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There's a new panel now in person actions that has body commands and individual power & speed for each of them. I adjusted some of the commands to be more realistic, particularily twerking, the model will switch & combine styles.

The person actions panel now also has the rest of the commands from the old UI, for mouth & face commands.

Added a feature to have head lights quickly available directly from the UI, to not have to add light atoms in every scene. There's also a button to quickly turn off all other lights in the scene.

Added a new setting to change the VAM background color. It's a persistent setting, the color will always get changed when Aeternum UI is active. It goes back to black when the plugin is not active. I set the default to a gray because pitch black void ain't it for me.

I also added object cloning to the object panel to quickly copy objects. This system works with the flag cursor feature which I talked about earlier. In the top menu you can enable/disable and bring the flag cursor next to you or drag it around. It's like an indicator to let the UI know where to add the atoms.

New atoms added from the UI will get added to the flag cursor, cloned atoms as well. There's also a new button to move the selected atom to the cursor, to allow moving atoms more quickly.

There are new settings now to adjust the VR UI, it's size and resolution. For desktop I added a new setting allowing changing from Sidebar to Floating mode. In desktop the floating UI is the same as the VR one and you can place it around in the scene. There's an atom that gets created if it doesn't exist already in the scene (MenuHolder). You can use that atom to move the UI docking point (the clock widget). Then you can drag the UI around and you can also go back to the docking point and reset it there by clicking on the buttons.

Added a new setting to allow changing the treshold for the shaking controllers feature. When you shake a controller enough, it will toggle between rigid and relaxed (on/off).

I redid the sticky hands feature to make it more functional. Previously it automatically snapped the hands whenever they were close enough to the head or the hip, making them stick or unstick on their own. Now it detect when the player is dragging the hands and puts them on the head or hip.

Also new in v37:

  • Female gens morphs when arousal changes and when legs are spread apart
  • new UI indicator for arousal/discomfort level & heart rater on the selected person


- NEW: added arousal & discomfort indicators for the selected person; heart rate indicator
- NEW: added scene position marker when adding new atoms to control where they get added in the scene and their rotation; added menu button to bring marker to player
- NEW: Added clone atom functionality in Scene objects tab; atom gets cloned and positioned on the atom marker
- NEW: Added move to flag button for scene objects
- NEW: Added value indicator on range sliders to show what's the current value selected rather than changing values blindly
- NEW: Added head light settings in the scene objects panel; when a preset is selected head lights will get automatically added
- NEW: added Dekstop UI floating mode (in settings > general); in this mode UI is like the VR one and it looks and repositions to an atom in the scene named "MenuHolder". This allows anchoring the UI to different places in different scenes. Atom gets created automaticall if missing.
- NEW: added Floating/VR UI scale setting (settings > general > Floating scale)
- NEW: added Floating/VR UI resolution width/height settings to allow bigger or smaller text in VR
- NEW: added Lights button to turn off all lights in the scene except for the head lights
- NEW: added Mouth & Face commands to the new UI in the person actions tab
- NEW: added body commands in the new UI in the person actions panel (vibe,twerk,ride,etc.) with individual speed & power sliders
- NEW: added spread legs gens morphs and logic to set it based on knees apart distance; setting added in settings > alive
- NEW: added arousal female gens morph and logic to link it to the arousal system and setting in settings > alive
- NEW: added separate home panel and apps panel, home panel will contain more generic info like the time & status
- NEW: added shake treshold in settings > alive - controls how much you have to shake a controller before it toggles between on/off
- NEW: added vam background color change functionality and replaced pitch-black with a dark grey as default

- CHANGE: included VamWidgets plugin directly in Alive to get rid of dependencies
- CHANGE: cleaned up top menu buttons, added aeternum UI actions as separate modal
- CHANGE: automatically set VR hand watch position and default it to the right hand the first time running to remove extra setup steps required
- CHANGE: scene objects buttons layout updated, added phyics toggle (for non-Person atoms), added reset rotation button
- CHANGE: updated twerking to have better default speed/power; added procedural variation
- CHANGE: update halo indicator to auto hide after a few seconds; shows now only after selecting a person and 3 seconds later it hides
- CHANGE: changed Sticky Hip & Head logic to detect when player is intentionally placing the hands close or away from the head & hip to make them stick; show thought bubble notification
- CHANGE: removed Handling tab from old UI, settings are now global, added to the new ui in settings > alive
- CHANGE: removed autocorrect controllers setting - causing too many bugs and random movement, needs revisited
- CHANGE: full reload Aeternum plugin when re-enabling the plugin
- CHANGE: moved teleport marker higher above the head to allow easier selection of the head controller

- FIX: fixed head & body shaking when a hand is linked to a body part caused by the idle movement of the hand
- FIX: fixed AeternumUI still initiating when plugin added on Person or other atoms; fixed to show error and prevent the ui being added from an atom
- FIX: fixed hidden UI auto-enanbling after screenshots & thumbnails
- FIX: removed music buttons and changing scene showing logs
- FIX: fixed UI apps stopping updating after an error affecting one of them and requiring the reload of the plugin
- FIX: fixed body movement problem on moving person with the main controller causing the pose to get messed up sometimes
- FIX: fixed sweat, nips & eye reflection global settings to clear active effects (skin gloss & morphs) when turned off similar to how individual settings used to work


- Alive.cslist  - classic plugin. this is the plugin that you add to Person atoms that you want to be more dynamic, have expressions, move around,etc.
- Aeternum.cslist - you can add this as a session plugin and the new UI will appear appear and allow for more customization & options for the scene and the person atoms that have the Alive plugin
- Plugins/SmartObjects.cslist - [optional] can be added to any atoms and allows enabling some attributes for those objects to add interaction with Alive (for models to look at object, sit on things, etc)

On desktop, F2 toggles the UI on and off. There's also a button for that in the normal vam UI of the plugin.
In VR the UI should appear by default as a watch on the right hand. You can change the hand and the size from the UI settings.


Alive is a local plugin and does not connect to the internet. However it uses the web browser atom to render the UI in it, so you need web browsers enabled if you want to use the new UI.

In User preferences Security these need to be enabled: Enabled plugins, Allow Plugin Network Access, Enable Web Browsers, Allow All Sites.

For privacy concerns, unfortunately there are still ways of bypassing vam privacy settings and sending internet data from plugins, so the last 3 settings are moot. Even one line of code stuff, nothing crazy. I'm not reporting issues like this anymore because last time I did people got mad at me and now there are more checkboxes in vam. I don't want vam2 to have forms to micromanage plugins or maybe get my plugins or other plugins that have nothing to do with connecting to the internet punished for it.


Ashauryn - morphs ( from AshAuryn.Expressions.2, AshAuryn.Pose_Tools.2 and AshAuryn.Sexpressions.2, AshAuryn.AshAuryn's_Female_Genitalia_Collection.2)
klphgz - poses ( from Crouching, Standing, Lying & Prone, Sitting packs)
Jackaroo - morphs ( from Jackaroo.JarModularExpressions.2)
kemenate - morphs (kemenate.Morphs.10)
geesp0t - spankings vr hand collision detection (Spankings Plugin Mod v3.6 on reddit)

MacGruber, VR Adult Fun, Acid Bubbles & other plugin makers whose work inspired me to make some of the features here and plugins in general.


- none






Thank you! I just subbed to try out Alive and Aeternum UI, and my game freezes when I try to load Aeternum as a session plugin. Any ideas? EDIT: I got it working by temporarily moving my Appearance and Clothing presets. I have over 20k total clothing and appearance presets (lots of duplicates of things). It seems when you load the Aeternum UI it tries to load all of the presets into the UI or something and locks up. Possibly other users have the same issue looking at older comments.


Do you have the latest vam? does it crash to desktop? does it always crash? does the ui start loading, and if so do all the loading elements go green or some stay red? Were files created in Saves\PluginData\Aeternum\Ae? Do you have a ton of looks/clothing/hair presets?


This is exceptional! So good! 11/10

thomas d

Actually it is looking pretty good. Again, you are advancing VAM's overall playability. I tried it with Tryonmaster scene and it works good. Only issue I have is there are a lot of menus in that scene and if I point to something on my watch menu, the pointer goes right through to one of the scene menus and runs that on my click. not a big deal as I can hide menus. I am not sure what you are still working on, I imagine a lot. I notice I can select hair, but not clothing or looks. Not really related to this specific version. But I still want to be able to get sounds from caress and tease easier. First of all is caress and tease sounds for the entire body, or just the boobs and genitals? I do get sounds in those places pretty well, so that could be it, if it only effects those areas. I like tickle as it just holds its settings and I can pick where it affects. I would like to be able to get sounds for caress and tease some of time, all over the body. Like hit works very well. I may not get a sound every time, but most the time I do. Anyway all this new stuff looks great! Looking forward to be able to actually talk to the character. What do you have in store for the interact button? I can see this is really going in a really good direction. You have made some great progress and I will continue to support you!


I really love this plugin. It's why I subscribed to you, as it's a one stop shop for getting a idle effect that is simple to implement and looks plausible. Thanks for keeping this up.


Thanks! It should work with clothes & looks too but just local presets. Yes, I plan to add more reaction on touches but that's blocked by other components I have to do before that logic. The sound thing can be done with extratriggers + audiomate very quickly though. Regarding the interaction button, likely it's gonna be a DM-like system, similar to my old chatbots demo

thomas d

Also, I was wondering, is both Alive and Tickle run through the head audio? From what I can tell Alive does, not sure about tickle. I have trouble getting them balanced, if I have head audio and my speaker volume turned up high enough to really hear the Alive sounds. Than the tickle sounds are blasting. Is there a way I can bring down the tickle volume? I even looked in the scripts did a search for vol and found nothing. Maybe a lot of people don't use tickle, but I love it.


No, sorry, it's the audio files that have the problem, they have the volume all over the place. If you want to you can replace the laughing sounds from Ticklish in the var with better sounds that are at the right volume

thomas d

that's a good idea, I already have a bunch of giggle and laugh sounds


The Person Atom actions (Vibes, ride, twerk etc.); how can they be cancelled once they are selected? The only way I found is to load a new preset to reset everything. Thanks.


Agreed, looking for the same thing. Would be great to be able to cancel the auto kissing as well and add a handjob feature on future updates, but AWESOME plugin with infinite replay value. Keeps me coming back!!

thomas d

Actually, my sounds I thought I had did not work. I used ffmpeg to lower the volume on your sounds.


If you mean in the old UI (the vam plugin menu for alive.cslist) then they're on/off toggles. If you select A, it will turn it on. If you select A again, it will turn it off.


Nice! if you want and you can upload them somewhere, I'll update ticklish on the hub so that they'll be always there. I plan to remake tickling from the grounds up in alive and make it a bit more interactive, but I'll look for some better sounds. Those sounds in ticklish were some quick ones I found on freesound.org


Thanks, John! Regarding autokissing, that should be possible already from the new UI in settings > alive. It's a global setting, so you can go and turn it on/off and then it will be like that in Alive, you don't have to always have the new UI on or set it again everytime or load presets. It's sort of like vam settings, you set a feature on/off and it autosaves and stays like that. There's also a slider for the distance for the autokiss feature.


Oh man, I was missing out on SO MUCH. I came from a much older version (version 8 I think) so I didn't even know this UI was a thing. Game Changer! I scrolled below and figured out how to mess with it, awesome job and already far beyond what I thought this was first capable of. Great Job!!!!


Like SPQR said, there IS a button to turn off kissing, it's in the UI.


hi, If I prefer not to utilize the integrated moaning sounds and would rather use 'vammoan,' is there a method to disable the default moaning sounds within the 'Alive'


Hi! I'll add more options to which sounds can be enabled/disabled in the next version. If you want to do it permanently and quickly though you can open the .var as an archive (with like 7zip), edit the \Custom\Scripts\SPQR\Alive\Scripts\alive.cs and replace "< 1.618f" with "< 1.618f || true". That will permanently turn off just the moaning while the other sounds will still play


Wow! V.37 is amazing. I couldn't manage to find the sweat checkbox,and voice pitch slider, they've got removed?.


Thank you! The sweat checkbox is now in the new UI in Settings > Alive > Enable sweatbox, those settings are not global, you don't have to set them everytime or worry about presets. If you turn it off there, sweat will always be turned off when running Alive Pitch slider, yes I removed it a while ago, It's basically the same thing as vam's person > head audio > pitch and it can be changed from there. I'm trying to do like a voice system and that will have pitch and other voice settings saved for characters/models and that old slider was in the way for that. I want global settings and model settings, I don't like the DIY scene-based settings and trying to move away from that


Thanks for advice. looking forward for the voice system sounds interesting. By the way the auto light setting you've added is great! also the overview focus and expressions! are soo great. music playlist, yeah! hope we can add our soundtracks in some way???thanks great work!


For music, you can add mp3 songs in Saves/AEMusic. You can create folders there like the Demo one with the same structure, and then each folder should appear as a playlist when reloading the UI


Great update! The new UI looks very promising! One thing though: Is there a way to turn off shadows from the new Auto Light feature? If not, could you add a toggle for that in future updates? Other than that, this feature is such a great addition! :)

Mark Hunter

This is first time I have tried the new interface. After a little playing around, I built one of the best scenes I ever have in very short time. I really like that the commands and their adjustments are in one location. I created several scenes where the two are both animated and moving in VERY lifelike ways. Add to that the fact that they vary on their own and once again, "They Are Alive"! This just keeps getting better and better!


Nice, I'm glad you like it! v38 should have more commands in there, I think 9 new ones