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I was planning to do a smaller update for v52 but I ended up pushing to finish a couple of big features that have been pending for a while now and blocking progress on other stuff. The effects system in particular required altering A LOT of code so there might be some bugs and updates coming soon.



Characters are like smarter vam models. Normal vam models have just the look. Characters have the look but also more information and settings attached to them. For now it's just chat personality stuff (info, description, voice settings, chat memory).


This was a very large update and I had to redo lots of features, most of the procedural animations. For people that adventured into doing advanced triggers in v51, they'll probably require changes for v52. I had to redo stuff differently, in a way that allows for things to be more organized and easy to connect.

Effects are things happening on the person, commands that change how the person acts. Like the commands to look away, or twerk, or keep the hands on the hip. Until now these were all in different menus and to turn them off you'd have to find them. Now they appear in the bottom bar next to the person and when clicked they can be interacted with, cancelled. There's more stuff that I'll try to add to it, like the personality settings too and the auto posing.


Thanks to the character system, the layout and the chat interaction should be a bit more intuitive now. Characters can have their own custom voices. There's support for *actions* too now. New settings let you turn off Alive's custom header that gets sent to the AI as well as the extra formatting and cleanup Alive does to the AI message. The UI is a bit more clean now too and it's easier to make the AI continue its messages by clicking on Continue or just sending an empty message.


This new feature allows the chat AI to respond to something it sees in VAM. Basically a small screenshot gets captured from the eyes of the model. This will require Automatic1111 to be running alongside the chat AI so it might be a bit slow for some, especially on very heavy vam scenes. There are two modes High Quality and Low Quality in the Services app. Low Quality is way quicker, but what the AI 'sees' will be less accurate. The first time running will be slower than usual, it takes a bit for the AI model to load.


  • CHANGE: adjusted minimum time for eye macrosaccades to be dependent of macrosaccade strength, reduce extremely fast eye movement 
  • CHANGE: added better AI introduction to help it make more nsfw friendly and more role-play, reduce some AI models like llama2 drifting in assistant mode
  • CHANGE: added logic to keep track of eyes closed, mouth open & tongue out morphs to limit other automatic morphs adding to that and causing exaggerated morphs
  • CHANGE: change Alive UI loading screen, debug info still available on click
  • CHANGE: changed characters actions and settings to work independent of what character is selected
  • CHANGE: changed person vam menu auto-open to better reflect alive ui selected character: if vam person UI is visible and character is changed, the vam ui changes to the selected alive ui character
  • CHANGE: character system added custom characters photos from UI logic
  • CHANGE: character system added edit existing character screen
  • CHANGE: character system renamed androids to characters, removed buy/sell logic, added new create character panel
  • CHANGE: characters connected to vam looks, bottom bar shows avatars only for characters; load characters into scene; characters persistent id even on look change to keep link between look and character in various scenarios (scene reload, alive reload, etc)
  • CHANGE: Chat changed AI forced initial text, made shorter and more generic, rely more on character description field
  • CHANGE: Chat prevent sending empty messages to AI, causing it to derail and taking up context space
  • CHANGE: effects system added support for AI triggered effects with detection to stop/reset the effects
  • CHANGE: effects system added support for effect parameters to group together similar effects or mutually exclusive ones; updated UI logic to reflect active person effects; refactored eye target look at logic to work under effects system; old alive triggers changing look at target will need to be updated to work with newer alive versions
  • CHANGE: increased chat personality description & chat example fields length
  • CHANGE: mouth open command made animation procedural; redid mouth open logic to work with the effects system; changed trigger detection a swipe from the jaw to the lips will make the model open the mouth when auto mouth open is enabled (by default)
  • CHANGE: redid kiss & autokiss functionality to be handled by effects system
  • CHANGE: refactored body motions logic (vibe,twerk, etc) to use effects system
  • CHANGE: refactored Mouth & Face actions, cleaned up old code & prepared actions to work with automated effects; added Kiss as a face action
  • CHANGE: removed old automatic BJ & Ride logic, moved to new AI driven effects system; removed auto-ride & auto-bj power sliders from settings, auto ride & bj are now the ride & bj body motions and can be configured from that screen
  • CHANGE: removed old photo expressions option from face settings, face expressions to be handled all by personality options
  • CHANGE: reorganized person bottom menu, character selection, character actions

  • FIX:  Chat added end detection on '",' for llama2 malformed answers containing multiple replies
  • FIX: chat fixed error happening sometimes on repetition detection
  • FIX: Chat prevent empty messages from showing in the chat feed
  • FIX: chat removed day separator when cleaning up messages
  • FIX: fix can't play sound error when loading the var after having loaded a previous recent alive version
  • FIX: fixed alive trying to load even on person atoms that are off in the scene
  • FIX: fixed body motion for right hand & right feet rub animations not being as smooth as left counterparts
  • FIX: fixed elevenlabs calls stuck in error mode until refresh if one call returns an error
  • FIX: fixed eye focus getting reset when set to follow the Eye Target and when collisions happen
  • FIX: fixed eyes open animation after turning off eyes closed too abrupt, made it smoother
  • FIX: fixed mouth open command morphs exaggerated causing deformations on some models
  • FIX: fixed person atom in bottom bar not changing correctly if the atom is on/off, bottom bar now shows person atoms that are on
  • FIX: fixed person atom not showing in bottom bar on initial load until interaction
  • FIX: fixed tongue physics on tongue out command & on tongue out morphs when tongue physics are disabled; toggle as on to prevent tongue sticking out through the face
  • FIX: fixed VR keyboard layout not fitting on UI with small width size

  • NEW: added characters voice settings; changed TTS speech & test speech to work with multiple characters with different voices
  • NEW: added eye focus as effects; focusing on targets can be cancelled now from the bottom menu
  • NEW: added new character actions popup on profile info & on click on bottom menu avatar; options to save the look of that character, bring it or remove it from scene and to delete the character
  • NEW: added new Chat settings tab in Alive settings, added setting to turn off Alive AI introduction to help with AI models in other languages and more custom role-play AI
  • NEW: added option to turn off Alive indicators (purple line animation on character/object select) from Alive settings > vam+ > Show Alive indicators
  • NEW: AI cam changed logic so that it generates in the background and keeps track of last generated image so that you can change tabs in the UI and come back later to see the generated image, no longer have to stay stuck in the cam app; no visual or sound notification yet
  • NEW: Alive chat added actions support (like *looks around*), log in chat and format in UI; include code driven actions like on reaction to sight
  • NEW: bottom menu added person active effects system with icons & popup to cancel active effects or all effects
  • NEW: character system added delete functionality
  • NEW: chat added chat character info to distinguish who the chat is with; you can chat with any character, even those that are not in the scene, not just with the selected character
  • NEW: chat added Continue button to make the AI continue the idea
  • NEW: chat added custom camera capture logic to allow capturing images from different angles other than player view
  • NEW: chat added image interrogation support, character vision capture and integration with AI chat to force the AI to describe what it sees based on input image
  • NEW: chat added Messages cleanup toggle to turn off AI messages processing done by Alive to try to clean up junk answers from the AI
  • NEW: chat added react button (needs A1111 images AI enabled), moved old buttons for trim & clear chat
  • NEW: chat added support to include temporary images from AI inside chat
  • NEW: image AI added logic to update A1111 image interrogation settings for faster image processing when using CLIP (high quality mode) than A1111's defaults
  • NEW: UI character added logic for consistent character bar in apps with link to character profile



Alive on Virt-A-Mate Hub



Download page



Jonathon Barton

OK, Posting at the top level for visibility - I worked out a repeatable process for adding an Alive AI Character to an existing (or future) Scene that contains a Person with a Look (I tried and succeeded with two of the most recent uploads on the Hub - Hailee and Maggie.) It seems like a lot of steps when written out, but that's so that every single step is recorded and nothing is left out or left for you to guess at. 1. Download Hailee by Xspada (most recent look on the hub right now) 1a. Note the (short, almost useless) description: "Hailee is a sweet girl." We'll use that later. 2. Select the blue "In Library Open Scene" button from the Hub Page. 3. Scene loads in a white soundstage. 4. Alive Loads normally. 6. Select Characters, Create new character. 7. Observe "Character #1234567 created! dialog. 8. Select OK button 9. Select the Settings tab of the Character Profile Screen 10. Change the First Name to "Hailee". Optional: Change the last name. 11. Add "Hailee is a sweet girl" to the Description. 11a (Optional) Use Oogabooga to generate a one paragraph Description for you! "Write me a character description for Hailee Howard, who is a sweet girl. The description should focus on backstory and personality, and be one paragraph long. 11b (Optional) Use Oogabooga to generate the Chat Example text, too "Give me a 3-round SMS text example using Hailee (annotated as ":" ) and her best male friend You (annotated as "You:") The chat should cover very mundane topics, and be from the perspective that Hailee and You have not seen each other in one hour, so no "long time no see" greeting is allowed. 12: Pick an ElevenLabs or Local voice of your choice. 13: Select the blue Save Settings button at the bottom of the page. 14: Select the Profile Tab and observe that the Character is now Hailee Howard and under that is the Character Number (1234567) 15: in the VaM UI, select Edit Mode. 16: Select the "Select Person" button (bottom row, 2nd from the end, between the Arrow and the Wrench buttons) 17: The UI panel opens to the Presets screen and the Person Atom is named "Person" (or similar - some creators name their characters here) at the top in the blue part. 18: Highlight the Name and change it to "Character-1234567" - whatever the Character Number is from step 14. 19: In the bottom menu, select the Alive Character outlined in purple, and note that the Profile and Interact menus are missing from the options in the bottom left. 19: Save the scene with a name of your choice. 20: Open the scene you just saved. 21: In the bottom menu, select the Alive Character outlined in purple, and note that the Profile and Interact menus are now active in the bottom left, and Hailee is looking around as though Alive is active. 22: Final touches: Select the Profile menu at the top of the left menu stack 23a: Select the Camera on the Portrait and take a new headshot of Hailee. 23b: Select the 'Three Dots Menu' at the right and select "Save Look". 24: Select the Interact button in the lefthand stack and say Hi to Hailee! 25: (Optional) Demonstrate to yourself that it's repeatable by doing it over with another Look from the hub. (I went with KWB Series - Maggie)


Spent some time playing around, and I'm impressed! I can see the rough edges getting smoother and I like the direction it's heading. I set a character to be an undercover agent who refuses to say who she works for out of fear for her life and the interaction is good. In particular I'm excited to see what you do combining the AI assistant with chat dialog. I'm sure stuff like this is already on your roadmap but do you think it will be possible to integrate AI assistant commands into the same sentence, e.g. "Okay let's leave, I command you to stand up" where "I command you to" triggers a "stand up" action or something along those lines? A little UI feedback, the upper part of the posing thumbnail can get cut off if the text is too long and wraps to a second line, I'm seeing it with the 'STANDING ###' positions.


Commands like that should already be possible but they have to be added manually now and it's a bit of work. Thanks for letting me know about that bug!