me what happened?”

“I tried to save her…” he says and Grimmjow tensed. Ichigo had the power to heal, so he was curious how this happened. “I healed her wounds, but she didn’t wake up.”

“It’s not your fault.” Grimmjow says. The boy shook his head. “Yes it is, I wasn’t strong enough.”

“You are stronger than you know.” Grimmjow licked his cheek. The boy giggled. “That tickles!” The panther hollow, felt his heart race. He starts licking Ichigo again and again. “No more tears,” he says and nuzzles him.

“I miss her.” he heads back to his bed. “Dad says it wasn’t my fault, but I can’t help but feel like it was.”

Grimmjow got in bed with him and curled around him comfortingly. “It wasn’t your fault, you did everything you could.”

“Hey Grimmjow, can you stay with me tonight?” The feline tensed. ‘Stay…all night…this could be bad.’ Ichigo started to pet him and all Grimmjow could do was purr. ‘Fuck it!’

“I’ll stay.” he admits defeat.

“Yay!” Ichigo hugged him. He continued to pet Grimmjow, as his pressure lightened and caressed every inch of him. The adjuchas purred in delight. “Thank you Grimmjow.” he says cuddling up to him.

‘This is nice…’ Grimmjow drifted off to sleep, curled protectively around Ichigo’s body. Come morning he expected at least six soul reapers to be waiting to kill him, but as it turned out no. Then he remembered the tiny humn pressed against him. ‘Don’t tell me his pressure masked my own?’

Grimmjow was able to spend his nights with Ichigo. It was heaven, Ichigo knew all his happy spots to make him feel like a kitten. His days with Ichigo grew more and more, only leaving to go hunt, Ichigo’s overflow of power could easily satisfy him, but he wasn’t some house cat he needed to keep his skills sharp. Plus he wanted to rip Fisher apart.  

“Come back soon!” Ichigo called, waving the feline off.

“I will,” he vanished back into the world of hollows. Things in Las Noches were changing, someone was experimenting on hollows. “Lord Grimmjow, we don’t want to question your activities, but things in Las Noches are troubling.” They were starting to worry about their master.

They’d acknowledged his strength and vowed to serve him. Grimmjow told them he wasn’t satisfied remaining as he was, he was gonna become a Vasto Lorde! While they did notice Grimmjow was getting stronger somehow, no matter how many hollows they ate they weren’t evolving.

“What’s happening?” he asked.

“Hollows are disappearing.”

“Even some of the greater factions are vanishing.” With things as they are, if they couldn’t evolve soon, they might end up vanishing as well.

“Fine, I will check it out.” Grimmjow says. “You guys protect my territory, while I investigate.”

“Lord Grimmjow, if I may?” Shawlong came to him. “I don’t mean to press, your time away, you always come back stronger. Might I ask how?” Grimmjow growled. “I only ask, because this source might be able to help us as well.”

Grimmjow wasn’t stupid, he had a feeling if he devoured Ichigo he would achieve the power of Vasto Lorde, but the idea of eating Ichigo made him sick to his stomach, and the thought of his followers touching Ichigo angered him. “Leave it!” he hissed, and dashed off. Shawlong was shocked. ‘I’ve never seen Lord Grimmjow so angry.’

As Grimmjow explored Las Noches, he noticed many of the packs were missing. A sudden burst of spiritual pressure made Grimmjow freeze. ‘This pressure it’s coming from my territory!’ he raced back, but found his men defeated, with three soul reapers. “You must be their leader, I’m Sosuke Aizen.” Grimmjow growled.

He charged at the soul reaper and despite his best efforts he lost. Despite being wounded and bleeding heavily he still got up to try and challenge the reapers.‘Ichigo…I’m sorry…I don’t think I’m gonna get back to you.’ he bared his fangs, and charged at Aizen.


Ichigo felt a sudden chill race through him. ‘Grimmjow?’

To be continued


Lord Zero 1606

Really nice beginning to a story, can't wait to see how Ichigo will react once he learns the truth behind his pet.