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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to MADOKA MAGICA Episode 7!




Please react to op and ed of gundum 00 all season


Yes, there are 3 movies but 1 and 2 are recaps of the serie so the one that matters is the third one, which is rebellion.

Nico Plett

I am more and more curios now how you'd react to the rest of the fate series considering your view on "making wishes for the sake of somebody else" Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night are really much about these kinds of things. can't wait for you to finish F/Z and Madoka.

Szayel H

Sayaka vs the witch Elsa Maria in this episode is always soo awesome to look at

Keith Merrington

Yes - watch Madoka Magica movie no 3 "Rebellion".


Luke says thing. Must ... not ... spoil ....


That witch fight at the end is probably my favorite witch fight in the series. Poor Sayaka :(


Sometimes it is really worth to do the wish for yourself, when taking into account information given so far. Positives can out weight the misery. Mami did it for herself, she wanted to live after the car crash. She did get her life extended. Still to make the wish, you really need to be in certain situation.. mostly on the dead's door.


Madoka is a dark version of the magical girl anime, which is usually a happy genre for little girls. Take a look at the latest OP for the long-running Precure series to see more typical magical girls (no bait and switch here; the OP matches the series’ tone.) https://youtu.be/EeIM8nqx1HI?si=sdBAI3puCYegpfIp

William Pina

"If I just detach myself, I don't feel any pain" I don't think she's only talking about physical pain


Mami made her wish moments from bleeding out in the back seat of a car crash. It wasn't until afterwards that she realized she could have saved her parents, too.


Yes, Hitomi did care about Kamijou when he was still injured, visited him in the hospital, etc. She didn't just suddenly decide she liked him when he got better.


Also, something that's not obvious is that the body/soul split hits a little harder for Japanese than western audiences. It has to do with their concepts of purity, and things like always removing your shoes when you enter a home, etc. That's part of why Sayaka has such a hard time with the idea of confessing to Kamijou. She's "polluted" in a visceral way tied to the Japanese culture, rather than the more abstract separation a western individual might have about the whole situation. It's not as simple as just telling him she likes him, anymore.

Arketh Adrcn

After Madoka Magica is Magia Record. Also, that tainted feeling you get in seemingly normal scenes is the music departments excellent ability to make the characters feelings audible. Everything in this series is seen and heard through an interpretive lens. It’s brilliant. I’ve been trying to study it for years and I still haven’t found everything there is to know about how they made this series so captivating.

Nate Ming

The Boogeyman was great, glad to see some love for that movie I appreciate how *physical* the monster was

Miklar Sihn

I love that we get to see the real weakness in Kyoko with the early conversation. We can also kinda see it throughout the earlier episodes. She tries to be entirely self-sufficient, without the need for any other people. But she is clearly thirsting for other peoples company and affection. She is split between her mental belief that she shouldnt need other people and the deep need for other people.


Yes it`s like she is broken doll, walking corpse in her perspective since her body is actually dead but kept "healthy" by her soul that is now just a gem


Just a heads up after ep 12 there are 3 movies and 4th coming next year that expands on the story further

Bård Fredrikson

My take on Hitomi in this episode is that she saw her friend hesitate to talk to her crush and wanted to motivate her to make a move on him. So she spoke to her friend in the cafeteria and put a deadline on her to motivate her to act on her feelings, because she had no idea what Sayaka was actively thinking. She wasn't actually going to make a move on her man, but Sayaka is not able to think straight, thus, misunderstandings happen. Also there's 3 movies, a fourth on the way, 2 of them are just recaps of the series and the third one is an entirely new story and the upcoming movie continues that.


It would be interesting to see Luke react to Magical Girl Raising Project after Madoka Magica. That would be a fun watch!


This show is tragedy and darkness. I was just thinking about the wishes. Is there ever a wish that is so important that you will never regret no matter the consequences and will spend your entire life paying the price for? Red headed girl said to sayaka. You cured the violin boy with good intentions because you wanted to see him happy, but isn't your real desire to be loved by him. Now that you haven't gained any affection back, do you regret making that wish? You could have always just wished for him to love you, but would you beat yourself up by saying his love is a lie because it was induced. Then you still end up tormented. In the case of infinite wealth for yourself. You can benefit yourself, you can benefit others. You get everything you ever desire, life becomes boring. You spend your wealth to further your interests to make the world in your vision. You fund certain organizations to push government policies in your interests. You decide to do good in the world by donating to charities and attempt to make the world better than you entered it. How could things go wrong? The money is mishandled. The people you hire are corrupt and have their own interests in mind. You donate to a charity. The charity organizers pocket the money for themselves. The charity is a front, the money is laundered off for illegal activity, while the people it was supposed to help are still in poverty. There are illnesses in the world. You hire scientists to develop a cure. You entice governments to make the cure mandatory to eradicate the disease. However, the cure has unintended side effects, you trade one malady for another. You give the money to your son as an inheritance. He lives a life of depravity and becomes an arrogant sob. He starts a cartel. Let's assume he gets raised right, he suddenly comes into wealth. His wife was just using him for the money, she divorces him and takes a sizable amount of wealth and takes off with some lover she was cheating on him with. Or he gets kidnapped and they ransom him to get money off you. You live your life with a big target on your back, never knowing if any interactions with another human being is them trying to use you and take advantage of you or just people with good intentions. Your wealth has lead you to a life of paranoia and boredom. The best wish is no wish at all. The price of a miracle is too high. Red haired girl was like these are the unintended consequences of my wish and I accept them as they are. Don't let past regrets stop you, keep moving forward.


Kyubei isn`t wrong but is fully cold only rational thinking that`s why it can`t get humans especially Japanese view of soul and how important it is which is different to the western less intense reaction to the relity of split body and soul


Their "Soul gem" is functionally the same as a phylactery, which means that the "Magical girls" are technically Liches. Btw the only type of wish that makes sense to me is like Mami where you wish to not die. If becoming an undead is the price for not dying that seems fair to me.


"I need more backstory" 13:54 Gets more backstory [soul shattered]


Story does such a great job. Starts with a primase that as you said just sounds like a win/win: world changing wish + super powers. Then episode by episode it just stacks one thing on another making seem like a worse and worse deal. Technically Kyuubi didn't lie about anything, just omitted a ton of significant details. Other magic girls tried warning them. But it's too easy to not want to ask questions or take people's advice when you're presented with such an incredible sounding offer.


If the whole magical girl factory thing ever falls through, Kyuubi should get a job working at a scam call center. He'd be pretty fantastic at it.

Harley Burnie

18:23 Sayaka....is put together well..........mentally??? This statement aged BAD.

Harley Burnie

Juuust in case, there are 3 movies, with a 4th movie. The first two movies are recaps of the anime, so worth skipping an just watching Rebellion. 4th movie is gonna be called Walpurgisnacht Rising.

Sakomi Arorim

no. Hitomi was quite literal with what she was saying: she likes the same guy as Sayaka but does not want to steal him from Sayaka as they are friends so Hitomi gives Sayaka a chance to confess to him before Hitomi herself does and if Sayaka did confess her love to the boy and he accepted that love. Hitomi would not hold that against Sayaka and would still be friends it is something that happens regularly in romance anime, of course your take does also happen in those anime but the tone in this case does not really allow it to be a lie just to motivate Sayaka this story does not really show us what Hitomi does or if she has visited the boy in the hospital (which is just the sad truth of side characters even if they are the main characters friend)

Abe Abellio

But only "Rebellion" actually have some new story in it, right? Rest are recaps if I am not mistaken.

Tom Boggess

wish granted. you will get a backstory episode on homura

Shane Bishop (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-24 13:29:30 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on
2023-10-23 20:39:22 Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on

Is there a way for this person to be blocked from commenting? He keeps on giving spoilers on every episode of this series that I see his comments on


cant wait for you to finish this to get parasyte started hoooly


That's why. I just thought it wasn't as bad as they show, I probably wouldn't even mind doing that for myself, rolling that thing up in a titanium shell and carrying it around or even implanting it in my body and having near immortality. But if it's not culturally acceptable for the Japanese, then it makes sense 🤔