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- adjusted look at target to interfere less with the camera, especially when the model was rotated, and better track the player
- fixed head lock restrictions big bug causing head lock at weird angles or glitches when the model is rotated in the scene
- fixed clean all pose morphs remaining sticky on plugin ui tabs change
- added gaze tab and moved there head related settings
- added head angle customization in the gaze tab
- made the model keep the head still when something is touching the lips and avoid looking around
- change log to default to off for performance
- improved autoblow detection and added more variety to procedural blow animations
- added sticky hands for head & hip logic and options
- added new Handling category for settings that alter the vanilla handling of models; cleaned up debug purposes settings to keep UI less confusing
- added base player focus gaze setting - the percent chance of the model to look at the player when a decision in made between player vs looking around; it's effected by other internal logic too, like proximity & arousal
- added focus time factor slider to control how long the model focuses on something on average before looking to change focus
- remedied model's unnatural fascination with ceilings
- added fade logic for instant morph changes to be less ugly, updated mouth open, kiss & close eyes commands and auto kiss, auto blow
- added mouthopen2 command & action (mouth open without tongue out) and added it in the mix for auto open on jaw touch
- fixed idle expressions not autostarting correctly
- some cleanup & started integration with WxM


Same dependencies as before, the 3 morph packs by Ashauryn

Add .cslist file as a plugin to a Person atom and it should be good to go for normal scenes. Not tested with other plugins, animations or complex vam machinations! it's a WIP towards a standalone thing, i'm not aiming to make it work with every possible vam scenario, there are too many scenarios and i don't have that kind of support to spend that much time.

As sounds play for the first time, a very fast loading might appear while they're being added to the scene. If that takes long for you and is annoying, you can hit Help > preload all sounds to load all of them in a go


alive v12 preview

This is "alive v12 preview" by xspqrx on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Love it. This AIO plugin replaced a bunch of individual ones i've previously used, and does a much better job at it. I still use VAMMoan, just for the squish/pelvic slap sounds.


Shut up and take my emojis <3 Again incredible work! Thank you for keeping the update cycle up, too!


thank you! yup, wish i could use some of these awesome plugins but I can't because of the licenses. i'll get to sound too eventually

thomas d

Listen you have to stop putting these things out in the middle of the day, I am supposed to be working, please wait till after 5pm before making available.

thomas d

I took a quick run at this and it works good. , I do like the gaze, and the sound is getting better. Is the caress just a breathing sound or also panting and moaning? Not sure I am getting that right or how to produce all the sounds you have. I still use a number of other plugins, just to have her really hopping. I think this might have been in the earlier release, auto bj. I like the auto bj feature a lot as I can stick my fingers in her mouth and she sucks them. It would be nice for another check box option for the same with the genitals. Maybe doesn't need quite as much movement, but I think a little jump or movement would be good. I don't know of a plugin that does that, although there could very well be. Anyway need more time to really explore this new update. The looks and head movements are very good! Truly a remarkable plugin.


Thanks! Autothruster should do something like that. Yup i agree it would be nice and i want to do it too but it takes time - lots of things would be nice.. i'm already working way above 100% of what I should so no promises on a timeline. I could do models, spice them up with small plugins & cool videos and this patreon would be much more successful with less work... instead i try to do this and waste a lot of time just to have people leak my work for a few likes and then call me greedy and tell me it's garbage. So i'm more about what keeps me passionate these days rather than delivering something that's general-purpuse for the general crowd as quick as possible


the right ppl will support you. bc no matter what, the wrong person will pay once and then share for "clout" or whatever reason they pirate stuff anyway. In a sense, I'd dismiss their efforts anyway because bc that crowd never had any intention of paying/supporting you anyway, so like you said - focus on what keeps you passionate, i.e. the people that actually APPRECIATE your work! Ive been a long e-motion and McG's Life fan, and those plugins definitely have their perks - but Alive is my personal favorite right now. I love intuitive and how super lightweight it is (as in none of the functions interfere or break anything in my scenes), and also easily frees up 2-3 plugin slots in most cases - making things less clunky. I love your work. Cant wait to see whats next, and hopefully what you plan to bring into VaM 2.0 if you're still up to this


People around here don't support. Acidbubbles has 130 supporters and that's for the biggest vam plugin by far. People complain about e-motion but vradultfun never got support either. When i was doing only free plugins i had 5-10 people supporting me and was actually attempting far more ambitious things. I did it then for supporters and i quit after a few months.


People support me now because that's how they get Alive. If it was free, i'd have 30 supporters at best rn. Likely less.


I'm not gonna waste my time for a few right people or for appreciation and emojis. I can go be a pirate and get emojis with no work or i can make vam stuff for myself. I'm trying to make this patreon work so that i can develop all that at that level. if i'm gonna go community-charity mode I'll do maybe a plugin a month or something like that too. probably i'd quit because that would be too boring and slow for me


Keep going on your code burn, and know that you're appreciated. Personally I try to rotate my support among creators because the monthly bill stacks up. Some are no-brainers; vect delivers amazing quality, continous updates, and has a modest fee. Some people only have a few paid resources and charge more, which makes sense since there's less motivation to subscribe to them for more than one month. You're one of the creators who provides enough free content with regular updates that I'm happy to support you. Ignore the people who complain about the quality of free things. You're adding a lot to the community. :)


thank you. Exactly, people care about what they get in return and that's perfectly normal. I care about that too. I have only this one plugin as incentive for people to support me and they just go and give it away, they don't even have the decency to say 'yo leave a good review to the dude to help him if you like it', last 3 updates got 0 reviews. Instead they call me greedy and tell me how I should keep going and sacrifice my time for the love of the community and other bs like that. they can make and share their own content if they're that fond of helping others. instead they go out their way to make others that do share content quit... it's just stupid.

thomas d

I am still trying all there is in v12, I like the ride and vibe actions a lot. Twerk a little award and thrust did not work for me. A like the little body movements and would like to see more. The body, expressions head/eye movement quite impressive. There are very very few scenes I do not add Alive to, its that good. I do have some issues with plugins in general, for example all features not working when I bring the plugin in via a preset, for example many times the autobj does not work to a reload the plugin, and then have to reset all my settings. Not always but a lot of times. Again this happens to me with other plugs as well. Is it just me or is that VAM? Also notice sometimes when changing poses, the head control is change to red or linked to person. Linked to person does give different impressions, but of course locked is a pain and I have to reset it. I also opened a new model with no animation, and added my plugin preset. I noticed the movement from Alive was much greater. Like the arms really moved a distance. And then noticed that many of the persons body controls were locked (red). I did not have time to play with it but thought that was interesting. Anyways for all I can tell my VAM install could be hosed. And I do have a bout 10 or so plugins in my preset so that could be my problem as well. But with everything working, holy crap it is nice and Alive is definitely the core plugin, and the others just icing.


thank you! I don't think there's something wrong with your install, i think it's just the consequence of mixing some things together that change the controllers on the models Alive works okish with the default vam settings, like when you hit reset pose. But you can do lots of things to alter how the model controllers, joints react (on/comply/off, changing the joint strength etc). Some poses change things like that as well as some plugins. I do that too in AEDoll and turn the model controllers in a xmas tree, turning controllers on/off continously. Animations also take over the controllers and drag them around. When all these mix, since there's no centralized system and it's more like a sandbox, things are gonna get weird. so it's a bit a matter of finding the right combo of features if you want to combine them when controllers are red I think they're set to Off, like they fall down. When it's like that the Alive idle forces probably move them a lot more since there's no resistance