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Hand of Poison: Young Justice Parody : Original Word Count 6375 Updated Word Count plus PDF Copy 8359


Hand of Poison

A child of a villain has information vital in an upcoming trial. So the team has to protect this witness, from his mother, and the light….

Chapter 1 Arrival

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Batman asked as he stared at the young man before him. The young man had short orange-red hair, he had pure skin, neither a blemish or freckle, and was very thin.

“Yes it must be done, but are you sure they can protect me?” he asks.

Batman was quiet, he couldn’t involve the league not with this. the silence hung in the air and the orange haired youth sighed. “I guess I will see for myself…” he gave a weak smile.

At the young justice base...

Two young heroes were enjoying a very passionate embrace. Robin was stripped bare, all except his shades, and an equally naked Superboy lay on top of him, pinning the boy to his mattress. Their hard cocks rubbed together as Superboy explored Robin’s neck. “Ahh Superboy no marks please…” his hands ran across the clone’s back.  

“Mine…” He growled and sucked on Robin’s neck.

“Fuck Superboy I said don’t ahh…” Robin’s hips bucked rubbing his cock harder against the clone’s. He pulled off his neck, he couldn’t help himself. Robin was so...perfect...he wanted to leave a mark on him so badly, wanting proof that their relationship was real.  

“Robin…” Superboy moaned before kissing the shorter male. He started grinding his cock faster and faster against his, the heavy balls clapping against Robin’s causing ripples of pleasure between them. Robin moaned into Superboy’s mouth giving the clone the chance to slip his tongue in. “Mmmhhhmm,” they swallow each other’s moans and rock heated against the other.

‘God he tastes so good, I can’t get enough of him…’ Robin thought. He clawed at Superboy’s back, his nails couldn’t do a thing against the super skin, his cheeks flushed. ‘This is it!’ The clone thinks and dominated the kiss. His hands roamed over Robin’s lean body until they reached his hips. The acrobat was lifted up, and the fat cock was positioned at Robin’s hole.  

“Superboy wait…” He felt the head rub against his entrance, and he gasped. Superboy didn’t hesitate and started to push in, his hole resisted the intrusion. Robin whimpered and he felt his cock deflate from the pain. Superboy moaned in pleasure as Robin’s tight heat gripped his aching cock. The clone did not wait, pushing deeper and deeper as the boy wonder’s inner walls clamped down on his aching shaft. “Ohh Robin!” he moaned as he buried his full cock into Robin’s tight hole.

The boy wonder whimpered and he forced himself to relax so he wouldn’t tear but the pain had killed his arousal. Superboy hadn’t noticed, too wrapped up in his own pleasure. In his mind if he was feeling this good Robin must be to. He started moving pounding into his hole, his hefty balls smacked against the boy’s ass cheeks with such force it felt like he was getting spanked. The smaller male had to bite his lip to keep himself from crying out in pain. ‘It’s too much it hurts!’ The friction of Superboy’s huge cock was somewhat pleasurable but the lack of prep and lack of lube hurt him. They were still very new at this, and Superboy had very little patience and acted out of instinct.  

Still, when he looked at Superboy’s face twisted in pleasure, it made his heart skip a beat. “Ahh Robin so good so tight!” he moans. The cloned male had such a happy look on his face, he couldn’t bare telling him he was unhappy. Superboy started moving faster, with each thrust. The friction increased, and with Superboy’s pre flooding his inner walls things got better, but before he could even get close to his own climax. “Oh gonna cum, ohhh!” With a grunt he came spraying his seed deep inside him. He held Robin’s hips in a bruising grip and pumped him full of cum. The boy shivered as even Superboy came hard, his insides were pelted and soaked.  

Conner collapsed, spent with a content smile on his lips. He didn’t even notice his partner’s lack of orgasm, or the boy’s throbbing member. Robin pushed at his chest, and was able to push the spent male off him. Superboy looked surprised, and a bit hurt, but Robin was far too angry, a mix of frustration, feeling used, and unsatisfied. His semi hard cock twitched from the lack of release.

“Where are you going?” the clone asked as Robin left the bed. Superboy got a glimpse of his cum leaking out of Robin’s wrecked hole, he licked his lips and felt his manhood throb for more.

“To shower…” Robin snapped and started to walk, but Superboy grabbed him and pulled him back to bed. Conner really wasn’t good at reading the mood.  

“Later I want another round.” he nuzzled Robin’s neck.

Dick punched him and knocked him off the bed, he winced and shook his hand. Punching Superboy was like punching a brick wall.  Superboy held his stinging cheek and looked up in shock. “If you want to have a fuck toy find someone else, I don’t like being used…” Robin ran off leaving Superboy shocked and confused.

“What did I do wrong?” he really didn’t get it. From what he knew about sex, didn’t he do everything right? He couldn’t see the hurt in Dick’s eyes but he felt the boy’s anger.  


Back in his own room, Robin entered his private bathroom and got into the shower. He moaned as the hot water caressed his skin and eased his sore muscles. ‘Damn Superboy can be so rough.’ He kinda liked it rough, but he still needed prep darn it. Robin brought his hand down to stroke his arousal. ‘I’m so mad at him but I still love him…’ he knew there would be risks, being with Superman’s clone, he thought he was ready for them.  

As he worked his arousal he imagined it was Superboy’s hand, stroking him as he fucked him. He took some healing gel and began to apply it to his hole. He was lucky he didn’t tear anything. He winced, and his fingers helped churn out the super cum. ‘So much!’  

After he treated his tender areas, he focused on getting off. He worked the fingers in and out, in and out moaning hotly. He knew about ass play, and quickly sought his sweet spot. Finding the bundle of nerves, “Ohhh!” his back arched and his knees buckled.  

His dick pulsed in his hand, the pre and water helping him pump faster. “Conner...Conner...Oh Superboy!” he moaned, back arching as he came the shower washing away his seed. ‘He’s always like this, when we go all the way, he’s such a damn mystery does he really love me or just the sex and the release, he’s never even told me he loves me…’ he thought sadly.

Whether or not Robin was crying would never be known.

He left the shower and dried off he got dressed and was ready to report to the team for their next mission. He left his room and Superboy was waiting for him, fully dressed of course.

“Robin…I…” he reached out to him, but Robin moved away.

“Don’t!” Robin said, holding up a hand and walking past him, Superboy following. He kept a brisk pace behind him.  

“Tell me what I did wrong,” he whispered.  

“Just drop it,” Robin pushed on and Superboy grabbed his arm, big mistake.

“I don’t want to,” Superboy was gazing at him, and Robin felt like he was melting under those eyes. “Please.”  

“Everyone to the meeting room we have a mission” Aqualad’s voice came over the intercom.

“We have to go,” Robin said turning away from Superboy, the clone kept his grip on him.

“We are not done here,” he growled.

“Later we have a mission.” He looked at Conner and sighed. ‘He’s so stubborn.’ he thinks. “I promise we will talk later.”

“Fine.” He released Robin and the two walked to the meeting room. There stood a boy that made Robin freeze. “Batman...is this?”

“Yes,” he nudged the boy forward. “This is Poison Ivy’s son...”

“Ivan…Poison Ivan…” The male who was dressed in a loose dark blue T-shirt, that looked 3 sizes too big for him, and green baggy pants, he wore sandals. He approached the two males with a smirk. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

To be continued…


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