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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to HEAVENLY DELUSION Episode 9!!




Luke, the people in the image shown at 25:00 are Kiriko Takehaya, Haruki Takehaya, two of Haruki's friends and Robin. Kiriko + Haruki (sister and brother) = Kiruko, the "female" protagonist. Maru is the male protagonist, who you said looks somewhat like Tokio.

Muligan Shinzuo

We are closing in on the finale. Stuff is going to make alot more sense in the upcoming episodes, so do not worry if you feel abit lost at the moment. You did well to pick up Tokios condition (real life experience probably helped abit there).

Andrew Southwell

Imagine some massive catastrophic event happened, that possibly took out the people in charge, cut all long distance communication and caused mass panic and hysteria. I don't think it's unrealistic to think there might not be certainty over what actually started it, particularly among the general public just trying to live in the decaying world. We can see the results of whatever happened, but maybe just don't know where, how or what triggered it all.

Andrej Simic

Oh god i love too see how your brain works


Fun fact. Literal translation of Maru's name is "circle". And Juichi means "eleven".

Matthew Valentine

RIP Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball. Instrumental figure to getting these hand drawn stories the global followings and support they have now. Hope he knew what a legend he was.


Who the father is would be a big issue. Since the kids weren't taught about the concept of sex it's natural to first assume that she was raped by one of the adult researchers. We know that's not the case but they haven't found out what happened yet.


Don't worry Luke, it's normal that you can't see the puzzle image yet. The show gives you the pieces one by one, out of order. You've got enough pieces to begin to understand, but to do that you've got to put the pieces together correctly, which requires analysis and the detection of hidden meanings. It's difficult on first watching. The author deliberately plays with the viewer. He gives elements but hides them, or gives them a hidden double meaning, he knows the viewers' anticipations and plays on them to make them believe things. It's a show that offers the possibility of theorizing by giving elements. But you can also just follow the story. Once you've finished the season, it's much easier to see the many clues the author has planted everywhere. But it's fun to be active and try to understand, so keep cooking... sometimes you're on the wrong track, sometimes you're right on target :). By the way, I might as well warn you: you won't get all the answers in this season. Only some of them. After the finale, I think it might be fun and interessting for you to react to a video that reveals all the clues, foreshadowing and linking the different elements. If I remember correctly, the next episode will give you pieces of the puzzle you won't understand.


this makes me realize episode 12 is NEAR . That reaction will be painful to watch for luke... 10 times harder than hisoka's boner fighting Gon.


Gotta say, as much as I’m enjoying this, I’m looking forward to something less complicated. Day 33 requesting that we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.


Spoiler question in the comments, if anyone can answer me please do


Is Maru the son of Tokio? I plan to read the manga but no clue when I will get to it and just wanted that question answered. Oh yeah, and is "Dr." Usami the boy who was in love with Mimihime


That photo you saw was just the kids at the orphanage where Haruki/Kiruko, the "female" MC was. The "mother" you mentioned is not a mother, thats Haruki's older sister, Kiriko

David Deschaintre

if you want to get that specific question answered, the answer isnt clearly answred but he *most likely* is, id rather not delve on why since itll be explained why its not certain later ij the anime itself

Cédric Michaud

12:05 I actually did figure out some things on my own, but it is also because I watched some episodes again by myself, like (not a spoiler) that Kiruko could be Haruki in his sister body when the guy on the ferm mentioned that Kiruko looks just like Kiriko with the photo and he said that Kiriko killed his brother it all clicked in my head. But to be fair at the time it was airing I was rewatching also all the episodes on multiple reaction channels week by week, so I saw more details and people in comments were theory crafting each week so it also helped a lot.


I watched the anime when it aired, maybe I just missed something on the first watch then that answers that. As for Usami and Shiro, MAL has them sharing a voice actor so that answers that question probably lol


Wow this episode really tried to confuse the viewer by putting past and present scenes and the bs stories of some swindler all together at once. The academy paper they picked up sounds like an advertisement for a summer camp/academy. Also is it possible asura has hijacked the school surveillance system or whatever ai it's operating on?


It was that funny you were trying so hard to focus on that random guy’s story to figure out things 🤣🤣But you may never know where you could actually find useful information


I find it funny that Luke tries. So hard to think of what's going on that. He is just putting random thoughts out there which I'm fine with but it's like it also kind of p***** me off. Because I keep on telling Luke to stop trying to figure things out. You are trying to put a puzzle together right now. When you don't have all the puzzle pieces yet. Wait till the end and all the puzle. Pieces will be given to you, then put it together. You're just going to confuse yourself more, Luke. If you keep on trying to think of what's going on before stuff is explained. Just relax watch the show and you'll understand everything by the end.

Harley Burnie

25:40 This is the epitome of "thinking too much into shite" activity. Contemplating and mulling over can be fun, entertaining, and rewarding, but as a manga reader, I can say that, rather than grinding your teeth over questions IMPOSSIBLE to "figure out," the time during watching the anime should be used to drive home the details, names, and events oof that period. Once I got into the manga, I was MEGA glad I caught on to the info about the kids and organizations. Deeeeeep stuff.

Harley Burnie

Wow. Exactly what I was screaming in my head, and then commenting. He's so often trying to force answers into existence, at points when he has like 12% of the facts.

Harley Burnie

26:00 Luke....why tf would anyone in this picture matter in regards to that theory?!? You are...ignoring? Obviscating? Pretending? The photo has the two siblings from the first couple of episodes, so how would Tokio being pregnant matter during their lives in the electrocardiogram racing town?


3:50 "How did Asura teleport ..." He didn't. He was never in the room - and you can tell because he wasn't in the video. he did some sort of telepathic projection. Which wouldn't be seen on camera. 16:37 People who lived through the disaster might not know what caused it. For example, if an asteroid strike caused total communication failure and you were on the opposite side of the world - you would know that something happened but you wouldn't know what. (not a dino-killer size asteroid!) I'd rule out the war explanation - even in a big nuclear exchange people would know there was a war going on and I don't see any evidence of nuclear damage or radiation.