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My Hero Academia parody: Tier 1/Bad Day

AN: I've had a lot of bad days lately, had a bit of a health crash, on new meds that are helping a touch but as always its just helping manage things. The pain got so bad was having nausea attacks, was getting dizzy spells and passing out, the worst it got was the pain shooting up and cutting through my chest making it feel like i was having a heart attack. I was waking up with arm arms numb and shoulders and neck hurting. I don't know what happened my pain issues spiked and wrecked me hard.

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Quirk Plunder
Izuku Midoriya was one of All For One’s children, he had kept his identity a secret, but had many lovers in an attempt to create an offspring he could use. Modern quirks were too complex for him to steal or manipulate, so he tried to have a child with a modern quirk that would allow him to have access to next generation quirks. Midoriya wished he had a quirk but when he does, it’s seen as a villain quirk.

Chapter 1 A “Bad” Quirk

In the hero society where quirks are everything, society has broken down the quirks in various polls the most popular being if a quirk was heroic or villainous. Many pros have objected to this classification, as it was their firm belief there wasn’t such a thing as an evil or bad quirk. This was trying to prevent bullying and harassing people with certain quirks, pushing people to the darkside.

Despite objections people still did this, calling people with mutation quirks monsters, calling people with hypnotic quirks sinister or creepy, even calling people with curse type or destructive quirks threats. It varied from region to region and country to country. Even the symbol of peace spoke out, stating quirks were not inherently evil, they could be used for good or bad, and quirk accidents happened it was best to handle it case by case. If people knew the history of the man they would have known the weight of his words.


Izuku Midoriya loved All Might, he wanted to get his quirk and become a hero who saves people with a fearless smile. This spirit was strong and had him stand up, even when he seemingly lacked power to do so.

Katsuki Bakugou also loved All Might, he admired him for his strength and ability to always win and defeat the bad guy! When he saw a challenger, he saw an enemy he had to defeat with all his might, this caused him to go a little wild or do too much in a fight.

“Stop it...why are you being so mean...he’s crying Kacchan!” Izuku was standing up for a boy, who had messed with Katsuki. He had picked the fight and the blonde kicked his ass, but he was still going.

“Back off Deku, he started it and I’m gonna finish it!” His hands sparked with explosions.

Seeing the boy crying caused Izuku to act. “It’s over, you can stop now...if you don’t I’ll stop you!” He took a fighting stance.

A grin formed on Bakugou’s face. “Oh...you are gonna fight me?” His boys backed him up, one had a quirk that lengthened his fingers, while another boy had a quirk that gave him wings. “Will you stand up to the three of us?”

“What can you do without a quirk?” The one with wings said.

“Let’s get him!”

“Eeeeeiiii!” The three jumped him, but the greenette stood his ground. In the heat of the moment his quirk activated, his eyes flashing a mix of green and gold.

The other two didn’t notice, but Katsuki did, for a moment he had lost his quirk. In that same moment, Izuku used his quirk, creating explosions from his hands. He blasted the other two, who thought they had just been too close to Katsuki when he used his quirk.

Bakugou panicked and Izuku released his quirk allowing it to return. “You...what did you do?!” Katsuki snapped.

“Eeeeiii, I...I don’t know…”

“You...you did something...to my quirk…” His eyes were full of panic and fear.

“Kacchan...I swear...I didn’t mean to I…” Katsuki released an explosion.

“Stay away from me!” This put an extra splash of sour on their relationship.

Izuku had always wanted a quirk, so he could be like everyone else but his quirk...was different. His mom took him to the doctor, he was studied and ran tests on. His quirk was called Plunder, if Izuku met certain conditions he could actually plunder someone’s quirk.

The condition seemed to be he had to look someone in the eye. Eyes are the window to the soul as they say. “It’s quite the rare quirk.”

“Is this normal, my quirk attracts small objects to me, and his father breathes fire.”

“Oh?” The doctor stroked his mustache. “Well quirks are funny things, sometimes aspects manifest and evolve in ways that are unpredictable.”

“Hmm…” Inko was concerned. “But isn’t his quirk...kinda…”

“Villainous?” Inko didn’t want to say it, but Plunder was another word for steal. “Well...he does seem to be able to return the quirk after he takes it, though I theorize if he hangs onto a quirk for a set period of time the quirk will become his permanently, he’ll just need to be careful of that.”

It wasn’t something they could freely test, as the person he plunders the quirk from will become quirkless. “I suggest he take quirk therapy to have proper understanding of his abilities, and understand the consequences of his actions.”

“Yes sir.” Inko left with her son. Once they were gone…

He pulled out a secret phone. “It’s me, the project you asked me to watch over has awakened to his quirk. You were right he’s got a quirk similar to yours.”

“That’s my boy!”


Izuku thought things would change now that he had a quirk. “Mom isn’t it exciting I have a quirk, now I can be a hero like All Might!”

“Yeah…” She wanted to be supportive, but she knew how cruel people could be. “Izuku sweetie, just please no matter what happens promise me you’ll use your quirk to become a hero.”

“I promise!” They had a pinky promise.

Midoriya was about to learn the hard way how cruel people can be. His quirk was registered and even the teachers brought it up in class, sharing the “good” news. The other kids let Izuku play with them, but only as the villain in their hero games. “Why do I have to be the villain all the time?”

“Because of your quirk!” Was the answer, he didn’t understand.

He tried to talk to Katsuki about it but the blonde snapped at him and kept him at a distance. It hurt, because he didn’t understand.

Then one day.

“You all have such lovely quirks.” They had turned in their school assignment and the teacher was praising them, before handing back their papers.

“Teacher, Izuku doesn’t have a lovely quirk, he has a bad quirk!” A boy called out.

“Huh?” Midoriya blinked in confusion.

“Well that’s…”

“Izuku’s quirk is plunder...plunder means to steal, and stealing is bad!” Another student said.

“Izuku has a bad quirk, a bad quirk!” Some students chanted.

“Now everyone!” The teacher tried to get them to stop.

“I don’t have a bad quirk!” He sniffled. The boy looked around and no one spoke up for him. Now it was all making sense, why people made him the villain in games, why others avoided him or wouldn’t look him in the eye; they were scared of him taking their quirk.

“Bad quirk! Bad Quirk!” They chanted, enjoying the reaction they were getting out of him.

“Enough!” The teacher shouted, releasing her quirk, manifesting a demonic aura. Her quirk was Red Oni!

She sighed. “Katsuki, you have seen All Might on tv right?”

“Of course!” He said, confused as to why the teacher called on him.

“All Might and many pro heroes fight bad guys right?”

“Right!” He balled his hands up proudly.

“But fighting is wrong right?”

“Well...um…” His confidence faltered a bit. He knew it was wrong to attack civilians. “Aren’t they enemies?”

“Villains attack people and cause problems all the time, they abuse their quirks and bring harm to people. If no one fought them, they’d continue to do bad things.” She pointed out. “Stealing is also wrong, but if Izuku used his quirk in the future in combat he could take a villain’s quirk and keep them from using it and even defeat them with it, or at the very least make it so another hero could take them down.”

“Like the hero Eraserhead!” Izuku said happily.

“If a hero was injured or incapacitated, he could, let’s call it borrow their quirk and use it to save them or get them out of the situation. He could give the quirk back after the villain was captured, or they were rescued. Maybe if given special permission he could keep the quirk and use it for good.”

Izuku’s eyes sparkled. He had written that in his report on how you could use your quirk in the future. Midoriya was a hero nerd, so he studied all manner of hero’s and their quirks. “There is no such thing as a good quirk or a bad quirk. It’s up to the holder in how they use their quirk, you all should remember this, for most people they get to decide how to use their abilities, while there are some unlucky few who have quirks that they struggle to control and have a bad time with them, or cause them problems in day to day life.” She was of the opinion if villains abused their quirks they didn’t need to keep them.

It gave Izuku hope.

Despite what the teacher said Izuku still faced trouble over the years. Not all teachers shared her opinion on things. With having a quirk Izuku worked on training his body, and honing his fighting skills. His quirk was certainly more than it appeared, it could do more than just plunder quirks, he learned he could plunder a person’s body as well, just for five seconds, but as he trained the power he slowly got the time to increase.

To plunder a quirk he needed to look someone in the eye, but to plunder a body he just needed to see them. His new ability didn’t increase his popularity at all. Nearly everyone thought he’d grow up to be a villain with his quirk and the fact he was trying to make his ability stronger, just made him more of a villain in their eyes.

‘Morons...he’s trying to improve himself and his quirk...more so than any of you lousy extras.’ Katsuki was neither blind or stupid, he could see how hard Izuku was working. Still...he couldn’t shake this fear of him…

He could feel it when Izuku was nearby, feel it when Izuku was looking at him. Like a predator...and he was the prey...the scariest part is...a part of him liked it.

To be continued


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