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One Piece parody: Patreon reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Drug Drug no Mi: Drug Man Luffy
Luffy eats a devil fruit making him a rather strange paramecia. Some produce poison, while others can create mushrooms, so many devil fruits exist that twist the laws of reality. Luffy is able to make natural drugs with his devil fruit power, without medical knowledge his powers are limited, but he figures out a way to use them for business and for battle.

Chapter 1

There were all kinds of devil fruits in the world, some that could create poison, others that manipulated and controlled gas, one such fruit had the power to create and manipulate drugs. This power fell into a boy’s hands who mistook the fruit for a mushroom when he was thrown into the jungle by his grandpa. He ate the fruit because he was hungry, and upon eating Luffy gained an understanding of how drugs effect the mind, the body, and even the soul.

Luffy lacked medical training to use his devil fruit to create medicine, but with his power he was able to understand any herb, spice, or mushroom he ingested. His body was a living chemistry set.

With the help of the bandits Luffy was able to establish a market in the underworld. From a tiny little island in the East Blue Luffy toppled king pins who dominated the drug market for decades. His drugs were just far superior, they were all natural, more potent, and had few if not any side effects, with special safe guards to prevent addiction, over use, and even misuse.

The thing is no one could compete, Luffy’s drugs were supernatural, perfectly crafted with his devil fruit power, even these were nothing compared to the “special blends” he cooked up for battle and his crew.

Monkey wanted to be a pirate, so once he was old enough he set sail. Using his money he was able to purchase a ship from a well known ship maker in the East Blue. As soon as he saw it, the ship spoke to him.

He had been invited to Syrup Village for special reasons, Miss Kaya was a sick girl but the heir to her family’s business. Merry had gained some of Luffy’s product and thought it might help Kaya, even if it couldn’t cure her illness, it’d help her feel better.

There Monkey met Usopp, Kaya’s friend and town liar. He was Yassop’s son, a man who Luffy met in his village on Shanks’s crew. He also met Klahadore, Kaya’s butler. The man seemed very protective of Kaya, and didn’t like Usopp at all.

Luffy had a chat with everyone, and the devil fruit eater gauged Kaya’s condition. “I’m no doctor, but this should help it’s an energy supplement, take it with water and you’ll have plenty of energy and strength.”

“Hold on Kaya maybe I should test it first.” Usopp said. Monkey shrugged and Usopp took the drug.

His eyes widened. “It...it...it tastes like lemonade?” Usopp thought Luffy was a scammer. That is until the energy kicked in. “Whoa I feel amazing!” He felt like he could do laps around the island three times over.

“Usopp has a strong and healthy body, with your illness this will let you function more at the very least.” Kaya drank it.

“Ohh it does taste like lemonade!” The energy kicked in and she felt strong enough to get up.

“Kaya, how about you and me take a walk around town.” Usopp asked.

She smiled. “Sure Usopp, I’d love that.”

“But Miss Kaya it is almost dinner time.” Merry said. “Plus it’s best not to push yourself.”

“Please Merry?” She really wanted to go.

“But…” Luffy tapped the man’s shoulder.

“You can go with them, I’ll check on dinner, you don’t mind if I stay for a meal right?”

Kaya smiled. “Of course not, you’re our honored guest.”

“Don’t worry Kaya, like I said, I’m not a doctor but I have a feeling you’ll be feeling better soon.” He waved them off, Kaya going in a nice sundress, Merry following with a parasol.

Once the trio were gone, Luffy went down to the kitchen where Klahadore was cooking soup. He pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke as he made his way. “It smells delicious.”

“Oh Mr. Monkey...what are you doing here?”

“Just checking on dinner, Kaya invited me to stay and eat, so I was curious.”

“That so...well isn’t that lovely…” Before he knew it Luffy was near, dipping a tasting spoon into the pot. ‘When did he get so close?’

“Mind if I have a taste?”

“No!” He stopped Luffy’s spoon with a ladle. “I...I already put Miss Kaya’s medicine into the soup, this is just for her.”

“Really?” The soup was an odd color, an exotic blue color one might not find natural in nature (maybe in the Grand Line or New World). “It’s funny, Kaya’s illness seems to come and go.”

“Illnesses are tricky like that, she has good days and bad ones. But you’re not a doctor are you.”

“Indeed I’m not, but I take note of things. Usopp has come often to lift her spirits, when he’s with her she lights up.” He took a drag on his cigarette and exhaled. “Why would someone who cares for her happiness want to keep Usopp away?”

“Because he gets her too excited and she crashes, I’m there to take care of her!” He hissed.

“Funny, Merry mentioned that some of those good days have been when he’s prepared Kaya’s meals or she was late to eat one. It’s almost like what she eats is making her sick.”

“Are you suggesting that I…” He adjusted his glasses, and calmed himself. “Kaya has a very weak stomach. If you’re so concerned go ahead and try it.”

This man was indeed poisoning Kaya, he was a pirate named Kuro. He had faked his death years ago and ended up here. Kuro did indeed plan to murder Kaya, but slowly. Of course the man of a thousand plans had a back up. If the poison planned failed, his old crew was nearby, ready to be called on to finish the job. ‘The toxin is odorless and tasteless, go ahead and have a taste you won’t find a thing!’ He took some steps back and Luffy collected the tasting spoon and some of the soup.

Taking a sip. “Mmmm~!” He took another taste.

“See, regular soup, you must feel silly.”

“No it’s poisoned.” He took another taste. “Poison’s don’t work on me, and my body can identify and analyze any drug or toxin even if it’s odorless, tasteless, and fools the pallet!”

Kuro grabbed his weapons, special gloves with blades attached through the finger tips. “A pity you won’t be alive to tell anyone!” He attacked Luffy, only for the man to move in a strange way, avoiding the attack and striking back.

It reminded Kuro of Drunken Boxing, except the finger placement was different, with Luffy’s he was perfectly able to hold the cigarette in his hand. His movements made the wafting smoke from the lit cigarette to move and spread through the air. “Don’t trifle with me boy!”

“Out of the Bag Attack!” He was gone in a flash, breaking the light for added cover. Luffy just took a drag on his cigarette and exhaled, the whites of his eyes turning purple.

With the smoke in the room Luffy was able to follow Kuro’s movements. In less than 5 minutes Kuro was laid out on the ground. “You know...that girl really cares about you...if I told her the truth it might break her heart...but I’m the kind of guy that likes to provide extra service.”

“How...how could you have known or even suspected?”

“Because I’m a pretty good judge of people, I’ve met good pirates and bad pirates, good bandits and bad bandits, nice people and rotten people.” Luffy had an almost sorrowful look on his face as he thought about his past, but it quickly flipped as he finished his cigarette. “When I got into business, I had people who tried to scam me or rip me off, to say nothing of the fact I had to get a good feel for what my clients wanted, needed, and deserve!” He exhaled. “It’s given me a good sixth sense on a person’s character, and there was just something off with you.”

‘A hunch...all my plans, ruined on a hunch.’ He pulled out a cigar, and slipped it into Kuro’s mouth.

The smell of it alone seemed to tantalize the former pirate. Luffy lit the cigar with his lighter and Kuro began to smoke it, each hit filling his mind and body, even having an effect on her very soul. “Kaya has the perfect idea of you, that’s the lie you fed her, but now you’ll make that lie the truth. You will serve that girl as her honorable butler and loyal guard dog from this day onward, the man you were is dead, you shall be Klahadore forever more!”

His words sank in far, so heavy as the thick smoke filled the room. The genius tried to reject them, but each drag had him feeling so good, he didn’t want to think about the past anymore, only his present and future.

There was no more Kuro only Klahadore, in mind, body, and soul. Luffy hung around to sell his wares and wait for his ship to be finished. His “prediction” was correct Kaya was indeed doing better.

She was feeling so good, she decided to give Usopp something...a kiss...and a little bit more. With them both taking Luffy’s drug it wasn’t just a good time, but also a LONG time.

Monkey was going to be leaving soon, and the long nosed liar wanted to set out with him. Kaya was supportive, wanting Usopp to go out and have real adventures, sail around the world and come back and share his amazing adventures with her.

So off he went, joining Monkey D. Luffy’s crew on the Going Merry. “What are you going to do about your business, can you keep running it as a pirate?”

“Of course I can!” He whistled and a few seconds later some green falcons came. “These are Weed Hawks, very talented birds and they can not only carry heavy loads at a great distance, but defend it as well.” They seemed like pretty chill birds but when Usopp got too close, their purple eyes turned red!


“Easy guys, he’s on my crew now, keep up the good work.” He whipped out a box of cigars and the birds got their payment. “They are highly intelligent birds under my employ.” They saluted and took off to their next shipment. “They even venture off into the Grand Line to deliver orders.” They dropped off the money, Usopp going crazy at the amount of money they rake in.

“I have a main outpost on my home island, that’ll help oversee my whole operation in the East Blue.” He had a main transponder snail for his ship to the outpost. They were special Den Den Mushi, their distance didn’t matter, and they’d connect to no other signal but their sibling. It was a pretty penny getting his hands on it, but there was a better species that could be found only in the Grand Line.

Having so much money and drugs on the ship had Usopp on edge. They were a prime target for other pirates to raid. Luffy wasn’t worried, and gave Usopp a special blend cigar to help him relax.

His concerns were warranted as their ship was attacked by the Alvida pirates. They surrounded Usopp with swords and guns and Usopp was just chilling smoking his cigar without a care in the world. “Oi Luffy, we have guests.” Usopp blew smoke rings out of his mouth.

“So we do!” He came up from below deck.

“Hand over your valuables and…” the Captain Alvida began.

“Boss...we hit the mother load...this barrels and boxes are full of drugs!”

“Don’t interrupt me fool!” She hit him with her mace. “I’m Iron Mace Alvida a pirate.”

“I’m Monkey D. Luffy, pirate and drug lord!”

“That’s funny...there’s no way you could be THAT Luffy…”

The barrel full of candy-like drugs rattled and spilled out, causing the balls to spill all over the floor. Luffy snapped his fingers. “Babies, it’s time to play!”

Alvida’s men gasped as the rainbow of candies began to swell and inflate, becoming balloon-like cherubs. “These are the Bonbon Babies, a living drug of my own making, they’ll play with you.” A chorus of giggling was heard as the creatures attacked.

Men tried to shoot at them, but they simply dodged out of the way. The men with swords tried to slash at them but this was a mistake. They popped like balloons their bodies liquefying into a gel that landed on the enemies. In seconds the ooze spread, dissolving their clothes and leaving them in a skin tight suit.

If they did nothing the bonbon’s would simply slam into the pirates like pulverizing pin-balls, bursting on one lucky target after picking up enough speed, and even if they dodged one, the others could help bounce them into landing a hit.

“In a battle between pirates Shanks told me all about them, after we clash it is to the victor goes the spoils, a draw leads to a sharing of supplies.” Against the Alvida pirates it was a flawless victory.

Alvida was tied up like a big ball of bubble gum. She kept screaming for someone, and that one was Koby, a pink haired boy. Luffy eyed him and could tell he wasn’t a pirate. “Let’s talk!” The trio sat down in a circle, passing a blunt around and Koby shared his tale.

She growled, gazing at her men, all defeated and covered in goo. They were all high as a kite, some were giggling, some were moaning and humping the air, some were just basking in the energy of the universe feeling so warm and happy. ‘Useless worms the lot of them.’

After a few puffs and passes, Koby found the courage he had telling off Alvida and proudly declaring his dream of becoming a marine. “You little brat, I’ll get you for this!”

Luffy and Usopp fell over laughing.

Koby showed them where Alvida kept their supplies and treasure. The boys hauled it off. Including finding a devil fruit, Alvida thought it was a fake, but kept it just in case.

The large female captain was deposited back onto her ship with all of her men. The effects of the bonbon’s would wear off after 24 hours, they’d be fine if they weren’t picked up by marines by then.

Luffy agreed to help transport Koby to the nearest marine base, where he’d come across Roronoa Zoro, a famous pirate hunter. After speaking with the swordsman he had a feeling the guy wasn’t the monster people said he was. Koby had some doubts, but it seemed the Marine Captain Morgan stirred some fear in the people as well. “Can’t judge a book by it’s cover, look at us we’re pirates are we bad guys?”


“Just as there are good pirates and bad, same is true for marines!” Luffy ruffled Koby’s hair. “You’ll be one of the good ones I’m sure of it.”

Monkey’s hunch was confirmed when Morgan’s idiot son Helmeppo came around, bragging that he could kill Zoro whenever he wished, and that he never intended to honor their promise. That earned him a swift punch from Luffy.

Luffy went to get Zoro’s swords back while Usopp was tasked with freeing Zoro. The sniper did so, telling Zoro the truth and what Helmeppo was going to do with him. “I’m not gonna tell you to join Luffy’s crew or nothing, but he doesn’t want to see you killed.”

Morgan lost it, demanding they all be executed. Luffy got involved giving Zoro his swords back and giving Usopp a special blend cigar. “Light it up!” He struck a match and did, a few puffs and things got weird.

It was as if his mind had entered in an enlightened state, his opponents movements seemed so slow it was like they were moving in slow motion. He busted out his sling shot and opened fire, taking out the gunners with such speed.

Zoro could have ran, but seeing how Luffy fought for him, his honor wouldn’t let him. He didn’t care if he had to become a pirate so long as his dream could be achieved. Roronoa took out the swordsmen, and Luffy kicked some ass showing off his Drunken Boxing.

Helmeppo tried to hold Koby hostage, but Koby had enough and punched the heck out of the blonde. He’d found his courage, now he just had to not lose it. Koby was able to join the marines after Monkey defeated Morgan.

The guy was a tyrant and a bad father to boot. He was chained up and thrown in a cell.

Luffy left Koby with a special going away present. “Something to remember me by.” Zoro joined up and was rather impressed with the ship.

“Usopp’s our Sniper and you’ll be my Swordsman!” He was stunned as he learned his captain was a big deal in the underground.

“Hey Zoro let’s see who should be first mate!” Usopp said.

Wham! Ding Ding...Zoro wins.

They set sail, and ended up getting mixed up with the Clown pirates. An orange haired girl, a thief who steals from pirates, got caught up with them to. It was a mess, but the girl seemed interesting so Luffy went along with it.

Even after he was thrown in a cage, in seconds he was untied and smoking, just vibing. By the time Buggy realized it, it was too late. His whole crew was high off of Luffy’s smoke clouds.

It bought him enough time for Zoro and Usopp to show up, busting him out. They managed to escape but it wasn’t over. This town was suffering under Buggy’s control, it was a complete 180 with how Shanks used towns as his bases, Luffy remembered it clearly, the villagers were actually sad to see him go.

Only the Mayor and a tiny dog was left, the others had fled. Mohji went off to find, his massive lion getting distracted by the dog’s pet shop. It was his treasure, and the pirates destroyed it.

Luffy got a box of food back, but this was the first time Zoro and Usopp saw Monkey angry. His mind was focused on one target, channeling all his rage at Mohji. One almost would feel sorry for the beast tamer as he was pummeled into the ground so heavily. He wouldn’t be climbing out of that hole any time soon. “He got that angry...for a dog…”

Monkey returned and apologized to the pup for losing his treasure. “You fought well.” It was a small gesture, but the doggo appreciated it.

With Mohji out of commission, Buggy had no intel on the enemy. He had to go into the battle blind.

Zoro clashed with Cabaji, and Buggy kept trying to play dirty. Usopp stepped in, but only combating Buggy’s tricks. Without distraction Roronoa wiped the floor with the circus act.

Luffy fought Buggy directly, and the clown landed a sneak attack with his Chop Chop fruit. Though he had a rather idiotic habit of licking his enemies blood off his knife. This was dumb for a number of reasons but worse because Luffy’s blood wasn’t normal.

Thanks to his devil fruit his tears, his saliva, his sweat, even his blood all contained unfiltered drug compounds. “Well that’s not good!” Buggy went on a trip, not just figuratively either.

He lost control of his devil fruit power his pieces flying all over the place. The few parts Buggy managed to hang onto was his head, hands, and feet. Luffy gave Buggy’s head a kick, sending him flying. Usopp had collected the other parts in a net and loaded it in with one of Buggy’s cannons and fired in another direction to where Luffy kicked the head.

His crew panicked and rushed to collect the fallen heavy hitters. Leaving the island to chase after the Captain and the parts, though they didn’t know which streak to follow.

Nami made off with their treasure, and Usopp made off with their cannon balls.

Luffy dropped some big cash to the mayor, he opened up a shop in the town, plus the extra cash went to town repairs. The people would need a pick me up after all they went through, so Luffy left behind some free samples to enjoy until the shop could come up.

Nami’s jaw dropped, first shocked at the money, then pissed at the drugs. “I can’t believe you are a drug dealer.”

“More than a dealer he’s a drug lord!” Zoro said.


“What’s wrong with you?”

“Not only are you a pirate but you spread that stuff.”

“I’ll have you know my product is all natural, more potent, and has far fewer side effects than any other drug on market.”

“I bet you don’t care when your customers become addicted do you!” She snapped.

“It’s not possible, my drugs have fail safes built into their chemical compound. If someone tries to take more than they need the drug’s fail safe will activate, rotting instantly.”

“How is that possible?”

“It’s the same thing in devil fruits, one doesn’t need to eat the whole fruit to gain power, it’s just the first bite, the fruit rots instantly. I worked that phenomenon into all my drugs. Trying to take more will make them taste like shit!”

Luffy explained that even if they pushed through the taste and ate it, nothing would happen the drug is already rotted and it won’t do anything but give the consumer an upset stomach. A deterrent to never take more than they need, even someone with an addictive personality would be unable to become an addict.

“What if someone tries to mix your drugs with theirs?”

“Already planned in, the other devil fruit phenomenon, if someone eats two devil fruits they turn to salt. The phenomenon I worked into them as well. Even if someone tried to use a devil fruit power, it’ll turn to dust if exposed to another drug.”

“Well...what if someone uses the drug on someone else, forces it on them.”

“That’s the last fail safe, I have .5% of the bonbon compound in everything distributed. If the drug is forced on anyone, it’ll react and activate the bonbon baby protocol.”

“What the hell is a bonbon baby?” Nami and Zoro asked.

“They awesome!” Usopp said.

Nami wasn’t sure she believed all this, but accepted it, because she had a plan. With the money on Luffy’s ship alone she could save her village, three times over. ‘How can I get it from these guys...I have no choice I’ll have to call Arlong…’


The crew sailed around and after a mishap with Usopp testing the cannons, the crew ran into some bounty hunter buddies of Zoro’s. One was very sick, and Nami was able to figure out something to help him get better while Luffy offered him something to put some pep in his step.

Yosaku was up and dancing around with Johnny in no time. As a thanks the two took them to the Sea Restaurant the Baratie.

Arriving there was a bit of a bluster as a marine ship commanded by Fullbody spotted them. While they didn’t have a bounty they were flying a jolly roger, that was enough to try and sink them. They fired on the Merry. “Go Super Bonbon Baby!” Luffy summoned a giant one, this one was a lot tougher, able to bounce the cannon ball back.


Monkey made it so fast, he couldn’t aim it properly and the cannon ball went and hit the Baratie. “Oh man…” Luffy face palmed. Makino always told him to do right by others.

The marines had to be dealt with first. He released the Super Bonbon baby, having it burst into a cloud of smoke that flooded the ship. The marines got high and were taken out of commission, they wouldn’t be bothering them for awhile.

This smoke did have an effect on a prisoner, given his state the smoke numbed his pain and hunger, giving him the strength to fight.


Luffy was brought in to see Zeff the owner. For the damages he paid out of pocket, for the pain Luffy gave Zeff some special herb to help take the pain away and help with any other issues he may be having. “You are quite the shrewd business man brat.”

“Thanks I had to learn.” Makino gave him many tips for sales and customer service. “Since we are here, how about a chance to do some business for us both.”

“I’m listening!”


“Cigars cigarettes!” Luffy had his treasured straw hat secured and was now sporting a cowboy hat, a red vest showing off his pecs and abs, he was still wearing his blue shorts, now with chaps with helped make his assets pop.

Monkey was walking around to the guests offering them his wares. Sanji didn’t like it believing that some random product would totally ruin the flavors of the meals. This got a laugh from the other chefs as Sanji was a smoker. “These are special cigarettes bastards!”

The blonde had issues, and sometimes when he was stressed, or horny he needed to smoke to relieve the pressure a bit. It did start with normal cigarettes but he started smelling like smoke and it began to mess with his pallet. He couldn’t quit smoking, so Zeff ordered a special product for Sanji. It not only helped fix his pallet but the aromas were unique, like a splash of flavor in his time of need. He couldn’t go back to his old cigarettes even if he wanted to.

“And they are the same the brat is selling, he makes them.” Sanji’s eyes widened.


Luffy worked the room, offering the guests his products, there were some no’s, but when he got his yes’s Luffy seemed to pick out the perfect cigar or cigarette to go with the meal, the food, the drink, and the cigarette a combo of flavors that created an orgasmic experience. ‘He’s amazing!’

Not only that as more and more people took him up on it, the smoke drifted up to the ceiling, they mixed with the other clouds forming into a rainbow of colors. “Dinner and a show!” Customers applauded.

Sanji watched Luffy scamper about, the outfit was really too much, he kept stealing glances at the boy’s butt and his chest. His heart kept fluttering. ‘Stop...stop it…’

Fullbody was there and thankfully didn’t recognize Luffy in his new outfit. Probably because he was so angry. While on a date with a lovely lady, he had ordered a special wine for their meal, he studied up on it so he could show off.

Sanji didn’t bring that wine, because it was a poor wine for their meal. Fullbody was made a fool of. He was trying to enjoy the meal when Luffy came over. “Cigar? Cigarette?”

“Oh I’d love one!” The lady said.


“Excuse me?”

“I said no, I don’t want to have smoke in my face while I’m eating.”

“Well sir, these are special, and the lady does want one.”

“Didn’t you hear me!” He flipped up Luffy’s tray causing the product to go flying, it hit the floor and his product was ruined. “I said no!”

“Hey!” Sanji was pissed now. “Apologize to him right now!”

“What?!” Fullbody glared at the blonde.

“After you apologized to him, you can apologize to the lady to, for being a total ass!”

“How dare you? I’m a marine and a customer you can’t treat me this way!”

“Yeah? Then Mr. Customer, I’ll have you pay all the product you ruined!”

Fullbody had enough he took his soup and splashed it Sanji’s face wasting it. That did it. Sanji saw red, and he kicked Fullbody’s ass something fierce. The other cooks had to come out and stop him, scolding him for attacking a customer again. “Tch!” He stomped off, he needed a smoke.

Luffy waved his hand over the ruined product and they ignited, he made them into fire works, colliding with the smoke above making it shine in an array of colors.

Sanji was so pissed at getting chewed out again. Customer or no customer that guy was an ass and deserved what he got. He tried to light his cigarette but his crappy lighter wasn’t working. “May I join you?”

“Sure!” Luffy came out, smoking a cigarette of his own. “Sorry about what happened to your product…”

“It happens...I managed to make a few people happy in the end, that’s what matters.” He shrugged. “Thanks though, for sticking up for me.”

“It...it was nothing…” Sanji flicked his lighter some more, but couldn’t get a spark.

“Need a light?”

“Sure...I…” Luffy leaned in close and lit Sanji’s cigarette with his. ‘Fuck that was hot!’ He took a drag. “I can’t believe it you really are Luffy!”

“Yep, the one and only, drug lord in the east blue, now pirate!” He smiled brightly. “Happy to meet a fan and satisfied customer.” He winked at Sanji and the blonde’s heart skipped a beat.

‘Calm down Sanji...you’re a man who exists to love the ladies...he’s not a lady...so calm down…’

“Hey Sanji...would you like to enjoy one of my special blends?”

His eyes widened. “One of the legendary special blends that only a handful of people have experienced?”

‘I gotta blame Ace for the rumor, oh well…’ Luffy offered him a cigar.

“Sure…” This was big. Luffy helped him light it and he took a puff. “Mmm, it tastes like milk!” He exhaled.

Sanji took another drag and felt his chest begin to tingle. Without realizing it his pecs began to swell, causing his tight shirt to become even tighter. He finally noticed when his buttons began to pop off. “Hhhhnnnn!” His nipples were swollen and tender, just rubbing on the inside of his shirt was driving him nuts.

“Allow me…” Luffy helped undo his jacket and shirt freeing his swollen pecs and tender nipples.

“What is this?”

“A special blend!” He caressed Sanji’s chest with both hands, making the blonde shudder and moan.

Sanji was so hard right now, and he kept puffing on the cigar as Luffy continued to play with his impressive tits. The fingers brushed his nipples, and he finished the cigar.


“Ahhh!” Sanji’s back arched as milk squirted out from the bud.

Luffy a boy who became a drug human after eating the drug drug fruit, his products have expanded across the four seas and even into the grand line. His special blends were something he saved for either combat or nakama. This blend was for nakama which he hoped Sanji would be.

To be continued


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