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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 33!!




The way they are gripping their hand guns is a proper technique for keeping a steady aim


regarding your question at 24:04: I was pretty curious too so I did a bit of research. The TLDR is that unlike in standard police standoff's, where every gun is pointed in one direction, and surrounded in a wide enough circle to make friendly fire impossible, this type of spontaneous movement and complete encircling of the target necessitates a more careful approach to aiming. Basically the Brigg's soldiers were flanking the target from behind, putting a comrade in their line of sights as well as being in a formation that might cause friendly fire, so they're being careful with their aim. They're keeping the guns down and away from their immediate view so they can react to and take aim at any movements the brother's may make. If the gun was at the standard "ready" position then a decent amount of their vision would be blocked and their arms might even be in the way if the brothers were fast enough to get to the left or right of the formation.

Nikki C

I love Olivier, I'm so excited <3

Antoine Jones

"Izumi is the scariest person in this show" Umm no... you just met the scariest person in this show lol


yikes, it's that disgusting bitch

Lu C

I'm still team Izumi. Sister Amstrong is a cute badass but I expected more from this character, there's something missing... (but maybe it's only adaptation isuue).

Eetu Ravaska

Please come try living in finland for one year and tell me after that do you love winter over summer 😬

Hououin Kyouma

Scar technically almost killed Gluttony. If Envy hadn't retrieved him and bring to Father he would have died.

Misaka Mikoto

Something about sister Armstrong you are going to enjoy.... hmmm.. perhaps your a masochist ??? *hehehe*