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Mobuseka parody: Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Crossing Swords
Brad and Leon have a little duel with swords, Leon wins, and to his surprise Brad is turned on. Leon ups the duel and purple struggles to win but maybe he doesn’t want to. Frottage Leon/Brad

Chapter 1

Leon had been trying to stick in the mob lane but Marie was still being difficult, her actions were causing the plot line to advance beyond the current levels. As such Leon found himself being dragged into the Sky Pirate arc.

The Sky Pirate arc or event, is a scheme orchestrated by one of the lackeys of the game’s antagonists. Stephanie was one of the love interest’s fiancee who was jilted after the protagonist “stole” their heart. Leon had hoped Stephanie was more of a character like Angelica, but no she was just trash.

She went after Olivia to get at Leon, which was a big mistake.

Not one to get her hands dirty she sent her stooge Carla to set the stage. She even roped Brad and Greg into this mess. Stephanie wanted Brad to suffer for breaking off their engagement.

Brad was hoping to use the bounties for the sky pirates to help Marie, while Greg was hoping to score some new armor from one of the pirates. ‘These idiots.’

Leon was annoyed for numerous reasons, he really didn’t want to deal with the love interests, especially since they were idiots. Brad brought no weapons with him and Greg had brought only a single spear. ‘What do you expect to do against Sky Pirates?’

The story was Carla’s home territory was being ravaged by sky pirates, she lures the protagonist and those of the lowest love rating into the event to clear them out for her. Truth of it was she was actually working with the Sky Pirates, slipping them funds and weapons, and she got a kick back. Plus she could call on them when Stephanie wanted something which got her points in her favor.

Sky Pirates were one of the many antagonists in the game, they appeared randomly early on as random encounters in the game. The number increasing as you got closer to the event, and became the game’s main grinding fodder after the event. This event was important as the Sky Pirates had one of the three holy treasures the saint needed. Olivia being the Saint Leon felt he should handle this and get the item for her. Luxion felt this wasn’t a good idea as Leon was robbing her of achievements.

Leon takes on Brad and Greg in a game of cards, easily beating them and taking their money. He wanted them to pay for the trouble they were causing plus a fee for using his ship Partner.

When the attack happened the two were completely useless. Partner’s defenses held up as Leon rode in Arroganz and took the fight to the pirates.

The Wing Sharks were the first group of pirates the game encounters. If your level and gear weren’t high enough you could be overwhelmed by numbers and fire power. For Leon this was nothing, he took out the vanguard and when they raised their shields Luxion unleashed Partner’s missiles to wreck them.

Brad and Greg experienced true warfare and released how little they knew of the world and how cocky they were.

They brought the pirates to Carla’s father who was reasonably confused by this whole thing as he had no idea what his daughter was up to. To make matters worse she tried to push the blame onto Olivia, which annoyed Leon.

Olivia was too timid to speak up for herself and Leon ended up handling the whole situation. Carla would be punished and they’d collect on the bounties of the pirates they captured. Livia was still going through it, even lashing out at Leon because of things Stephanie had put in her head.

Leon was contemplating where he went wrong, so he was chilling on the deck of the Partner. Luxion was comforting him in his own way, both insulting and weirdly sweet. He wanted to be alone, but of course with his luck he couldn’t.

Brad was also going through his feelings. When he saw Leon. “Ugh!”

Luxion hid from Brad’s view. ‘Wow the disgust is written all over his face.’ Leon noticed Brad was carrying a sword. “Are you practicing your swordsmanship?”

Brad huffed. “That’s right. Do you mind if I use the deck?” He draws his sword, not waiting for the answer, starting some practice swings.

“What about magic? Isn’t that your specialty?” In the games Brad was the mage, he was also the easiest love route as the man was quite the playboy. There was a whole bunch of ecchi-esk cut scenes with Brad and his dialogue was the most lewd among the romantic rivals.

“Of course I know that!!” Brad blushed and hissed.

High ranking nobles are practically handed the title of Knight. “I need to be able to use a sword at the very least.” He swung his blade, but Leon could see his form was terrible. “You best prepare yourself, I’m working hard to bring you down.”

Leon stuck his tongue out. “Dumb ass, I’m not gonna fight you or your friends again. You lot can remain losers forever.”

“Wha?!” Brad was shocked, his blush grew and he took out his frustrations by swinging his sword. “You won’t even acknowledge me as I am…”

“What was that?” He clammed up and began swinging his sword more. “Cat got your tongue?”

“I’d rather spent my time and energy making another swing.”

This was a bit weird to Leon, as in the games Brad had no way of becoming a swordsman. ‘Is this another divergence?’

“I get it…” Leon eyed him. “I know I’m the weakest among the five of us.”

Brad began to wax about how he’s worried about Marie never looking his way, being out shadowed by Julius and the rest. “I may be the best in terms of looks, but in combat, intellect, wealth, and status I’m inferior.”

It was an odd humble brag. Both insulting himself and bragging about his looks. “If I don’t get stronger, Marie will lose interest in me.”

Leon sighed. “Why do you care what Marie thinks, what is it about her you like so much?”

“Are you blind she’s perfect in every way!” Leon rolled his eyes. No doubt she was using all of Olivia’s in game protagonist lines to get Brad to fall for her, the other guys to. To Leon she was just a short flat chested brat.

He wasn’t mesmerized by Marie’s bullshit, he saw her true colors time and again, even when she let her fake protagonist persona slip in front of the guys they were too love struck to see. Brad believed that it wasn’t about looks it was about what was inside that counts. ‘Yeah but her insides are even worse.’ Leon was sure, he’d put money on it, that she was using the guys.

It annoyed him, as much as these hot guys annoyed him, if Marie actually had feelings for them he felt he could walk away and leave them to their fate, but knowing she was using them bothered him. His own sister used him for personal gain all the time, it sucked. To make matters worse, clearly Marie was cheating and using the game lore to make slaves of these guys.

“Even you are more impressive than me.” Brad confessed.

“Excuse me?”

“The way you handled things with the Sky Pirates and even Carla’s Father, I...I was impressed.”

A robot came out bringing them wooden swords. ‘Is this Luxion’s doing?’

“What’s this lump of iron? It’s been roaming around the ship.”

“It’s one of Partner’s service bots.” Leon explained.

“Well this is a good opportunity.” Brad examined the sword. “I challenge you Bartfort!”

“I already told you not happening.”

“You don’t get a choice!” Brad swung on him, forcing Leon to take up the blade and the two crossed swords.

Back and forth, the clack of wood striking wood ringing out. “Why would you challenge me in something you’re bad at, are you stupid?”

“Shut up, my grades happen to be better than yours!”

Leon had to hold his tongue, in truth he could be top of his class, both from his game knowledge and his own training, but he was intentionally staying average, or cruising in the mob lane. The mob was reading Brad like a book, as they crossed swords he was getting more of a feel for Brad’s character then the hours of game play he had been forced to sit through. “You’re sloppy, you lack discipline, you are relying too much on brute force.”

“Shut up!” Brad charged in, going for a killer move, only to get the sword knocked out of his hand.


“You’re really an idiot, you don’t listen at all.” He clutched his head.

“Ow!” His head and hands were hurting. “I...I thought I could do it…”

Leon sighed. “You’re ten years too early to beat me.” He placed a hand on Brad’s head, running his fingers through soft purple locks.


“You can’t win with power, you need to keep your mind open to options. You are a mage, if you want to improve yourself, use your strengths to improve your weaknesses.” Brad blinked. He was surprised by everything that was happening.

‘Was I wrong about Bartfort?’ Doki~Doki~

“You aren’t as weak as you think you are, you just got your priorities in the wrong place.”

“I don’t need your pity!” He tried to turn away, but Leon caught him.

“It’s not pity.” Their eyes met, Brad couldn’t look away, seeing how serious Leon was being. Doki~Doki~

The two were having a moment, though they didn’t realize it. ‘Is he okay?’ Leon eyed him up and down, that’s when he noticed. “Pufufufu!” His laugh caught Brad off guard.


“Looks like someone got a battle boner!” Leon pointed down and sure enough Brad was pitching a tent.

“Gah!” He covered himself and turned around. “How can you be so vulgar!?” Doki~Doki~Doki~

“Aww don’t be like that, it’s totally natural see?” He poked Brad’s butt with his own bulge. Doki~Doki~

“You...you...jerk!” Brad whipped around, trying to strike Leon but Bartfort caught him.

The purple haired boy was pulled in close. “Hush, you challenged me and lost, let me have some fun!” Doki~Doki~Doki~

Brad’s face burned and his penis twitched. ‘What is this feeling? What is he saying? WHAT IS HE DOING?!’

Leon brought their confined cocks together and began to bump and grind, creating an intense friction between their bulges. “Ahh what is this? What? Ahh~!” He was trembling so Leon reached around and grabbed firm handfuls of Brad’s ass. “You cad, you fiend, you jerk, you...you...you...pervert!”

Bartfort was getting off on this, watching this pretty boy crumble from a little frottage. “Falling apart from just this? I expected more from you.”

‘He what?’ Doki~Doki~Doki~!

Brad’s heart was racing, it was getting hard to think as his orgasm neared, before he knew it he was cumming. “Ahhh!” He made a mess in his expensive underwear, his seed spilling through and wetting his crotch.

The purplenette crumbled and sunk to his knees, the orgasm shaking him to his core. ‘D-Damn it…’ His whole face was red now.

“Came already, I’m nowhere near satisfied.” Leon whipped his dick out, letting it smack Brad’s cheek as it sprang free. “See!?”


‘Wow he’s so big!’ Brad gulped.

“Help a guy out, you know how to handle a sword don’t you?” Leon teased. He was pushing how far this would go, he didn’t expect Brad to bring his hands up and start playing with his cock.

He played with his rod, feeling the weight and girth in his hands. ‘I can feel his heart beat.’ Doki~Doki~Doki~

The skinship caused Leon’s musk to fill the air, getting Brad a heavy whiff. The longer this went on the stronger this weird bond they now had became.

He finally got Leon off, the mob’s release came, splashing Brad’s hair, face, neck, and some of his exposed chest. ‘Goopy!’ He shivered.

‘Looks like I got carried away.’ He was gonna apologize when Brad stood up.

“This isn’t over, next time!” He pointed angrily at Bartfort. “Next time I won’t lose to you!”

He ran off to get cleaned up.

Leon ran his hand across the back of his head. “Maybe I’ll fight him again.”


Brad made it to the showers without being seen. ‘Why...why…’ The shower spray washed the evidence of what happened away all except for. ‘Why am I hard again?’ He blushed as his penis stood erect.

A shaky hand grasped his penis, and while he tried to think of Marie, his mind drifted towards a certain mob. Doki~Doki~

To be continued...Round 2

Leon accepts another challenge from Brad, making the terms a bit clear to the purple haired hottie. He helps train Brad’s sword with his feet, making him clean up the mess after. Something is awakening in Brad.



Love! Leon is the perfect sword teacher. Can't wait to see what else he has in store for Brad.