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UPDATE 3: that plugin is back up & with a demo video. looks like it's for real from the video! it likely was a false alarm. i think they're a company and that's why they act so sus

UPDATE 2: it looks like they talked with the dude and the plugin might be for real and it might be added again. Virustotal will still probly say it's a threat and i won't touch it with a 10 feet pole. But i'm very curious about it if it's for real, would love to see a demo video

UPDATE: that plugin was removed by a mod, no longer an issue

I noticed a new intriguing plugin on the hub, MetaChat. Took a very quick look and did a scan on the .exe and one vendor, Cylance, flags it as unsafe:

I was about to one vote and let the dev and others know there on the hub. But if i do that:
A. if the dude is for real and it's a false positive, that's a lot of work trying to make something ambitious in this barren place, i don't want to be the asshole that downvotes him over a hunch and makes him quit and kills his project
B. if it's some hackers, they're gonna be mad and come at me for ruining their bitcoin/ransomware scheme. it's not like the mods are gonna knight me for doing their job anyways, never gonna get featured in vam1, calling it

But it's a suspicious exe by a new account and nothing to suggest trustworthiness from what I can tell. I know some of you like installing every plugin under the sun and mixing them together lol so I'm just letting you know and I recommend caution with it until others will surely take a look at it and confirm if it's for real or a threat in the following days or weeks.


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