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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to RE:ZERO Episode 20!!




Overlord Openings are #5 must viewed video on Lukes main channel, 16month ago. Its time to watch it ;)


I think people want overlord because of it's deep lore that isn't explained in the anime that much and people love to add it in the comments of your videos (and I love reading them lol)

Muligan Shinzuo

What if we tie first place in the votes? Do we get both? :)


If you watch Overlord you can watch Isekai Quartet season 1 without missing anything. Rising of the Shield Hero would be good for season 2, but not really required since the main cast is still the characters from KonoSuba, Re:Zero, Tanya, and Overlord


Demon Slayer is criminally overrated.

William Armstrong

Recommendaton for additional content 1. Rezero shorts- especially the break time episodes that aired to accompany the first half of season 1, and all of season 2. Here is one for each re-zero epsode each episode each one is only 2-3 minutes long but adds some little plot details and humor to the story 2. Echidnut/ aninews youtube videos on missing content from each episode of re-zero 3. Reading small segments like The key chapter that was missing from season the “the ride in the dragon carriage with al and Priscilla, and IF stories 4. The whole Web novel/ Light Novel. Re-zero is based on series of Novels that contain a ton of information on the characters and world missing from the anime. Doing actual reactions to those might be tough, though there some channels that devote themselves to it, and many more that do reviews/ analysis of specific books/chapters/mysteries after they read them.


The Roswaal-Subaru snow statue that Ram & Rem built in the movie was a really big easter egg for this episode. 🤣


This man cannot just stop with trying to make connections to Emilia and Satella lmao. Lineage just referred to them both being half elf


Camera is on Echidna's plots as they can't show her face and most of all the eyes as in all anime eyes tell a lot of how the character is actually behaving.


Though Betty is a spirit & can be quite distant & standoffish , we see that she has a soul capable of expressing emotion. I really enjoyed that moment she had with Ryuzu.

Lu C

I have a question... The non adapted content is still part of the anime characters motives/actions? Or is it done like the characters never experienced something, so they don't have any connection to that (for example in LOTR movies they cut Tom Bombadil content so there is no even a hint about him)?

Tamus Heath

Mmm, exactly. She's so duplicitous that nothing she says or does can be trusted; the anime tells you this by refusing to show her eyes despite how much they tell for every other character. You cannot know her true intentions for anything


Hector doesn't talk and dress like Roswaal It's quite the opposite, I suppose

Jeff Drake

Okay, Luke. Let’s talk about the Catholic Church a bit. Back in the early period of the church, a lot of debates and considerations were addressed by theologians. It was Rome after all, and they took a lot from the Greek traditions of philosophical debate. What we’re focusing in on is the nature of sin and what sins were considered the most destructive, heinous and vile. In the fourth Century, a monk by the name of Evagrius Ponticus codified the Catholic Devotions designed to address what were considered the worst of the worst sins. Those being: Gula, or Gluttony as it’s known today Luxuria/Fornicatio or Lust Avaritia or Greed Ira or Wrath Acedia or Sloth Superbia or Pride Vangloria or Vanity And Tristitia or Sorrow/Despair or Melancholy Notice anything? Yup, Envy is missing from that list. So let’s move forward to 590 AD and Pope Gregory I, who revised the list to the Cardinal Sins, or what we now call the Seven Deadly Sins: Greed Lust Gluttony Wrath Sloth Pride Envy I don’t know why anime seems to have taken a liking to the Seven Deadly Sins, but it’s been shown in a few really popular series: Full Metal Alchemist (which if you haven’t watched, do so. It’s an amazing story with a really satisfying conclusion), Fairy Tale, and our current interest: Re:Zero. The two “lost” sins, Vanity and Melancholy, are represented by Pandora and Hector respectively. I think Tappei just wanted to throw a curve ball at his audience here by including these in his story. I really do want to point out that there was an interesting confusion when the series first started. You might not remember, but in the Subtitled and Dubbed versions, Satella was referred to not as the Witch of Envy, but the Jealous Witch. I find that super interesting because though envy and jealousy share a number of common traits, they aren’t exactly the same. I’m not sure if the term for envy and jealousy is the same word in Japanese or not, but hopefully somebody else can explain that.


38:11 heh remember ice sculpture from OVA ? :D


about Overlord winning over Demon Slayer. I love both but Bone Daddy > Michael Jackson :D


Subaru already understood Echidna really well in episode 12 (if I remember ep number right), that Echidna doesn't really understand emotions. So her manipulating Betty, Roswaal and Ryuzu is for me pretty obvious and it's not like those 3 even are that hard to make them do whatever she wants.

William Armstrong

The anime is a direct adaptation of the Light novels, so all light novel content is still cannon to the anime, but just cut/ shortened on screen (or difficult to portray due to being a character's thoughts/exposition not stated in conversation). The Web novel is trickier some big things changed between web novel and light novel so some of those things are changed, but the web novel is often even bigger/ longer than the light novel so some things are extra cannon info there that is missing from both the anime and light novel while others are changes to the cannon that occurred during editing.

James Perrott

you do not need to talk like a primary school teacher to children, nor do you need to send whole paragraphs for such short things youre trying to say


You are the most toxic person in this patreon. Every comment you make is beyond rude and toxic. Remove yourself from Luke's community because there is no place for that. ✌️


Overlord is an incredible show Im really not surprised. Demon Slayer is popular but has kind of poor writing that holds it back and will probably be reflected on harder in the public perception as the anime finishes out the story. Like it's one of those shows I cant see people writing about years from now going "this show had a great story"

James Perrott

No spoilers here just stuff from this episode that are missable Young roswaal doesnt do his wierd speech pattern, hector does. Current Roswall speaks exactly like hector Also current roswaal wears an outfit EXTREMELY similar to what hector wore, some parts are identical. Also Young roswaal has 2 blue eyes, while current has 1 blue 1 yellow. Hectors were read though (i thought theyd be yellow ngl) So its implied heavily that roswaal has taken something from Hector here, we dont know what though, like their souls fusing, roswaal taking over hectors body or the other way around, roswaal simply taking hectors power like a witch factor would be taken, but theres SOMETHING important that happened with the 2 here that we dont see. Also Hector is called the "Devil" of Melancholy, Witches have been referred to as devils many times (towards emilia usually), also Hector has been referred to as the "warlock" of melancholy in other translations, which fits as a male alternative to Witch, and Devil would work as a collective term for Witches and Warlocks. So basically Hector is a male witch, not an achbishop, hes on par with all other witches. And the fact he has never been mentioned in the current time really makes it feel like Roswaal must have Hectors melancholy "witch/warlock/devil factor" secretly. It would absolutely explain how he is the strongest magic user thats for sure


And I know the definition to lineage, but in this scenario it does not apply. Nothing has ever been confirmed. And in roswaals statement it says share the same lineage. Not that satella is the origin of the lineage. You share lineage with someone who had the same ancestors (which in this case is the elves)

Rick James

The irony of Luke getting pissed at Echidna because he failed to understand the conversation with Ryuzu. Just like how he didn't get the camera angle after several scenes smh


Honestly if you don't care that much about animation and care about story. Demon Slayer is worst choice. I'm suprised mob psycho has least votes, it has amazing character development, animation is great, story is great the idea is brilliant. Demon Slayer just has good animation/fights, but the whole plot is pretty plain and boring just as Tanjiro's(mc's name) adventure


About the thing you were going to say about Roswall's speech, the anime is not very clear about it, but Roswall has been with many other women and even other men (it'll be clearer if the EX novels ever get an anime), but even so, he still deeply loves Echidna.

Luca Bellan

Fate teach us: the mana is stored in the balls 😏

Jeff Drake

Oh gee. You're right! I'll get right on changing everything about my writing style for you.


10:26 Ref what else is going on in the world and the show neglecting it. Don't forget that this ENTIRE SEASON takes place over the course of a week or less.

Cédric Michaud

5:35 I want her to... steal my mana. Because she obviously needs it to make it alive

Rick James

uh no, that's not the reason why. The reason why her face is obscured in the flashback will be revealed at the end of the season

Thiago Serra

Just adding what you said, we have witch = 'Majo' in japanese, and Hectors title is 'Majin'. While the Witchbeasts/Mabeasts are 'Majuu', so we have the same radical for everything

Deshawn Smith

What some people dont realize about Re:Zero is that the story is massive. In a sense, everything you've seen and are going to see up to the end of season 2 is basically the prologue. Currently, Arc 8 just finished in the WN and the story isnt even halfway done i believe. For context, Season 2 concludes Arc 4 (Volume 15 of the LN) and the latest volume is 37. Theres a whole lot of content to be seen haha

Whata Save

I just cant understand why people think overlord(animation) has a better story or writting than DS, both of then is poorly written, but overlord try to have a complex plot, but in fact just develop boring support characters. After season 1 overlord is boring asf, and you just beg for the show back to focus in MC again. Demon slayer is better because its a welldoned simple story.

Keith Merrington

Facts? Well there are interpretations. Here's a well thought out one (BEWARE - SPOILERS) https://youtu.be/XX4v8cvrMqs?si=GYlexsLx2rIbMBzA

Whata Save

I think from luke perspective, it 'll be boring needs to read comments every a bunch of ep because anime failed to do it


Crazy that its that close between Demon Slayer and Overlord, cause Demon Slayer would get double the views easily. But its not the first time, that your community makes weird choices in votes...


Personally i would recommend MobPsycho first either way, not inly because i like it the most, but also because MP100 is already a complete story, while both Overlord and Demon Slayer have a continuation scheduled this year, so i think it would be best to time it to when those are out. All are great series tho.


Good job on the surfshark commercial :)

Ron Farmer

There's a reason you're not seeing her entire face and you'll find out why. ☺️

James Courtney

So a few other things to point out: - Echidna’s original plan was actually to slowly get Ryuzu’s mana over time to create the barrier, without killing her. This plan changed because of Hector. - Also, maybe we aren’t seeing Echidna’s face, because something is off with it? Whatever the reason is, they are intentionally hiding her face from us. - Hector is technically the last Witch (more specifically a Warlock) and he seems to have some connections to Roswall Also my theory for this episode: - the Echidna we know isn’t the Echidna from the past… this more specifically seems more empathetic and good natured. To the point that I full on believe that like Satella and The Witch of Envy are different personalities, I think the Echidna in the Tea Party and Trials is actually a different personality - The Witch of Greed taking Echidna’s form. But that’s just my theory.


Its basically diehard vs casual anime fans. Overlord is easily top 5 best isekai but Demon slayer is top 5 most relevant anime right now.


The author has stated that he plans for the series to be 12 arcs currently. He originally was aiming for 11 but realized he wouldn't be able to get it all done in only 11. But yeah, there's still a LOT left of Re:Zero to tell. It's both only about 2/3rds done in the source material (depending on length of the remaining 4 arcs), and less than half of that is fully animated of what we do have. At least season 3 should come out this year, so there's that.

Cu de Cabra

Actually, it was supposed to be only 10 arcs, but he added arc 2 and then he added arc 8, making it 12.


If you all know the meme where the two black guys are kissing and it says Poggers below. There is a meme version of the EchidnaxRoswall Kiss with poggers also. One of my favorites


Echidna does care about Ryuzu, she just ran out of time because Hector showed up. Ryuzu wouldnt have "died" if Echidna had more time but she had to use her soul to activate the barrier early. instead of what i would assume as Ryuzu just powering it outside of the crystal.


I agree, but everything is learned by comparison, Demon Slayer is better than JJK, it's shocking to me, it's hard to imagine how overrated JJK is. So the situation with Demon Slayer is not so bad.


Can’t forget about the knight bros with the other royal candidates, Reinhard, Julius, felis and aldebaran. If not for the royal selection we’d have one big bromance there


I agree with all of the above about Demon Slayer, the fights are good, but you have to turn off your brain when it comes to the worldbuilding or the plot. But I wouldn't say that Mob is that good, I couldn't finish the last season, it's not bad but definitely not a masterpiece


Every channel is doing a reaction to Demon Slayer, and the anime itself has only good fights, that's all, the plot and worldbuilding are terrible, I try to turn off my brain and just enjoy it, but it's hard. And imagine watching this show a million times, you can go crazy

Adam Saunders

Yes! Please redo a reaction to the openings and endings there so good :)

Weed Smell

i like the idea of seeing the openings again after the show is done

Marcio Neves

The Seven Deadly Sins, Four Divine Beasts, The Zodiac... they like to use those elements a LOT!


It has bene confirmed that satella and the witch of envy are indeed 2 different personalities as of arc 4. They didn't show it in the anime but at the tea party, it was revealed lol


I wouldn't be surprised if many languages lack the direct equivalent for the word "jealous" in the first place. When used correctly, this word would actually be very rarely used. It is only so common because it's misused.


You mentioned hector talking like roswal, but if you listen closely roswal did not talk like that during the whole flashback, not until after he fought hector did he start talking like that and start wearing his "clownlike" get up, similar to hector :)


I've still yet to understand the point of the barrier. It lets anyone enter, but doesn't let demihumans leave. The only possible way to use it defensively would be to trap some powerful demihuman in there to protect the rest of the world from them. In its current state it isn't even a prison, it's a zoo. A zoo of demihumans that humans can freely enter, observe the zoo animals, and leave.

Daniel Turchan

I can’t believe people like overlord, I watched it and it was honestly the most boring show I’ve ever watched, season 1 was lame and I couldn’t bring myself to get through half of season 2. Ide rather rewatch SAO season 1 part 2 than continue watching overlord. Someone please tell me what they like about overlord, I’m actually confused bc I was recommended to watch it by so many people, what exactly do you like about it so I can maybe try and appreciate the show with you all…

smth positive_

After that kiss I would’ve been down bad for Echidna as well. Also highly recommend watching the ending visuals when they play because there’s some neat symbolism happening in the next 2 episodes connected to an episode title 8:56 They’re for one reason or another not showing her face on these flashbacks 18:50 No hector isn’t an elf 20:14 Correct3 30:26 Funny how a line correlating from a seemingly random scene can make you feel so much. I don’t think Ryuzu needs to be pitied since this was her decision to do for the people and the place she grew to love 33:34 It got skipped over in the anime but part of the bet Subaru made was having to solve this loop without any return by death that’s why Roswaal is so full of himself calling Subaru less than ordinary. He thinks without the use of his authority Subaru can’t do anything to change the future events 35:00 ROSWAAL IS A SIMPPPPP 🫵🏽 37:55 Throwback to memory snow where Rem and Ram made a statue of fused Subaru & Roswaal some more sneaky foreshadowing. One more thing coming up the OVA teased for this season


If you're going to rewatch the openings and endings definitely wait til after the season is over. There's spoilers


Idk I haven’t watched it in many years and my tastes have changed a lot since then but at the time I liked it mainly cause the concept was so amusing and I was kinda edgy at the time so I thought the fact that they were bad guys was cool

James Courtney

Yes, I’m suggesting that Echidna might actually be the same in a way, that the Echidna we know isn’t actually her, but the “Witch of Greed”

The Pots

the other guy's right. your definition of lineage here doesn't apply. it's simply them both being half-elf

Just Mate

Maybe it was intended as a trap against Hector (assuming he is a Demihuman) or possibly even Satella

Alonso Rueda

Bro please rewatch the openings again


Honestly that reveal there is nothing, but for one sentence from Emilia which for anime only is just as confusing. I assume you are LN reader with better info.

Kyle Garrett

Okay so two original sins that got removed for the others, and this Melancholy guy mentioned him and Echidna worked together or lived together in the past? Last episode I thought Vanity was after the witches for some unknown reason and that instead of being killed the witches used the Seal and Sanctuary as a means of hiding from Vanity. With this context maybe Melancholy and Vanity were like the heads of the Witches cult religion and the other Witches ended up turning on them and trying to escape their influence, and that's why Melancholy and Vanity are hunting them down / they're hiding? Considering how strong this Hector guy is, I wonder if the 'Devil of Melancholy is the 'witch' and not an archbishop, considering he's facing off against Echidna and she clearly doesn't think she can beat him if they rushed to activate the Sanctuary. The Seal wasn't mentioned here though, and neither is the witches graveyard. So I wonder if they got connected afterwards. Like the seal is the way into the dimension they're hiding in, but they included in the Sanctuary a way for their followers to communicate with them? But then only Greed's supporters seem to know about it and go there... guess there's still a lot we don't know.

BRUNO Marques

Hector is the reason sanctuary was created, Echidna just needed to outlive him. The seal in the elf forest is unrelated to Echidna. Hector is unrelated to the witch cult, he is a warlock. Pandora and Echidna are acquaintances, notice Echidna hates Emilia but has no reaction to Pandora at all. Echidna has a very low opinion of Pandora which is not surprising, Pandora's authority is pointless in her eyes.

BRUNO Marques

Close but not really. They aren't the same character at all. She gets what she wants too. The anime skips over it though, since it's not relevant to the main story as of yet.


but we dont know about luke ,maybe luke will like it because emotional part every battle dont make "if this anime" trash for me so trash for everyone beacuse for me 3 of anime voted just Mob psycho is trash because just generic OP MC when always scene the MC just OVERPOWERED the Enemy Overlord far much better than mob who just focused on 1 development character So im not surprise if Mob in far below lol because it deserved

Itto Sanzzo

so... uuuh, just to make things clear, it's not a spoiler, just didn't appear in the anime for whatever reason, but int the LN, when Subaru and Roswall made the bet between them, Roswall cast a spell in Subaru so he would know that if he looped again. And that's because, otherwise, this bet would mean nothing ehe... well that's a little bit of info for those who didn't know, Luke included.

Daniel Golas

Maybe you will understand watching it again with Luke, as he often talks about stuff, can help you find appreciation.

Pilligrim Ilyas

While it's true that anyone except demihumans may enter Sanctuary, it's not possible for them to find it because of the magic that makes people miss Sanctuary on the way to it

Pilligrim Ilyas

They needed more time to make core connecting Sanctuary's and Ryuzu's magic. If they had that time, core would be created without needing to use Ryuzu's od for that

Daniel Golas

Bro after watching everything, OVA was fckin insane, Full of foreshadowing, amazing

Fay X84

Fun fact that Luke realized the similarity in the present Roswall and Hector way of speaking. But mistook the Piero like outfit for the forest elves' outfit. There are also the golden color like pupils, the way that the old Roswall speaks in a normal way (without stretching the last word) and the hint in the reason why Subaru could use the unseen hand when he defeated Garfiel.

Devilish132 .

The girl that told everything goes her way. Priscilla Barielle. There is one reason for it and that seems to be true statement. But the reason why would be spoiler. On top of that She is easily top 5 if not top 3 strongest in whole Lugnica, if there would be all out war between all candidates to throne, then Emilia camp and Priscilla camp would be the last 2 standing for sure. Well... In the end Priscilla fits the most to be a ruler, She would make Lugnica much stronger than it is now. It may not seem like that after season 1, but in fact She would be the best queen out of all candidates.

Omer Durrani

If you are gonna redo all of rezero ops... could I randomly request a re-reaction to all the aot openings now that everything finished completely


I would love another opening and ending reaction after the series is complete honestly

James Courtney

Oh I know about that and still a bit upset that it was skipped in the anime. Hoping if we get a DC for S2 that it’s added to that.


You definitely should react on Opening and Endings again! Waiting it for soooo long

Matas Gokas

yea overlord would be best when will be finished Konosuba-Tanya-Re:zero-Overlord and ready to watch Isekai Quartet

Mr. King

Well overlord is not that great but it is way better than demon slayer tbh

Adam Niemi

No hard feelings but I think you should leave out the sponsors from the patreon videos. Considering we already pay to watch them. Having ads in them is a little wierd


Is that word you didn't want to say, that describes Roswaal so well in that scene "Pussy-whipped"? :P


James Perrott, I usually am quite nice and respectful, but I have zero tolerance for people like you who feel the need to dictate others actions. So Eat A Dick. That is all. Edit: Correction, and then shortly below he types a ton of stuff, you just can't make up the hypocrisy.


"you do not need to talk like a primary school teacher to children, nor do you need to send whole paragraphs for such short things youre trying to say" ~ James Perrott

Jeff Drake

Ttsukasa - I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he doesn't like other commenters stealing the spotlight from him.

Harley Burnie

Season 3 of Re:Zero is gonna give LOTS and LOTS of other things to be entertained with, especially some thing you, Luke, have been wondering about. It will be horrendous and glorious. My favorite arc of Re:Zero all together!

Harley Burnie

19:20 The Witch’s what? Did you say “hand?” I could not make it out.

Daniel Turchan

Perhaps, like I said I don’t wanna hate it, so I’m willing to give it another chance

BRUNO Marques

It was meant to keep Hector from Echidna. Trapping every other demi human was collateral.

Matt Tucker

Ads in patreon? what?


Sukuna came here too:))

Hououin Kyouma

The reason Echidna's face never shows up when the Sanctuary flashback happens is for a very specific reason and you will find out about it later on.