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Cupid Luffy

There are some devil fruits that have great power, the limits based on the users imagination and skill. However some fruits have sister fruits, fruits holding a greater power a more advanced power than the other. Luffy eats the Cupid Cupid fruit, the sister fruit to the Mero Mero or the love love fruit. Tier 1 

Chap 1 Cupid Power

The world is vast, the four seas, north, south, east and west, divided be the red line from north to south, getting crossed by the grand line. The grand line is considered the sea of dreams for some. Where Gol D. Roger, named the king of the pirates obtained the ultimate treasure.  

Before he was executed, he launched the Great Pirate Era, telling the world he had hidden his treasure in one place. This lit a fire for pirates seeking one of the ultimate treasures, the One Piece.  


A band of pirates had settled in Foosha Village in the East Blue. Luffy, a young 7 year old raven haired boy met the group and found them awesome. Wanting to show his bravery to them, Luffy took a knife and stabbed his cheek. The act was to show the ship’s captain Shanks that Luffy could join them. The pirates cheered, and went to the local bar/tavern. “To Luffy!” they cheered.  

“Thanks guys, it didn’t hurt at all.” he says but tears gave him away. “You liar,” Shanks snaps. Makino laughs and continues serving drinks. “You really were brave Luffy.” she says. He chuckles.  

“Don’t encourage him,” he sighs. “Listen Luffy, you are too young to go exploring with us.”  

“I’m not too young!” he bellows. “I wanna be a pirate to!”

“The captain’s just worried about your safety.” Yasopp says.  

“You might be brave, but bravery can only get you so far.” Lucky Roo says.  

“Seriously, your barely as old as my own kid!”  

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Luffy growls.  

“Calm down, here drink your juice.” he passes the boy a glass. “Thanks Shanks,” he drinks it. “Hahahaha, what kind of pirate drinks juice, hahaha!”  

“You tricked me!” Luffy hissed. The other crew members laughed. “Quit it!”  

“Relax kid,” Shanks says, and ruffles his hair.  

“But Shanks, I want to come with you. Life on the sea, adventure, please won’t you take me with you?”  

“You are too young, you might be a good swimmer, but life as a pirate means you gotta be able to hold your own.” he says. Makino sets a plate of food down for Luffy.  

“I can fight, I got a punch like a pistol!” he says.  

“A pistol huh, you’ll need a lot more than that. For every weapon and skill you master, for a pirate is never enough.” he says.  

“You can teach me right?”  

Before Shanks can answer the doors to the bar burst in, and a group of mountain bandits enter the room. “Pirates huh?” he smirks. “What’s the scum of the sea doing here?”  

Shanks turns around. “Just having a party mate, having a bit of fun.”  

“You must be the captain?” The leader of the bandits smirked. Makino was worried about Luffy, she knew about the various bands of mountain bandits, and these guys were the worst. Some bandits lived by a code of honor, others not so much. These guys were the type that would murder women or children without a second thought. “Oh, you lot look pretty dumb.” his men laughed.  

“Welcome..” Makino says, hoping to serve them and send them on their way.  

“No need to be scared, we might be mountain bandits, but we aren’t here to wreck the place.” he says after having broken the tavern’s door. The leader was tall, towering over Makino. “Sell us some booze, ten barrels will do.”  

Shanks had turned back to his food. “I’m sorry, I just ran out of alcohol.”  

“That’s odd, then what are these pirates drinking, water?” he glares.  

“No, what they’re drinking is the last of it.”  

“My apologies, it looks like we drank the whole place dry.” Shanks says and offers the last bottle he was saving. “Sorry.” Without missing a beat the bandit leader breaks the bottle, dousing Shanks in the booze.  

“There’s an 8 Million Berry bounty on my head, one bottle is not enough to satisfy me.” he smirks and his men chuckle. “Don’t insult me!”  

“What a mess, now the floor is all wet.” he looks down at the mess and sighs. “Sorry about that, Makino, do you have a rag?” He starts picking up the broken pieces. Before Makino can come around, the bandit leader pulls out a sword.  

With one swipe he breaks the plate, some bottles, and damages the counter. “If you like cleaning so much, you’ll find this more fulfilling.” he sheaths his sword. “This place isn’t worth our time if they are out of booze.” he and his men walk out. “Later wimps.”  

Luffy was gritting his teeth, fighting back the urge to snap. Makino came around and started to help dry shanks off. “I’m fine.” he says and the crew laughs.  

“They sure got you good captain.” Shanks just laughed.  

“Why are you laughing?” Luffy shouts. The laughing stopped and everyone looked at him. “It doesn’t matter how many there are or how strong they seem, you should have fought them.” To Luffy these men were his heroes, he idolized them. To see them just sit back as insults were thrown their way it bothered him.  

“I can understand how you feel, but he only spilled some booze on me.” he says. “It’s nothing worth getting mad over.” He smirks. “Someday you’ll learn sometimes the only way to win a fight is to not fight.”  

Luffy pouts and notices a fruit inside a treasure chest. Still hungry, and upset he starts eating the fruit. After the first bite it was kinda gross, but he was hungry and pushed on. Shanks hears him munching on the food. “You shouldn’t eat just because you are upset.”  

“Shut up!” Luffy says between bites. Upon closer inspection, he saw the fruit Luffy was eating. “Wait, what are you eating?” Luffy swallows the mouthful and turns to Shanks. “That box, did you eat the fruit that was in that box?”  

“Yes,” he says his voice trembling. Shanks quickly pulls off Luffy’s shirt and the whole crew gasps. Luffy has wings. “Whoa!” the boy gasps in surprise.   

“Luffy that fruit is the Cupid Cupid fruit. It is a devil fruit, eating it gives you great powers but in exchange the sea becomes your enemy.”  


“You dumb ass!”  

As it stood at Luffy’s age, he was limited to how much he could pull out of the fruits power. His wings were tiny and sensitive, at best he could levitate for a few seconds. The only other power Luffy could tap into was Cupid’s Soul Gaze. His eyes turned pink and if he looked into someone’s eyes he could see into their very soul. Eyes were the windows to the soul so they say, this ability took mind reading to the tenth level. The mind could only hold so much information, the soul however was a record of a person’s heart, mind, and body.  

Using this power also left someone with a feeling of love, as it made them feel someone understood them. Outside of this Luffy didn’t know much else he could do. Shanks however told him, he’d have to wait he’d get stronger as he got older.  


Shanks and his crew were on the docks loading supplies, and the bandits had come around and started bad mouth Shanks and his men again. Luffy couldn’t stand for it. “Don’t bad mouth Shanks you jerks!” The tavern got wrecked as the bandits overwhelmed Luffy and they dragged him out, into town to publicly punish him.  

Makino raced to get help, finding the Mayor. The two raced to rescue Luffy.

The bandit leader stepped on Luffy’s face. “Did I say something to offend you?”  

“You did! Now apologize!” the bandits were mocking Shanks and his men. ‘He got covered in booze, and didn’t say a word, what a pathetic excuse of a man.’ they laughed and laughed. ‘Pirates are just a bunch of wimps!’  

Makino had tried to stop him, but the boy was so passionate. “You should watch your mouth brat, no one who has made me mad has lived to tell the tale.” He drew his sword.  

“Wait, let the boy go.” The mayor steps out. “I don’t know what Luffy has done, nor do I intend to fight you. If your not offended, I’ll even pay you. Just please! Just spare the boy’s life!” he bowed.  

“Mayor!” Luffy frowned.  

“Leave it to the old guard to know how the world works. But no, it’s too late for him now.” he readies his blade.  

“You’re the bad guys, you mountain apes! I’m not scared of you!” The bandit just laughed at him. “You are a lost cause kid, time to die!”  

Thankfully before Luffy could be harmed, Shanks and his men arrived onto the scene. “I was wondering where everyone was.” Makino and the Mayor turned to see the group. “Looks like the bandits are causing trouble again.”  

“So you pirates are still here, I thought you losers would be out to sea with your tails between your legs.” Shanks ignores him.  

“Luffy, I thought your punches were as strong as pistols?” he walked towards the leader.  

“Shut up!” Luffy growls.  

“I don’t know why you are here, but you’d best leave before you get hurt.” he smirks. “Any closer and he’ll shoot your head off, wimp.” One of his men pointed a gun at Shanks’ head.

“Don’t make me blow your head off.” The bandit says, as his bandit brothers chuckled, all smirking.  

“Now that you’ve drawn your weapon, are you ready to put your life on the line?”  

“Huh?” the bandit gasped.  

“I’m saying when one draws his weapon, you are putting your life on the line.” Bang!

The bandit was shot in the head, by Lucky Roo. The bandits gasped. “They shot him!”  

“They are fighting dirty!”  


“You must be joking.”  

“What, do you think you’re dealing with saints or something?” Benn asks.  

“You’re looking at pirates!” Shanks says with a grin.  

“Shut up! This has nothing to do with you.”  

“You are wrong. Whether I’m splattered with alcohol or food or even spit on, most of the time I’ll just laugh it off and forget about it.” He glares at them. “But! No matter what the reason, anyone who hurts my friends has to pay!”  

“Shanks...” Luffy felt the words fill him.  

The bandit just laughed at Shanks’ words. “Has to pay huh? Lousy pirates! Kill ‘em boys!” The bandits charged.  

“I got this,” Benn says and walks out. He takes out all the bandits at once. Pow Pow Wham Wham Smash!

“Wow, so strong!” Luffy says.

“Don’t get cocky bandit.” Benn says. “If you really wanna fight us, drag a warship here or something.”  

“H-Hold on! The kid attacked us!”  

“You claim to be a wanted man, why don’t you first act like a man.”  

“Damn it!” he tossed a smoke bomb. The black smoke filled the air, the bandit snatched Luffy and escaped.

“Luffy!” Shanks cried out. “Crap I let my guard down, and he got taken! Luffy’s gone!” he was freaking out. “What a guy!” Benn says.  


The bandit had escaped to sea. As he boasted about his brilliance a sea king known as the Lord of the Coast rose out of the water in rage. With one bite he swallowed the bandit and wrecked the ship sending Luffy flying.  

He tried to fly, but his wings just weren’t strong enough. He dropped into the water. The beast swam after him, jaws open and ready to gobble him up. The sea water, drained Luffy of his strength.  

It appeared he was done for then Shanks stepped in. He took a bite for Luffy, losing an arm. “Get lost!” The creature froze and began to sweat. One look into Shanks’ eyes told the creature one thing. “RUN!”  

Luffy cried, clinging to Shanks. “Hey now, I thought you were a brave man huh?”  

“But Shanks, your arm!” he cried. It was gone, blood gushing from the wound.  

“It’s just an arm, you are more important.” Shanks had Luffy out of the water enough, for his power to activate. They were surrounded by Luffy’s energy and were brought back to shore.  


Shanks was treated and his wound sealed, but his arm was forever gone. They had spent enough time at Foosha Village and were planning to leave. “Captain don’t you think we should take Luffy along? We can show him how to use the devil fruit powers he has.”

“No it’s better this way!” he says.  

“Shanks!” he shouts. Luffy came to the docks. “Please take me with you! I know I’m weak, just please...”  

“Sorry lad,” the boy growled in frustration.  

“Fine, then I’ll get my own crew, and we’ll be even greater than you!” He declares.  

“Greater than us huh?” he grins. He takes his hat and places it on Luffy’s head. “This hat is my treasure, take care of it for me. You can give it back to me when you’ve become a great pirate.”  

Luffy touched the hat and cried. “I will, I’ll become the greatest pirate in all the seas, I’ll become King of the Pirates.” Luffy’s words touched Shanks’ heart.  

The crew set sail, leaving behind their stories of adventure, pushing Luffy to chase his own. In truth having Luffy on the crew might be fun, but could be dangerous to. It was better if Luffy walked his own path.  

To be continued


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