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Patreon Rewards will open as normal this month on the 16th

I appreciate the pass last month, been fighting through my pain issues, though some days my ass was kicked (and taking the stronger pain meds to deal has made me off almost zombie ish) I am hoping to get my pain shot soon either the last week of march or first week of april

the back log is close to completion and once it is i'll be able to properly restructure and balance things going forward. I really am sorry for all the delays, with things getting close to the finish line I feel things can finally turn around

The hits keep coming, if ya haven't heard what's happening with gumroad things were sudden and hitting people like a truck. With a purge of their content, I got drawn into the madness and had an anxiety attack of my own. If things go bad on other sites I don't know if I have anywhere else to go 


ZooFan 123

Don’t think like fox no use to it just think on how you’ve made good use of your time 👍