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Hey guys, for those who are new, new to me, new to my work, or even new to my situation. I suffered a back injury which has me dealing with pain, doctors, insurance issues, and more. I have been trying very hard to make sure there is at least one new post every day, trying to build momentum as well as keep my hopes of daily posts being a thing. 

Unfortunately with my injury I must follow my pain doctor's program, which is an infusion of pain medicine and vitamins directly into my blood stream. This procedure makes me so out of it, so tired so drugged up, sometimes even sick to my stomach. I do not like it, and it is expensive, but I have to do it, I have so few options available to me already. 

But the reason I bring this up is, I may not be able to get out my daily post today due to the medicine. I hope my supporters will understand and hang with me as I deal with this. Your support means everything and can mean the difference of me getting my bills paid, and keeping the electricity and internet going to keep me around. 

I hope you will understand and bare with me. 



Take what time is deemed necessary,mate, we want you at your best. =X