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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to our NEW anime series reaction MADOKA MAGICA Episode 1!!





Szayel H


Jan Paulsson

Oh shit you are watching this show? Gawd damn. Lets go.


Finally, so damn happy about that.

Lijnaito2021 !

I thought parasyte was next??

Mike Baker

This is definitely one of the best shows of all time. But I still stand by what I said before - nobody should watch this as their first magical girl anime, it’s a bit of a waste.



Adrian Muñoz

This is out of nowhere! How come? Anyways, I'm gonna watch this coz it's been a long time since I watched this.

Jan Paulsson

There are some anime that are good and then there are some anime that is an experience. Better strap in.


Its been my only magical Girl anime, but thats also because I just like dark stuff in general and mostly just watch that.

Peter Parker

should i watch this for the first time?


Madoka Magica finally! It's the only magical girl show I've seen so far, and it's one of my all-time favorite anime!

Abe J

Cool. It's enjoyable, thought provoking, and definitely worth the watch. The overhype on this show is pretty silly, please just reel in those expectations to normal lvls.


Oh boy! This one is stuck in my memory. I watched it completely blindly during my "moe blob" phase (cute girls doing cute things). I was so not ready for it. It kinda sparked my interest to horror anime


I've only ever watched the Movie version of this show, so the opening scene kinda took me by Suprise. They cut that from the movies along with a lot of other scenes.


Hell yes, my favorite anime!


It's also has been my first Mahou Shoujo anime, but I mean, I knew what this genre is before watching this, and it still became my favourite anime of all time among the 400 others I watched, it also encouraged me to watch other Mahou Shoujo like Princess Tutu, which I also really love a lot.


Gonna have to skip this one, not my cup of tea :)

Danilo Takada

Madoka's writer is the same guy from Fate/Zero and Psycho-Pass, Urobuchi Gen.


Madoka Magica has been my first Mahou Shoujo anime, but I mean, I knew what this genre is before watching this, and it still became my favourite anime of all time among the 400 others I watched, it also encouraged me to watch other Mahou Shoujo like Princess Tutu, which I also really love a lot.

Polak Zakolak

My favorite reactor watching my favorite show ♥ This is gonna be great

Jason Frasier

Write your predictions down. Keep a tally. See what you're right about and wrong about. I can't wait for you to start to unravel the strangeness, beauty and horror that is this anime.

Mike Baker

It’s prolly still a good anime for people who haven’t watched other magical girl shows, but I imagine it’s like watching “Scream” without having seen any of the 80’s horror movies it’s riffing off of - there is something lost if you don’t pick up on the tropes being subverted.


pretty excited to be watching this along with you. Madoka Magica is one of the three most famous shows by studio Shaft, the other two being the Monogatari series, and March Comes in Like a Lion. Looking forward to this one.


From my interactions with other people, most fans of Madoka Magica are people who watched this as their first Mahou Shoujo anime, on the other hand people who had experience with this genre earlier are less likely to like this.


Great writing, great animation, great music. Now it's just a matter of does this story resonate with Luke. I have a feeling it will.


This anime is 12 years old and still holds up. This anime us a clinic in pacing and world building. The music is so damn good and so is the writing.


If you liked Made in Abyss, you will love this. This is the anime that the three episode rule came from.


I totally agree with the 3 episode rule its so importent! but i have already watched Madoka, and i dont like it :) not gonna go into details since i know its a popular anime, and fans will defend it, so i am just gonna leave at "Gonna have to skip this one, not my cup of tea :)"


honestly I've tried watching madoka magica a few time and could never get into it because I could never enjoy it, hearing you talk about the uncomfortable atmosphere has help me finally form my opinion on the show. it gives me the same feeling as a liminal space and even when background characters are on screen it just feels like a dead and empty world. it also feels like the world isn't real and only exists for the show to happen, so even when it gets crazy like near the end of this episode it just doesn't surprise me because i have no connection to any sense of reality in the world, it also makes it really hard for me to empathize with anything that happens in the series. this isn't to convince anyone that its bad, i just personally cant like this anime and i hope all of you have a great time watching this. its just that you rarely hear a critical view of madoka magica so I'm giving it here.


"it just feels like a dead and empty world. it also feels like the world isn't real and only exists for the show to happen" I get what you mean, most of the Shaft productions feel like that, especially monogatari series, but it dosen't stop me from loving those two series, I would even say that it makes it an even more unique experience.

Victoria Pritchard

Yay Madoka Magica, just in time for Halloween.

Karen Porter

trust that gut instinct about the feeling the show is giving you. It's spot on.


I didn't realize we were getting this! This show is amazing!


Huh actually looking through what shaft has made Im realizing I dislike literally every single one of their anime that I have seen, guess I just really hate their style.


Madoka Magica is definetly not a show for everyone since it's very weird, psychological and targeted at more mature audience, so I think it's fine if you don't like it, not everything is for everyone.

Keith Merrington

I get what you're saying. It feels totally weird and (as you say ) "empty". Qualities that attracted me to it in the first place. I love this anime.


thank you for reacting to Madoka Magica. ngl we all felt it weird, the atmosphere that the animation and music made is so good


It's interesting that I feel the same empty/artificial vibe, but have the opposite reaction, since that ended up being a major reason for why I like the show. The rest of the world is depicted as empty and uncaring and the background characters are bland. But that makes me latch onto the main characters and their own struggles even harder, since they feel like the only real things in the world and nothing else matters.


For me it shatters my suspension of disbelief and it makes it impossible to empathize with the main characters in the slightest, and that makes it incredibly boring to watch. I've gotten to ep5 like 3 times now cause I really want to like it, I love mahou shoujo anime and the fights look cool but it's always such a chore to sit though each episode that I give up every time.


It's been a very long time since I've seen this show, but man, seeing Homura silently scream when she notices Madoka standing by Kyubey gives me chills now. Such a great intro to the show!


All of that i like, but the whole magical girls 12 years old (age guass) and some scenes reminds me of LSD xD and i really dislike the charactor animation, compaired to how pretty everthing els is made. The dark, psychological part, was the only reason i was able to finish it :) Nothing about the show is bad! plz dont get me wrong here :) i respect the show for what it is, but it just checked the wrong boxes for me :)


I highly highly recommend not skipping the openings and endings for this series. You won't get the full experience without them.


/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ Do you want to be a magical girl? Finally! One of my favorite anime. Your current content is absolutely peak.

Puraido Eustass

Yay, Madoka Magica Time! Wooohooo!


Is it just me or is the audio slightly out of sync with the animation and subtitles?


Here's your first look at a studio Shaft anime. They're very uniquely directed and you can generally reconize most frames instantly as being from Shaft after watching one of their shows.

Mike Baker

BlekDimon- that’s strange, because while I haven’t found the opposite to be true, I have found that people who watched as just another anime enjoyed it, but people who came into it with genre knowledge had a more profound experience watching it. Of course some people didn’t like it, that’s going be true of any show, and I guess people who are big fans of Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, etc. may be less likely to like a darker show (although I would still need a bit of convincing of that), but they had a better appreciation for what the show runners were doing here. I guess, in short, I am drawing a distinction between “People who know about magical girl shows” and “People who are fans of magical girl shows”. And I am standing by my belief that having a bit of genre knowledge enhances the experience of watching this show.


Ha ha, we should get him to watch Narutaru after this. he'll be so confused after the first episode!


Ahhh, I didn't realize that was what was going on!


Not in my case. Mahou shoujo is my favorite anime genre, and I’d seen at least a dozen series over the course of a decade by the time Madoka came out. Madoka is a top ten anime for me.


Yay! MadoMagi time!


I'm ready for this legendary anime. Side note: I bet he would like the danganronpa series. Watching the scene transition in the anime reminded me of it.


what is this sh*t?????

Rok Gorjanc

Ooh, didn't expect this! It might be confusing at first but you'll definitely enjoy this one. And yah, I had the same feeling of this weird subtle anxiety when I first watched it.

Rok Gorjanc

First time I tried watching it I realy didn't like it but after a few years I gave it another chance and now it's one of my favorites. But I can see how it might not be for everyone.


Yeah, I'm also not a fan of character designs but I don't care that much about that stuff and I got used to it quickly. I also don't care how old the characters are if the theme and execution of the anime is amazing, which is why another show like that, Girls Last Tour for example, is one of my favourites.

Jason Tam

Hidoi indeed.

Vitaliy Kozoriz

Favourite anime, do continue ) ------------ if possible then i would like you to start bleach one of the big anime


This show is insane and uncomfortable (in a well done way). Like, the way the artists drew even the "normal" environments like the house, the outside, the school, the mall - it all feels too big, too open, too inauthentic. It has the feeling of being in a dream world. I cant even really pin down exactly what it is about them that pushes that feeling. It does a great job of unconsciously making you feel that itchy scared uncomfortable feeling though.


Great time to start watching this with the new movie coming out next year


It’s a mix between Higurashi no Naku koro Ni/Happy Sugar Life + Sailor Moon/Pretty Cure. Really great Anime but also probably the most overrated one.


yeah, that’s also part of the reason why i consider it the most overrated anime.

Nate Ming

Y'know that bad feeling you're having? Don't worry about it, everything's gonna be okay

Amelia Louma

My favourite anime, the anime that got me into the world of japanese animation, have fun!!!


I'm gonna say somethings and they're not popular opinions. 1. Should have watched at least 1 magical girl series before this. 2. Avoid all the comments on YT, Patreon, etc. This is something people cannot keep from spoiling.




just wanted to point out that the voice actor for Madoka is also the voice actor for Tanya, Aoi Yuki's range of voices is truly on another level

Miklar Sihn

The only thing you are meant to know anything about is magical girls. They expect you to know things like Sailor Moon. Magical girl stories tend to be cute girls that can change costumes into a form where they get magical powers that they then use to fight enemies that are often somehow connected to some lesson or something bad in the world.

Matej Maxa

This is my favorite anime of all time, and I think the reason it is hyped up so much is that it has quite a high potential of becomming one of your (or anyone's) favorites - many people rank it pretty high. That being said, not everyone appreciates the same stuff, therefore there are also many people who would say it is not that great and does not deserve the hype. So you will have to see for yourself. Anyway, the fandom is also divided and some people prefer the original show (myself included) while some prefer the movie sequel called Rebellion.


This is one of those shows that's so well made that after you finish it you want to immediately restart it. And they know that, because the second viewing is entirely different from the first viewing in context.


Also "Homura" means "Burning Arrow". Let's see how long it takes him to figure out why.

Touhou RS

I understand what the anime is doing regarding the magical girl genre, but I don't really think it's necessary to see prior magical girl shows to appreciate Madoka; Madoka has been my fav anime for over 10 years even without having experience with other magical girl shows.


The strange feeling when you first watch it is normal the anime was made to be that way and yes it does get quite dark 😅

Arketh Adrcn

I’ve been looking forward to this for so long! Enjoy the ride!


This'll be a fun journey :)


Madoka Magica seems to be loved by many people, I would say it's probably one of the shows with the highest % of people that loved it after they finished it, tho I'm basing it off only my interactions with various profiles and people on anilist, every like 5th person there has Madoka or Rebellion in favs. There are many more popular shows on this site that less people put in their favourites list, example being Parasyte which is after Madoka.


Me: This is gonna be fun. Alright, I'm gonna listen to Luke in the background while I play Genshin. Me 30 minutes later: Shit I've watched it AGAIN. NGL It's been like 10 rewatches and it never gets old


@Louispul5 But Mahou Shoujo Ore exists and is awesome. Pretty sure he'd actually enjoy the craziness. There is a mahou shoujo to everyone somewhere, you just have to find it


FR, everything Urobuchi Gen touches becomes gold

Fabbrizio Plays

You ever heard of the Three Episode Rule? Madoka Magica invented the Three Episode Rule.

Bård Fredrikson

Contracts is a very specific language usually made for office deals or devils. Just something to keep in mind.


More like Umineko no Naku koro Ni than Higurashi tho


You nailed the tone perfectly, saying that is was happy and cheerful but with undertones of something off or wrong. Magical Girl anime are typically relatively happy shows where the main characters take everything that is traditionally cute, girly, and sweet and punch evil in the face with it. These shows are extremely optimistic, with little in the way of personal tragedy or heartache. Madoka Magica deconstructs the Magical Girl subgenre and takes a significantly darker look at it. So while it gives a surface veneer of your typical happy-go-lucky Magical Girl anime, there's a lot of depth and darkness lurking just beneath the surface. Not what I would have picked for your introduction to the Magical Girl subgenre (my first was Lyrical Nanoha, most people start with Sailor Moon), but you will definitely be entertained.


honestly i would say madoka magica would probably be the perfect gateway to the genre. I'm not super familiar with magical girl stuff, but I know that the best way to get someone into a genre is to show them a standout piece that takes elements from other genres rather than a typical show of that genre that is good at being that genre through and through. thats just my opinion tho

Kevin V

This is my favorite anime of all time. I hope you enjoy it Luke.

Kot Bajun

Magical Girl genre was rotten and broken by Magika, imho. Japan’s divine punishment for that was 2011 Tsunami. …… Well, actually, it’s unlikely :[ , but the ending of this anime was changed up, I heard, back in a day, because of 2011 Tsunami as this show aired the same season the disaster struck and originally planned ending was not alining with a mourning nation. On a serious note, this genre is best represented by Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura and Little Witch Academia (among more well known and those which are not quite fantasy and more of this magical girl genre). There are many other less known and rather tame ones as well out there. But even starting with Magical Lyrical Nanoha, Mai Hime and Mai Otome, the genre started to morph and change. Those were the last 3 titles I still enjoyed (based on the years they aired). Unfortunately, others which follow Magika are just bleak copies of the kind of plot twist and buzz Magika created while and after it finished. I certainly have a love-hate opinion of this show for this reason. I’d say it’s still good?! Maybe? You’ll see what I mean after you watch it. Enjoy!

Jessimi G

Your feelings are spot on, you aren't crazy, lol. Welcome to a 'dark twist' of a usually happy, colorful genre: Magical Girls.


There is LITERALLY ZERO reason of to spoil a reaction except to be an asshole, might as well tell him how it all ends too, please delete your comment and let him have a chance to come into it naturally so we can enjoy the damn reactions we pay for without assholes like you ruining them? Thanks ^_^


There is LITERALLY ZERO reason of to spoil a reaction except to be an asshole, might as well tell him how it all ends too, please delete your comment and let him have a chance to come into it naturally so we can enjoy the damn reactions we pay for without assholes like you ruining them? Thanks ^_^


There is LITERALLY ZERO reason of to spoil a reaction except to be an asshole, might as well tell him how it all ends too, please delete your comment and let him have a chance to come into it naturally so we can enjoy the damn reactions we pay for without assholes like you ruining them? Thanks ^_^


I thought i had grown out of the mahou shojo (magical girls) genre after sailormoon and magic knight rayearth. But this title feels like magic knight rayearth X silent hill combined just from the first episode.


^I don't think it's a spoiler, he just explains what Mahou Shoujo are and why it's recommended to watch any other before seeing Madoka Magica. It's basically like watching The Eminence in Shadow without prior knowledge what Isekai and Chuunibyou is; you can still enjoy it, but you might not understand a lot of things and reasons behind it.


Little Witch Academia a Mahou Shoujo...? Ummmm... Altough there might be a few similar things like magic and witches... It's more something like Harry Potter. I would not call this anime a Mahou Shoujo and it's a first time I heard someone put this anime in this genre.


As a guy I never grew up watching magical girl animes, to me as a kid they were too girly and obviously that was their main demographic and for most it still is. I still have shows in the genre which I see and think are definitely still too girly for me. Madoka however changed my opinion on the genre on a surface level and taught me not to treat the genre as a whole like that. There's many really good modern and classic magical girl animes like this out there that break conventions and do something that anyone can invest in, that tell great stories in interesting worlds. If you end up enjoying this show, you should try the Nanoha franchise and Symphogear franchises, Princess Tutu is another really interesting one and I've heard a lot of good things about Revolutionary Girl Utena but haven't seen it myself.


Utena was from my generation (90s) but i havent had the chance to check it out yet.


Altough Utena includes transformations similarly like in Mahou Shoujo genre, I would say that aside from that, it's far away from those anime... It's a weird show that is driven by symbolism. I personally didn't enjoy it that much and wouldn't really recommend it, it was just straight up disgusting to watch during certain moments, I'm suprised that this anime is PG-13 considering some scenes. In similar case falls Revue Starlight, altough it has transfomation scenes, it's not a Mahou Shoujo anime.

Omer Durrani

Honestly, its my first time watching Madoka Magica right with you and well... why did that feel lowkey stressful... What have we started xd


Yess finally Madoka I've waited to so long for this <3 Thank you I will enjoy every Episode with you


wait what I never knew that these three series have the same author

John Emil Heraña

who suggested madoka magica to you ? that`s some balls right there.


ABSOLUTE MADLAD, reacting to both Fate/Zero and Madoka Magica... I hope you like Urobuchi.


it's gonna be my first watch =]. hope it's a good anime.


If you can separate the show from the fandom (which is easier to do now that tumblr is dead) then it's a solid 8/10 show.


Madoka is magical girl anime, but it's almost a parody of the genre too


I would not recommend Danganronpa as an anime, i'd recommend it as a franchise played in timeline order, the anime spoils the game and the game has SO MUCH MORE that they skipped for no reason

Regill Derenge

overlord when... srsly dude...

Aaren YASS

im glad he caught on! Many people dont fully grasp how intense the show starts. No punches pulled. Theres certain expectations when you got a steins gate/made in abyss type episode intro for ur magical girl show. -

The Large Amoeba

You really should watch the 3hree Puella Magi Madoka Magica movies instead; Beginnings, Eternal and Rebellion. As they help frame and provid a much better ending.

AchmodinIV SWE

The plan is Monday/Wednesday/Saturday:FMA:B, Re:zero, Vinland saga, and likely Overlord Friday/Saturday: Madoka, parasite, and heavenly delusions

Chris Gama

They definitely did that on purpose. You think its a normal cutesy magical girl anime, but there's that tinge of anxiety there to hook you.


magical what?? is this the same show all those little sisters in anime love to watch?!

Sebastian Stróż

Just a heads up. Studio Shaft thats behind Madoka also does Monogatari.


I hope you joking, if you really don't know what this is then just keep watching with Luke =)


Cute and creppy, that's madoka magica for you

Aqua no Kiseki

I can't believe he's doing Fate/Zero and MM at the same time. This guy is about to get introduced to the Butcher doublefold


I'm really glad you take on this anime.


I'm not joking.. All the anime I've seen where little sisters watch tv watches magical girl series.. and yes this is the first anime I haven't watched that he's reacting to but still I watched along so I think I'll use my 3ep card on it.. 😁


I've always heard it described as a deconstruction of the genre as appose to parody. Not making fun of the genre but turning the general basis on its head.

Tom Boggess

oh no. no one tell him.

Harley Burnie

Only 1 episode? That's different.

Muligan Shinzuo

You know the 3 episode anime rule, This series is one of the exceptions.


Dude your the only asshole here why don't you spend your time more wisely and jump off a cliff fr . What kinda person goes into everyone's comments being disrespectful

David M

I don't think this is a good anime for someone relatively new to anime to see, since its themes heavily rely on the viewer knowing the "Magical Girl" anime genre and its tropes well enough to recognize what this anime is doing with them.

Von Yoosten

The Teacher was weird because of what Madoka and her Mother talked about at Home. I don't think this is a bad Anime for Beginners, you don't actually need Knowledge about Tropes of the Genre at all. It sure does get enhanced by it, but it's a great Standalone Series. I can't wait for the next Parts! My absolute favourite Anime out there. And Sayaka fucking RULES!


I'm gonna agree and say this is gonna be a weird ride for you at first given that you really DO need genre conventions for this anime, but absolutely stick with it. I'd actually recommend doing a general search on some of the Magical Girl trope conventions just to sort of know what you're looking at. This anime subverts a lot of those tropes but it helps to know them even passingly.


Altough it is an anime about Magical Girls... It's also very different, I think it's pretty obvious even from the first episode, but give it a few more and you will certainly see why was it even recommended to Luke.

Tom Boggess

happy magic schoolgirls? oh you sweet summer child


Overlord is mid as hell. Gurren Lagan, Outlaw Star, Seven Deadly Sins, Cowboy Bebop, Macross, Shield Hero, anything would be better than Overlord.


I was mostly referring to the fact it's the word they use for bullets, but okay.


I agree overlord is mid only someone who hasn't seen much anime would say it's badass😅


Welcome to magical girls universe! (magical girl ever since Madoka I believe became tragical girl as well for the genre)


I'm not trying to bash overlord it's an ok anime . But there is so many other better anime out there Kill la kill, Cowboy bebop, One punch man, Akame ga Kill, Samurai Champool, FLCL, the list goes on and on js

Von Yoosten

Can you, like, not spoil the Fun, Guys?


I check in about once a week to binge new uploads from you and I'm soooo hyped that you are watching Madoka. Easily my favorite anime of all time :)


Episode 1 is teaching kids. "Don't use drugs kids, will fuck your mind".

Kyle Garrett

Madoka was a turning point for the magical girl genre that ultimately killed the genre entirely as this subversion of expectations produced a lot of intention, which in turn produced so many copy cat series that the core magical girl audience just stopped watching the genre as it was no longer what they enjoyed. Totally makes sense why the first episode seemed random to you too, since it's meant to be bait for a normal magical girl anime. It's also interesting that you instantly picked up on the undertones. I wonder if that's because you didn't have the expectations it'd be a cute happy magical girl anime most unspoiled people have going in, or if it's because you heard / saw the ED before and that put you on guard. Either way I'm looking forward to watching these!


"Guys, what the hell is going on?" I have been watching anime for over a dozen years, and I am asking myself the same question. This will be my first magical girl anime, so I was expecting something a bit different from the trash isekai I'm used to. Still, this feels like the last few episodes of the Seven Deadly Sins and the drunk Dunbo scene had a baby.