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My Hero Parody: Page 1 art by etherious01: Word Count 10,393


Chap 5 Date Interrupted

Toshinori was nervous and excited. He was taking Midoriya out on their first official date. Sure the sex was great, but All Might wanted this to be a true relationship and not just be about the sex. Still, he wasn’t so nervous preparing for a date before. He was wearing his best yellow suit, red tie, white undershirt. He fixed his hair for the fourth time today. ‘Calm down, it’s just a date. Just a date.’  

Little did he know he wasn’t the only one nervous. Izuku was tossing outfit after outfit from his closet. “No, no, no, gah no!” Slime appeared from his body, the tiny orb holding the face. “Why are you freaking out?” Slime asked.  

“Are you kidding, this is my first date with Toshinori. I gotta look my best.” looking through his clothes again.  

“Says the boy wearing All Might boxers.” Izuku blushed, he was indeed wearing All Might underwear. Izuku whined sulking in embarrassment. “He already knows you’re a fanboy, stop stressing.”  

“Are you just gonna be there or are you gonna help me?” he held up two outfits for Slime. “Go with the right one.” it says before slipping back into Izuku’s body. Izuku put on a white undershirt, a green jacket, and jeans. “This looks really good, thanks Slime.”  

“Yeah, yeah, call me when the fun starts.” he didn’t really see the point of dating. They were already mates, if they had free time they should be spending it in bed. Izuku sighed. ‘How did I end up with such a perverted quirk?’

‘Just lucky I guess!’ Slime responds mentally, and Izuku blushes. He gets dressed and heads out to go to his date.  

“Izuku!” he freezes. His mother peeks out of the living room. “Have fun on your date sweetie.” she says. “Toshinori-san seems like a nice man.” Izuku blushed. All Might was very traditional and had asked Inko permission to date her son. Of course she didn’t know it was All Might, if she did she probably had fainted. Still, she gave her approval, but it was still embarrassing. “Just remind him, if he hurts you they’ll never find the body.” she says with a sweet smile on her face. Izuku sweats.  

“Right, I will.” he heads off. ‘So embarrassing!’  


They met at the rendezvous spot. “Toshinori!” the boy called out excited. “Midoriya-kun,” he looked the young man over. ‘So cute!’ he thinks feeling his heart flutter at the sight of him. “You look so handsome in your suit.”  

He got so flustered he went into hero form, and flexed his muscles. Izuku chuckled. He pulled the man into a kiss, and he reverted back to civilian mode. “You are handsome even like this.” All Might blushes and rubs the back of his head.  

“I’m a little nervous.” he says.  

“Me to, I’ve never done anything like this.” Toshinori felt a little bad, he should have planned something for their first date. “This is your first time in the city as a civilian right?” he nods. “Let’s go,” Izuku takes his hand, and a shiver races through him. They walk hand and hand around. He was new to the city, so Izuku showed him around.  

They hit shops, an arcade, and Izuku brought him to a photo booth. They took a set of six, the first three being just cute cheese pics, the fourth was Izuku kissing Toshinori’s cheek, the fifth him returning the favor, and the sixth the two kissed each other. Izuku hugged the pics to his chest. ‘This is kinda nice.’  

In civilian mode, they didn’t have to worry about being swarmed by fans. So like this he belonged to Izuku and only Izuku. It was nice not being swarmed by reporters. Plus if he walked around as All Might, who knows if some crazed villain would attack trying to take down the symbol of peace.  

They walked around, holding hands, Izuku showing him the sights. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do, was he supposed to buy Izuku something. He had done a search on first dates, but he didn’t know any of the local hot spots, and he couldn’t decide between chocolates or flowers, and thought he had shown up empty handed. ‘He’s so happy just showing me around.’ They passed by some shops, and if something caught Izuku’s eye, All Might offered to buy it. “Nah, we are just window shopping, but you are sweet to offer.”   

He nodded, Izuku didn’t want money, he didn’t want things, just them walking around together made him so happy. Still that didn’t mean he couldn’t do something nice. Toshinori got them some ice cream cones, to snack on as they explored. He got vanilla and he got Izuku chocolate. He would have gotten Izuku the All Might pop, no doubt making the fanboy very happy, but he didn’t think he could handle watching Izuku suck on the multi flavor Popsicle.   

A passing couple saw them and giggled. “I think I’m overdressed.” he says. He looked like he was escorting Izuku to a dance or something. “I should have gone more casual.”   

 “I’m telling you, you look great.” Izuku finished his ice cream. “How about a movie?”

Toshinori gave him a smile. “Sounds good,” he finished his ice cream, and followed Izuku to a theater. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to a movie.” he says.  

“Really, well then we’ll have to pick out a good one.” Izuku was looking at the available movies, eyes sparkling at the new All Might movie. Toshinori couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘Fanboy!’ he thinks.  

Izuku gasped being caught staring. “Oh, I don’t wanna see this one, I mean I saw the others, and they were really cool, but I mean, it’s a movie about you, I bet it’d be pretty boring.”  

“You wanna see it that bad huh?” Izuku blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Then let’s go.” Izuku was so excited. They got a single popcorn and soda, but All Might got two straws. He wasn’t looking forward to this movie, but he was happy with how happy it made Izuku. The two shared their popcorn and soda, in possibly the cutest way possible.  

Toshinori loved watching Izuku get excited over the movie. His enthusiasm was infectious, he found himself blushing when his movie persona spoke cheesy lines, and he even cheered with Izuku when All Might made the save. “Yes!” they cheered.  

“The movie was nice, but I prefer the real you.” Izuku says leaning against him. The movie ended with a cheesy hero line, and a roar of plus ultra. Movies in the hero world were truly something special, no need for special effects when things were more than possible.  

 “Am I really that cheesy?” he asks.  

“No, you are really cool.” Izuku laughs, giving them a thumbs up. “They do that in hero movies, you should see some of the other movies.”  

“I’d like that.” he says, and Izuku smiled. “It’s a date then.” They leave the theater, and Izuku holds his hand.     

“Wanna eat?” he asks spotting a restaurant. “Mm,” Izuku nods and the two sit outside. Their waiter took their order, and brought them their drinks.  

“I think this date has gone very well.” All Might says.  

“I’ve had a lot of fun,” he says with a smile.   

“Midoriya,” he takes his hand. “I was so nervous, honestly I thought I would bore you, just having you show me around.” Izuku laces his fingers with his.  

“It was nice, because you were there.” Toshinori gave his hand a squeeze. ‘This kid!’ his heart was beating faster and faster. All Might had heard the rumors, he was apart of the hero circuit after all, of those who hook up for pro heroes to be famous, for the thrill, or for the money.  

“Well, on our next date, it’ll be my turn to take you out on the town.” he laughs.  

Before their food could arrive a sudden scream was heard. ‘Oh no!’ All Might thinks. ‘No no no, not now.’ It seems a commotion was happening. ‘Calm down All Might, you aren’t the only hero in the city, I’m sure another pro can handle...’  

A crowd of people came running towards them. “Pro Hero Death Arms has gone crazy!”  

“He’s attacking people in the buff!”  

“This is horrible!”  

“What?!” Izuku and All Might gasped.

Sure enough…  

A naked Death Arms was stomping down the street. He grabbed nearby cars and tossed them about. One of them soaring at the two. “Izuku...I’m sorry!” He transformed and grabbed Izuku, jumping away from the danger zone.  

He avoided the car, and landed setting Izuku down. “What is he doing?” The pro hero was walking around with a raging erection, he looked absolutely mad. “Damn!” He undoes his tie and removes his jacket.

“All Might, be careful, something is seriously wrong with him.” All Might gave him a thumbs up. “No worries, I’ll finish this fast and we can get back to our date.” His slime came out and changed his clothes in an instant. He rushed out into the fray and Izuku hung back observing.  

“Death Arms, stop right there!” he shouts.  

Death Arms doesn’t even hesitate and quickly punches All Might. The muscled man gets thrown back. “I don’t want to fight you!” he shouts. Death Arms charges and this time All Might dodges, the massive fist hits the ground and cracks it. “Come to your senses!”  

The man charges, looking to grab All Might. He counters catching his hands, and a test of strength begins, the two pushing against each other. “Go All Might!” Izuku cheered.  

‘I got this!’ he says and starts pushing Death Arms back. Now that he was face to face with the man, he could see he was drooling, eyes glazed over. ‘He must be under someone’s control.’ he took his eyes off Death Arms and scoured the area. ‘Is the quirk holder nearby?’  

His focus should be on Death Arms as the male started pushing him back, letting out grunts and pants. All Might quickly stood his ground, only to be surprised again as Death arms leaned forward and licked All Might’s cheek.  

All Might tossed him back. “Young Midoriya is right, something is definitely wrong. No matter because I am here!” Death Arms got up and looked ready to fight. ‘He might be strong, but I’m faster!’ he zipped behind the controlled pro and with a strong chop to his neck knocked the male unconscious. ‘The fastest way to stop a controlled hero, is to knock them out.’ he dusted his hands off. ‘He’ll be out for a few hours, I should bring him in. Sorry young Midoriya, looks like our date is over...’

“All Might!” Izuku shouted.  

Death Arms was suddenly behind him, his massive arms locking him down. “Impossible!” he grunts. He struggles to get out of his grasp, but Death Arms was quite strong, and had the leverage. Much to All Might’s shock, Death Arms slipped his cock into the cleft of his ass, shamelessly humping against the Symbol of Peace.  

The muscled blonde blushes. Izuku didn’t know what to do, to his shock Slime comes out of his body, growling. “Slime?”  

“Izuku, I smell slime!” he says, glaring at the possessed pro hero.


Brain Slime was indeed watching nearby, laughing as he watched his puppet. “You could beat him to a pulp and he’ll still get up, my brain slime is in control, he’ll keep fighting till you remove it or kill him.” he laughed. “The pro hero All Might, I can’t wait to make you my puppet to.” He got ready to swoop in and plant a brain slime on All Might. “Fight all you want but my puppet’s strength is at max, the brain’s limitations lifted under my control.” he chuckles as All Might struggles. “Soon even the symbol of peace will be my toy.”  

To be continued

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Chap 6 Preview Slime vs Slime Part 1

Izuku must step in to assist All Might in his fight in stopping the slime controlled pro. Can Death Arms be saved and will All Might be happy with how Izuku risks his life to save him.  

End Preview


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