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Here is the FULL VOD from our SWORD ART ONLINE stream! Episodes 6-10!




love the sao


ok... is it just me.. or the chat on this stream was even more insufferable then the first time ?? like holyyyy... :D you guys have a problem lmao.. geez :D

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Lisbeth is such an underrated character. I enjoy the SAO anime but I hate how much it shafts the side characters. The light novels focus a lot more on character motivations, inner monologues, and world building. The story the anime covers is mostly intact but the context in many cases is not, it’s much more surface level. I definitely recommend reading the light novels if you haven’t already


Not just you. Had to intentionally avoid looking at chat.

Саша Одинец

Yeah, it's a shame, it's not like they needed to add... Or rather, not to cut too many lines to give her identity crisis arc more foundation for viewers to see. Could've been worse of course, but unless one pays super close attention to every act and word from her, it's very difficult to reconstruct this back

Word Master Isarus

Definitely not just you, lol. I'm always having to force myself to not look at the chat on any of his twitch watch alongs. There are usually at least 1-2 people in every single one that are irritating in some way, but the SAO ones are an even bigger step up from that. Can't say I'm surprised though, XD


Was thinking the exact same.. Thank god I don't seem to be only one thinking that Especially as Cаша Одинец says too with the "copy-pasting" .. it's honestly pretty dumb I dont really get the logic in doing it either, if they want Luke to watch Abridged in the future, then why potentially ruin jokes before he even watches it? If he does I hope it'll be in videos on youtube/patreon. not on stream cus holy shit it'll probably be way worse.

Саша Одинец

I can only image what'll happen when the vods will hit YT and the comments there.. my hope is the further from first season we'll go, the easier it should get


yeh im waiting for the bunnies in bookworm tho.... :D


cardinal has the power to create ghosts so maybe it was real


a ragout is one of the best ways to bring out the meats flavor


Luke just try a Beef bourguignon at least once, and your perspective on stews will change trust me.


Yes, It's sadly one of the reasons I stopped trying to catch the streams live. The chat is always pushing it to try spoil or explain stuff before they happen or right before something is explained in the show, it's very annoying and distracting. At least with the vod uploads, I can focus on the show&reaction properly, covering chat.

brotato 96

Really the toxic fans are really insufferable this time. They are more bitchy than the actual haters. They are taking offence at every single comment that isn't praising SAO like its the most perfect and greatest story ever, even the light-hearted jokes are getting them triggered. Then they have the audacity to generalize everyone who does not like SAO as if people with criticism are just dumb who cant get the intricate details of such a masterpiece of a show or simply formed their opinion due to the abridged version. Just face reality ffs that not everyone likes SAO for their own genuine reasons.

AriaN 06

SAO anime is one of anime that you need some research by yourself to understand some logic of system and the world building. For example, everyone can wield two sword but cannot active sword skill by using it. Or later on foundation about incarnation system (Griselda and ghost from s3). Another example is about object durability especially sword that need to repair everytime they used it. And many more, about debuff that player get when they not eat (SAO Progressive). Some of it not have consistency such as blue ray that appear after warp out, delay when everyone die or taking damage, you can see at kirito health bar when blocking gleam eyes that his health bar going down because gleam eyes attack before hand, but sometimes the health bar just move fast and suddenly calculated the damage.


Day 21 requesting that we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.

Саша Одинец

Said the one who came on stream, and who's then literally second message was deleted by the moderator and the whole chat was changed to emote only lol

brotato 96

@Саша Одинец You have some serious obsession with SAO. Im not sure what you are talking about? Maybe its one of your things where you believe everyone fits into one of your super brain assumption categories.

James Collins

Horymia power couple 🙌


they did bang but obviously they didnt show it, but you can see asuna was naked in the bed afterwards


Not sure for the arguments guys but anyone can agree sao first part s1 = godly & alicization = godly. S1 part 2 and season 2 is meh


Bookworm seems that one of these days will win twitch tournament which is why I believe it won't be youtube but we will watch on stream, my opinion is this year ig it'll win at some point

brotato 96

@Frentzy Good. Someone with an actual genuine opinion. I respect that.


I am always in twitch chat every anime day and I can attest SAO streams are just different breed. The reason is SAO fans are not always multi-anime fans, for example we started with 600 ppl and ended up with 850, your average anime stream has 350-500 viewers. So you understand why toxicity increase when u add +300-500 ppl. You can find me in chat at the parts where he keep saying kiriko 💀


I'm reading a light novel right now and it doesn't say anything directly about banging


This chat is the most awful thing ever created on earth.


In the light novel, there is no entry about banging. Right after asuna was about to hit kirito. There were several additional exchanges between the characters. Kirito asked her if it was possible to do "this type of thing" in SAO and if Asuna had experience in it. To which Asuna replied "Sure not, idiot" and then talked about "Ethic code off" that makes such a thing possible. And then it was exactly like in the anime. There was not even a word that they did it.


Been looking forward to this all week!

Саша Одинец

There's a set of bonus stories Sugary Days that author made for BD release of anime as extra material, they do go into details of this and mention that they did it. Unlike 16.5, these stories are official.

Саша Одинец

Google up "Sugary Days SAO". The novels yes, don't say they did it, but these bonus stories do, and it's much more implied in the novel than in anime, based on position of Kirito on bed :)


yeah but its just made for fans that were expecting that. I don't know if that was the potential intent of this scene


the fuck was that XDD??? i just read that and i have nothing to say


@Саша Одинец please tell me its real.. with a timer or something i want a good laugh :D

Саша Одинец

I've looked it up - it's 1:40:19, but I have to admit it wasn't as bad as it was looking on stream itself. I mean there - when I looked at the chat, I saw the nickname and notification that their comment was deleted. Then all went to emotes only. Here, unless I am mistaken, we can see what the text was and it wasn't bad. A fun coincidence then xD


Luke claims they are never on the Frontline. Even though the coolest scene in s1 is literally Kirito soloing the floor boss for the highest floor currently 😂


Man I hope for bookworm reaction, never saw someone watching it. But I would prefer it outside of twitch.


I think I'm speaking out loud what most of people think... Please mute the sounds while watching. It ruined many scenes in show's. It's really annoying sometimes. But great reaction as always


I feel really spoiled by the many anime with amazing combat animation. When returning to SAO after all those years I never would have thought that it would feel so... cheap, I guess? Still entertaining, but this was a real surprise.

brotato 96

@Саша Одинец For Saying "Skill Issue"? OMG this guys has lost it or started imagining things that never happened. Like I said triggered by even the light-hearted jokes and putting all negative comments into his assumption of ignorant/ biased viewer for arguments sake. Did you take your meds today or is it going to be a date with Asuna San?

Argo Valentine

The abridged by something witty entertainment was gold. it took this anime and made it something i truely love


Pretty sure they banged


Hopefully your just counting pt1 of Alicization, because War of Underworld was hot garbage


If you weren't touched by Mothers Rosario then something is wrong, it's definitely not meh.


Luke said it best in a stream last week - "if someone else likes something, there's no reason for you to shit on them for enjoying it - just stay out of it" and that you're an arsehole if you do that. People who literally come into streams and comments with "why do you watch this, it's so bad, you should be watching something else" are just arseholes.


The SAO Haters are the worst. They jumped on bandwagon of SAO being garbage without watching it. There's a reason Japan voted it best anime of the 2010's

David Stowe

At the same time, there's sooooo many even current shows with absolutely crap animation that Sao still looks great compared to those. This season I've been enjoying strongest tank, but man, animation is so bad at times. Especially in combat.


@Саша Одинец nah that doesnt count :D even i typed that in :D but maybe i missunderstood ? anyway it came funny to me so i wrote it too and bunch of people writed it aswell and we all got our message deleted :PP

David Stowe

Typically though, stews use the tougher cuts of meat that are less suitable for fine dining. The stewing process breaks down the meat, making it more tender. But there are reasons that high grade meat isn't generally used in stew. A wagyu would almost literally just dissolve into mush when cooked in a stew. Stew isn't about bringing out a meat's flavor, it's about being able to utilize all the other cuts of meat to not waste food. Like sausage or burgers.

David Stowe

Know what, this Fandom is so crazy, I'm just going to say it. Full Metal Alchemist 2003 is better than FMA Brotherhood

brotato 96

@js like I said, people bitching about haters is wayy more apparaent then actual hate. During the whole stream I made lighthearted jokes like "skill issue", "seggs", "I love Emilia", Imo it was nothing like shitting on people for enjoying it. In general I do have dislike for SAO but I wasnt shitting on it on stream. And Even I like parts of SAO, its plot and the creative way of adding real life risk to a virtual game in every season is amazing. Its animation and OSTs are among the very good ones. But the guy who was arguing with me just want to blame everyone with a slight critisicm of SAO as an ignorant person who overlooks the details or is just biased due to Youtube or Abridged or the hate train, like others have mentioned in this thread, people do have preferences about their likes and dislikes of SAO but some people just get triggered about any of the slightest negative view of any full/parts of SAO and just start arguments.

brotato 96

@Sean this is what Im talking about. People tend to dismiss any criticism of SAO as blind hate. Their exist blind haters Im not arguing about that. But lets not label every person with slight dislike or criticism of parts of SAO as blind hater. I have watched every season and movie and as I said I dislike it, not entirely but mostly. Edit : I saw even previous comments were yours, see even you dislike War of Underworld, imagine people start arguing that you are a blind hater who cannot underrstand the details or just formed your opinion from the hate train,

brotato 96

Luke forgets things very quickly lol we have seen that in so many shows. He does have a point tho, S1 is mostly focussed on players life in Aincrad, not the floor clearing, and I like it that way, I would be bored if it was just showing them fighting floor bosses one after another. I think that would make a great concept for a battle shounen anime.

Lulu WT

Love your reactions so much and especially the SAO ones. Can't wait for you to react to more episodes.


That's why I like the games. While the story in itself is an alternate universe to the anime and LN, the games were still written by the author of the LN, so I think that the characters are written in the way he intended them to be, and you learn A LOT MORE about the characters in the games. So I highly recommend playing them, because they're quite good.


They cut it out from the anime, but in the novels it's explained that during the first day, everyone was given like 1h to be transferred to an hospital or accomodated without removing the NerveGear helmet. People who were completely alone may have died from dehydration and stuff. There were also atempts of removing the helmet which did result in casualties.


Danmachi is definitely more in depth when it comes to floors in dungeons. But the ln for SAO focuses a lot more on the floors, along with the players lives

Roxy’s Holy Relic

I played Hollow Fragment a while back and enjoyed it a lot but that’s the only SAO game I’ve played. Might have to revisit the series sometime

Devilish132 .

Wasn't it a battery? Not some given time? Even so, I always wondered what if ppl simply let battery run out, would it burn brain right before it happening or would it actually work?

Blissfull Wulf

Here I am, at 1:14:23, eating stew over rice... Luke must hate my dinner...


''I know who my money on'' ..... annnddd now hes broke. Hahaha


I just want the Aincrad arc to end so Luke can watch SAO Abridged. It can also be after ... the next one


Guys, we're already late for NerveGear level of VR. I don't think we'll be getting accel world tech by 2046 :(

Саша Одинец

@Dethrox yeah, as I said - it looked on stream worse than it ended up to be with more information at hand) who'd knew mods would be triggered by this)

Саша Одинец

@brotato you can't even read the comment when it says something beneficial to you, lol And even ended up saying here enough to show why there's no trust left in your opinions since the last post's comments

Саша Одинец

Novel covers battery too - "ten minutes of no external power or two hours of network disconnection" would lead to death.

brotato 96

@Саша Одинец Move on, your last 2 comments are just "you did not read" you are saying too much" "your opinions are invalid". The same shit you have been doing all along. Only this time your attempt is a pathetic personal attack for lack of any comeback. You got called out clearly for making things up and over generellizing every criticism. Even now doing the same thing, declaring others opinion as invalid because everything that does not agree to your intelligent brain is an ignorant and invalid opinion. Lol you never answered what detail I was missing when I said I disliked Kirito's hairstyle? According to your logic I must be surely missing something due to my ignorance and bias. One can clearly see you just dont like losing an argument even when you have nothing for a comeback you are just playing the game where you want to feel like you are winnig by leaving the last comment. how hard is it for you to accept that people can dislike SAO for genuine reasons. Atleast 2 other people on this thread mentioned not liking parts of SAO. And "No trust left"? Says the guy who was making up fake arguments like saying "skill issue" is a hate comment? Or maybe that just seeing my username got you trigerred and all that you could notice was my username and chat being limited to emojis and you connected 2 and 2 for your own convenience of thinking every SAO critic must be a blind hater.

brotato 96

I have not seen FMA 2003 but even there at the FMA subreddit they clearly say that both shows are equally good. Its just that FMAB got popular and just like me most people got recommended to watch FMAB for relevance, and the fact that its closer to source material. Anyway whats better is purely subjective.

Dr. A

I think it's mostly downhill after the boss fight tbh.


'it could juust be the game AI decided to show an image of the dead girl there.. it doesnt have to be a ghost.. its inside a game afterall


Remember that episode where he passively regens health? No? Ok then.

Саша Одинец

It was against low lever bandits that just didn't do enough damage. It's not gonna help if another frontline player would attack you. In fact, if you check the health bar of Schmitt, you'll see more HPs than Kirito had being higher level a story prior.


It's not enough in combat but how about outside it? Why is he sitting at 3hp after beating the boss when in 10s he should be 503hp or so?

Саша Одинец

Games were not written by author of the LN. He may have suggested a thing or two, but certainly didn't wrote them - just check the credits. Personally, as a fan of LN I'd rather replay Elden Ring as better representation of game mechanics, and go for audiobooks when it comes to characters. Can't connect to SAO games much.

Daniel Turchan

Funny how episode 7 he said it changes what the anime is about for that episode, for anyone whose watched the whole thing, this episode is actually closer to the plot of the entire show than any other episode b4… this isn’t spoiler right? I hope not🤷‍♂️ Ok, also, the abridge series HAS to happen now, he’s gonna LOVE it


one thing in particular :D ''plothole'' :O phssssss (not hating..) they just wanted to make it looks serious and forgot passive healing exist lol edit: actually that passive regen was insane.. :D those bandits were doing ok dmg to him imo but the ''passive healing'' was outmatching them.. yea passive healing like this in combat would beating any boss like nothing.. :D just switch to someone else and in like 10 seconds your hp is full xD its obvious the healing doesnt work when you fight boss and it shouldnt work with the bandiths aswell i call big plot hole..

Yami Shoumetsu

This is the weird thing I find in this anime. In any mmo if you join a guild, other players can see your basic info like name, level, etc. when viewing the list of members in the guild. This is needed because how the fuck are you gonna manage a guild without knowing the basic info about your members like level. This is why that part about him hiding his level on that old guild was so odd when I was watching it.

Martin Mikuláš

Im just saying alrigth. All im saying is im just saying. you know what im saying? xDDDD


They definitely did it 1) There was an additional chapter with a detailed description of the "event" 2) The author himself confirmed it when asked, so it's canon 3) And to top it off, even in the anime Asuna is sleeping without underwear when Kirito wakes her up

Robert Becker

Asuna is the most Loyal girl of all time.


Honestly that abridged is only after he has fully finished the show


You wondered why she was focused on food, it's because Kirito taught her to try different things to change taste in this world, that is the reason why Asuna went mental on cooking skills. That was in the first episodes of this story when he met Asuna.

Abe J

The amount of spoilers in that chat is literally non stop. Don't you have mods to ban these pos people.


51:43 Kirito already had two swords, if you know what I'm saying ;)

Harley Burnie

Yeah, I can't grok why it's not debated by folks. I get that Japan has hella more intense views on chastity and responsibility, but....teenagers....alone with THE person they trust most.....thinking they could die every single day....tbh, you'd be lucky to get me out of the house more than 3 days a week! Reki made the chapter, it makes sense, and it be heartbroken if these people didn't have that blessing of intimacy.


I am afraid, that could mean banning 25% of the community, Luke and the mods worked so hard for to build up. 😂


You would enjoy the SAO Abridged so much, for me it is actually so much better than the original yet I love the original.


TECHNICALLY, a ghost inside a game could be realistic. Not like in horror movies, but more like a shade. Something that just lingers around and doesn't interact with the world itself. Their minds are directly linked to the game trough a neuronal interface. A "game" like SAO would need to read many information from your brain to work the way it is shown in this anime. Including memories, which are stored in different parts of the brain's neuronal network, in a form similar to electric impulses, but more complex. Therefore, it is possible that an advanced enough device could read a person's Hippocampus, Neocortex, Amygdala and parts of the basal ganglia and cerebellum, to access a player's memories and store them on a server. And if the game's device can read the electric impulses from the Amygdala, where complex emotionally significant memories like joy, love and grief are stored, then those memories could take on some kind of temporal form, visible to players. This would be the Ghost. At least until the main CPU's scripts completely shred (yes, shredding is the actual term) the memory files from the server.


The "U" sound IS actually pronounced in Japanese, Luke. But not very strongly though. Think of how you would pronounce the "U" in truce. Just a mild "U" sound you can barely hear.


The anime doesn't do the Liz episode justice compared to the novel. In the novel it was really sweet, especially since you get her internal thoughts


Food is japanese culture. Most regions in japan are known by the japanese for their specific food. You need a Food Wars run. Very fun, very tasty, very sus.


Wish people in the chat would avoid trying to spoil, kudos to the mods for monitoring them when they could.

Саша Одинец

If the chapter you mean is 16.5 - it's not canon, and not something Reki rewrote to be canon when Light Novels began. But as a matter of fact, BD versions of anime had bonus short stories written by him that *are* written with modern canon in mind, are official, and confirm that they did have fun that night.. and more... Just google up Sugary Days SAO. Japan was fine with that :)


@Dethrox I don't see how regenerating 4% of your HP per 10 seconds is "insane" at all. In boss fights, even in SAO, they sometimes lose like half their HP in seconds. And in MMOs in general, you can often lose half your HP in seconds, and regenerating half your HP in seconds is not uncommon either. I don't see why the regen shouldn't work during a battle - I've seen regen work all the time in games more often than not. Also I wouldn't say the bandits did "ok damage" to him - they would have had to keep hitting him for 6 minutes straight with no resistance to kill him with no regen. Considering there are MMOs where duels between equal opponents can last like 5 seconds total, that's forever.

Pro Anime Fan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-03 07:39:20 Wait so if he watches five episodes each stream that would mean gooooood things.
2024-02-29 14:23:11 Wait so if he watches five episodes each stream that would mean gooooood things.

Wait so if he watches five episodes each stream that would mean gooooood things.

Daniel Winciansen

i just read the the ln scene and GOD DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!! that was beyond anything i have ever read, never have i gotten a boner from a text


Luke I beg of you you must watch the abridged version when you finish

Eric Michel

As a chef i can tell you one thing: i'm dying inside each time i play a game/MMO and i look closely at cooking crafting's logic. But of course a blacksmith would do the same when looking at the blades. We must remember: no author is an expert in all those skills they talk about, and rarely do they do a thorough research on the subject (which is understandable). Thus we need to disconnect quite a bit in those instances to retain pleasure watching and not cringing.


1:54:50 and really pretty fkin dumb cuz he should v just use it from the get go like a normal dude XD


to the people saying the ghost thing is let unexplained: that's not true; think about the fluctlights in alicization

Mike Baker

I am now =definitely= imagining an alternative SAO with a female protagonist named “Kiriko”. Just to be clear, apart from a gender-bent protagonist every other character remains the same, and there are no alterations to the story (including the marriage to Asuna).

Tamus Heath

If you want a couple to get together and just be happy, check out Horimiyo, das tha good shii


I always get chills with the Gleam Eyes fight. The song Swordland kicks in, Kirito pulls up with his dual wield skill, and just proceeds to wreck the boss.


New member here, I love your reaction videos. Also, I recommend you to watch Log Horizon, it's similar to SAO but more focus on world building

Sean Mcguinness

Gonna be honest there are at least 100 shows I would rather him watch before Log Horizon. It's a decent enough watch, but honest It's kinda upper-mid, especially considering It's length and pacing.

Markus Wallin

Stews have been cooked for thousands of years, no one had an electric appliance called "Stew master 2000". People chucked a cast iron ppan into the fire, fire-pit, oven, or even into the ground burried under hot rocks etc.


there is plenty gender bender art of kirito out there