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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Episode 10!!!




the blond maid is a slime and she just absorbed that guy to eat him. the light novel also says the guy is fully conscious and in pain as he's slowly digested over the next few day


This anime is actually extremely dark, at least in my opinion, keep watching and you will understand why. 👍


fun fact:the author wanted to name him brian but after misspelling it he decided to go along with brain


Who would make the sacrifice and touch the booba


Lampreys are a species of fish in real life, they call her that because she looks like one, you can google it if you’re curious.


i love Stoganoff beef in this episode


Yikes, I forgot how hideous Shalltear can be and miss those to slaves 😢 Has Ainz enjoyed the voice of his friend’s sister?🤭 Misterious player/item ? Ainz the smartest! He is always 10000 years ahead!


Aura is one of the dark elf twins, she is the ranger who met with Ainz in the forest and drew out The Wise King of the Forest to go fight Ainz. I don't blame you for forgetting names, you are watching several anime at the same time and go a few days in between episodes so it is a lot to remember. I would say the most important ones to keep track of are the floor guardian NPCs (other than Ainz obviously) which are: Albedo, Shalltear, Demiurge (demon with the tail), Aura and Mare (twin dark elves, Aura girl that dresses like a boy and Mare boy that dresses like a girl), and Cocytus (giant blue insect)

Russell Gambardella

Lmao at Luke’s face when Solution creepily smiled


She’s just standing there…menacingly!


Fun non-spoiler fact from the Light Novel that will not be explained in the anime, the "Boobs eating people" are because Solution Epsilon (the blonde crazy woman) is a killer slime that just assumes human form, so her actual body is a slime that devoures and melts people and she enjoys the sensation of a human being melted inside her


Why was the last episode messed up? Don't you like hugs from a hot skeleton? 😈

Niko He

For now just imagine Shalltear in a kind of paralyzed state, it will all be explained.

NB Rem

A lot of overlord is assuming we don't have information yet like seen in this ep. We should just assume that ainz gave orders to shalltear, sebas, and solution that we weren't made aware of. The shorty shalltear was talking about was Aura the girl of the elf twins I don't know if it's stated but solution, the girl with the big bazongas, is a slime The voice actress is the sibling and not another sibling

Ranhar Liscan

if i correct remember in Nazarick, the only human are Sebastian, others are some demons, creatures.So Nabe and Solution are also not human And before Shaltear was "defeat" she strike that woman, who cast spell on her, so whatever she was doing was not finished fully or fail after her death.


Sebas is not a human. In the light novel he is described as "Heteromorphic Race", which goes the same for any other Nazarick character, even Ainz.


Clementine mentioned this Brain guy btw :D that he and Gazef are like on her level or could even beat her or something.. so that you know of what ''pests'' are we dealing with here xD

Kamil Butala

It is probably a darkest anime when you get to season 4 i guess


"Why is Shalltear so mean?" First: let´s not forget that almost every NPC in Nazarick is evil, with very few exceptions. In Shalltear's case: her karma value is at negative 450: Very~Extremely Evil. Second: she has a very sadomasochistic nature (since Peroronchino gave her basically every fetish that exists). That basically means: while she is an absolute sadist towards anyone weaker than her, she takes joy from actually being dominated (not that she would allow anyone weaker than her to dominate her). And no, Albedo did NOT mean Shalltear's "Blood Frenzy" when she said "betrayed". The reason for that is what happened afterwards when she encountered the other group of people in the forest. It also seems that you missed a (to be fair, easy to miss) detail in the scene where she suddenly went "idle mode". The clothes of that woman started to glow, and then a light-dragon-like "thing" was shot at shalltear that the same time when she killed those two people, including the woman wearing that dress. That thing is in fact the source of the mind control Shalltear is now subject to (which in fact, should not be possible). Don´t worry, it's going to be explained what exactly happened (well, not everything, but most of it, and the rest can be deducted from what is going to be shown).


im pretty sure we gona have to explain few things after season 1 what exactly happend cause i dont think Luke will get it :D


thats.. not even close though.. :D but i cant say more.. :D


As i recall, Nazarick is only for none-humans right? or was that only a rule for players to join?


One of the pleasures of "Isekai Quartet" is Sebas and Wilhelm hanging out. New drinking game. Luke says, "I don't understand." DRINK! Note: there's a decent chance you'll die of alcohol poisoning after any reaction if you play this game. trivial SPOILER 10:01 "are we going to not address the boobs that eat people?" Once you've seen more fantasy anime it's SCREAMINGLY obvious what she is. In fact, you've already seen "reincarnated as a slime"


well tbh.. Shalltear didnt really said to the ''bride'' go attack him :D she was kinda pissed and attacked on her own so there was a little bit of insubordination on her side.. imo :D the little pull agains the wall could be deserved and im pretty sure it didnt hurt much lol


Sebastian is a dragon or somthing dragon related i belive he is a dragonborn


Yes, Solution is one of the Battle Maids. When Shalltear is teasing Aura she calls Aura Shorty. BukuBuku Chagama is the voice actor and Peroroncino is her younger brother, just like Aura is the older sister to Mare. 8:30 By Zach's red nose you can tell he's a boozer, and wanting to cop a feel during the slaughter just shows how the booze has rotted his brain, a perfect example for the Temperance Union. Solution is a slime and a sadist, she pulled Zach in, kept him alive for days while slowly dissolving him and enjoyed hearing him scream.


You clearly didn't like moonlight dance with a lich to the death, but how do you like "Huge Gozangas" as you call them sucking you literally inside =)


Well, I’m going to have nightmares tonight. Day 15 requesting that we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.


Brian LMAO. Yes, THE Brian hahahahah. The one who fought equally against strongest warrior Gajeff Manemajeff

Shawn Oxley

Brain and Gazeff are two of my favourite overlord characters, goated humans in the verse


yeah because he was putting it in a way devoid of spoilers unlike your comment which implies otherwise


you do realise he only picks anime that win the polls tournament right? stop flooding since he wont react to it even if he saw all of ur messages


There is no humans in actual ruling npc's of Nazarick. The guild was made to be non-human in players and npc that was their guild rule. So if you wanted to join this guild in the GAME you needed to make non-human character in the game to join. This rule followed for all the NPC's they made in the guild. This explains a lot of how Albedo and Nabe at this point have called humans as lower life forms.


She didn't say ever they could beat her, but they were the only opponents in this kingdom that could have given her a fight. Clementine was in human strength really strong person, but she met Ains and there is only one result meeting him.


Best Boi in all of Nazarick shows up next episode!!!!!!


Ok so, Shalltear was created by Peroroncino, while Aura (the girl elf that dresses like a boy) was created by his sister Bukubuku Chagama. Peroroncino (the brother) and Bukubuku Chagama (the sister) are siblings. The sister voice acted in an 18+ game that the brother bought, and he was complaining that he can't spank his monkey to his sisters voice.


Shalchair best girl :D

Bård Fredrikson

When Shalltear was mind-controlled, she killed the caster taking over her mind, as we saw, and therefore nobody was around to give her any orders.

Tamus Heath

Absolutely; Brain and Gazef were both mentioned by Clementine as being around her level along with two others (the realm of heroes, would it be spoilers to say what ~Level in game that is?), and all 5 of them are great characters for different reasons.


The red haired person was the one Ainz gave a potion to. She then brought it to the pharmacist grandma.

Hikari Ai

Every single one in Nazarick are monsters. Their names are usually hints to what they are. For example, Solution is a slime girl.

Tico Machi

I'd say Mushoku Tensei is more serious, but Overlord is darker. The overall theme, setting and general portrayal of Overlord is dark, but not necessarily quite as serious.

Pelle Andersson

Something to take into account when watching overlord. You are going to be confused alot thats just how the story is being told. But aslong as you pay some kind of attention and remember what is happening or has happend in the past episodes/seasons you will understand at a later point. Also whenever a new season come out i recommend you either rewatch on your free time or skim through to refresh you'r memories. Its going to be alot of things happening at the same time. You will be confused but dont worry you will understand later. Something you might have missed. Gown and his followers are unknown to the world, and they are currently gathering information to understand if there is a threat as they said in a previous episode. Its a very story heavy series rather then action packed animation. If you are confused about some parts and ask for questions that is supposed to be hidden and someone answer you might indirectly spoil yourself. Just go with the storys flow its amazing and you will love it 100%. If you wanna know something it will be most likely answered by watching later episodes.


that's a nice definition. He def takes the story less serious, dude about to get chopped but luke is having fun. Can't say the same in mushoku, he's tense there during the scene.


by miss information ? :D also i didnt say anything^^ in contrary with others here lol


nitpicking much ?? i said ON her level or COULD... or SOMETHING :D


Peroronchino- the bird dude, programmed and designed Shalltear, the loli vampire. He is a massive fan of adult games. Bukubuku Chagama- who you haven't seen- designed the twin elves:Mare Who is a boy who dresses like a girl and Aura who is a girl who dresses like a boy. Bukubuku Chagama is Peroronchino's sister and voice acts in adult games. Because Peroronchino and Bukubuku Chagama were constantly ripping into each other while playing the mmo, Shalltear believes that carrying on the tradition with Aura will honour the memory of the beings that created them.


I'm starting to think about writing a browser script that mutes the sound in Luke's video for the first 5 seconds...

Niko He

I know thats not her actual state, but since it is a little more complicated, I think that makes her behavior more understandable for a person who doesn´t know anything about it until Ainz will explain. And yes, I´m trying to avoid spoilers...


I think it makes sense, Luke can mention it on the stream, others can see it and vote. I'm not going to vote or watch Bookworm again, but I don't mind this kind of campaigning 😂


Wait I only know the Saturday and Sunday slots uses the tourney system, but the slot that is currently heavenly delusion and soon to be Vinland saga (never seen those shows appear in tourney either), I never worked out how those anime is decided. I wasn’t aware of any voting or discussion bout it and Luke just announces what show is replacing them….. which is probly why it gives hope for bookworm haha.

kazadori164 .

one thing you should keep in mind when watching overlord, is that none of the people from nazaric are human, they may LOOK human but they are not. soulion as her name implies is a slime type monster in the shape of a boxom woman


aura is one of the elf


Shalltear best girl.

Itto Sanzzo

It's a bit of a spoiler, but yes. It won't be really explained in the anime, so saying it here is the best, but I think it would be better to explain in the next episode's comments...

Marcio Neves

Yep. She also mentioned other two person, wich will be introduced in the following seasons :)

Marcio Neves

2:37 dude, get used to it. There will be LOTs of "side plots" and schemes that the show introduces as "ongoing", and you will learn what it is by watching it :D

Marcio Neves

6:50 Luke and his small bird memory 😂

Marcio Neves

25:48 this part bugs me, because in the first episode it was stated very clear that none of the game "system screens" existed anymore, since everything "became real". But after the second episode it seems they kinda "backtracked" on that concept 😅


Hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha you think that was shalltear being mean, you have to be insane if you think that is her being mean. she has every kink and loves torture all of the things. That was kind of her to do.



Nihilistic Blue

i like how Luke is always confused in every single episode of anime he watches, "i dont understand!", "what just happened!", "what is going on!" and pauses before the anime explains the thing he is asking questions about haha. I dont remember needing to overthink anything but maybe because im used to anime from a young age. You either need a good memory or write down information in a notebook because juggling so many anime gets hard as a reactor and you will keep getting confused because theres so many plots and characters in various anime. I understand how you said it can feel less authentic in your reactions and its fine so far with the "clueless luke" but eventually its going to get annoying for many viewers.

Yami Shoumetsu

Remember that they mentioned that she is under some mind control. We saw that some skill/magic was casted on her by that woman from the group and then we can also see that she managed to pierce that woman before the mind control take effect. And in the end we see Shalltear alone chilling there in the forest. Using all the points i mentioned, We can infer that the woman who casted the mind control died before ordering Shalltear any order which is why Shalltear is just there chilling under a mind control with no orders whatsoever.

Bryan Wells

Bro Luke they literally said that shes under mind control lol

Bryan Wells

Bro Luke nobody whose watched this show remembers how goofy and cheeky the first episode was, that episode is such an anomoly from the rest of the entire show that I honestly forgot that it was as silly as it was. This show is very serious in its nature, and it is merciless about killing off really likeable characters in a heartbeat (as you've already seen :'( ). It is one of my favorite shows for a reason, the character and world building is on another level and there is just so much going on that still needs to be answered (season 5 when?!? ;-; ).


I think there is a difference between the personal system screens from the game (spell slots and inventory and such), and the specific system used to keep track of Nazarick. Don't quite remember though

BRUNO Marques

Sebastian is Dragonoid, not Human. The only human is Aureole Omega one of the maids. You never see her in the anime, may see her in the movie coming soon. She is an area guardian for the 8th floor, and like every other npc in the 8th floor but Victim, never leaves her post.


Can't wait for the next ep and next season!!!!!!


Oh dang you are in for a treat now

Tsusaku Cohenat

Solution is a corrosive slime (btw her name is pointing to what she is) and she is extremely sadistic. That man would wish he was dead. She did swallow him inside her and she will slowly dissolve him, and by slowly i mean weeks, and all that time he will be alive (she knows how to keep her prey alive even when they are mostly dissolved) and in extreme, excrutiating pain. About the thing with Shaltear and Aura. Shaltear calls Aura chibiko, which means shorty. Their makers are siblings, Peroronchino, the maker od Shaltear and Bukubukuchagama the maker of Aura, she is the sister and she is as well the seyiuu (voice actress), Peroronchino was speaking about her, when he was talking about the erotic game he bought, in which she voiced one of the characters.


that is a novel only info: He can access the Nazarick options (like autmatic defense mechanisms etc.) on the throne and nowhere else, all other information windows vanished into thin air and are gone.


i didnt mean you :D by ''others'' i meant this whole comment section^^ dw


Potion has nothing to do with it :D its a healing potion and Shalltear is undead so healing spells actually hurt her including the potion i believe Skyrim had the same rules :D and surely more games too

Kaning Guliko

Hi Luke!! Have you ever heard of “Ninja Kamui” ? This show is so fire!!🔥🔥🔥 It’s just came out 1 episode but I’m so hyped! The animation is so amazing 🤩

Miklar Sihn

They have a few episodes like that in overlord. They usually occur episode 1 or 2 of a season.


I completely forget Luke is watching the censored version. Only noticed it in this episode where Shalltear cuts off the guys hand when she comes out of the carriage.


The streaming versions are most of the times censored (depending on the show of course). Overlord has an uncensored version which has more gore on the blu-ray release (https://www.tumblr.com/lord-momonga/150050234010/the-uncensored-version-of-overlord-is-oddly?source=share here is the scene I mentioned in my comment). Even the Aot streaming version had censored gore and for Mushoku Tensei as example two sex scenes were darkened out/shortened or cut entirely.

Julius Cesar

When I first watched Overlord I was confused about why shaltear was there alone, but looking this time I do realize why she is not moving. ( Right before she was mind controlled she threw out a crazy attack at the caster.)


I watched the blurays for my first time through the show. So I got the full experience.


Bro that Caster did not have a good day...they were like "Haha you have fallen for my mind co..AHHHHH!!!!! *dies*"


just give small advice for you Luke ,if you confuse just rewind a bit because you often MISREAD Subs and make you Confuse yourself

Antoine Jones

youd watch a horor movie sabout boobs? well they made one about a giant godzilla sized boob that would roll around the city destroying things and crushing ppl and spraying boob milk on them that was acidic sooooo there ya go


Each of the Pleiades Battle Maids are all different inhuman races(besides Omega). Solution Epsilon, who you've just now properly met, happens to be a Predator Slime. She ate/dissolved the guy.


There was a vote, Luke just watches the anime in descending order of the number of votes on it

Bård Fredrikson

Yeah, I only explained as much because he already came half-way to conclusion by himself and it's not really gone in-depth in the anime itself.

Tom Boggess

Aura is the tomboy dark elf. The one who wears pants, not the skirt.


The sister created the Dark Elf Twins, the brother created Shalltear many of the 41 Supreme Being created NPCs. The sister does voice acting for adult games.


Interesting note about Shalltear as previously mentioned she has ALL the fetishes, but she is also the only Guardian sexually active. I bring this up here because this is where the book does.


Brain is one of the names mentioned by Clementine as one of the people who had a chance of beating her.


Not only did Shalltear catch his sword, she did it from the inside, which is even more insane that just catching it.


18:11 That is her true form, the other is just a glamour a fake, a fabrication.


Lamprey is a type of blood sucking eel.


The adventures had a runner, the party leader yelled out about how there was a vampire and such, but those present could just see that so it was for the benefit of the ranger who stayed back so that he could run back to the city and report it while they tried (and failed) to kill it.


Another fantasy series (that I would recommend) "SLAYERS" follows a similar formula in that it gets more serious the closer to the end of the story arc but then goes back to comedy right after. Though SLAYERS is a comedy anime and Overlord isn't.

john cody ramsey (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-26 01:37:05 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.
2024-02-22 21:48:12 "Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.

"Why is Shaltear so mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHA don't read the light novel. and Solution is part of the slime race I believe.