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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to HEAVENLY DELUSION Episode 4!!




my theory is that racing sister shot herself after finding half eaten bro. You can hear gunshot sound when screen turns black.

Muligan Shinzuo

"They are all a bunch of weirdoes" D: LUKE be nice, they are kids. You are doing well picking up clues here and there. We are at 1/3rd of the series so we probably do not have all the information we need, so do not fret if your theory turns out to be wrong. Keep up the good work!

Victoria Pritchard

My partner forgets Japanese names aswell lol.


Need a break from mysteries and weirdness? I recommend a helping of bookworm. Day 13 recommending we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.


honestly stop thinking ur gonna look stupid, you're not gonna understand stuff right now and thats just the nature of this show, no ones gonna think ur stupid and if anyone does then theyre the idiot cuz this isnt a show that gives you everything on a silver platter, just roll with it

_____ Rasse _____

Don't worry. Everyone looks stupid when watching this show for the first time.


Again, Luke, don't worry too much about looking like an idiot. Heavenly Delusion is more complex than average and builds its mysteries over time, so it's normal to be confused, to not understand everything right away. It's a big puzzle, one piece at a time. Just pay attention and everything will fall into place. The main difference with what anime usually does is that Heavenly Delusion won't tell you how the puzzle pieces fit together. It won't tell you "this element I've just shown is linked to that one in that way and for that reason". It's up to you to make the work. We have to let you cook and not spoil you. All I can say is that this episode lays down some important pieces of the puzzle...but not enough for you to understand yet. You seem to have understood what you needed to understand from this episode, so everything's fine. Don't worry :). Just pay attention and the main pillars of the story will be easy to understand. If you miss any important or secondary details, the comments will kindly point them out.

Keith Merrington

When Tokio said "I want it to be Kona" this should have been translated to "I wan't it to be you". Japanese rarely uses pronouns - the use of someone's name even when talking to them is usual. It sounds weird if you translate it verbatim though.


Don't worry about not understanding the story so far. I suppose it was written that way for a reason. everything come into a full circle one day we're only getting random crumbs at the moment


Weird kids… weird system (but it is cool sending those pics to the right person 🤣) I think Maru-touch it sound good for a spell in Witcher. Don’t worry, you are doing too much at the same time. You could drop Saturday and Sunday streams for a few extra HxH episodes 😁


Honestly, I think all the kids in that facility have their own ability... Kuku might be like spiderman, that one kid has crazy physical abilities, Mimihime seems to have precog... maybe Tokio has an ability to ghost electronics

Karen Porter

12:22 I'm thinking the blond haired girl, Tokio, has a latent ability that hides them, and whoever's near them, in this case Kuku, from being picked up by the cameras. Kuku seems to have frog like abilities, hence her ability to stick to walls and such. Her personality and appearance are very reminiscent of another "frog" character from an anime you haven't seen yet, so I won't mention her here, but she's fantastic. 23:18, this honestly also seems a plausible explanation for why these kids have abilities, if they're placing consciousnesses into man eater babies and creating hybrids, with the failed versions being sent out into the world and that's what the "Man Eaters" actually are?! You're right... this show is very wierd and the so are all the characters. Also, yes, Kona is the artist kid. I believe there isn't really a word for "you" in Japanese, so they just use their names in place of it, and it was literally translated this time.


The kids were raised without knowledge of gender or love or anything that might come with it.

Daniel Costello

I just thought it was the doctor doing it so that he could experiment on them without people asking questions. I don’t think she had a gun

rostikowb (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-18 01:47:37 Spoiler alert! I just noticed that the monsters and children in the incubator have those circles on their faces, I didn't notice it before
2024-02-18 01:44:54 Spoiler alert! I just noticed that the monsters and children in the incubator have those circles on their faces, I didn't notice it before

Spoiler alert! I just noticed that the monsters and children in the incubator have those circles on their faces, I didn't notice it before


When I watch reaction channels with analytical type of content, I always feel like I'm the dumb one and others can quickly figure out what's going on... That's why I like to watch Luke, Luke so often makes mistakes, misses something, or misunderstands that I'm getting better 😂


I'm going to be honest, on my first watch I didnt even catch the fact that Mina helped Tokio not get caught


Luke and I got the same idea with the human/monster hybrid. However, I think the tomboyish girl's ability is that she doesn't show up on digital. I took the robot's response to mean my sensors detected an anomaly but I cannot pinpoint what the issue is. It requires further investigation. The artist boy's ability is his art. He is drawing things that he has never seen before. Or maybe even CREATING them. Like that fish was in his artbook before. The photo confuses me a bit. It was taken from a 3rd person point of view which I initially thought was a camera with a timer, but the girl said she didn't send it. Could be possible ability, maybe Luke's system theory is correct, or another "child" sent it. The phoenix logo on the gun is sus. It has a sun and three legs. Makes me think of rebirth. Maybe the goal of this facility is to raise human/monster hybrids and observe their development. To what end? Safely incorporate monster dna into humans to make it easier for humans to live in post apocalyptic world or maybe just to make superhumans. Who knows? Luke is actually doing really well putting two and two together.


It's a case of inconsistent translation. In Japanese, both of them said similar things: "I'd like it to be Kona.". "I want it to be Tokio too.". However, for some dumb reason they decided to translate the first one directly and change it for "you" in the second one. That's 100% on the translators. As mentioned by others, even when speaking one on one directly to the person, in Japanese it's perfectly normal to use a person's name, position (like in a company), title, etc. Actually, this way is much more common in Japanese than using pronouns like "you" (not even mentioning that there are a couple dozen different ways in Japanese to say "you", yes, seriously), so translators usually pick one way of "localizing" this particular oddity of Japanese and stick to it across the entire translation. Here, they are inconsistent between two sentences spoken almost back to back, which is dumb. Also yes, don't worry about not understanding anything. And please don't get angry or worked up about it. Heavenly Delusion is much more complex and nuanced than your usual mystery anime, so you're not supposed to really understand much of anything yet.

Hawk of Battle

Doesn't help himself when he doesn't follow names given not 30 seconds beforehand and then has to rewatch the same lines of dialogue 3 times over to get the conversation.

Hawk of Battle

Luke's confusion is reaching peak levels with this episode. And this show isn't even THAT confusing really. There's a lot of stuff you don't know, but the general plot threads within each of the two storylines is fairly easy to follow. At this point I'd love to see Luke try and tackle an anime that's REALLY confusing, like Evangelion or Higurashi.


I didnt finish this anime. maybe I will try again with u. I already download all episodes on disney+ so I did my deed.

Peter Parker

bro this anime is soo bizarre. so much questions


That 1 girl's face looks like a frog, so I'm guessing she has frog abilities. That's why she was able to climb on the side of the wall.


I'm just gonna say this. I don't know but I don't think any of the characters Are connected to one another. I think the art style just the way they drew them makes them look very similar. I think that's all it is.


I think this and code geass are series you should be allowed to make mistakes cuz it's about using your brain and interpretability. But other shows.. no cutting slack. Shows that are straightforward ppl should be mad and not shows like these who are literally made so you get confused.


I'm caught up!!! Listen Luke, you are doing great, considering this show doesn't take our hand AT ALL so we just have to theorize things up. Actually, even me that have already seen this didn't come up with some of your theories and some does make sense! Don't be so hard on yourself and it's ok to ignore comments of people just wanting to feel superior because they already watch it and knows what happens lol As long as you know who Kiriko/Haruki, Maru and Tokio are, you are good.

Kyle Garrett

I'm assuming that facility is creating hybridized clones of humans and some alien life form, and that when they start to deteriorate they become failed hybrids and man-eaters. Makes me wonder if the thing running the facility is the 'mother' for the clones and source of the alien DNA, rather than an AI. I'm assuming hybrids all have special powers, which is why they're being created in the first place, and if the facility controller is a captured alien, that'd explain why it's helping conceal those kids, who seem to be its children. Wouldn't even surprise me if that captured creature is the one that sent him the message about going outside the outside. Could also be possible that these creatures are given human memories so they can assume human form to interact with humans, and the man-eaters outside are just trying to acquire the memories of humans they consume, but that approach is temporary rather than long term? Not sure. In that context perhaps the person that gave the laser gun thing to the boy in a girls body (forget their name) is a faction working with the aliens and their object is to free the captured alien and the hybrids? Would explain why they have such advanced tech. Though we haven't seen any other signs of aliens at all. Maybe it's a situation where a single alien crashed? They experimented, the man-eaters (failed experiments) got loose and that caused society to collapse? Idk.

Kyle Garrett

Ooh maybe you're right about blonde kid being the girls clone. Perhaps the vial he's supposed to inject into blonde kid awakens her memories so she can be alive again?

noah van den berg

luke: ''the thing that annoys me so much is a lot of the characters look so similar.'' just wait until you start watching demon slayer. this is a very normal thing in anime where, because of the artstyle, especially younger people all have similarly drawn faces. so unless there are more features that 2 people have in common besides there faces, 98% of the time they aren't related to each other.


17:06 She wasn't poisoned. She was stunned by the bad pun (which you completely missed) Toucan is some sort of red bean paste candy. I imagine if you used it to make a bread stew (which they did) it'd be ok.

Harley Burnie

The utter irony of you, Luke, trying to "piece it together" while watching Heavenly Delusion....lolz. This is one anime that you can't get hung up on the "whys" or "hows." The best way to enjoy it is to go along and remain bewildered. I've read way ahead in the manga, and I can attest that it's seriously best to not hurt yourself trying to be a detective.